Friday, } e} * THE DAILY NEWS ry 13, ton _ ——— — —- —————- —— 43 7 ' Se | Veer tte : ee —— eS ——— j | ~ ? PARE RO EEO E EOE EERE EOE E EEE EEA IAS ; “THE CALL OF THE WILD” rte orccerccccnisiesill ; ii ?} GILLETTS LYE 8 Local and Personal : EATS. Aa /A New Threo-Reel Feature to Be Look | iy * == Shown at Westholme Tonight LOOK ai t this PIII IR IIA I III II AI III IIIA III SIS SISSISSSSSSSISSSIS SSSI SISISISSISS. | 4 i ore for the] The Daughters he Empire! Have you a ticket or booked | A real trea ee t ; ant a... Will hold a ditiea Mite on|your seat for the 48th? ipatrons of the Me LoRmrne ewelry " Easter Monday, April 13 v . * | house tonight ant nt | . , test he The Princess Beatrice will be Inight, As headline! a re a Mee S | Being all pure tea leaves, you don t Mrs. GC, R. Black, one time pro-|in from the south this afternoon a splendid varee reel ig aaa a es . prietor of the Pacific rooms, is| with mail. titled “The a of the baw Jewelr have to submit to the annoyance of now in St, John’s, Oregon. . . . The story is original and in a Ardas AN \ } . ‘ ‘ Bate BE oe rhe high school students will lesting, showing much beautity game | ' Wh dust and dirt floating in your tea Mr. F. G.-Dawson. left this|give a dance this evening in St. scenery and teaching a Whore) ens ~ 3 . morning for Vancouver, where! Andrew's hall. some lesson. A rich young man, | ie cup and injurious to your health. he expects to meet Mrs. Dawson. | : - l tired a - Se a its ote tel ‘ as be . : rhe hospital board meets this adviset yy his physici oO lake ' Costs no more than common-place teas. * * ® | evening to discuss the year's a long sea voyage Acting 4 4 te i Chief Constable Owens of the| finances. EWGIL ‘TED this advice, he takes cess, on : . yrovinelé volice ce . om} 2 . ?. LETT COMPANY LIM eo asailing vesse | and is wrecked on . Sealed lead packets only.—Never sold in bulk. | (\.)\\;\ signe: Nee rom ear SSRIS: fidpert’s\ titet| Stag SONNE ONT, Janes seating vousel wad le ~wrecer e Gin wines te — — = = = ‘ ee . ‘maie voice choir at the West- His experiences there and his re nt > W. J. MeLean of the GCanadian|holme on the 418th. turn to civilization, cu eae a Olen Ohana @ if Flee ’ |News agency, who went south a Bens, EP Mrs. Frizzell as “Queen of the/in his final return to his lovely) a {ee - = a a few days ago on Sisigase, is ex- Mr. W. E. Pettigrew left this| News” last night was a great|island and the woman he loves, ) pected in town early next week morning for a brief business trip] suecess forms a very interesting and in 5 - * to Victoria. . . . structive story 4 very fine | Mr. Wilcox of Welcome Har- -tene .* Mrs Pp Heise and children| British Gazette will also be | ROYAL STANDARD bor, Poreher Island, is expected Only make oné engagement for|were passengers south by the|shown, the program con luding | ee eee rorronocnicen to return from Vancouver on the|the 18th, and be sure that one is|George. The trip is in the inter-| with a new Keystone laughing next boat. the Orpheus Glee Club concert ests of Mrs. Heise's health comedy entitled Fatt mn the at in FLOUR pes ‘pe oa} Pe ee . * * Police Force which in itself is] FOR e SALE Mrs. Heindel, wife of the chief Archdeacon Collison, of Kin- Mrs. Anderson, of Hamilton,|/well worth the price of admis-| engineer of the cold storage|colith, left this morning for|QOntario, arrived this week, and|sion Another fine British Ga-| Lot 19, block 5. Section’ plant, expects to leave for Kan-| Victoria. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo.|zette will be feature dnext Mon- | with four roomed h ; sas City early next week. Rai Emmons, of the Bayview Hotel.|day and Tuesday Ouse, ee a Real estate in Fort George 18|She expect to stay here for sev- $1,100, good torms arran. Mr. and Mrs. €. V. Evitt have}somewhat quiet. Only an occa-| eral weeks. Will Not Exhibit | ged. been in town for several days.