February 18, 1914 ; THE DAILY NEWS ednesday SSE eS “2 Ps Ss ——e — Poem = TT | a oe RE HOD TNE Aiea SAU DP SEAR Ca P.0. Box 1704 DAMS aE HOS DLPUD PIPIDERE ©, TES Von “ fA FS atest [News in Field o or FIRST OLASS CUISINE cs ale ot and Cold Running Water in Wik ED Eas ea Sls, Se? CaOe HED PEL Cag CEC Weide € EMS Pes CE? C--

PEPPPOCOPPPELCCPOOES ; i 2PePtetOIee sented to meet Ad, Wolgast. | the soccer seas Che former | etn oa cies | Thistles centre ecently for | a a OnS e coiniendhteceetiaibsciatnits Cigarettes will be barred from the old eountr id will play | the San Francisco pal! club this with either the \otts County or} summer, Bristol cluys, of the second di-| M ‘ y office window I —o— vision. Greenha has a brother Rides a street. close The cocoa had been ) é : Yale expects to beat ilarvard who is now playing in South Af-| to the railway freight grown in Brazil, when the blue and crimson row- rica and he comes of a family of | sheds iT < i shipped to Bristol, ‘ng squads clash shortly. noted soccer experts | 1 \| $ Vi aidedit wii All day long a steady transhipped to Mon embers P.R.L. Vintners Association nadie: 0 Soccer ptayer t ebaitel stream of trucks and treal and finally ‘ an ; ss ae cates Soces : great abil ; : ‘ i « 2 mi - oe twice ddediotalty. 96 goa lorries lumber by— distributed from winDeOR MOTEL een beaten by id illiatis, is | line, will soon be q Fs ir ehatalilins 04 loaded with boxes, Toronto. ; pirst Ave, and Eighth St a — oo ae step in| Se eee Toles i Cabie'd barrels and bales. w. M. Wright, Prop. c the featherweight class. car} ee at fore. 0018S OP UODDE. | was gath pi claims that he ca‘ "t make 116 An English club has offered the] One truck I noticed ie ab : HOTEL OENTRAL lbs. without weakening himself, | huge sum—in the shape of a| the other afternoon as y aoe pirst Avenue and Seventh St dailies | transfer fee—of $12,000-to Air-}| was particularly in- skinned natives of European and rage lan rt Duk ; ' h | drieonians for the release of | teresting. No two the romantic island Peter Black, Prop. 1e Duke of ee Jimmy Reid, the great scoring | boxes were the same, of Ceylon; from eg lnee Miter aca Scania : ‘ab : presented to the nien Jat centre forward of that club. and stencilled on the Y sunny Portugal the KNOX MOTEL ‘lub, Waterloo, London. sone There was no dickering; the of- end of each was the name luscious, bi ‘a ave., Between Eighth and Ninth heads and a number of horns fer was made. flat-footed, but ac } ot some well-known pro- S.ere pean Plan, Rates Soc to 61.00 |i trophies of several of his shovt- far has tint De accepted,’ andi duct—soap, tobacco, socks, had been gathered years Beener & Besner, Props. ing expeditions in Canada. whether. “dhe.-clever Scott will | breakfast food, cocoa, port, ago, fermented, bottled ois ain chien’ Ukaceeeiar romaine 46° tea, chocolates, perfumery and and branded with a famous y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley Inman and Stevenson play foe seen. The offe ri sa tempting | baking powder. name; from Egyrt had come the EMPRESS MOTEL ; Pee : ; Ss | : : ‘ wird ee, ee the billiard championship of one, but with the Scottish ties} Gathered there in prosaic wooden cotton and from South America the ve. enth streste England and $1000 a_ side at ahead, it may be for the present | boxes were the results of thousands dyes that entered into the product wropean Plan, 60 to @1 Per Day Holborn Hall, London, on March . gnored. Ardrie needs Jimmy. of hand’s labor in all parts of the finally stamped with the brand ofa 30th, i 5 ee: et world. well-known hosiery. PREMIER HOTEL secs <== |LADIES PLAY HIGH-CLASS American sod European Plan A. F. Wilding, the world’s F. W. Henning, Manager lawn tennis champion, has been eendatiédar: YounC GAME OF BASKETBALL. There, behind that obviously prosaic truck-load of freight was ‘the whole romance eng appointed continental manager U OUT- of modern commerce—the skilled production, the universal demand for food, drink ROYAL MOTEL of the Viotor Tire company FIELDER + and raiment, and the world-wide distribution of the things we use ev r Tir mpany. g ery day. Corley & Burgess, Prope aa : lsihte cae the Athiel Kan Game Interesting From Start to - Third Ave g . : ‘t r, Ol e elics, who has a : ‘ aes rd Steam Meated Quebec has the most married fee ataned '@ edhieaht for twa Finish—Wonderful Combina- And then I speculated why we use these things every day, instead of some other i tetten'tn Chee A> Ball. ator Si as a easictor Ge tion Wern—-i8 Scores things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. é . © Brey f @ = cars oO again lé or e vER we LIQUOR ©O., an, Crawford, Mummery and Athletics. He was one of the] yo ean Satie ote The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie were known everywhere