THE PACIFIC port OF PROGRESS came THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: 't requires some ingenuity to keep the hole In the post office site and the hole in the Dominion coe. at the rate of $8 to one yard. ,9 PRINCE RUPERT, FEBRUARY 20, B.C., FRIDAY 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRINCE RUPERT le JAR OFFICE SENDS MEN TO PROF SSIONAL RUIN — NIGHTS meeting of the Liberal associa- wd crowd to St, ist evening. The led many of the ominent citizens d all the profes- ercial businesses the cily. When PEeeetELPPOLIIIOCIILOPI CIOL ES } Ru- super ts of th ind The sary Prince road government qualifica- for a road to be a pood d getter with vote are infested oad Dosses it the Liberal PEOREL OPEL EOLODLEPOLE OIL ELLOE speakers suggested s Liberalism would Prince Rupert he whole province, yds the spirit of pal items of busi- annual election of } the the pr on at appointment of Lib- next ovienial Victoria \. M. Mansc I his ewed Was in opening ad- briefly ation during the | - the past year. of the old zovernment upon disfranchise as a ja result | had | greatly more been put |work of the pa , voters’ had probable many ). PATTULLO IS PRESIDENT = PRINCE RUPERT LIBERAL ASSN. NUAL MEETING DREW BIG ‘CROWD OF REPRESENTATIVE EN—OFFICERS ELECTED AND DELEGATES TO PROVIN- clAL CONVENTION—GOOD SPEECHES DELIVERED he cant list been Liber attempt -ellation by the looked to als. As Liberals than ever surprised rty He at men the been good 1 outly- ad jing districts. Of the 3,000 names put on he estimates the Liberals lhad over 50 per cent The jactions of the provincial govern- lment had caused a feeling of un- lrest throughout the — district. There are now three or four Lib- eral papers in the riding and the people have means of expressing their indignation over the man- ner of expending public monies. The tour of Messrs. Brewster, Oliver and Macdonald in the southern protion of the province lhad brought god results which lwere surprising the Conserva- | tives Mr. Manson advocated a jcampaign of education. The eople will not rally to a leader | until they know his platform, his doctrine and what manner of mnan he is, The prospects for Liberalism vere good and it was a hopeful sign to see so many out. There was every reason to anticipate a change of government in the province. He regretted that the | party Conservatives had reintroduced politics into civic affairs. Continued on Page 2 | Che Daily News Feb, 20.--Apart the from iding of B the iel of the commit- feature {tis i that Redis- | announcement | quiry the today’s |trade « the do m, ot they mn commissik bu mto hands of British not { ocean f t GH RATES OF OCEAN TRAVEL jCRITICIZED HOUSE OF COMMONS GESTION TO REFER IT TO IMPERIAL COMMISSION NOT WELL RECEIVED—LIBERAL WANTS GUILTY PARTY BROUGHT BEFORE PARLIAMENT gove name leave t reight 1 he Don ommissioner, ronment a joint he en- ales in linion’s he question of the | 4. K. McLean of Halifax took ike steamship rates. jexception to th is plan, He as- on was introduced) carted that the railways and in- troduction in CON-|jand water combine was respon- estimates by Hon.| sible for the increase in rates; who explained} ipat all should be under the jut esult of a trip taken | isajetion of parliament, He said Britain by Chairman] yothing would be accomplished the ratlway “board, itl in ten years if it was left to an cided on the sugges- imperial commission, and sug- - leested that those responsible for ARB OOOUOOOU OOOO upueee ihe increased rates should be Splendid 5 R j brought to Ottawa and examined ool Program *| by a parliamentary committee, + | Mr. Foster replied that the Ls NIGHT %/rates were going up in 1910 and Tithe late government did nothing. Tomorrow Night at ¥/There had been a delay in nam- the x ing the joint commission for a |period of six months, and a let- ter from the colonial secretary WF | H | [ i bE as unanswered, ar? Firemen’s Ball Tonight OPERA HOUSE —— The Prince Rupert firemen «I hold their first annual ball this i evening. The boys have com- Fine 8 Rew Irish Feature sialed ell the arrangements for “s THE, ” the affair and it promises to be FILLY a very brilliant funetion, The lowing exciting horse ra- fire boys are all popular and the ves at Donneybrook Fair ladies will find them gallant i hosts, and good dancers, too KEYSTONE COMEDY This being the first ball the boys have given, they should receive *” Moalthy Neighborhood” generous public support. The dance will be in St. Andrew's WEEKLY GAZETTE hall. Reliance Gomedy The Cradle “THE FLIRT To Mr. and Mes. W. 8, Martin, and the Westholme a daughter, on February 19, , Orchestra ia ‘ led \dmission 10 and 15e. Rogers’ CUNY ane ae goods going at haif price a DOOD IO IO IO IIR Baan sale otf f "kis OF PYTHIAS CELEBR ATE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY-GRANITE CO. BRINGS IN SAMPLES lay COUNTY COUR’: mining stock. BIG HALIBUT CATCH BY COX dF ATLIN CO. Fishing Boat Borealis Broke « Gear—ts Being Towed in From Heeate Straits Last evening a crew of fisher- men