|sional lot is turned over but the pig tee Special to. The Daily News | E wouldn't blame you a bit for buy- Mr. Evitt is here on business|people are optimistic Mr. C. C, Perry, Indian Agent London Feb 12 Premier | ] ing flour manufactured outside of connected with the Georgetown "ome at Metlakatla, left Wednesday] Asquith has again refused any WESTENHAVER BROS this fair province of ours if that Sawmill company. Mr. D. Ward, of the wireless|y the Prince George for Granby|Brilish official participation in Phone 100 flour were a better flour. But it isn't. Pees station at Digby Island, left this} Bay. He returned a few days ago|the Panama-Pacific Exposition We test in our laboratory, side by side Mr. J. R. Stirrett is introduc-}morning for a trip south. from the Naas. From Granby he|He said the British Government} with ROYAL STANDARD, the brand you ing Seattle methods into dredg- cee will continue his journey to Has-|recently reconsidered the ques | preeeereereceroossrorcorsocsesinn now think is best. We have scientifically ing operations at the dry dock Hear the overture “Semira-jtings Arm, Alice Arm, Observa-|tion of participation in the ex-} proved that ROYAL STANDARD has no ‘dea The scow loads of silt|mide” by the Westholme Or-/tory Inlet and Bear River to in-] position at San Francisco, but FOR A TAXI) peer. So sure are we that you will be delighted with ROYAL STANDARD that > we will cheerfully refund your money if it does not come up to expectations. Thousands are tak- ing up the cudgel for goods made in B. C. Will you—at our risk? At your grocer’s. = OOOO ULC UOC UOC LUI UCC 3 Hs i 4H Here is your chance to buy a beautiful lot on long terms. Lot 17, Block 18, Section 6 Price $3,300 Cash $900 Balance in three payments of $800 each, on May 9, 1914, 1915 and 1916, at 7 per cent. DAVID H. HAYS fr RR AAAI IIA IAIAAIAIAIASIASISAISASSSASISSACSSISSCSACSSISSISISSCSACSCSICOOACND i REAR KAKA KAKA AK EAA OUOU.COM 6444344 $e tt eee * ' HUBERT , 5 The Trade Centre of the Famous Bulkley Valley | i There will be ONE good-sized city | in the Bulkley Valley, and that will be i HUBERT 4 Call or write for particulars i. z Natural Resources Security Co. Limited fi Sixth Floor, Vancouver Block is Vancouver, B.C. We put FORT GEORGE on the map and kept it there KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No, 8 Builders’ Supplies _ Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors Paints H ARDW ARE Stoves, Ranges Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE * * Stay Setlatactory taken from the bed of Hays creek|chestra at the Orpheus Glee Club are being unloaded by means of | concert. 35-36 high pressure hose. Be ws ts Mr. Beatty, of Queen Charlotte Mr. V. D. Allen, who left Prince| ity, was in the city last even- Rupert in September, will return|ing en route south, He left on on Wednesday with his wife and|the Prince George. child. Mr. Allen was connected eee. with the cold storage plant and The Capilano of the Union ss on*his return will take up a po-j|!ine is due in this port. She has sition on the office staff. a cargo of coal for Rogers & eo thie Black. Magnus Hansen from Kitkatla io “oem Inlet, Porcher Isiand, has been in The Atlantic steamship rates town for a few days. He returns|@re still coming down. A third- early on Saturday morning with|¢lass passenger from Hamburg, a few passengers and supplies. Germany, can now be landed in we atbetihy 4 Vancouver for $614. The friends of Mr. A. L. Ford, rang government railway engineer, Developing and finishing for will be pleased to hear that he is|#™mateurs, by Benson, the photo- now convalescent after his at-|#rapher, 621 Second Avenue, tack of diphtheria. He returned|"ear Sixth Street. 36-37 home from the hospital today, ae Aen but will require careful nursing Does your piano need tuning for a week or two. or is your player out of order? S20 er ee Mr. A. L. Sparrier, of Vancouver, an expert in this line of work, is in the city and will attend to or- ders left at Kauffman’s Music Store. 