rebruary 19, 1944 ada a oe one an rr ana so na camectemccanats FO tect tetntntinttctctal 1 7 P.O, Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL 1sT CLASS CUISINE ; Running Water in all Rooms f rande of Liquors and ly cigars kept HOTEL IN NORTHERN iTisH COLUMBIA sommMe & FISHET me RUDM i ¢ Br Proprietors aed eee —c—c—Clll CN | lite! ; Directory _ p-R.L. Vintners Association winDsoR HOTEL t Ave, and Eighth 8t w. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL ve and Seventh St and American Plsp peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL ween Eighth and Ninth sy) Pian, Rates 50¢ to $1.00 per Day Besner & Besner, Props. eens iiipcnaitiaaaiaiie . Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL MRS. R. R. JAMIESON rhird Ave. Between Sixth and venth Streets ‘ . ; pean Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day First woman judge in Canada, appcinted to the Calgary 0 ' r Juvenile Court. PREMIER HOTEL esis” FATHER DUNCAN'S TROUBLE See. SAYS INDIANS REBELLIOUS VER ee LIQUOR CO, |/ FATHER SHUT OFF WATER SUPPLY AND TRIES TO DRIVE ss GOVERNMENT TEACHERS AWAY FROM HIS COLONY Ave. and Sixth Phone 102 + T Controlling the pipe line fromyestablishment of the school are INCE RUPERT IMPORTING GO., || /), ,, LIMITED Fraser ana Sixth Sts Island, Southeastern Alaska, Fa-les of the instructors and turn- Phone 7 high mountains of Annette | carrying fresh water to the hom_ ther Duncan, aged missionary toling out in force for both the day the Tsimpsean Indians of New | and night sessions of the school. Metlakatla has cut off the fresh WE sy > age asiro . ) 9 » Ne it. strict District of Coast} Water supply of the village as/rollment of 102 in the New Met Range V punishment for “his children" |lakatla school and this number & that Hume Cronyn, of| Who have been rebellious, and as|/is believed to have increased in 4 ccupation manager of &lan expression of defiance to the|the last thirty days. intends to apply for per- ¥ > ’ se the following descri-| United States government. | But officials of the school ser- st @ post planted at the The white-haired priest deep-|vice fear that the shutting off of er of Lot 1968, thenos y resented Uncle Sam's entrance|the water is but the cloud that west 80 ains, nor . | . 80 chains t0 point eot}into the Indian affairs. Since}presages the storm, Father Dun- ulaining 640 acres More) Seeretary of the Interior Frank-|can is wider known’ than per- HUME CRONYN lin K. Lane’s order was issued/haps any other character engag- r 25 J3 Feb "0, 1034 establishing a government/ed in missionary work in the December reports gives an en- ia aapiit atic BONGO AC Taw Metlakatla, a hos-!|world today. It is believed that a Land District—District of Queen| tile move was expected from Fa-/he can arouse a storm of inter- Charlotte Islands ther Duncan, for the government national importance through I Ee that Wiiftred Charles} school robs the old missionary | missionary circles, and although ane Ne apply tor} Of his “children,” but the shut-!no complaints have yet been re- ‘r coal and petro-|ting off of the water came as alceived there is a suspicion that wing desecribéd lands THE DAILY NEWS Iwith the guid of United States school sé he young- er generation of llnida tribe} of Southeaster i natives | have established leal muni- cipalily in which rule them- | selves, Gperate wh lumber |mill, general st | fish salt- }eries. Only twelve « fifteen of his lold followers ne remain with |} Father Dunean. « school has ldwindled to a t nothing, jwhile last week as necessary ito despatch an addit il teacher jto aid is handli ew gov- lernment establishment ’ But still ther: 1 love and }veneration amo! he Indians for the white-haired missionary | who led them from barbarism to | Christianity and ige of civil- lization where, vith awakened jambition, they Ow ok for | higher advancerir While Jopenty hostile eek days, when the Sabbath es around, all men, women and children of New Matlakahtla gather for worship in the chureh — that Father Duncan biult and receive his blessing as they have done since 1887. PICKLED HERRING ARE PUT UP IN NANAIMO Experimenting With New Pro- cess in Fisheries of the Herring Town Nanaimo, «Feb. 18.—Another industry has been started in this city, with small beginnings it is true, but one that has all the earmarks of great possibilities. This is the pickled herring plant of the Great West Fisheries company, on Newcastle townsite. The Great West Fisheries is a Victoria company that has de- cided there is a good market for pickled herring put up in Na- naimo. The herring will be put up in wooden barrels and kits. Last summer nine young Scot. tish women, expert curers, were brought out to this country to assist in the plant. The plant expects to operate in some form the fisheries the year round 100 SPITTERS ARE FINED Maximum of Arrests Reached in Crusade in Chicago Chicago, Feb. 18.