to-day, but second Ave. Gueaeee Ot Marks being benedicts. Crawford stars in the last world’s series ; s had been unknown a few years ago; and I saw then more clearly than ever before Phone 108 has a homestead just outside of | sai niinmiag uate the scene of a magnificent that Advertising is really a great channel digger. It is like the Panama Canal. You an — _ . : miinoe Albert.” Hetil came ince of basketball. A good can sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, around the Horn. You can get there, INCE RUPERT IMPORTING 00., es patent et ene tani ot many people went there to pa- but it is going to take months. A year or so from now you will sail through the LIMITED : ? bi ten aa cit se Panama Canal and chop the journey to less than half. A new channel will have precer: ia ee that town tronize a popular movement, and been dug Phone 7 oO their surprise was all the greater : Joe Azevedo of Sacramento,|when they were confronted with The great names in commerce to-day are those of the manufacturers who have let - oneeresrectracteceeat and Grover Hayes of Boston,jsuch skill and swiftness that ean advertising steam-shovel a channel across the isthmus of distributing o culties. Land District. —,District of Coast fought ten fast rounds to a draw|perhaps has not been seen in the Kange v. . A . alls . ata : . e : last week end in Oakland, Itjcity to date. The great names in the commerce of to-morrow will be those of men who widen and N )TICE ott ame Cronyn. of was one of the fastest bouts seen The teams represented the dredge this channel so that the greater traffic may pass smoothly and quickly from pany, intends to apply for per- in that city for some time. married and single ladies of the the source of production to the homes of the consumer. purchase the following descri- o— Methodist Gymnasium club. The uuencing @t &@ post planted at the On their home grounds” the]line-up was as follows: If you are doing a local business » ess corner of Lot 1968, thence yas talk over your advertising problems ‘ " st a0 chains ey ot Edinburgh Hibernians defeated Married—Mrs. E. A. Woods with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. Lent, containing 640 acres sore Morton in the replayed cup-tie]and Miss E. Taylor, forwards; {If you are doing a provincial or natignal business it would be well for you HUME CRONYN game by the score of 2 goals to| Mrs. Hugh Dunn, centre; Mrs. A. to have counsel — ea ofa “ys advert - « agency. A list of these will be furnished, , thou igation, : Canadian Press Association, msden Building, Teronte { November @5th, 1913. a J. Gilmore and Miss Morrissey, wi t cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lu: 7 Dec, 15—Feb. 20, 1014. —O guards. na Land District—Diatrlct of Queen President Brown of the Van- Single—Mrs. L. W. Kergin and Onariniiatiaas couver Baseball club, announces|Mrs HW. 8. Parker, forwards: Mrs. |—_——_—>_>_>_—_——_—_———— ——____—--—— - —- ICE that Wilfred Charles that he has signed Pitcher Ful-|C. EB. Bainter, centre; Miss Irwin | gpeena Land District—District of Coast—| nee Kupert, B. C., occu- widder, a Los Angeles youngster,}and Mrs. Vogue, guards, Range Five. niends to apply for as ie s ) ne re se mm pe )) prospect for doal a petro who has been showing promist The teams showed splendid] TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- a lowing described lands in one of the independent lea- training and were a credit to the mont, of the Ce roe See Whether f Graham Island com ves in the south Tne Vancou- : t ; abide: the Province o ritis olumbia. ro. ry planted one mile south director, Mr. Porter. The com-|intend to apply for permission to lease For Yourself east of the mouth of ver club has 35 men signed to}, ination. worl of Mr nish thirty (30) acres of land bounded as) west 80 chains, thence PEELE UES vrs ward. & follows thence east 80 chains, date. Dunn Miss Taylor and Mrs { memencing. $s ai post pleated where $5.08 ¢ Hains w point of com r “}the northerly limit of the right-of-way © wh at Oe et7 ”, Woods was exceptionally fine. the Grand Trunk Petific Rallway Com- Gift to your Friend ARLES o Ys ‘ 0 a Celtic ive annie ¢ ieee te a .pe |bany crosses the westerly bank of e HARLES MACDONALD, | Davy Hamilton, th x ti The goals of the evening were |7immergoetz River, and being about 400 nad ond icie winger, may come back into first] as follows: Mrs. BE. A. Woods, 11; [feet east of Mile 87; i Shanice, ts a nore } 1 December, leas. Yoathi 2) nisi Wate ast aig a A eastcrly direction along the westerly Feb. 17th to March 26th cla football An Eng 1 club} Mrs. E. Taylor, 7; Mrs. Parker, |shore of said river a distance of thirty 9 is desirous of securing his ser-|5; Mrs Be e 4: Mrs. Kere 3 30) chains; thence easterly parallel wit LS : ph é : 9 fi Baint . 