33tf * * * Harry Hanson, the plumber, was trying out his thawing ma- chine yesterday on the pipes connecting the Wm. G. Young Investment company on Third avenue. The pipes have been frozen for weeks, but it only took 3 photo taker Benson's S8t a few minutes to thaw them out| Por? er ope80} udlo, ; 621 Second Avenue, near’ Sixth with the machine. You no longer need to wait for the bright days to have your spect the numerous Indian fish ing and timber reserves in thes districts. HIGH CLASS TAILORS to Ladies and Gentiemen if you want something “different” and superb see us SWEDER BROS., MERCHANT TAILORS Phone 38 Helgerson Block SIXTH STREET “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS, FOR RENT FOR RENT A completely furnished 7 room apartment Phone Red 183 34-36 DESK ROOM in ground floor office. Apply P.O, Drawer 1663 City 285-t FOR RENT—Front suite of four rooms, aba. ve Street, is equipped with the lat- J WPpaltetaon. the: diteolaxhes methods of operating by el- : ; ectric light. Photos taken day merchant, was in the city last oe evening. He was accompanied or night. pe iad 96-87 by Mrs. Patterson and Miss Fen- wick, who are en route to Los Angeles for several weeks’ holi- day. They went to Seattle on the|sary of their church this year G. T. P. boat and from there via|¢rand concert is to be given on the steamer Congress. Mr. Pat-|Monday evening, March 2nd, terson accompanied the ladies to|which will be of the highest Seattle. order, It is also expected that * * * Rev. 8. D. Chown, D.D., Metho- Canon Rix and Mr. W. J. Ken-=|dist superintendent for all Can- naugh are leaving on Sunday|ada, will be here to preach on the for Victoria by the Princess Bea-{anniversary Sunday, March 1st. trice to attend a meeting of dele- 34-3! 5 | | | The Methodists are preparing to do full honor to the anniver- gates from the various dioceses a of the province. The intention is Carpenter Job Work | to organize a_ provincial synod| Have you any carpenter job| for the purpose of co-ordinating | work to. do. I am prepared to the interests of the diocesan|give estimates and will guaran-| synods. Bishop Du Vernet has|tee my work. Specialty office} been in the south for some time} fixtures and repairs. J. 8. Smith, | in connection with this matter. | Box 844, city. 35-36 | ENGLISH Hano-Mape LAGE MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. ress is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship. BYY some of this handemade Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made variety, and imparts an air of distinction to the posvessor, at the same time supporting the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural man's wage, Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled The Pride of North Bucks,” containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse, Collars, Fronts, Every sale, however small,is' | Plastrons,Jabote, Yokes, | Fichus, Berthes, Hand. ® support to the industry. | kerchiefs, Stocks, Oami- soles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- lions, Quaker and Peter Pan a ete, from 25o., @0c.,'$1.00, (14 e deep.) STOCK— Wheel Design, | $1.00, $2.00, up to $5.00 Price 25c, each. (Half shown.) | each. Over op designs in yard lace and inser- tion from 10c., 15e., 25¢ aii yee re er e “9 TU oe Uy PPO i 45c,, up to $8.00 r . Wh Sd ni an Meso me 7 ba y IRISH CROCHET. Mrs, Armstrong having over 100 Irish peasant ) girls connec with her industry, some beautiful ex- amples of Irish hand made laces may be obtained, All work being sold rae” direct from the ORES lsco-makers, both AINTY HAW e workers an D DEIE~10o, castaunene derive p Bio, 910,—Lace 1) in. deep, greal advantage. Bo, 122,—80e, per yard, vU %. b Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England 216 Sixth Avenue West, near McBride All modern conveniences 20tf FOR RENT—-Furt four rooms with all niet cludes ni plan ni s Call between 7 ¢ ot Fi rth Avenue East 36-42 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Queen’'s Cafe, Smithers; best location and largest place in town, with sleeping accommodation for one hun dred. Apply C. Morris, Smithers WANTED SEWING WANTED—Phone Blue 3265. 