—One hun- dred and ten men were fined $1 each today for spitting on the sidewalk This is by far the largest nuumber of convictions for a day since the crusade began a week ago Municipal Judge Uhlir discharged five men who spent the night in the cells be- cause they could not furnish bonds. He ordered that the men f Graham Island com-| paralyzing surprize. , the white haired priest is at pre- t Omer eet en ok In this extremity, the Alaska | sent in cominunicatio with we west 80 chains, thence} Native School Service and the|church and missionary author- Bgl ae sO Tne rete New Metlakatla natives appealed|ties of both this country and| is GL. 7847 to Governor J, F. A. Strong of| England. | ? LES APO een \laska and the territory's chief] All, however, seems but toy December, 1913 executive addressed a peremp-|strengthen the Tsimpsean Inj th to March 26th ry mandate toe the old mis-|their resolve to break from tne| | sionary ordering him instantly|control of “their father’ and to] HE ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY to start the mountain waters} fight for their declared object of} flowing through the pipes again.|civie and commercial freedom | hereby given that applica- But with the dignity of a rulerjand full American citizenship. | made to the Parliament Of] j, fis own domain, Father Dun-|Father Dunean or the other} \t Session thereof for an ile @ company under the 1 Railway Company, With} Strong, and made perfectly clear|the Indians are but children, in- 41, Construct and operate , > { t'railway, commencing at}by his attitude that he also holds!capable of handling their own | a hear oy gern pate vith as much contempt the pow jaffairs, who have become frac enerally southerly direc-|y@rs that be at Washington, D.C./|tious, rebellious, and are in need the A P y | 6 TREO Rived, wuers Meanwhile the waterbucket has/of a severe disciplining | | can has completely ignored Gov.|hand holds to his contention that} ects the International : o from a point of said} oome into vogue in New Metla- While listening to these argu- the southern end of Tesiin he Province of British Co-} katla, ments of the old priest, the Met - | ‘ power to construct and \ ‘ : et tiene lake 7 ; ben-of ate puone and telegraph lines end Determined that the new gov-| lal ahtlans point to the village of ‘ S tur the use thereof; to bulld/apnment teachers shall not suf-|Hydaburg, seventy-five miles | j vessels, Construct and operate t 3 , eves, ¢ in connection with the} fer, the Indians themselves who|away, on the west coast of 1 “with oihee eianpenian, petitioned Secretary Lene for the | Prince of Wales island There, ) Tv CO} ’ works of the company be = works for the general Ba te sted Gt Ottawa, this 9th day of June, SMITH & JOHNSTON, , 8 for the Applicants, = Ottawa, Ont, ee Se MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England FIRE ALARM SYSTEM by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for geaeral excellence of workmanship. | UY some of this hand-made Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made | etree eet FAAS CIRQUIT NO, 14. Bo 2 a Bx ; 2 ; - 7 ong or8 Ave. B variety, and imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time ancporvisg Box 1421) and 3rd Ave, the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agric ultural 1 St. and: rd Ave, man's wage. Write for desoriptive little treatise, entitied “The Pride of North Bucks, Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd and containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the , world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse. Collars, Fronts, Every sale, however small, is Plastrons,Jabots,Yokes, g support to the industry. Fichus, Berthes, Hand- kerchiefs, Btooks, Oami- soles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Meda!l- lions, Quaker and Bc t * 16-—418t Ave, between 8th and , Sts Knox Hotel.) ‘ 17-—tst Ave, and 7th St, (Cem CIRCUIT NO, 2. 8 > d 4 ee a Ave and 8rd $8t Peter Pan Sets, etec,, TOCK Theel Desig 1 . ‘ 1 deep.) STOCK—Wheel Design. t i $180, 92.00 Mo, 91, (14 iP ine dbo. ench, (Half shown.) * £3--Srd Ave, and MeBride St, each. Over designs TID nae 218 Ave, and Metide St Se OP TOU LPOO NT | 3, 2nd Ave, and 2nd Bt, Seon cp to '9R00 pet ae U) | «“O--2nd Ave, and 6th St. yard, d C Cd Box 27-G, 7, p, ‘ : IRISH CROCHET, é' CIROUIT NO, 3. Mrs, Armstrong having 9 Box over 100 Irish peasant 8 + ‘h Ave, and Fulton St ota Res indcetey, x 92 i ’ Box Borden and Taylor Sts, some beautifulex- Bor an tt Ave: and Fulton 8t. pand made om} ° sn : , ¥ Box 97-5 0 \ve, and Comox Ave. may be obtained, . ') Ave, and Dodge PI, All work being sold a oe t direct from the Ave, . . ®, and Thompson §t, lace-makers, both tho workers and DAINTY HANDKIE—W00, — Gustomers derive No, 910,—Lace 1j in. deep. great advantage. x CIROUIT NO. 4, * “14th Ave, and Emmerson No, 122.