iday February 20, 1914 THE DAILY NEWS — a ee Hon Apay WA BROCK. KELSO = DROWN PRESIDENT. HUMANE-+ | SOGIETY | a oe t *~ « {= : | by } } pi Gr Nim ag “4. * cit W< of) (XD _ ee OR Wy ed J " A a i ° M J.J WN = ~ / 4 SBE | YW, \ "7 Dy. 2 f 7 a at J i Za i fh /B Se Sed (2 ee, Po SY i pea Pe “Mtlldlf AMV Ua iy FG) JOOS | " tigee Zy “MWe Pye Wy > |" H.R. H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AT MEETING OF ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY should endeavor to inculcate into their children a spirit of kindness towards the animal Highness when addressing the Royal Humane Society reeen kingdom,” said his Royal tly. COOLIO none 37 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE ot and Cold Running Water all Rooms Cigare kept BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Proprietors P.O. Box 1704 in poly finest brandy of Liquors and HE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN POPPER LE EELEPA DIED LILLIE GL LED WINDSOR HOTEL W. HK. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL Plan, Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. European SJ. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL rd Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets Auropean Pian, PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plao F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St European Plan LIMITED second Ave, and Sixth St. « Phone 102 LIMITED Fraser and Gixth Sts Phone 7 Hotel : Directory pt mbers P.R.L. Vintners Association Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth Rates 50c to $t.00 50 to $1 Per Day Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR OCO., PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 125th St, and $rd Ave. Box 276, T, P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. 5 Rion ——— ; FOO YL ap a a Box 19—6th St. and Srd Ave. Box 14—8th St. and 3rd Ave, Box 15—Junction of ist, 2nd and rd Aves, Box 16-——1ist Ave, between 8th end 9th Sts, (Knox Hotel.) Bow 17—1s8t Ave, and 7th St, (Cen Wal Hotel.) CIRGUIT NO. 2. Box 22—-3rd Ave. and &rd_ St. Post OMece,) Sox 23--3rd Ave, and McBride St. Box 24—1st Ave, and McBride 8t, Box 26-—2nd Ave, and 2nd St, Box 26--2nd Ave, and 6th 8t. Box 315th Ave, and Fulton St, Box 32--Borden and Taylor Sts. Box 34—71h Ave, and Fulton St. Box 359th Ave, and Comox Ave. Box 378th Ave, and Dodge Pl. Sox 386th Ave, and Thompson 8t, CIRCUIT NO. 4, Box 41--4th Ave. and Emmerson Box 42 th Ave, and McBride St, Box 43—5th Ave, and Green St. Box 446th Ave and Basil St, Box 45-—7th Ave. and Eherte, Box 141—7th Ave. and Young 8t, FOCI II IOI OI IO ototoote Peeepeeepeceeeeeeeel FEPEPEEE EEE EEE 3a MURMUR Eee a a i ee >>> SUMMER SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS HARRY HANSON GETS LETTER IN ENGINEERING JOURNAL WROTE PERSONAL LETTER WHICH EDITOR THOUGHT WAS GOOD ENOUGH TO PUBLISH The following letter from a|collect, with bills payable $150; well known Prince Rupert] material on hand, $150; bank ac- plumber was sent as a personal/count, $32; tools bought and communication to the editor of|on hand, $150; and a well-equip- the Domestic Engineer of Chi-|ped bachelor apartment. Plumb- | cago. The letter is character-|/ing, bookkeeping, collecting, do- istic of Harry and the grimjing favors and advertising keeps humor of it must have appealed|me so busy that I sometimes to the editor as he published it|forget to eat; and now I have a as follows: ‘ drawer full of letters and bills to Editor Domestic Engineering |89° Over. Your letter was the What show has a_ plumber, third one. The two bones en- when he starts in business with |¢losed will answer it. The books a debt of $200 and nothing but a]you sent me so promptly and suit of clothes and a kit of jour-;Your paper are a great help to neyman’s tools in a strange city|me. I consider Domestic Engi- with a population of 5,000 and|neering the best and most inter with four established plumbing|esting of all magazines. concerns doing all the business “While business is not brisk at prices lower than in Sanjat present, I am busy all the Francisco, and this where ma-|/time. My spare time I spend in terials cost more? cutting nipples and in experi- “This is exactly what I went|menting with water coil propo- up against here in British Co- sitions. I have ordered a thaw- lumbia. Of course, I could go tajing machine for thawing frozen work as a journeyman, but when|Pipes, to be delivered Dece:nber l asked $6 a day, there was abso-}1. It surprised me to see no lutely nothing doing. such apparatus advertised in Luckily for me a prolonged your journak. All the advertise- spell of cold weather came at|ments you carry are of great in- this stage of affairs, and this|terest to me, and I expect to be leave me a chance to make about|#ble to order several thirgs that }}two hundred dollars, after which I need but cannot afford to buy 1T waited patiently till I wentj#l present ibroke. I then secured a muck- In the last few weeks ¢ have ling job for 24 days, at 30 cents/installied fifteen coils in range lan hour, on the railroad rather|stoves. By my way of installing }than cut the price on plumbing|them I have been able to heat 40 lwoik. Following this I joined|gallons of water in twenty tain- the Longshoremen's union andjutes and draw a bath every fif- worked at the wharf at 50 cents|teen minutes, and in one of tiny jan hour. Having time to sparejinstallations with a 100 gallon lon this job I opened a shop, and|boiler 100 gallons of water ae ltook all kinds of jobs that came|heated in fifty minutes Five l along. I piled lumber, posted| minutes after lighting the fire tn {bill signs and acted as messen-|my own little stove I draw water cer for a messenger bureau.