PRINCE RUPERT THE PACIFIC port OF PROGRESS NS THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Up to the time of going to press the mayor had not sent a telegram saying he had got the money. t a) ve PRINCE RUPERT, B. G.,, WEDN ESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS |ANGMAN MAKES HORRIBLE BLUNDER AT CALGARY LING GEORGE WANTS CANADA TO SHOOT AT BISLEY—REDISTRIBUTION BILL SECOND READING MEXICAN BANDIT CAUGHT FDISTRIBUTION RECEIVES LP Sita Man Responsible for Tunnel Dis- SECOND READING aster in Which 50 Lives Lost a Special to The Daily News WILFRID ASKS INCREASE IN COMMITTEE TO HANDLE El Paso, Feb, 17.—The Mexi- BILL—WANTS REPRESENTATION FOR EACH PROVINCE can bandit Maxir Castillo, who BORDEN WILL CONFER WITH OPPOSITION HEAD is charged with responsibility of = the Cumbre tunnel! disaster, in Che Daily News now. ‘There should be a member}which 51 lives were lost, was 4 pe jfor ¢ each province, besides an in-}captured 38 miles south of Sa- Feb. 17.—The redis-| pease of two to give the west|chita by American troops. This received its second |jetter representation. In clos-|information was conveyed by| which was, as ex-jing the debate Mr. Borden said|General Smart, commanding of-| ed by Hon. R. L. Bor-|that while he was disposed to]cial, in a telegram to Captain me diseussion the|think that the smaller commit-|White of the Ninth United States | ed the adjournment |tee would be best, he would con- |cavalry. until Thursday.|sult with the leader of the oppo- Sled desi | the adjournment sition in regard to the proposal | estion of Sir Wil-|for nine members In regard “CELEBRATED Gt GOLDEN hat the committee|Prince Edward Island's repre- | WEDDING ANNIVERSAR ndaries of the con- | sentation he maintained that} ¢ | hould consist of | parliament could legislate on the of seven mambera) lanbiject subjeet to the subsequent ee Western Pioneers ae {903 there were | ratification of any chang’ by the ave Many Dltles y ' vinees, not nine as|]imperial parliament. } Sf a Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carey, ] USE B C WwooD VANCOUVER MINISTER who run a restaurant on First .™« SURPRISED WITH RUPERT eUnhio. neat. then “wWesthoime IN LONDON BUILDING R my RE f Vancouver Lumber company, yesterday cele- ey. A. L 0 anco : has met a great surprise in the brated their golden anniversary jor Decorations Will Be of | climate of Prince Rupert. Com- They are two of the greatest itish Columbia Marble, ling so far north and to within 50|Pioneers in western Canada Mr. Says Premier McBride lmiles of Alaska, he naturally|Carey having the distinction of | thought that a fur-lined coat and having votes in the first Ree McBride 108) week | ther winter garb would be in alty elecuions a Winnipeg, : oe tation from the | order. His delightful surprise | £#!Na, Caigary, Vancouver, eIHOR Association of|can be imagined when he discov- a Prince wipe es are . ¢ _ e ate “re ejhappy couple, with many Triends hia called on him|jered that the climate here i we iota jj even milder than that of Van- here and thi ugh ut the west. efinitely promised] | uver Mr. and Mrs. Carey were mar- 1 used in the abepy Writing to a friend in the east ried in Dublin, Ireland wher. ee weer ‘ly he said that the weather here|™rs. Garey was ee of ¥ snes onabta now was very much like May in Perr They came to Canada soon EL a 4, Ontario, with the evenings a lit-|@fler. famous fir of this ¥ es ; . dahon a Among the recornitions ‘ re- : _ |tle more crisp and the days a fe Richard went fur-| 7 t deal warmer ceived vesterday was a telegram that the marble of }°P°" : ose oe of congratulation from a daugh- ia would be used 4 j ter in St. Paul, Minn. and a m South s of the interio1 Many From 8 handsome ongraved piece of sil- Phis was very Passenger list of the steamer Ye from Mr. M. Albert of the manufacturers,| George arriving at Westholme Lumber company. ed themselves to-), : 5 ay ae a iar ea . uroose of furth ’rince Rupert this morning WINS W eitish Colum. | Peters, JR. Matthews, Mr. Min-1VICTORIA TEAM | : Miss Thompson, Miss oy d manufactures. |) Edwards, Mr. Saunders, Mr. PROVINCIAL HOCKEY Kelly Fi Dock Harvey, Mr. White, Mrs A ony ee ae tedde, J. Dilman, W. Dickenson, |Will Leave Shortly for the East ate x Kells N. F. Adams, ©, Coldershaw, W. to Play for the World’s eid Youngman, R. D. Ross, J. Sparo, Championship a a few days ag0]( M. Shirley, Mr. York, Mr. Chil- Pie ip. with a load of|eock, T. Mack, Mr. Reeve, F. Special to The