PRINCE RUPERT THE PACIFIC HE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: The ignorance in which the mayor is keeping the city conocern- pont OF PROGRESS ea, erm me ee =» t ort ry if PRINCE RUPERT, B.C,., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS RIGHT OUTLOOK FOR PRIN TION ACT TO BE: REFORMED--BOTH HOUSES APPROVE ALASK hen ¢ rnmernt op required by, tate purposes, should certain the CoOL words je province. ity the rights which could no tate which these rights could resident of the Conservative we are ashamed to have to pd to the city the rights which OMINION ELEC ONSERVING WATER RIGHTS he morning organ asks if it is to be supposed that the is to reserve all rights which it holds in water for ment by the state, the answer unequivocally is that all water or even remotely likely to be required by the state ly be reserved for the state. e time of the incorporation of the city one of the excuses by the premier, Sir Richard McBride, as to why his govern- id not make certain reservations asked for by the city was the government was trustee for all the people of the province. as trustee for all the people he could not allocate (we use his for the use of the city what belonged to all the people In spite of the fact that he was not willing to give ly be of benefit to that portion of serve (in this case the city), the ide government gave away these same rights to private indi- ls. The city’s water supply was given away, not to a Liberal, e morning paper suggested might have been the case, but to association in Vancouver. haps the morning apologizer of the Bowser-McBride machine | ow get busy and tell us in what particular that combination designate as a government con- properly belonged to it. untarily mentioned j News this «morning ex- state- independent d each n the city ud The for is ely was uln- comel the is as a18s0 a@ h men are in this occupa ess, and as intile close touch with & public, it has a eh innot I best Feb experi Lie ss I have Prince ment of All these street tatems O'Reilly the ind are putting it seem | You know men} dress up with the!< 7 hey have in their} a There is a good pay-| I i occupation be- |g i i. his is becoming more centre every day.! INCE RUPERT BUSINESS BRIGHT CROWING COMMERCIAL CENTRE PINION OF PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN IT IS THE BEST COMMERCIAL PROPOSITION COMMENTS THAT JUSTIFY OPTIMISM IN THE COUNTRY— ent Prince Rupert;We have customers coming In from all over the coast and now nterior districts.” Over on Second avenue The News representative met Mr, N. Scheinman, who has just re- turned from a business trip to the east. Mr. Scheinman said: After looking over a_ greal many towns and cities of the cast, I am satisfied Prince Ru- pert is the best. proposition of them all, Business continues to ike a good showing here in epite of the off season. There is vers ndication of a splendid ear for Rupert. In fact T am satisfied the next two years will be the best in the city’s commer- cial existence.” like these to the ears people and the optimistic in of all the hard time rumors from outside seem to be justified in their opinion, Voluntary comments musical ring Rupert retain have a of Prince those who spirit spite This is the dawn of Prince Ru- pert'’s big growing time. ASKA RAILWAY BILL ’ASSED BOTH HOUSES ge Sum Set Aside for Devel-| pent of Alaska—Will Open Up Large Coal Deposits Che Daily News Db, C., Feb. 419. ration Alaska rail A ‘ulhorizing the presi- { truct a $35,000,000 | the Alaskan coast | | il fields passed the | te of 2380 to 87 A ha the taken up al hiierence between the th a of re to the president ! his of passed sen were view send intention the same. Pioneer Cleaners. Ot poo peee, SOLDEN JUBILEE OF PYTHIANISM Knights of Pythias ‘heir friends are re- ) be present eat the lall, Thursday eyen- 15, to celebrate the \nniversary of the Special Public Ritualistic Service MUSIC DANCING ;press At the Empress 1 the Em Stevens, ¢ Manage! theatre is constantly on the look out for top notechers in the that he successful was the opinion of the who witnessed movie line and is large audience ‘Rameses, King of Egypt,’’ the feature film of a big six-part program last night. This mag- nificent pieture portrays a thrill- ing Egyptian romance enacted during the reign of King Phar- oah, The story is one of love ,;and tragedy, showing the power- ful monarch who, in his en- deavor to win the love of a beau- tiful shepherdess, devotes his time and wealth without avail, and