, ‘ ; ee : Wednesda 7 THE WEEKLY NEWS OY) February 49, 4g | ~ 4 i OOOO OOOO EO BEUUUE EEE E OE EERO IAAI E. H. Pierce, government ides Whole Leaf Teas are worth 50% more than |% | EH. eS lent Fon the ‘ . * / d Personal x neer on the G, T. P., left for the th, South, E. st, 1 | those of a broken and dusty character. $55 Local an interior this morning. He has or as West Ne ) for several days on been in town } va wabiade th tie numer - HARI IA IIIIAIEI ISAS ASSSSISSISSIA. men lid woieet ailm 3 Te ; PR eee business by defective or irregular action of the orga: Vi cram used Fk im i, Keep your eye on Port Edward.| Rev. A. L. Burch left this elimination, Headaches, lazy feelings, de n of aa a , 39-tf |morning for New Hazelton. The G. T. P. is erecting a tem- are first consequences, and then worse sickr ’ of 9 pit Sigh oe woo porary building 20x100 feet for trouble is not removed. But thousands have discover, ith BANISH BULLY BOWSER. ~—s_-“"P!. Babington has returned}use as a paint store. The last that : 24 a, ence lrrom a twoeweeks’ business trip}store was destroyed in, the big Port Edward's taxation will be |south. blast near the Knox hotel. eee Am bg Pills CWA be bree +9 very low. 39tt . f . |, Teasare free of dust sweepings and broken leaves. | 9) Moot Se ee inal to” is ee en hae ea MEE Be best ce “ : f . : sry [The Spokane will be in at 9.30)ca have an excellent dinner and/down. Mr. H. B. Rochester has are the most reliabie corrective, a: I 5 Every infusion 1s clean, fragrant and delicious. iodtend wnethbbond la quiet chat. tfl heen able to get a reduction in mon allen ts eateeees tion, me . tful ’ + ° ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ i yrighterspi cleare mpiex are givent m, aM. ae cost price so in future he will ally this aed has sted home femedy. Beecham’s |] | oe Sealed lead packets only.—Never sold In bulk. Mr. Mussallem went up the| A number of plasterers arrived) sell at $10 tis you—it is to your interest to try them—for all | Ba line this morning on a business|today to start work.on the in- rr trip. | terion of the new Premier hotel Mr. V. D. ace and wife are re ronounce Best | te Sa en ee | te registered at the Royal. Mr Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lances Toll Sel hl lll am va oe oh Mr. W. Wark left this morning Miss Sylvia Bain of Seattle is}Allen is one of the old-timers ks Sold everywhere in Canada and U. 8. “Ameries. Int rx, | on a business, trip to New Haz . guest of her sister, Mrs. 8. O.]who couldn't stay away, so he a . ; . . a é ‘. o . P ste : neil elton. |! rick, for a week. has brought his family back with “Rameses, King of € : OR ets ’ eon him this time and is going to | A heavy fog has been interfer superb photop! , Gypt" 4 Mr W. Youngman from Alber-| BANISH BULLY BOWSER. settle down at Seal Cove. ling with navigation on Puget tonight Play, at the Emp reg 0 L STANDARD ta is visiting his brother, Mr. ¢ fe aor a sound for*several days. In Prince > L. Youngman in this city | The wrong date was given ; Jonasson of Winnipeg is|Rupert harbor and Dixon en-| oo. a er in FL pf o eee | yesterday for the Oddfellows’ s o- lia town. He is interested in ajtrance a fog is Very rare. This is} ec tren BANISH BULLY BOWSER. |! ial evening. It will be held oN|eolonization scheme and intends|one of the best features of « * ‘ | Tuesday evening, March 3 Ito look over some land in this| Prince Rupert as a seaport | y Mr. Paddy Ryan left for New y eta. feountry. He says that for his| Ae Hazelton thig morning, afte A special meeting of the City) purpose land in the vicinity of Mr. H. E. Gampp will com-} Victor Gramaphones spending a rely days in the city council will be held tomorrow t ae beats anything on the|mence work: at once on a seven-}| Books * * . take up some business con nected coast. room house at the corner of : Rev. Father Godfrey, of New]|with the finance department. pk a diGanth’ avenue and Jeffrey Magazines E wouldn't blame you a bit for buy- Hazelton ,is spending a few days eee | Mrs. Hamblin and her assist-|street for Mr. Thomson of the Photo Supplies W ing flour manufactured outside of in the city. Lot in Victoria, B.C., for sale/ant Miss Marjory Freeman havelcold storage office staff. Up to Developing and Printing this fair province of ours if that Reg ees cheap. Must have the money.