Daily News reported having|Mr. Tunnell, A. B. Brown, H. Sil- Untonivar Weh?48,—In- the Monday. The Proy-jverthorn, Mrs. Hamblin Miss hockey game last night Victoria Ihe steam fishing] Freeman, Miss Silverthorn, Mr./ defented Vancouver by a score of Kelly, owned by] Oldershaw, W Wilcox M. Young five goals to four with seven Fish & Cold Stor-|Mr.. Mantey, Mr. Anderson and], jnutes’ overtime. arrived this morn-| wife, J. H Deavey, Mr. Allan and Victoria thus gets the champ- Rupert, bringing | wife, Mr. Woddthorpe, Mrs. De-}ijnship and goes east on Mareh h f halibut secured by|mers, Mr. Renals, J. Nard, W a, 2nd to play for the world’s title fleet and ~trans-|Killz, A. Pride, J. 8. Dull, M Weds tig a a Che Andrew. Kelly| Wright, Mrs. McNeill, Miss Rae, Killed at Granby Great Northern] F. J. Miller, Mr Devlin, Mr. To- Chris Johansen. erseaman om: : the first vessel to| bey and wife, Miss Smith, Mr ployed on the barge Henry Vil mags McL60od. lard, was killed at Granby Bay spd , last week by falling into the hold TLAND OUTFIELDER Grand Concert Tonight of the ship. A coroner's jury SOLD TO VICTORIA Scns brought in a verdict of acciden- The sale of seats for the grand tal death. The deceased shipped The Daily News coneert in the Westholme thos. aboard the barge at Tacoma a Keb. 18.—Christo-]tre tonight has been very large}).. weeks ago and is unknown lo An OnD the Portland; and practically all the reserve)... of the other members of the eague outfielder,|}seats have been sold. The Or-| ay dt is thought he has the Vietoria team by!pheus society promise a good friends in Seattle. Nick Williams, program and the evening will be ae ge E one which musie lovers will Mrs. (Dr.) McNeill, who re- ‘meses, King of Egypt,” aj|appreciate, mained over in Vancouver for a r) Photoplay, at the Empress es short time after her recent trip ght, Mrs. Demers, who has been] ii) the Doctor to Europe, ar- —— visiting in the south for some].i..q home this morning She um Pioneer Cleaners.|weeks, returned on the Prince}... geeompanied by her sister, George today. Miss Rae, who will visit her for =isome time, Reserved Seats Area Seats (Unreserved Balcony (Unreserved) Pati are requested doors will be closed number, ns ® the COONS IOSIIOOI od oonioioinooinininininiiteiieineiciett iteteleicn tele ROBO ROLLA LAL ALLURE AI ARAL AA RA AE Orpheus Glee Club GRAND CONCERT IN WESTHOLME THEATRE TO-NIGHT At 8:15 Sharp. to be in theirs seats at 8.15 sharp, during the performance of 7 : “Rameses, King of Egypt,” a superb photoplay, at the Empress tonight. GOLDEN JUBILEE OF PYTHIANISM All Knights of Pythias and their friends are re- quested to be present at the Cue the the Castle Hall, Thursday ev ing at 8:15, to celebrate Golden Anniversary of Order. Special Public Ritualistic Service NOTICE The annua ‘eting of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association will be held in St. Andrew's Hall, Thurs- day, Feb. 19, ai 8 p. m., for the purpose of electing of- ficers for the ensuing year and the transaction of any other business that may come before it. P. W. An- derson, Secretary CLOUDBURST WROUGHT TREMENDOUS HAVOC The News 18.—A in the Daily Feb. havoc Special to “Oviedo, Spain, cloudburst wrought of Oviedo, submerging the country and the lower part of the town is flooded. The resi- dents took refuge on the roofs of the In the dis- tricts hundreds of have been away several roads are city houses. country cattle and The swept houses collapsed inundated. COMMITS SUICIDE ON EVE OF TRIAL Great Graft Hunt Started by Sulzer Claims Its First Human Toll Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 17.—John J Kennedy, state treasurer, committed suicide yesterday at the Markeen hotel, where he had lived with his family He was found in a small lavatory off the hotel ballroom with his throat cut. An open knife was lying on the floor beside him. His jugu- lar had been severed and he died Tempo- by worry before a doctoy arrived. insanity, induced his impending appearance before a New York grand jury, where District Attorney Charles S. Whitman has been conducting a John Doe graft enquiry, District Attorney Dimberger to be the only that be assigned for Kennedy's act. The the rary over Is Salt Michael reason Mr by ean of the treasurer or of his examination in the suicide eve John Doe grand jury investiga- tion started through the Sulzer case, will not halt the enquiry into his office and affairs. KING WANTS CANUCKS AT BISLEY MATCHES Ban on Ross Rifle Work of a “Jumping Jimmy Showman” London, Feb. 18.