in the end succumbs to the dagger. Many beautiful Egyp- tian court scenes are shown in this magnificent two-reel pic- ture, Pathe’s Weekly has a number of good views from Liv- erpool and other English cen- tres. “The Farm House Ro- mance’ and “Two Gay Dogs at Coney Island” are a couple of rich comedies, and “The Price of Jealousy” is well shown in a reel from the Lubin studios, The whole is one of the strongest programs shown at the Empress for some time and will be re- peated this evening. Visitors—-Go to the Royal Cafe for your meals It is the best service and best selected menu in the city. It is the popular res- PPO mony PONE POPC DCR; OR OCR OOS. taurant, aiid | The New Yy American NOTICE Banker says Bankers at this centre predict that we The annua neeting of are to have a period of eas) the Prince Rupert Liberal money rates, and the pros- Association will be held in pect of this condition has St. Andrew’s Hall, Thurs- induced a large increase in day, Feb, 19, at 8 p. m., for investment trading, both of thé purpose of electing of- bonds and stocks, The ficers for the ensuing year stock market ,after report- and the transaction of any ing on Monday that the Jan- other business that may uary trading record had come before it. P. W. An- greatly exceeded the record derson, Secretary. for preceding months, ‘ . started in lo establish new records for the current per- wp —— 0 iod. We are now facing the condition of favorable ORPHEUS GLEE CLUB money’ markets, broad in- MADE A GREAT HIT vestment demand and a widening of the activities of 3i grand Concert in Westhoime general trade. Last Evening Pleased Many Music-lovers ! HYDRO EXPERT HERE Bi caer cae ee eae | Orpheus Glee club in the West- TENDER ON MACHINERY holme last evening. It was a | inplieicoal er critica audience, too, but the | Visited Site of Power House Yes-jyjjaninicis verdict before the terday and Claims Scheme Is program was half over was that Rebnomonl : Fropoetion Prince Rupert has a musical or- Mr. M Writht, travelling |#anization and artistic talent |hydro expert of the Canadian which the city may well feel 1G “al Rlaciric 6 ane ar iv proud of. ME nty se iP tier nemete re erate ee ; The Glee club with nineteen jed in the cily yesterday. In the} jambers was particularly fine in afternoon he visited the site Of|the five numbers in which they the power house for the city|appeared. Their work showed | hydro-electric scheme. He was|individual merif er excellent accompanied by the city eleetri-| training and musical ee cal superintendent. zm pape 0! te ronay I os @ i e ie cay ‘Ts Oo The visitor expressed the the eee opinion that the proposition was First be a Ww. Baskeh Jer one of the most economical vais HG wiatateay M , ane schemes he has seen He gave rie a = i alban le ma every encouragement to believe PE: eee g tas F ak : ’ Steen. that it would be possible to get Satond tanore ct arena. the machinery in and the power |, q hae eH. Shin h all natal G tatinat Bantambe { He | yowther, irubsa ar '. operating vy sey n © Waddell mM) t "oO o e city s rte Ss ’ We c ° > pote a ecey of see First bass—M, Davis, C) W. W. and will submit them ithe Gas Vv Line ana wr OH | Gauld, : sing ¢ ‘ company’s chief electrical engi- Melliar eer for suggestions as Wi terres : a : f " tt asf ; ae Second bass \. Clapperton, | ee 8 =" i a. ere }Clapperton, M. Corkill, J. Rob- |} 4 kenoy iron Cn nhac FY and W. G. Walford. oem oO ans! G W Chal The Canadian General Electric} si Ree e : intends putting in a bid for the Ghalineds machinery required and their re-| The tae mpanist ‘was. G..W Pee PSV A a4 ee aaaltain The Westholme orchestra, an- persons! Aen ae id r ey ot te ‘lother of the city’s excellent mu- : he ete ps i he ay the sical organizations, gave two three months from the time numbers. Their Rossini overture machinery is ordered to get de- won particular praise Very. Mr. (. A. G. Armstrong, who | ; ry “ gave two solos, is a tenor whose | “Rameses, King of Egypt,” @ talent is well known in the city. superb photoplay, at the Empress \ few heard him for the first tonight. time last evening and they were ar , enthusiastic in their praise of BANISH BULLY BOWSER. nia aitine : _.