\yonday, February 16, 1914 THE DAILY NEWS - _ aan ~ ———__—— — Se vn aaa ee | agit } Box 1704 | 7 AVOY HOT A ' -ineT OLASS CUISINE ag Gold Running Water in 3) all Rooms nest brands of Liquors and i , cigars kept cer HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA pHOMME & FISHET Preprietors | bbe teeta eeeweeeegtet Tere « | | Wat ae | ae he dSONnS e | ' | | A offi | | : My ce window The cocoa had been { ; faces a street, close in B il | to the railway freight etOwn: es sheds. shipped to Bristol, , i transhipped to Mon- embers P.R.L Vintners Association All day long a steady i ad fi 11 ee stream of trucks and eR. ee WINDSOR HOTEL lorries lumber by- distributed from ~ f Ave, and Eighth St loaded with boxes, Toronto. w. H. Wright, Prop. barrels and bales. NOTRE Sp ‘ The tea was gath- HOTEL CENTRAL | One truck I noticed 4b a one an serene. at the other afternoon ——— 7 ow # | and American Plan | was particularly in- skinned natives of peer Black, Prop. teresting. No two the romantic island tae cree boxes were the same, of Ceylon; from KNOX HOTEL | and stencilled on the sunny Portugal the . at ‘euth - yer | end of each was the name luscious, big grapes (ates b0c of some well-known pro- had been gathered years duct—soap, tobacco, socks, f & 4 ‘ ad 4 breakfast food, cocoa, port, ago, fermented, bottle ‘ ; V. D. Casiey tea, chocolates, perfumery and and branded with a famous EMPRESS HOTEL baking powder. name; from Egypt had come the rhir ‘ between Sixth and d tton and from A . nih Streets Gathered there in prosaic wooden a h - South erica the wropean Pian, GO to $1 Per Day boxes were the results of thousands yes that entered into the product — of hand’s labor in all parts of the finally stamped with the brand ofa PREMIER MOTEL world. well-known hosiery. Amer sud Eurupean Pleo fF. W. Henning, Manager en There, behind that obviously prosaic truck-load of freight was the whole romance ROYAL HOTEL of modern commerce—the skilled production, the universal demand for food, drink on ear and raiment, and the world-wide distribution of the things we use every day. i Bicam Heated : ‘ fc we And then I speculated why we use these things every day, instead of some other VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©O., things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. LIMITED | ve. aud Sixth St The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie were known everywhere to-day, but Phone 102 . - had been unknown a few years ago; and I saw then more clearly than ever before. i va that Advertising is really a great channel digger. It is like the Panama Canal. You INCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., “ff MATCH FOR THE GODS”—ENGLAND’S RUGBY VICTORY OVER WALES AT TWICKENHAM can sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, around the Horn. You can get there, LIMITED but it is going to take months. A year or so from now you will sail through the reser AES The struggle for supremacy in the rugby international match was a thrilling sight to witness. It Panama Canal and chop the journey to less than half. A new channel will have Phone 7 has been described as “a match for the gods It was a wonderf ntest and a thrilling been dug. finish Wales led, England Jed Wales led ag and then victory for England was secured — pam st Shs leak Mbneet. the fiedl Seauil boise -40polnteo'8; The incident’. shown tere isthe The great names in commerce to-day are those of the manufacturers who have let scoring of England's second try from which a goal was kicked, giving England the victory modern advertising steam-shovel a channel across the isthmus of distributing District of Coast ° Iti aug ‘ rhe ball bounced over the head of Pancroft, the Welsh full-back, seen on the right, and Pill- difficulties. i at Hume Cronyn, of man, his mop of hair blown back, di ng past at full speed, had a terrific race with anoth- ‘ ‘ * , Daten ate Sea: ee ‘ Welsh { cn WW f : ‘ : i vat cee te Te The great names in the commerce of to-morrow will be those of men who widen and pi or pe er of the elsh ean atts or the anc on ; ° ine following. descr : : : ; dredge this channel so that the greater traffic may pass smoothly and quickly from t planted at Ww ———=—=———o== the source of production to the homes of the consumer. a post pl P« t ‘ i Lot 1968, thence | Sea) Gepees Cee i (ESS BSR won at ans, “nor | | Seances (eae Carr rer Fae ae =e RES RSS a i a ae 0 ed oe a ie ¥ talk over your advertising problems a ; : : with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. HUME CRONYN V T1f_ you are doing a provincial or nati au siness it would be well for you Sih, 1413 gS to have counsel and assistance of a good a sng agency. A list of these will be furnished, a ie Pe ak inl 9 without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronte, ne Dusen ae Ta aeeeest S SARS MELB MLS MES PLE MLS a Kunge 4 st Elbert M. Morgan Pantages theatre in Vancouver|be played on the grounds of the minsoenetitial CCUPAUOD prosper , , le - —— ho SS ae — - I riuiss ‘ ast wee |first named bs on Saturday Fe Pies oe Se eae er wear eee er ns UTC®S' | skeena Land District—District of Coast—| ed lauds: ie| former won by 2 goals to 0 jnext, are as follows Range Five. ppusite Mink ° e 7 Bob Fitzsimmons is preparing ' ; as ‘ overs — )) miles anu : tee P Sigh od Third Lanark vs. Raith Rover TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- | re or ie B. P. Schwengers of Vi ajhis 18-year-old son for the ring Aberdeen vs. St. Mirren mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in; Whether pevenly - out Fae a a i Wierd hi Quebec is rapidly forging t Pa iy p the Province of British Columbia, eg | F Y. Yr a Se _ wa e ss . . . Stevensor United vs Jeebles|intend to apply for permission to lease} urself e or ik ' rennis assovia he front in the National Hockey}, °'°*' : cae nent thirty (30) acres of land bounded as or o and furty-eight (4 ' PS . | sonia’ : | hovers follows | orasa west of Green 1 } th lates on which the paLLOT Kilmarnot vs. Partick This Commencing at this post peanies tie ort “ P ch 1S ue ' re ne Oi Fe ae : shes amy ~Ithe northerly limit of the right-of-way of | ‘ 7 ins ibe { { Lb 8 ) — § F ‘ ies the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com- Gift to our Friend I ! xhit n match 1 | Y SheRVle saniy eens bn ko 5 ‘o Celtic pany crosses the westerly bank of the a f ae | Alexander Herd, the for Brit- : ar Athletic v8. Celtic Zimmergoetz River, and being about 400 | “ . . . } Hib is vs. Rangers feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north-/ Lining sh open golf champior ited eastirly dircetion along the westerly | > M Gardner-Johnson, pres-| , rge Duncan. another English | Al rarieonians Vs. Queen Sishore of said river a distance of thirty ELBERT M. MORGAN ‘ re ans : , ™ oP ee Park. 0) chains; thence easterly parallel with | r, 1913 f th Val iver HUEDY! player, who holds the French] pe the nartherly limit of the Grand Trunk| Jan. 12, 1914 sane l a 3 i Broxburn United vs. Mother-J|Pacific right-of-way, a distance of ten nave received a letter;championship, by 4 p and 3 to} ; ; if chains; thence southerly parallel | mcnenanrntr Hinde |well or Leith with the westerly shore of the said river) THE ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY from George Mason, wh BOe ie Tr ‘ ss n emeieereri cena to the northerly limit of. the right-of- | : : f the New Zealar | way of oe Onaae Trunk Pacific See given that applica-}aped (he ur oO © NO caland | : A "A Games are to Company; thence westerly along the. sal the Parliament Of])...5, in which he thanks the Only four more gam are \ | LEAGUE STANDING OF northerly limit of the said right- of- way | eae rene Soe eka. 4 far the kind treat-|°° Pees © the P. C. H. A, league} BRITISH FOOTBALL son (100 See De nore or less to the place | The well known Perrin trademark a ¢ pany suede me wal ¢ clalis to e kind treat ; Blah hota os ~ : grvmely Bog, 0 yy Metre’ Pad ecorded thelt players on| o> 980,04 fotlows: = DATED this seventh day of January, shown in cuts should be on every glove eae OS EE vs . : . | e 7 cto { i The ollov r are > rmagmue | 1014 ¢ . allway, commencing at]; }), ceasien of their visit to] Feb. 417—Victoria at Van-| 1 1e Jollowing are the leagu te) s t se . we lo oastiruct and} ™'™ , 4a ' Feb 27 Vancouver al Vic-] poten ; im @ penny for bi bo 2 sere }) telegraph lines and il eague Club W I D. Pts ughts sereof; to build e . ‘ Loria it 23 49 uct and °yerate ; j Celt 2 2 2 rr —- —-——_— a nnection with the } Swain. champior neg : he earts 7 2 7 i \ 4 company, and to enter on Pe { a p Scottish Cup Draw rs : mit nA le coer with other companies,} distance hitter of the Pac ‘ - : A ' a Rangers 19 5 3 41/5 rks of the company De ast, who was with Victoria last The draw for the me UDC’) airdrieonians (ee a Bs + ORR RADII ID ADD A DIA AIDA IIIS AISI IASI SI SSISIISISISISISISSISSISSSS SAA. ¢ sda vear. will return to the North-|** the Scottish football cup Morton Xe 8 94 j wa 5 0 | +e this 0th day of June, diatann tag cee Che boss slug-| = Falkirk 14 7 6 84 Moe he oie ger, who loses more balls ove! Third Lanark as 8° 48 * fo © Applic 8, Griaw Ont. the fence than any other player ac Dundes eget bee * Bi eas Da in LE a, h * i x has accepted terms with the S¢ : Clyde gos 8 22 x EEA APA AERA aS attle club and will report to| | 4 Hibernians gan > ees 7 i FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 7 Presideht Dugdale next month ; Se ee Motherwell! 48 "4.08 * * a ee | ‘ Raith Rovers 9 14 3 94 * 3 7 Willie Ritchie, lightweight a Kilmarnock 7 18 #7 84 5 THE Sess SSS = CIRCUIT NO. 4. 7 champion of the world, will meet \ \ Partick Thistles Ne Same x ox 125th St. and grd Ave */Ad Wolgast, from whom he took| | \ @ Aberdeen 7 14 6 90 * Y c as Cents all or erm Box 13 bh St ar “ae ' } Box 4 F ~~ a Ave + the title, in a ten-round bout at} } Dumbarton e 44< 7S) DAI L ek St. and 8rd Ave >» ‘ } . ‘ . Box 46 poy Milwaukee some time next} / Ayr United 9 15 2 18 tion of 4st, @nd end ; month, : Queen's Par $ 49. 949 N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Box St Ave, between 8th and » Re | Hamilton Acad 6 15 6 47 Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of Box 17 ‘ane a ak St. (C ¥| Jack Farrell, who played sec- | me MEAD 0 Se oe the city because “it is clean and reliable. It has all $e 3 sen . ance t 7 ond base for the Peewee am 2 0 is the news of the cily, and kee ps in touch with events . ‘ ey t baseball | ' ' ones dik al o ays when th cae i ay a English League * and topies interesting to Northern British Colum- $ > me ‘hampionus in #, Gilec e , ts Box 22 Ave and 8rd St. enemy Ae kes _ Ww. I D. Pt SAFE yia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- hospital at Overbrook last week, j . . . ° ° Blackburn Rovers i4 5 7 88 SANE mism and reliability. _- Ave, and McBride 8t | Sunder ‘ 5 Box 24 a ze : age ot Georges Carpentier, heavy ntoniaat ae 8 2G: 90 The Daily News is the most valuable paper to Berta and McBride St e Manchester United 13 9 3 29 SPICY i ed Ave, and 2nd St, weight champion of France and | - Sa ee a) haw advertisers because it is read by the buying public. at ve 5 7 : son teat | urnley ; 7 27 Sox 27g. 7, p ane Am England, and all contine ei Bolton Wanderers 0002027~«!C«ak IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in Kurope for that matter, finds he cog e ‘ aa on oe tie It is-read by the class of people the CIRCUIT NO. 2. ave to retire willingly, ren . r : ai oa will have to ret ae ot Aston Villa 5649 G29 * INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to t \ve. and’ Fulton .8t from the ring for the nex. 550 Oldham Athletic ii 9 6 2? = a x 82 len and Taylor Sts. years Which shows the disad- a , : , ie BE vi e 7 INTELLIGENT ri * 3 oniaitealtitn te is ii Saas “9 ~~ \ve, and Fulton 8t vantage of iving in a country meee Bromwich " » 7 a == diesboro 6 quesweneniennniennagpeanmmmaimana Box 37 re wif yet: am *i where there is compulsory mili- | | ~ DORON pul a . ; | x - THE ve, anc Jodge PI. | Chelsea 5 5 t lia ye | } * and Thompson st, #| b@ry service ees | Sheffield United 10 12 4 2% y RO . } Manchester City 9 16 & 24 eae CIROUIT NO. 4, Of course I will come to Van-]} ; : : : 4th Ave. and Emmerson idie Welsh | Tottenham Hotspur 9 41 » 23] * couver and meet Freddie Ve i] JACK LAVIOLETTE aC 5a > eal x Box 4g nh Ave, and MeBr if 1 succeed in winning from) ‘ * Box 435th 4 s fae ; \ | } hen [1 t him! Tl peed irvel of the Gana- | Liverpool 9 41 5 Of * " ' ve iree lie thie en lec n it por j Box 4461 Ave and sent o, % ee Why shouldn't 12°} hockey team, who show-|Newcastle United RAO Oat a annie - 45-—7th Ave. and Eberte. "a ne ui rommy Murph | od great form playing against] Sheffield Wednesday O SR...4 28 | x 14 Ave. ond. Sommn ae ; a eres oe Mm { a2 ae | the Ontarios on the 34st of | Derby County ail 20 | + FORO OOO ORR RRR RR IO RRR RRR IR RRA AA AAAI AIAAAIN ry iris x} 4 1e conelusion oF : Preston North End 6 46 & 17) > OO ooo etaineieiok round sparring exhibition at the | January leet. 5 ~ ‘ .