—At a meet- ing of the National Rifle associa. tion, Major Pixley, Major Fleteh- er, Mr. Tippins and other well- known riflemen hoped that it would go forth from that meet- ing to the Canadian minister of militia, Col. Sam Hughes, that the N. R. A. had not created the referring Ross rifle feature, present difficulty, cifically to the spe- but that it was entirely the work of a “jumping Jimmie showman" with the war office name not specified The speakers commended Cal, Hughes for the bold attitude he had taken up Lord Cheyles- more hereupon read a_ letter from his King George, expressing his earnest hope that Canadians would not be prevent- ed from attending at Bisley this year, majesty Northbound the fol- vester- took north Broderos, F, G, comb, J. W. Brown, G, Box, Cecil Craig, J. Weldon, Bennett, N. Johnstone, W. main, Jos, MeCaffery, M. Miller, I’. MeNeil, W. Bootler, G, Hamil- ton, Tom Muirhead, F. Norris, A. Bain, and M. Chillow, Maquinna passengers The lowing day: Geo. Fortune, Geo, Buy a ldét in Port Edward be- fore the railroad is completed. 39-tf Hal- | GRUESOME EXECUTION WAS HIGH COST OF LIVING COMMISSION AT WORK Special to The Daily News ACCOMP ED AT CA [ GARY Ottawa, Feb i8 The high | LISH cost of living commission has de- | cided to visit western Canada and BODY OF MURDERER WAS cur “DOWN FROM SCAFFOLD BE- will leave for Winnipeg on Mon- FORE LIFE WAS EXTINCT day. Their plans after reaching oy ST eee ee eae ’ : Special to The Daily News lation in their presence shocked Winnipeg are not matured, but . a cm ; iera , Calgary, Feb. 18.—The execu-|the officials and the coroner’s it is likely that the commission : ; tion of Casper Collins, who mur-|jury severely condemned -the will split, one-half going on to ; , . , ok h eMina. Bdmonton, Calgary, Van dered J. P. Benson, will go on|hangman and expressed’ the ae ; rome 2? *“"~ Tl record as the most bungled af-jopinion that the sentence of the couver and Victoria, while the ; pee ‘ PR hr cic ‘ : PnAe ail abies “vinit cat fair of its kind in the criminal|court was not carried out owing other ‘obe s » ‘ é 54 pe ; a te it, 1} annals of Canada. The execu-|to the faet that Collins was not ar e “OV "es. * ee a ee tioner cut down the body before|hanged by the neck until dead. They suggest that in the interest of the publie an investigation be held. life was extinct and the uphappy man died partly from a disloca- tion of the neck. The strangu- POPULAR ENGINEER BRINGS HOME BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tobey Were Greeted by Host of Friends at Prince George This Morning RAILWAY FOR NAAS VALLEY RECEIVED DOMINION CHARTER The Prince George was all dolled up in her gay rags this i ates ei Burs morning when she drew into} eN@tisH COAL BARON HEAD OF SYNDICATE—TO TAP THE port,. She had aboard the popu- GROUNDHOG COAL FIELDS, PEACE RIVER COUNTRY lar resident engineer of the G. T. AND ATHABASCA P. and his bride. The occasion ve was made one of a warm re-| Ottawa, Feb. 17.—Northern|for the company, has made much Tacs d7'« Witheyiialan animpeeaa British Columbia is likely to have}out of the fact that the chief ‘Co Miaa Lada iohavdla Bamand another railway line. “The rail-|factor in the projecting of the in Sayers, near Boston, on Mon-]| Way committee of the house has|jine is D. A. Thomas, probably day, February 9. The marriage] #ranted a charter to the Pacific, the largest coal operator ia took place at the home of .the]Peace River & Athabasca rail-|Gpeat Britain. It is proposed to bride’s mother in that place. It|@Y: which proposes to construct tap the splendid coal areas of was a quiet affair and the bride| 1:200 miles of line in northwest-|the Canadian northwest and par and groom left immediately after|¢™™ Canada. ticularly the smokeless coal de- for the west. They arrived in The proposed route of the|posits in northern British Co- Prince Rupert this morning and|railway line is north of the G. T.