ae Rf — — Mi THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA p Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year £5.00 if paid in advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, £8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. 23rd St., New London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by prompuy calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers aga Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1914 DAILY EDITION that proper roads were built instead of the mud holes to be There is an agitation going on in several parts of the rid- ing to have the government seen all over the district. road money handled by a Fie competent head. In the past The reeent decision of the this money was put into the government to remove the re- hands of government favor- serve on the water of Kaien ites, and as a _ result the Island and Tsimpsean Penin- money was wasted and no sula shows up William Man- roads are left to show for it. son in a very bad light. He Reltyaer ste has frequently boasted about In Bella Coola, they have the action of the government brought these matters several in that respect and at the late times to the attention of Wil- municipal contest he said all liam Manson. At each time those waters would be held he has promised to give the for the city’s use. Now it ap- matter his attention, but so pears that the reserve is far nothing has been done. thrown off. Is it that Mr. The same demand was Manson was not sincere in his made in the Queen Charlotte promises or that he has no in- Islands. A movement was fluence with his party? There even started to get the islands are only two interpretations incorporated as a_ separate possible, and neither of them munincipality in order to get are very flattering to a man some results from the funds of spirit. expended. It appears, how- SAP Sees ever, that the presence of This cancelling of the water Bowser in the way has melted reserve lends color to the city their hearts and up to the council’s refusal to seek the present time they have drop- Wark Channel power in pref- Woodworth Lake. Of course they were told that to seek that government erence to ped the plan. useless The ’ | If William Manson was| it anything but a_ politician he | was stream. might be expected to give} must keep its pledges with the some help. He is a good hand | speculators and turn over the at making pretty speeches and| last item of local resources. at pretending to be very | It will not come as any sur- democratic, but when the test prise to be told one of these comes he is never there. If days that the Wark’s Channel he was any friend of the peo- power has been handed over ple he would insist on an im- to some private individual. partial handling of the gov- What will William Manson ernment funds and would seal have to say about that? Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint 710 SECOND AVE FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE LUMBER) SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER £9. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. was 7 ~ ia. CoL.J.L. HUGHES The colonels: Major W. St. of the Fourteenth truly remarkable family. LT.CoL.JOHN HUG THREE OF FOUR BROTHERS ARE COLONELS P, Hughes Regiment, thus completing a quartetté of becomes colonels in the family. The others are Col. J. L. Hughes, honorary colonel of cadets; Col. the Hen. Sam Hughes, min- ister of militia, and Lieut.-Col. John Hughes, who com- manded the Forty-fifth Regiment. No picture of Lt.-Col. William Hughes is in possession of the family, and it is pos- sible to publish only three of the four military brothers of a OL + lieutenant-col, Thomas R_ Harrington, For two hours he swam in the almost icy ocean off the Dela- ware coast dragging along his unconscious wife by holding her hair in his teeth. Her arm was broxen in the collision of the Monroe and the Nantucket, and she cried out to him that’ rather than undergo the pain of his holding her arm she _ would rather die. Here is Harrington's story the struggle in the water: “At first I tried to hold the poor girl up by her arm, but it pained her horribly .and = she screamed and wrenched so that I saw it would not do. She was faint one minute and in shivers and struggles of pain the next. I her hair into tight to her head as I could, and then took it in my teeth and tried to keep her head above water by keeping it in on my chest while IT swam on my back. That must have hurt her, too, but she didn’t say anything eéx- cept, ‘That's better, Tom.’ “We had been getting that way for about fifteen min- utes—it seemed like two or three hours—when a_ lifeboat came along. They went withi ten feet of,us. I asked them i) take the girl aboard. They never of twisted rope as close along even answered—just looked at us and rowed away. Strength seemed to go out of me after that, and out of her too. I got lower in the water and her -face was under at almost every wave. “After a long time—they tell me it was two hours, but time didn’t seem to count one way er the other—another boat came along I held Margaret up to them and a sailor said: “Let her go. She is dead.” “She is not dead,’ I said ts him, ‘and you take her aboard if the ship they HOLDING WIFE BY THE HAIR SAVED HER FROM DROWNING HERO OF THE STEAMER MONROE WRECK HAD A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE WITH HEART RENDING SCENES | The hero of the wreck of the|you Old Dominion steamship Monroe! with ajthey took her in. And she opened young man df Bridgeport, Conn.|her eyes and smiled at me and made the sailor turn and look at he do not murder wal on r. ‘But when the room and left her pul her in a state- heli So it to your zo to soul.’ “y got me aboard and put me in lw | j | | | | | | MRS. MABEL SPINLOVE, hose has been in tl paternal eri February 3, w Osgoode Hall, ed that the e to her motlt Spinlove, an aetress. refused to ro six-year-old daughter | 1e custody of her | indfather until } hen the court at} Toronto, order- | hild be returned | Mrs. Mabel} The child| with its mother, ier, beating here in the face and} screaming when her mother! tried to carry her off. It was | finally decided that the child} should remain with the Sisters of St. Joseph pared to quietly. until she is pre- | | with her mother | | Iwith jovertired jalive ja steward came another. I believe that if a doc- tor had been with her right away for her poor, she might be they were all when I found all alone, stimulants hody, But and now up, she mixed where was lying she was dead “That's about that room all, except into the and said he guessed we might as well throw the body overboard, land I smashed him in the eye and he fell outside the door. Then I shut the door and locked it, and stayed with her until we got to Norfolk.” I'd rather be a Could Be, If I coulf*not be an Are, For a Could Be is a May Be With a chance of touching par. I'd rather be a Has Been Than a Might Have Been, by far; For a Might Have Been has never been But a Has Been was onee an Are. Cuban Times CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TENDER FOR STEEL PIPE Sealed tenders endorsed “Tender for Steel Pipe’ will be received by the under- signed, not later than 12 noon of Satur- day of approximately and 12,000 feet Steel pipe Specified form of tender, etc., may be obtained at the office of City Engineer, Prince Rupert, B. C, The Council does not bind accept the lowest or any tender ERNEST A WOODS, City Clerk City Hall, Prince Rupert, B. C —————— — —— = 7th of March, 1914, for the supply 10,000 feet of 45-inch of 18-inch lapwelded itself to Keep your eye on PORT EDWARD Buy a lot in PORT EDWARD be- fore the railroad is completed. PORT EDWARD'S taxation will be very tow. PORT EDWARD has installed its own water system. PORT EDWARD offers ideal in- dustrial sites. HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. Third Ave. Prince Rupert GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA CUM LLL lll LL [pe and the ne) ZY a Me LM ee UNION SS, COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd Twin Screw Steamer ‘* CHELOHSIN ”’ SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays Get tickets and reservations Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 GRAN, §.5. Prince George gang Fridays at 9 a.m For Vancouver, Victoria and S- $.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR Jon, Sundays at 6 p.m., For Vancouver and Victoria, commencing Sunday, j,, sary 18th pron For those contem lating a trip to any point ea TRURK RAILWAY SYSTEM (the D service second to none, Speed and th For full particulars and information regarding t ALBERT DAVIDSON Bais) (Agent for all Atlantic Steam General Agent ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY te ROOMS : ‘ ate bore Second Avenue, Opposite Empress Theatre f 14 Business meeting 2nd Friday in month.) AR ANGING Visiting Scotsmen are cordially invited \ NTING For rates for hall rent apply secretary MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS, i President Secretary | OLISHING AXD NALL TINTING rin s. D Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 By Private Lessons . JONES : a WENDEL vor =| Martin Swanso ard Ave. and 6th St., PRINCE RUPERT, Bo.) “CON 4 McBrigs — THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS 211 Third St. HAYNER Bros, | UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 61! oc | | Phone Ne @ Work Strictly First Class Switches of All Kinds and Hair Goods «4 Specialty fom a ad If you are ay jto-date renting 1) TAXIDERMIST Sduk property hal |George Leek. Animals, birds, fish and ali) “°°'S : kinds of game heads mounted; GEORGE LEEK hides tanned and made into rugs 220 21 n and robes. All work strictly first! ~~ ‘lass. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 728 Helmecken St., Van- couver, B.C, GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections AUCTIONEER 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert sd — | SMITH i "COAL Best 4 } New Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 Rogers tlt Phone 174 Bot FOR PLUMBING AND HEATIM & MALLET} Largest stock ; LAND CLEARING tae oy ting#, Pipes Third Ave., Head of Second te Peter Nelson is open to take contracts Prince Rupert for clearing land in and around Terrace; | also cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, etc.,)| ————— D. C. STUART HARRISON W. ROGERS) ==» -- Architect PRINCE Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Phone 300 P, O. Box 1635 D application, Aocountent Poors RUPERT, 6. 0 Alex. M. Manson, B. A WwW. E. W 4 WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eu. MONEY TO LOAN B.A, LEE “SECOND HAND GOODS : buy or sell all kind Helgerson Block household goods, mechanics sy ols, guns and men’s timing ' Will call any time. Office 60t a F | F. M. CROSBY NS | 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 245 PACE TRANS General ea at Moving Furniture a Carefully a A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work 25 ist Ave., Manson Way} Im rdir Wood ant Storage and Forwa 9 a ‘ IP. ©. Box 203 rm P. ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant Investigations, Adjustments ” dations and Assignment nce Rupert, BF — LUMBER Phone & PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Audite, Smith Block, Srd Ave. F ! Dealers ia FEED SEEDS i ome. C OAL WHE! pst: | ee WHEAT ALFALFA CORN and— ae | Complete Line of ey |Burtpers’ suPPLIe CHIGKEN FEED A SPECIALTY WESTHOLME P LUMBER C0., Limited Mail orders promptly attended to og pe (WE 085 HAS MADE. ME THE. OBESITY EDITOR. AND with MY CUSTOMARY ORIGINALITY T AM ILLUSTRATING MY Sisy ARTICLE WITH 4 4 " ix 4 - CT Vy . \ AN, eseaact \ WHERE HE sIT- ee AN’ THIS (5 WHUT HE WRIT e * a Cs WLisgace IN THE MORNING ‘. TAKE ONE DROP OF AN ORANGE_L FOR YOUR BREAKFAST AND JHEN — © 19\4 -isr'L- std -BaLTe- mo —-— SHAKE. THE PROP UP WELL. WITH TWENTY Five MiLEs OF CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING AND HAVING- WORKED UP A GOOD PERSPIRABILITY TAKE A COLD SHOWER. BATH BY ROLLING— Im THE SNOW ON “Our FRONT LAWN AND FOLLOW ‘THis BY — Daily Drawn for The a Rove: Py AD 7 )\ 1 i | STANDING ON “YOvR HEAD AND LOOKING— ny make AT AN ORANGE 4,2 CLOTHE? FOR LUNCH Fil LIKE AND REPEAT THe FOR DINNERT AND—— FA 110 ERAM PAR 5