4; Mrs, Kergin 3 the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk THE ATLIN RAI vices Several of these.goals were pen-|Pacifie right-of-way, a distance of ten ; LWAY COMPANY ¢ —o— alties, so that the score was 41] (1% chains; thence southerly perallel a i,j}to 23 in favor of the married <0 tne aertneels limit of “he Taek ¢ hevehy a- Bolton Bi 1s think Vizard,|to &. avor married } to ) -of- t hereby given that applica a Oto iddir M RY , es | way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway made to the Parliament of their dashing forward, full value] team, About 500 people were} company; thence westerly along the sata 1 at the next session thereof for an for his cap this year present and the male teams wer northerly limit of the said right-of-way porate @ compar nder the . i aa ten (10) chains more or less to the place : rth Ain Railway, Company, With ~0 somewhat jealous because they jot commencement. e The well known Perrin trademark as nts of railway, commencing et What a wonderful record Cel-]Could never draw a crowd like iain this seventh day of January, shown in cuts should be on every glove the southern ehd of Atlin Lake ART ROSS lies are piling up?—61 goals for a ; ous: Sait TeoMas, McCLYMONT. you get, as this assures you perfection of eat neon ae ; , ‘ates a , The rooting was a feature of : ; 4 generally southerly direc-}'The pluck captain of the Wan-|and 9 against. Blackburn Roy le 7 Se WE en intaengata ee Puree aoe derers’ team of Montreal, wholers’ high water mark is indeed the same, Che uqe: ang: the! TS a ae Style, Fit and Finish. erly 10 the southern mee tein is now permanently out of the| watery eompargd with the Glas Whites were in turn cheered on, 4 man never realizes how Bost dealers: ik cesied aseb-anl J B 0 . . 1 { » oO 3 Ss CLAC 2 o ( i t ee ) i . = SO » o t the Province of British Co: game with an injured back.|gow Irishmen. The Rovers lay and the whole spectacle would|cheap talk is until some woman genuine PERRIN’S GLOVES. ° ‘ telepbone and telegraph lines pe He has been weak since the|claim to 59 for and 29 against almost do credit to an inter-joffers him a penny for his tho- R : Srr-1a} ; ea tue ee tharacti’ to build third game of this Beason, but on collegiate game, ughts. A ale vessels. coi news 0 1e Cc t seeps rj , * Cloths, ‘Table Centres, storekeeper, who was. bitten * in : Is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events Bor 22 CIROVIT NO, 2, x ora catee ond eight places by a hound owned by and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- 4 sp AVG OP's 208 "Gh z pont a ton” 91 00" (14 in. deer STOCK— Wheel Design, the defendant. Aceording to the SAFE bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- , Box 23—3rd Ave, and McBride St. 4 $1.50, $3.00, up to La Price io, each. (Half shown.) evidence, Snazel was passing the SANE mism and reliability. . each ver es! ‘ 2 ¢ rr . _ “41st Ave, and McBride St, t My lece sng inser Central school grounds © when The Daily News is the most valuable paper to Bes 22nd Ave, and 9nd St. 5 ton 1 be several school children threw SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. a - 2nd Ave, and 6th 8t. E yor snowballs at him, Snazel was IMPARTIAL . : ; ; on i . . ager eiraviatic an ¢ othe Me Tse x IRISH CROCHET. unable to overtake the children, It has a bigger circulation than any other Paper CIRCUIT NO. 3. + Sion Armstrong having being hampered by four pictures INDEPENDENT the city It is read by the class of people the DOABAD . © r Box 31—5th Ave. and Fulton St 7 oe aisha sonnapted which he was carrying. He sel advertisers want to talk to. One as Borden and Taylor oor + with hee adage his dog upon them, and the ani- INTELLIGENT a in srt ni i eS TO ES ee MOC Be Se 2. 7th Ave, and Fulion St. x amples of Lrish mal dragged the Kennedy boy to OX 350th Ave and C * hand made ‘laces . 4 B® Sox 87 ath ave ena ‘omox Ave. ¥ may be obtained. the ground, biting him severely. Ave, ) , zk 8x 386th Ave, wr a at y dice hea” tbe For several days the boy was un. , x ; noe waters, ey der the care of a physician. Box ay ae > ¢ + ae HANDKID—, gueat eave oon No, 122.—800, per yard, Snazel pleaded guilty when ar- bo th Ave. and Emmerson + No, 910,—Luvce 1j in, deep. great advantag raigned, but asserted that the ie } = 42—6th Ave, and McBride 3t. + soem enas nis oe age : | a ox 48—bin A : tures and angered him, The i ve, and Green St, box 44cm ave and baa se = | = Mre Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England = [oourt ordered the dog shot. Box are and Kherte, | = ———— = 2 = : aa th Ave, and ¥Ywng 8t. ; Port Edward has installed gits + FOR IRI TORII IR RRR RADDA ADA IAI AIP IIA II AE + ‘ Monet ; ” Bri " veteed| Daily News “Want Ads.” Bring Home the ;,Goods|ows water system. aur bs b