28-35 |} YOUNG WOMAN wants work by day or week. 36-38 WANTED—A general servant Apply Mrs. S. P. Saunders, Phone Green 202 -35 YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would Jike position in private family. Box 101 Dally News, 19tf | WANTED A middle-agea tady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel WANTED—A position as nurse Expert- ence Salary 815.00. Will assist with light housework Phone Black 333, or apply Seventh Ave., 333. 31-23 | WANTED-—-Several responsible men to represent us in all parts of Canada and Alaska. Good salary and contract to the right party Canadian Caiiophone Company, Limited, Main Office, 707 Robson St., Vancouver, B, C, 35-47 JINGLE POT COAL delivered by Lindsay Transfer H. B. ROCHESTER Phone 115 231 2nd Ave. BURN WOOD We can supply you with clean dry wood cut to any” size from kindling to cordwood, Burn wood and save money. Phone 301 Terrace Wood Co., he regrets that it does not feel able to modify its previous de cision _ this matter Phone 75 | Mr. J. FE. Dyer went south on| this morning's boat PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00,| PROOF ILOOLIOPOEPL EFI Oe senna DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. erigsienad Gia tare aoous|| PHINUE AULA KNIGHT & HICKEY |] uote are now a1 (am lowest Contractors and Builders Jobbing & Repairing BUY before the comple Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets tion of the railroad PHONE GREEN 269 WE have lots which re- IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP 7" Sob gh sn RR Harrison, Gamble & G0 Third A COW BAY PHONE RED 156 = T P. O, Box 1714. Tel, 448 werre 35 ——— PHONE a RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. | Civil Engineers and B. C. Lana Automobile Surveyors poate cages: d T ° Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- | an axles struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and} Large Mach vincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey | Prom q ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric | R a Blue Printing, Negatives and Whit = } Prints Special Rates for parties ; 35 PHONE — %} McBride St., Prince Bho sah B.C. Ber oo aeccnneooriii a IVARSON & CO. woccccccccoosoecreeseenentTtn, FOR RENT—A neat four- rome Blacksmiths & Horseshoers house, close in, $20 per mon The furniture in this ger Boat Work sale at a bargain. Apply Ow 252 Eighth Ave. W., « FOR SALE—The four finest lots on Graham Ave Section 2, price o3, ,000 each, each cash, 6, 18 and months at 6 per cen nt Phone 525 {st Ave., Manson W ay 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 Will se M. Mi. STEPHENS 8 60, {Th PRINCE RUPERT ' RAL COvaTE meen P.O. Bux 618 NOTARIES eter we werent ed POPPERS SOPLEEEIE EF EI TE TUG ‘AND scOW ell ee W..R. MORRISON B.C. Goast Steamstip Seri PHONE BLACK 166 ~ JAMES GILMORE Architect SAFET! SPEED SERVICE FAMOUS ‘ PRINCESS LINE 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street SOUTH WELLINGTON Princess Beatrice, 80 C 0 A L p. m., Sunday T J.G. McNAB, General Ade! he Coal that Made B.C. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY ——= Fifth St, rear Hart Block UNION TRANSFER CO To Rent GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE tnpound, § AeeeReee woven veneer eee = = South Wellington Coal 3 Roomed Furnished Flat PHONES ; 86 Office. RESIDENCE 110 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Bride Stree of _- i 2 Lots from Me FURNISHED Seventh Avenue APARTMENTS ive 161 in two and three room suite $20 per month BOAT BUILDER ie R Naden Co. li { Ins yrance Seal Cove Phone Green 321 fleal Estate an