working for the Atlin Fish- eries came into port rowing a dory. They were off the Bor- ealis, which is a cripple in Hec- ate straits The fishing boat broke her intermediats gear three days ago and her big en- gine 18 helpless The crew have continued. fishing for the past three days and put up a catch of about 30,000 Ibs She is lying about 25 miles from the harbor and another boat has been sent out to tow her in, The trawler Cox of the same company came in last evening from the Yakutat fishing banks and left again for Vancouver, taking her whole catch south for shipment, She had 80,000 Ibs aboard, almost id MARCONI SHARES AGAIN IN LIMELIGHT a capacity loi MONDAY MARUn*2. Seven Gases on the Docket, Two | PRESIDENT GILMORE of Which Were Adjourned From Previous Court The following the list of cases on the dor of the county court, which opens on Monday, March 2 The first two cases were adjourned from the last sitting R, J. MeDonne! s, Nellie #. Vandell in action to recover money advanced and for board. Amount claimed, $229 Wm. Czerniawski vs Wr. Woreberg. Plaintiff claims de. | fendant as interpreter drew $190} of plaintiff's money from bank. Broughton & McNeil vs. FE. W.} Willburn, for $139 for goods} sold. H. G Helgerson vs. I J Hicks, asked $25 commission tor sale of real estate. A. J. Prudhomme vs. Kaien Hardware Co., 8304 on contract Defendants. claim contra ac count Trainer vs. Queen Charlotte Island Land Co., $44 for adver- tising. A. W. Agnew vs. J. R. Talpey, | $250 for money had and received on purchase of Portland Canal President of the new Federal Jaseball league and the most talked of man in baseball. Phe local Conservative organ is deyoting a lot of | space to the forty million dollar waste on the National Transcontinental railway, which has been constructed under both Liberal and Conservative governments It is tremendously shocked at this long distance sean- dal. [The newspapers nose seems to be so high in the ail scenting the ammuni- tion from atar that it can- not smell the scandal at home. Why is it the morn- ing apologist does not ex- pose the wasteful extrava- gance of the excavation work being done on the city postoffice site? That would make interesting reading in Prince Rupert. BANISH BULLY BOWSER. 45 STATION GANGS tions of 1,100 to 1,500 Committee of House of Lords “s Make Enquiry Into Dealings in Party Funds Special to The Daily News London, Feb, 20.—The_ houst of lords, on the motion of Lord} Lansdowne, the Unionist leader, passed a resolution appointing a) committee to enquire tnto the] dealings of Lord Murray of Eli-} bank and his associates, Lloyd George and Lord Reading, with the American Marconi shares when they used the funds of ne Liberal party. WANT WORK ON HYDRO There Will Be Five or Six Sta- Yards Rock The city engineer received some 45 requests for work from station gangs wanting a section of the hydro-electric pipe trench at Shawatlans lake. The gangs consist of five or six men each. Phe work will be divided into either five six sections and will consist from 14,100 to 1.500 vards of rock. The board of works commit- tee will meet and fix the price per yard this afternoon, The Cradle To Mr, and Mrs. Horace Du Vernet, a son, February 18. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, EMPRESS PART 2—STRANGE PLACES AND educational. Studios. PART 4—CHATEAU BLOIS-——Scenio THE ANT LION—An educational PART 5—"A GAME OF CARDS"—-A Studios. PART 6—‘BILLY MoGRATH'S from the Besanay Studios, : : t i PART 3—‘THE LEADING LADY"—A LOVE LETTERS”—An SAO UOO GURU ULI IRIE AOR ERR RRR RRR THEATRE .TO-NIGHT... 6—ANOTHER BIG SIX-PART SHOW-—6 PART 1—PATHE'’S WEEKLY REVIEW OF WORLD EVENTS. PEOPLE IN NEW YORK-—-A Kalem ‘THE MUMMY COW PUNCHER"—A Kalem comedy. fine drama from the Vitograph from the Pathe Studois. from the Pathe Studios. strong ploture from the Vitograph Alkill tke comedy aaa POOR RA RRA AAA AAA AAA A AAA AAA AAA AAAI ASSIA ¥*F GOOG B BO UUOO OU OOO OOOO UU Lg GRANITE INDUSTRY Outlook Appears Excellent and N. J. Mcteod Is Very Optimistic Gran- Smith Mr. N. J. MeLeod of the ite Syndicate, located on Island, in with samples of his crushed rock and_ sand. Mr. McLeod has the machinery all set up and will be ready to take orders in a few days. Samples have been delivered to the engineers of the dry dock and a test is being made of the material. It is believed by many competent authorities that crushed granite far superior to ordinary sand and gravel and can be produced just as cheaply. town is Mr. McLeod is very enthusias- tic about the future of the con- cern. On this trip he has bought outright the holdings of one of the most heavily interested members of the syndicate, and is thus willing to stake both time and money on what he believes to be the best proposition in north- ern British Columbia. It is his intention almost im- mediately to put in a set of bunkers on leases secured at Cow bay, together with a clam- shell outfit for handling. In the meantime he is in a position to deliver by hand labor. NAVY QUESTION