—B00. per yard, Box 42.5 : a2 oth Ave, and McBride 8st, 435th Ave, and Green St, # Bes 446th Ave and Bast] St, ao 45—~7th Ave, and Eberts. »* 144-—7th Ave and Yrung St. OOOO octoie: Mre Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England Ses =e Se —= Daily News ‘Want Ads.’’ Bring Home the {,Goods icisco has approved of the plans arrested for this offence here- after be released on their own recognizance G. T. P. at Panama Exposition The local agent ef the Grand Trunk system has béen advised by the head office at Montreal that the Panama Pacifie exposi- tion management at San Fran- submitted for the Grand Trunk building on the fair grounds The design has been taken from the Spanish renaissance, follow- ing to a certain extent the gen- eral scheme of architecture of the main palaces of the exposi- tion. qm {] [}emmeee §f (ome §3 1) | ' THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT. 5 OU’VE met at least one of those few good old souls, who are constantly getting the worst of it when shopping, who don’t believe in advertising. A hundred disappointing and instructive experiences have failed to teach him their plain lesson. When he bought his first watch he was beguiled into buying one without a known name or a trustworthy guarantee. That watch—a poor timekeeper —cost him dearly by reason of missed appointments and missed trains, and for frequent repairs. Yet he paid 5 the price of a good watch. It is the same story with regard to his underwear, his shoes, and his fountain pen. g This good old soul’s case is not unique. Many of us, if the truth be confessed, resemble him; we allow our- selves to be sold merchandise with an unknown brand 5 or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is well known to us through the medium of advertising. In slang language, we get “stung” pretty often. In most of these cases we have ourselves to blame, for g the road to the right” thing to buy has been made plain by advertising. There is no good reason for passing by the known ' thing, soundly guaranteed, to buy a dubious article, which, quality for quality, cannot be cheaper than the known, branded article. “Tt is better If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising preb- lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well to be Sure for you to have thé counsel and assistance of a good advertising th ” aoney. - list of eee be ee ee cost or obligation, y the Secretary o anedian Press Association, Room 503, an Sor} y ? Lumsden Building, Toronto. ; qi) (Gece $5 64 comers 99 Sco 88: 18 ui a nu me ae Skeena Land District—District ef Coast—| Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in ’ Whether the Province of British Columbia, rer F Y intend to apply for permission to lease urself thirty (30) acres of land bounded as or 0 follows orasa Commencing at this post planted where the northerly limit of the right-of-way of the Grend Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany crosses the westerly bank of the Zimmergoeta River, and being about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- eastcriy direction along the westerly shore of said river a distance of thirty | (80) chains; thence easterly rallel with the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk Pacific right-of-way, a distance of ten (140) chains; thence southerly parallel with the westerly shore of the said river to the northerly limit of the right-of- way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company; thence westerly siong the said northerly limit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement. DATED this seventh day of January, ieta ’ THOMAS McCLYMONT. Pub. Peb. 3 te April 6. Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN GLOUES. « { man never realizes how cheap talk is until some woman offers him a penny for his tho- 6+ ughts. zi) ooo sr os! t + PORTRAIT RAI IAA AAA AA AAAAIAASAAASIASASSSSASSISSASA ASSAM HAREM + |: A NEWSPAPER THE ear ee ae ches AN EARLY SPRING TAILOR- MADE Of dull blue cloth relieved with embroidered linen collar and cuffs; bow and waist belt of black silk, . DAILY | for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is, the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- $ eases Ease Pease SAFE bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- SANE mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to spicy advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in j INDEPENDENT the city It is read by the class of people the / advertisers want to talk to. INTELLIGENT Oe woreeaRE ———T 8 $$ DAILY NEWS SA I OI a ag og + OI TIA RR RRA ERR RR RRA AAA II III AIA IIIA I IAA AIAN wos 4 fees Et