||umbia, which would be used for a great many of Mr. Tobey's|P. It starts from the Pacific, as|the British navy. friends were on the dock to greet|at present specified, from the The railway committee passed them. Rice and well wishes}mouth of the Naas river, and|an amendment to the Esquimalt were contributed in equal pro-| passes eastward through North-|& Nanaimo railway charter ex- portions. ern British Columbia and the tending the time for the con- Mr. and Mrs. Tobey will occu-| Peace river country to Prince|struction of the line on Vancou- py Mr. J. C. MeLennan’s house onj| Albert. ver Island by two years. Fourth avenue for the present, It is designed, aecording to the Preliminary surveys for this and later will reside in the new]promoters, to open up particu-|road have been made for some apartment house on Taylor St. larly vast coal, tar, and mineral] time. It is said the company ee areas, The route designed is|contemplates using Nasago gulf WILLIE RITCHIE AGREES one that taps several fields|for a harbor, There is a splen- known to be rich in these re-|did townsite between the gulf TO FIGHT AD WOLGAST sources. and Iceberg bay on the Naas Col. Thompson, the counsel|river side of the peninsula. Thousand Dollars |= : ————— "ted Forty per Gant ofthe” | OBJECT TQ DAY FARES ON TOURIST SLEEPERS Fight Receipts Railways Make Protest to Rail- SKEENA SYNDICATE. FISHING FOR s/f Expect to Start Halfbdt F shing Francisco, Feb. 17.— Ritchie has signed articles san Villie for a ten-round match with Ad : + 1 o 7 s tee aves on. Marah way Commission Against i About the Firat of Ole-aS « a i c ) We | 10 Under the terms of the Such Fares } March igreement Ritchie will get $10,- Special to The Daily News . ab ee ; 000 with the privileges of 40 per Ottawa, Feb. 18.—Representa- an eee of a Aaa 7. River nt of the fight receipts. tives of the C. P. R., the Grand syndicate returr aysport this morning. , 4 Says his com- Trunk and the C. N. R. appeared Back “From Eastern Trip before the board of railway ccm..|P@ny intends di: og satmon fish- Mr. N. Scheinman of the Acme|missioners today to protest|'™S this year and will buy from Clothing store, returned yester-|against giving day seat fares in independent fishermen, Today lday on the Princes Maquinna. He] tourist sleeper, claiming it would the company have a herring boat has been absent some weeks on|erowd the cars with an undesir-|5¢!ming in the harbor, the first of an eastern buying trip to Toron-jable class of passengers. this season's, active operations. to, Montreal and New York. The Mr. Bell of the Grand Trunk They hope to get a couple of Acme will put in a very large new] objected to day eat fares because hundred tows of bait, although stock when they move into their}/any one joining a sleeper at a the season is getting a little late. new store next to the Empress|wayside station who was only| out March ist they will start theatre, and Mr. Scheinman has|going a few miles would out-turn halibut fishing. beei purchasing spring and|passengers using the car as a The company’s schooners to summer stock for this purpose. | sleeper. be used in connection with dory eee ee eee The commission reserved| fishing are in Vancouver and New Fishing Outfit judgement. ° will come up the coast in a few Harry Watson & company ——— -- —_—__——— days. have recently completed the out- Port Avena: Gtters ideal in- fitting of their new boat the Ilajdustrial sites. sotf BANISH BULLY BOWSER. for halibut fishing. The boat is s muieemniinemmiamenied a trim and snug power craft and] _ equipped with the very best gear. She went out to the fishing banks Monday and may return any time Empress THEATRE now with a eatch, There are many small independent fishing craft on the waterfront now, but ... LO-NIGHT... none of them have anything on Ee the Ta, 6—B8IG PROGRAM IN SIX PARTS—6 PART 1—PATHE’S WEEKLY REVIEW — Showing great happenings throughout the world, Including scenes from Liverpoo! and other parts of England. GR A N. D B A L Er PART 2—THE FARM HOUSE ROMANCE”—A Max Linder comedy. “DIONNES ON THE HORIZONTAL BAR”—A fine acrobatic. PART 3—‘RAMESES, KING OF EGYPT’——Part 1. under the auspices of PART 4—“RAMESES, KING OF EGYPT"——Part 2-—A magnificent hie- torical picture of ancent Egypt; a thrilling i enacted amidst the magnificent courte of the Pharoahe of Boyt. The marr ceremony. The high priest invoking the good will of the Diety. story of a powerful monaroh and a beautiful shepherdess. some of the great scenes shown in this superb set of plotures. Fire : Department in St. Andrew's Hall | Second Avenue | FRIDAY, FEBRAURY 20th Tickets: Gentlemen $%2,00 ladies free. “PART 6—"THE PRICE OF JEALOUSY”-—A western from Lubin Studios. PART 6—"TWO GAY DOGS AT CONEY ISLAND’—-A reatiy COMICAL Comedy from the Selig Studios. Our tonight's program being a very eng one, only two complete shows will be given. The first starting at 7:15, the second @ o'clock. KR ARR EAA EAE REE EEE ERR eee ee eee