{| Mrs. Wm. Millar has a rare | soprano voice which is a real LIBERAL MEETING pleasure to heat TONIGHT Mrs. G, A. Bryant has much Tonight. in St. Andrew's skill®and showed finished work 1 her g ar solo. hall the Liberal Associatior [3 oo Yi af Datahatin’> kinAd of Prince Rupert will hold @tionist, has dramatic ability their annual meeting, It |imuch above the average and her will be an interesting ses readings were thoroughly en- sion. Some of the principa | joyed. ilems of business will be | Several other members also the election of offieers and ideserve mention, but the whole the selection of delegates to | program was made up of good the provincial convention in calent and pleasing selections, Victoria. | Mr. T. D. Pattullo, president of {the association was chairman. JR UUB RGU UUO UR UUUUUUL OOOUURIUOLO.UR IEEE EMPRESS THEATRE ... 1 O-NIGHT... 6—BIG PROGRAM IN SIX PART6—6 PART 1—PATHE'S WEEKLY REVIEW — Showing great happenings throughout the world, Including scenes from Liverpool and other parte of England. PART 2—"THE FARM HOUSE ROMANCE”—A Max Linder comedy. “DIONNES ON THE HORIZONTAL PAR”——A fine acrobatic. PART 3—RAMESES, KING OF EGYP'T’—Part 1. PART 4—"RAMESES, KING OF EGYPT"-—Part 2-—-A magnificent his« torical ploture of ancent Egypt; a thrilling romance enacted amidst the magnificent oourts of the Pharoahs of Egypt. The marriage ceremony. The high priest invoking the good will of the Diety. The story of a powerful monarch and a beautiful shepherdess. These are some of the great scenes shown in this superb set of pictures. “PART 56—"‘THE PRICE OF JEALOUSY"—A weutern from Lubin Studios, PART 6—"TWO GAY DOGS AT CONEY ISLAND’-—A really COMICAL Comedy from the Selig Studios. aK Our tonight’s program being a very tong one, only two complete shows will be given, The first starting at 7:15, the second @ o'clook. Jot OOOO OOOO DAI NIIK (A a a a ag. On January 9 the provincial can- celled the reserve on all the 1914, nment water rights Kaier Island and Tsimpsean Pen- insula. From that date to January 13 anybody could have staked the streams in this district. On January 13, 1914, a reserve was placed on “all unrecorded waters” of McNichol! Creek, Denise Creek and River. . Is_ it that an-— other officer of the Conser- vative slip- ped in in the meantime and Cloyas possible association has secured those streams. At any rate, what about the Wark’s Channe! power? This, apparently, is not re- served. William Manson promised to keep this for the city He has not sue- ceeded in doing so. Why not? wer ASKED FOR FOUR BITS GOT BLOODY NOSE Little Son of Italy Butted in on Irish Dinner Party and Was Butted Out Again Pete Nicolette Italian boy politeness. is a young with more nerve than He entered the noodle shop on Third avenue the other day and accosted an ac- quaintance who was having juneh with some § friends. He wanted a drink or four bits in lieu thereof. One of them told the kid to beat it, and the little son of Italy, not understanding Irish characteristics, responded with some cuss words. Presently the boy picked him- self up outside. He had a bloody nose and badly ruffled jfeeliags. He reported at the po- lice station and laid a com- }plaint. |} The case was heard in police leon rt this morning. The Chinese }Wwaiter, who was called by the |prosecution, was very discreet in {h s evidence, He thought they jwere only playing. | rhe magistrate dismissed the ease, | He Se ee Building New Wharf } The Westholme Lumber com- jpany has taken over the water- jfront lease of the Swanson Bay company which adjoins the jthe Westholme dock. The local company intend extending their lwharf and Mark Hyatt has his |pile driver on the site ready to start operations. Creosote piles will be used in the wharf. | Want Bridge Over Nechaco | uae Mr. T. Collart has received a letter from his partner, wintering in Ft. George. Reynolds among other things there an agitation on the townsite owners and citizens now for a bridge over the Nechaco at a point where the pnewsy lwho is i Mr. SAVS is between two townsites join This bridge would give access to a large country north of the city. Announcement Mrs. D. H, Morrison wil! not receive tomorrow Friday Capt. Babington started out last evening to rescue the Zelta May, a fishing boat which the Spokane reported to be in dis- tress. The captain's craft hit a rook and broke her propeller and had to come back for repairs. He anticipated the good which would come from such an or- vanization in the city. Recently he had heard MeCormick sing in Victoria, brought there by such an organization, The Orpheus club would within a few months jhe able to bring great artists to | Prince Rupert, Besides there} jmight even prove to be a Caruso e Tetrazzini among our own jtalent, McLEAN OF HALIFAX MOVED TEE—MINISTER OF JUSTI Special to The Daily News > Feb. 19.