BEFORE LOCAL DEBATING CLUB Favor Granting Immediate Aid by Building Ships Across the Seas The Canadian naval question was under discussion at the weekly meeting of the Progres- sive Debating society last night. The subject was introduced by Mr. J. Munro in a paper full of carefully prepared statistical facts The essayist maintained that n view of the efforts being put ith by other members of the empire, it was Clearly Canada’s duty to assist in relieving in Some measure the crushing burden of taxation now being al- most wholly borne by the tax- payers of the mother country. The cost of a dock yard for the nstruction of ships on _ this side of the Atlantic was not a lution of the problem unless it vas Canada’s intention to come with belated aid six or seven ears hence. Obviously the only easonable course open was to place orders for the building of ships in the old country, where they could be more economically ind efficiently constructed, In the diseussion which fol- owed the majority favored Mr. Munro’s solution, though — they looked wistfully towards’ the ‘mountain tops of stately wis- dom” and to the time when such questions as the present one wlli have ceased to exist. Redistribution Committee Ottawa, Feb, 19,—After the READY FOR BUSINESS: PYTHIAN KNIGE THE TS CELEBRATE GOLDEN JUBILEE |GUESTS CROWDED THE ‘LODGE ROOM TO SEE PUBLIC RITU- ALISTIC WORK—MUSICAL PROGRAM AND DANCE FOL. LOWED—PYTHIAN The of knighthood golden jbuilee was night in thousands o over the country, but more ter appreciation of the ev in Prince Rupert. Skeet celebrated | KNIG Pythian HTS AS A FRATERNITY fi licsdndes has grown into a magnificent organization of twelve’ million ast { lodges nowhere enthusiastically and in bet- ent than 1a Lodge No. 45 is one of the most active fraternal orders in the city and the occasion of the golden jubi- lee of their order was made a stellar event with them. Invitations were issued to all the fraternal orders in the city and hundreds of people were in attendance at Castle hall. The first part of the evening's rogram yublic r | work, was itualistic which was well staged and souls and is spread over almost on the con- —both North every town and city tinenth of America and South. The principles of the order are founded in the heroic story of Damon and Pythias. Diony- sius, the “Tyrant of Syracuse,” had condemned Damon, a sena- tor, to death. Damon wanted to visit his home and take leave of his ‘friends, and in order to per- mit of that Pythias, a soldier, offered himself as a hostage for Damon's safe return. The Tyr- ant agreed to the request. Diony- in disguise told Pythias sius appeared very interesting and]|that Damon would not be allowed impressive. The scenic effect}to return. His sweetheart urged was greatly added to by the use/him to escape, but he refused. of colored lights. Damon, however, overcame the Mr. Harry Daggett presided as|obpstacles put in the way of his chancellor commander. He is tO}return and arrived just in time be congratulated on the work of|to save his friend. The Tyrant exemplification. was so moved that he granted a During the evening a musical pardon. program was given in which! The order, being thus founded Messrs. Evans, Normandy, Mel-|on friendship and honor, has liar and Harry Daggett took part.|pecome a great force in the up- Later dancing was indulged injjift of society. It teaches the and refreshments were served. highest principles of human er duty. It does not stop at pre- On Monday evening, February|cept, however, for it is a great 15, 1864, the order of the|philantrophic institution and Knights of Pythias was founded.|has contributed heavy to charit- From that small beginning it|able work, CONDEMN ARMY OFFICERS TO PROFESSIONAL RUIN SYSTEM OF WAR OFFICE CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS IS VERY SEVERELY CRITICIZED—-MEN NOT HEARD IN THEIR OWN DEFENCE The Daily 20.—The war office has a system fidential reports in whi stated that officers of t are condemned or professional ruin withou heard in their own defen system was severely cen Special to London, Feb. the judge of the king’ court and the jury who to Major W. A. Adan damages against Sir Ward. In the capacity ¢ manent secretaty of wa sente News > British of con- ch it he army need to it being ce. This is sured by s bench awarded 1 $4,000 Edward of a per- r Major, Adam distinguished himself at the of Ladysmith. After that he was employed on a spe- cial service to Japan. He brought suit for libei against Sir Edward because of a letter written and published by him stating that Adam had retired from the army because of adverse reports. The letter was written in conse- quence of an attack made by Adams when he was a member of siege the house of commons on _ the late General Scobel, who made adverse reports. MANY EXPLANATIONS MADE UNIONIST VICTORY IN ENGLAND EACH PARTY CLAIMING THEIR OWN POLICY WAS THE CAUSE OF THE DEFEAT IN BETHNAL GREEN redistribution bill has been given Special to The Daily News find a seat for Mr, Masterman, »