}just returned from a_ visit to|the present Mr. Thomson has Enlarging and flour were a beter flour. But it isn’t. Rare values in. sterling silver|Worth $1,000. No reasonable|Vancouver and Seattle, where|been located at the Prince Ru- Picture Framing We test in our laboratory, side by side and cut glass at Cameron's dis- offer refused. Box 110, Daily they have been attending the big|pert cannery, but now he intends Best Selection of Intenig with ROYAL STANDARD, the brand you count sale. 39tf | News. 40-41 millinery openings and purechas-|to stay on this side. View Cards, now think is best. We have scientifically Bed a Mr. H € the I R ing spring and summer styles. — — ie tp . rms » Prince proved that ROYAL STANDARD has no Roy Moseley of Hazelton, who Mr. Herman o the Prince Ru-} Mrs, Hamblin will take over the THE WEATHER | peer. So sure are we that you will be has been in the city for a few|pert Cigar company left on the] Millinery department at Demers’ co W.W. WRATHALL delighted with ROYAL STANDARD that days, returned home today train this morning, He is going) store, The spring opening will) Furnished by Mr. F. W. Dowling, | 606 THIRD AVENUE we will cheerfully RG Te to Smithers on business and willl he held some time next month Observer Phone 551 . refund your money Some exceptionally fine bar-| probably return tomorrow, Rae ¥. . ’ a . ce BPP POPPI L OLE DELO OPOOPOOLOE r if it does not come gains at Cameron's discount sale. ine BANISH GULLY. WOWeRH. | FOr the'24 hours ending 8.a:m,| ee up to expectations. See our show windows. 39tf Miss Lilian Kuster returned on Feb. 18. 1944 a cosedinei Pa cusaide ate <éke Ske Me ike the Princess Maquinna from aj.) ae ‘ re 3 ‘ Mr. Watson, of Lynch Bros.’,|two weeks’ trip to her home at R: . a i re ing up the cudgel , : jarometer reduced to sea far sabi nadar ih Smithers, who has. been spend-|Long Beach, Calif. While away SIXTH AVENUE level : 29.694 OBSTRUCTED SINKS ee g a few days ec eft|she purchased her spring stock] papnprp cunan = finichest temperature _ “eo B. C. Will you—at ing a few days in the city, left I I Highest temperature se and Sewers our risk? this morning for the interior. of millinery. B A R B E R SH OP Lowest temperature . 36.0 | At your grocer’s. Set ae Mr. W. T. H » tool tie We have opened up a new | DESOLVO Rogers’ cutlery and brass r eAesysPOUSe WOE SUb48 shop, opposite the scho | “Rameses, King of Egypt,” a) goods going at half price at party or ee tiecclaigeny ere to iiat aiaed.’ SwGkkS:: aaeare superb photoplay, at the Empress | bie, ee . Cameren’s sale. sorry comp ele 1e survey of the prop- tonight. ® substance is ew disce es ee rty of the Icelandic colony on thing clean and fresh | ery and will quickly remove aa Mr. F. H. Mobley has returned Smith ah ie This work ee ne- - Most financial disasters can mulations of grease, rags wt from a trip south. Mrs. Mobley cessitater vy a change in the act Vancouver Prices. Give us he traced back to the get-rich-| waste. Get sorne and save pleat} ©) ® ® ® ‘ : _ a r, cry regarding staking. ; ee c : nee ers’ bills ' us: is remaining in Washington, a Call quick scheme. ' > > * * ‘ For sale by ! where her father is in poor Ba at 8 a ‘ } — health CG. K. Ytreberg is building a m GILROY ant | \ : : Sate tae modern six-room house on Hays DR. oy, D Ist ' ——— — = —== : , Cove. avenue He anticipates | Corporation of the City of Prince ; | HARRY HANSON ag George Broderius” left last} ~ : t ; pi Rupert, B.c Crown and Bridge Work a } NIGH night for Alaska, where he will |£00d time en aie so eae Specialty. Fre, Peele PLR ae arrange some business matters.|Preparing to Huila two more 13 Phone 489 139 Second An} ruses oO Seve avenue as : : OLAGK NIGH) He expects to be away a few|fouses on at nth avenue a STATION WORK Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenuels ai. 4 sanibition at Orm's Oral weeks. soon as possibile, fs + | Store, Third Avenue } eee ie Applications from Station | STOoV E Porsn& Visitors—Go to the Royal Cafe The Emile Due building on itis willbe rébeived-by the 1 KNIGHT & HICKEY soroocoooooooooccooserrretitettin for your meals, It is the best} Sixth Syme en a. ae dersigned up to 42 noon Friday, Contractors and Builders 3 A Winner at the an e service and best selected menu in|Viously occupied by a §& wedish the 20th. for trenching on hvdre- Jobbing & Repairing the city. It is the popular res-|Lutheran church, is now aily|ejectrie system. St IY i Sixth Streets | 1Op: ‘raser ar ix : "eeus A Paste | tHe F. F. DALLEY Gu |No Dust taurant. decorated in red’and white. Mr.