|so hot that you cannot put your After a while one job followed|fingers in it without. scalding another, until I now have 50 cus-|them,. I am creating quite a de- tomers on my books and $200 to|mand for jobs of this kind, and I Ber a clean, tasting, delicious table beer brewed from B.C. Hops, pale bar- ley malt and Capilano water. Bottled clean and only in brown bottles. Standard of the west since 1894 Beaver Liquor Co. LIMITED Distributors, Prince Rupert jget $15 for making the coil and jconnecting it up. | “The did junusual | | the bottom connected an 8- jinch galvanized pipe it, fixed jit up with two dampers, and this doing the ash-chute | stunt to perfection, saving my jcustomer a lot of travelling up and down stairs. This job cost him $12 and he is a satisfied customer. . will doubt get similar jobs from his neighbors. Another job, which I think will other day I another job. I stove, cut iout of a to le is now no be a little out of the beaten track is on my book. This is a little heating system, where I am go- ing to connect a radiator to a range boiler, and I am going to do it in my own way. “Well, here the professor from the business college, and it is after 10 o'clock. He joins me in a little collation. Then we have a game of checkers, and I am the champion far. And now. Good night! “HARRY Is 80 HANSON.” SCIENTIFIC NOTES Scotland produced about 000,000 gallons of oil from shale jlast year. 65,- —Q—— Of the 37,000 electric vehicles in the United States about 25,000 are pleasure cars, ‘ oh Italian state three-quarters of a million tons of Welsh coal this year. —O-— A telephone transmitter that works perfectly when completely submerged in water -is a novelty. —- O—— Semi-official statistics place Russia’s beet sugar production last season at about 1,703,340 short tons. | e -—O—— A rubber band around the bell of an alarm clock will lessen its noise without impairing its ef- fectiveness } —o— |} With the opening of new cables to Ceylon, messages have been transmitted from London within half an hour. For warming the feet a foat rail for steam radiators adjust- able as to height and length has been invented —O-— Gold fields in northeastern Si- beria which have not been work- ed {907 will be reopened early this year, cilities Harvard university has opened a special course for training men since for the duties of municipal health officers. —O-— The German pound is exactly one-half a kilogram about one-tenth more than the English pound, men Adjustable canvas shields have been invented for protect- ing fresh!y planted trees from too much sunlight, Begging Off “Can you direct me to the best hotel in this town?" asked the stranger who after sadly watch- ing the train depart, had set his bag o nthe station platform. “T can,” replied the man who other way, Why?" “Because you will think after you've seen it that I’m a liar.” railways will use]é was waiting for a train going the} ‘but T hate to do it.”"| Uarantee. “It is better to be sure than sorry.” ai) THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT. OU’VE met at least one of those few good old souls, who are constantly getting the worst of it when shopping, who don’t believe in advertising. A hundred disappointing and instructive experiences have failed to teach him their plain lesson. When he bought his first watch he was beguiled into buying one without a known name or a trustworth y That watch—a poor timekeeper —cost im dearly by reason of missed appointments and missed trains, and for frequent repairs. the price of a good watch. It is the same story with regard to his underwear, his shoes, and his fountain pen. This good old soul’s case is not unique. the truth be confessed, resemble him; we allow our- selves to be sold merchandise with an unknown brand or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is well known to us through the medium of advertising. In slang language, we get “stung” pretty often. In most of these cases we have ourselves to blame, for the road to the right” thing to buy has been made plain by advertising. There is no good reason for passing by the known thing, soundly guaranteed, to buy a dubious article, which, quality for quality, cannot be cheaper than the known, branded article. « Yet he paid Many of us, if If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising prob lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, Canadian Press Association, by the Secretary of Lumsden Building, Toronto. uu uti gat] Skeena Land District—District of Coast— Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, broker, intend to apply for permission to lease thirty (30) acres of land bounded as follows Commencing at this post planted where the northerly limit of the right-of-way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany crosses the westerly bank of the Zimmergoeta River, and being about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- direction along the westerly ?; said river a distance of thirty ©) chains; thence easterly parallel with the northerly limtt of the Grand Trunk Pacific right-of-wey, a distance of ten (10) chains; thence southerly parallel with the westerly shore of the said river to the northerly limit of the right-of- way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company; thence westerly along the said northerly limit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement. DATED this seventh day of January, 4. THOMAS McCLYMONT. Pub, Peb. 3 te Aprfl 6. surly 19 If he were land poor the aver- man thinks he would feel Whether orasa Gift to your For Yourself PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the Friend Loti Me oS ae genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES. rich enough not to be a tax aod- phy $erss}) PORT D I ADA IDA AA IISA IAA A AAIDIAAIAAAIA AISA ISISISISS ISAS ISIS ISISSISSSSSISSSSICSSS + THE DAILY NEWS SAFE SANE SPICY IWiPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT | it MME tenmmnnneMnnenenen | + NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily Prince Rupert. It the city because it is clean and reliable. the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most yaluable advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in of people the the It read by the class advertisers want to talk to. city. is News goes into nearly every is the popular newspaper of home in It has all paper to DAL —_—THE-—______-____— LY NEWS t ~~ + ee TORII IRR RRR RRR TORR TR RR TAI IIIA IAAI AAAI AAAI AAA ASSIA |