—The parlia- Canada has_ formally committed itself to the task dealing with the question of electoral reform, This momen- step was decided upon the result of a resolution moved by Mr. MeLean of Halifax. Mr. McLean moved for the ap- Ottawa, ment of tous as pointment of a committee of the house to investigate corrupt practices and to provide for greater purity at elections by making it necessary that amend- ments which controvert the elec_ tions act be reviewed in prin- ciple. This feature of the act in force in Great Britain, in- 1s a of HOUSE APPOINTMENT OF A COMMIT- CE SUPPORTS !IT—-FAVORS PRINCIPLE OF BRITISH ACT cluding the provision of a public prosecutor. - While not advocat- ing their adoption, he said the advisability of incorporating all or some in a Canadian act will engage the attention of the house committee. Mr. Doherty agreed to the pro- posal that a committee be named. He thought much could be done in the way of improving the elec. tions act. In some respects it was too stringent, in others not severe enough. He thought a distinction should be made be- iween candidates who were per- sonally honest but whose agents were guilty of offences against the act and eandidates who con- done corruption. BALL—FAMOUS PLAYER HIM ARR Special to The Daily News BRIBERY CASE IN BRITAIN SENT TO JAIL FIVE MONT ITALIAN TRIED TO INFLUENCE RESULT OF GAME OF FOOT- London, Feb. 9.—An Italian by 5 LAYS A TRAP AND HAS ESTED © | Albion and Everton end in a win | for Everton or a draw. Penning- the name of Bioletti has been|ton pretended to fall in with the sentenced to five months in the | idea and communicated with the second division for unsuccess-| manager of the club. The match fully tempting one of Englanc’s | ended in a draw and Pennington most famous footballers, Jesse |Gemanded the money, which Bio- Pennington, in th. interests of|letti handed over. Then the the football betting system run|manager and the police came up by his son in Geneva. jand arrested him. A similar Bioletti offered Pennington! charge is pending against Bio- f55 to make the result of the|letti with regard to the Birming- mutch between West Ee Onn club, ACTIVE DISCUSSION Special to The Daily News Washington, D. C., Feb. 19. His opponents are accusing President Wilson of inconsist- ency in his views of the binding effect of the Democratie plat- form and charging that the greed of the railroads is auda- cious. They also claim that PRESIDENT IS INCONSISTENT SQ DECLARE HIS OPPONENTS IN UNITED STATES HOUSE—PRESIDENT CHIDED FOR OPPOSING WOMAN SUFFRAGE—ATTACK ON REPEAL OF PANAMA FREE TOLLS Great Britain seems even more modern than the president in his appeal to the womanhood of the nation. Senator Bristow, a Re- publican from Kansas, turned the discussion of woman suf- frage in the senate into a vigor- ous debate on the proposed re- peal of the free tolls provision in the Panama canal act. After Macfarlane’s Property rhe McLeod-Macfarlane case is not yet over. An order has been issued by the county judge for discovery on Mr. and Mrs. Macfarlane, to be held two weeks before the next sitting of the high court. This suit brought for the setting aside of a conveyance of Mactarlane’s property to his wife. Macfarlane has never paid the bill of damages and his city is in a property is in his wife’s name, An effort is being made to re. cover this property. Dewey Wants Big Navy In a recent interview, Admiral the ranking cer of the United States navy and head George Dewey, “haphazard,” “Rameses, King of Egypt,” a superb photoplay, at the Empress tonight. offi- | of its general board, says} that country must have an ade- quate navy and that if congress will. not follow the recommenda- tions of the board the responsi- bility must rest witb the people and not with the naval experts He disapproves of the present bnildine policy, which he calls MODERN APPOINTMENTS President George Morrow is | Making Tour to Get the Latest Ideas Mr. Geo, Morrow, president of the Premier Hotel company, is making a tour of the leading big hotels of the south to get ideas for the furnishing and appoint- ments of the New Premier here. The company anticipates making the Premier right up to date in jevery detail, and Mr. Morrow is likely to overlook anything will add to the attractive- of Prince Rupert's hand- }some new hotel, pot | that }ness | | GRAND B under the auspices of Fire : Department in St. Andrew's Hall Second Avenue FRIDAY, FEBRAURY 20th Tickets: Gentlemen $2.00, ladies free, i. ‘eee ta