| pyrther particulars at this of- , Teer tT oer re No WASTE! HAMILTON, CANADA |No Rust J * * * Alphonse Due has opened a bar- @PHONE GREEN 269 | . . I fice 5 — ——— — i ee The Finance Minister was a ue ie Bee to cater to the W. McG. MASSON —< - — | prominent figure at the basket-}|suburban trade. City Engineer Crow ee > > = w= ball game last night The duty . ~ 7 — Engineer's office, City Uall. IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP of his office does not seem to 39_44 | ON SKEENA RIVER heavy yet Repairing Quickly Done | na HO eigt ry yet. nis SHIP YOUR 8 RS TO er ie P . i Lots 23 ean piece 27, Section ig COW BAY PHONE RED 156 a —* The Princess Maquinna arriy- 7, Sherbrooke | Avenue, $1,000 Te OD 1 ak SAM [ce tess test evenine nc two] Siatingge, ee Ht The Dally News” |———--—]_—_$10.00 o'clock. carried a 5-roomed apartment, modern, new DO YOUR FUR BUSINESS DIRECT with the largest house in the W general freight for this’ city, on Fifth Avenue, $36. : CLASSIFIED ADS. dealing exclesively in AMERICAN RAW FU vhich kept her her until one mrernes me, ee RITCHIE, AGNEW & C0. , S - \ ic kep er ere one nue, $20. + Ss Get"“More Money for your FURS o’clock this morning a-roomed, house, 201 Eighth Ave- lo aid | ‘ SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” : whe Harrison Gamble b l _ . . i st ay a reliabte~seaponsibje—eafo—Pur House with an unblemished s rep : Insurance in all ite branches FOR RENT Orit Engineers and 8. 0. Land ) ; ® «-futation existing for ‘‘moge than a quarter of acentury,"’ a long suc The Tor rae “E oO r- ioe ae sldeaihtaitenith dedilialenianietectleat essful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt SATISFACTORY rh Tory o1 7 in cannot under M M STEPHENS & 60 110) ‘ Surveyors Th J ND PROPITABL E returns. Write for “tbe @bubert SUoees,” stand how a Liberal paper would ’ ” ‘ DESK ROOM tn ground floor omce jApply Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf ( ° > awer 1663 aterworks, ater Power, W ‘on- e only ra curate market report and price list published dare hold up its head and have REAL ESTATE INSURANCE P.O. Drawer 1663 City. 285-tf Sat 7 ; ) r, 7 nD rite for it-NOW—it's FREE ae NOTARIES FOR RENT—Front suite of four rooms, | rUcton Reports, Plans, Dominion and . SHUBERT, Inc. 6 $537 WEST AUSTIN AVET [15 say. They have got so used 216 Sixth Avenue West, near M¢ Bride | ’rovincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- —_—= 322 CHICAGO. U ito domineering over matters that. smsmnseeememenremm All modern conveniences Qo te Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric) , coccccccscercsesetnny ae st jlue > White it seems very repellant to have ote eee ee. ae 35 PHONE -—— 3% an active critic on their tracks. FOR SALE ee eae 2 LATEST STYLES eee |} Automobile Hr. HB. Bulldog) Brown, FOR SALF—Cheap three-room float, new,|MecBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. + 3 es also gas boat Enquire Johnson Boat KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY came in on today’s boat. Mr. House, Seal Cove 37-39] ere Rene . Renken Hi aoa ¢ kitown. in thane BEST MATERIALS Sky Aiieve! wetatling’ aren, taytir kane ttt? Seemne Aveone Phone 43 and Taxies THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 3 circles all over the province. He For Ladies and Gentlemen and breeding pens, Rocks, Reds, Leg I arnnt . 0rns, el Quick = shippin connec sal int ue Y pil ; : E predicts big development in nir- ieee. Columbia Poultry Manth, Steves. WILLIAM T HOUSE ? Py Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass ing in Northern B. C, if the pro- Ca BA ton, B. ( 4t . . : : Eee ua B.C. Land Surveyor Re pareeere: Supplies HARDW RE Fieoed cnere Mirrors spectors can be induced to sell ain Stoves, Ranges : oe : B q F WANTED j es for parties ; A i ; efor a reasonable price. No more PRINCE RUPERT 0, BU Special Rat Oils Tinware Pam nee: P oer SWEDER BROS ee — % ' Varnishes Graniteware will there be large sums paid “a 9 : 7 _ reer ee 35 - WANTED oung woman wants work at hole in the ground. MERCHANT TAILORS or ours or p yme eoeet MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “52st secant yal Apply Phone 687, Sait TUG AND scOW Banpaaanensneooocooererer’ =e Range.”’ , SIXTH STREET 3 YOUNG WOMAN with litte girl would m ‘5 : like position in private family. Box FOR HIRE a een Don’t spend another aceon 101 Dally News 19tf W. R. MORRISON chin Sort 29ers | WANTED—A middle-aged rady to assist B f f 0 > a - 7 Ni ht Cou hin in soft drink and cigar counter, out of PHONE BLACK 156 ve oast oeamsiip obit g qj g F O R R E N T ! town. Enquire Dominion Hotel, ween SS NSN ——- fy = eos ie LARGE CANADIAN matl order house wants ! nae ey te one man in each locality to mail cata JAMES GILMORE ; SAFET! ; and Cod Liver Oil taken a $35.00—6-room house, Thompson logues, Will pay @15 weekly. National FAMOUS y 5 To the bedtime will chase the congh 4: abe Sada m i Supply Co., Windsor, Ont, | : ya. and giveyouand thosearound = at pen ene? “i WANTED—Several responsible men to Architect Spee) ) , ys e you a good night's rest. provements. represent us in all parts of Canada and] o ce . PRINCESS t / Takes feguiarly W&. econ 40 bon btbidek “heua,, Veda: ond Ainska. Good. salasy and contract to}24 Avenue, near McBride Street E SERVICE } ispel q 1 st cling- the right party. Canadian Callophone : 4 eC ing l uyer. ee ee al its telnatte Sixth Ave. partly furnished; company, Limited, Main” Office,” 707 e LIN Bi My tonic properties strengthen modern. ROURGD hw VORCUYET a \G. apa? SOUTH WELLINGTON thbound a Regarding Appropriate Wedding Gifts the blood which will then $30.00-—-6-room fiat,, Sixth Ave. * Princess Maquinnt say i R quickly restore the mucuons and Dunsmuir; modern C 0 A L ae a 4 pound , tissues to their original : : Princess Beaten unday i - —- health. ; $20,00—5-room house, Third Ave. JINGLE POT The Coal that Made B.C, p _ veral Agen! ! You who Ilve out of town are often in a quandary, when the matter of _ Be sure you get Mathien’s and Ninth 8t.; close in. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY J.G,. McNAB, Getler? appropriate wedding gifts comes before you. The difficulty, however, is Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver $20.00--5-room house, Eighth Ave. Fifth 8t., rear Hart Block — iy easily overcome by writing for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, wiich Oil, ine ROMY, DORMS cough pads Aiada’St.1 ‘neat and oheaatil. ek a . a a { represents very fully our fine assortments in all lines which are especi- cure in Lanada, i i ally adaptable as wedding gifts. We are careful in packing and deliver- gaan errant 35¢ large Wa. 00, Raving, numerous enquirice UNION TRANSFER C0 mn, ie ing wedding gifts to out of town points, all goods being sent at our risk. ttles, for houses and your vacant n In our Catalogue will be found many suitable gifte in Silver and Out 3. L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. house, listed with us, will be delivered by Lindsay GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE oO y Glass. Write for this Catalogue today if you are considering a wedding Sherbrooke P.Q. rented. Transfer South Wellington Coal gift. You will save money by buying through our mail system. tl Zen oid 0 Lovertah.. inte Methience , PHONES ; 86 Office, RESIDENCE 110 d Furnished Flat —==—= —== the potas tn hond anc te dared PATTULLO & RADFORD 338 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT 3 Roome oa well ase (18 Powders) _—_—_————_——____ irises SH an Stree i ? hs 113 Phone 83 Second Ave. H. B. ROCHESTER veil cates beak 3 Lots from MoBride Henry Birks & Sind Limited . Phone 115 281 2nd Ave. FURNISHED Be ayenis . ° eventh | APARTMENTS , al 4 JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS tni'dene Rel Pah coateans ii Vacant 0 Fy ARAL aR Rag a aE ag JOA ELLE LAER a apt ' PF ‘ ; Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director) VANCOUVER, B.C * t eee ‘ thBt BURN WooD — er 4: High-brade Plumbing, Steamfitting dni Dre, — han Sinth $d a H a MeN eee ee ” We supply any kind from kind- psa —_—___— : and sheet metai work linm4a onpdetandl BOAT BUILDER ‘le R. N d Co tid era See 5; aan en Wy . at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld one a Avenut Read The Daily News TS oe nn Taitias, Wood Co., M. JOWNSTON ee ae Insurance Seal Cove Phone Green 321 Real Hatate