GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: iP RINCERUPERT These fine days you can’t tell the difference between a man with THE PACIFIC a delightful attack of spring fever phat oF PROGRESS and a man with a government job. LD ‘ig 43 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS ANDITS MURDERED THREE G.N.R. PA RI T ISH WAR OFFICE BACKS DOWN ON ROSS RIFLE-—WILL CONSULT WEST ON THE C.N.R. LOAN RING HOLDUP MAN KILLED = —_{LEARK HOW TO TREAT sca GONT, TO CONTROL ANOTHER APARTMENT HOUSE MUSKEG FOR FLOWERS § jue cavern EXPORT OF ALL OIL | ‘ organ is i N G N R fp tow. prepares the publin” 3) MITH MODERN APPOINTMENTS e e @ ) Horticultural ‘Pooiety Will Have |May Be Needed in Time of War Discussion on How to Beautify |3 {0° He announcement that —Admiralty Asks for | ' the Wark’s Channe ower | | mpTeD TO HOLD UP TRAIN—-ATTACKED BY THREE Prince Rupert IS ié-alteady ainted to , oi Measure [HANDSOME BUILDING DESIGNED BY HARRISON W. ROGERS PASSENGERS WHO WERE SHOT DEAD~-ROBBERS Mal bdike m t hadnt vate conceri.. The Journal $| Special to The hin tty thie TO BE ERECTED IN SECTION SIX—OUTSIDE PROP- ake , tupelr ee > e . c | , *ClE 3 i News ARE STILL AT LARGE That is the object of the Horti-|% knows that William Manson ice tian be: ak phen ERTY OWNER MAKING THE INVESTMENT i] socta ha . Pedeea and Bowser never meant | ss Nie ; i aia PaRPeS ge The Daily News attempted to lock the door sev- cee ‘a Weel a hia! a the city to have that nawal aera ee aren oa their com- Prince Rupert has early beenyvator, roof garden, and latest nee ig } e 5 i 1e ; : 7 ‘ ’ | 2@ ( s ar Ss ] : ; rarbe syste 1 Wash., Feb, 24. eral’ men jumped from theit | .caay evening The society'2 in spite of their pretensions mets : i BUDDIY Carly. a Of pecomnived’ es a city of apart-|#arbage system. igs rater hous ee sb hcaa ths a g 1 ) that 4 catliilaer ven the larger estimates in the ma- nient hovase,: atidwbroperty own All the rooms will be finished 1 ie Siete a es seats and = attackec iim has done good work before and a : o ie ran Pe rine department included a vote ses, ¢ I ’ “de tint alone atylé and. the th ‘n train in| 2oldup man at the ee nels: Cee peer things: ee that a6 ee ti 1 Say $/for the St. Lawrerice channel and|¢?s, especially those out of thelyitehens and bathrooms will be { roner m ’ , “A é ac any as —E ca je . a iWe passengers | then began to shoot at the lights.| the future, cate hanatih ic we this was voted in the evening. |city, are alive to the good in-|models in sanitary and labor- [he dead are| Meanwhile the robber who was ce = i ee re ae fe placed a Fake - on tWateal Early in the afternoon Hon. J.| vestments this city offers. saving devices. Each kitchen ? ; | ap Tea pgp meeting yill be an address by . : woe , ‘ D. Reid introduced a bill givin a ‘ a ‘ + ees Mi > : . travelling sales-|grappling with the three assail- ir; Mamlawh:: provincial HAMiG atradin: Gite ~ government Ri: povulenOns “near om M Architect Harrison W. Rogers will nee a Y bl epi cool er; T. 8. Wads-|ants drew an automatic and shot] | it { the best thod of may refuse any power or 3! ee oP OP | has planned for an outside|!"8 ‘ lest and wi} S160 Ne eguip- conductor fithe three men dead Te COhe eee Ws ut lanid.< ncession. stany tim the export of oil at any time. cal te he thant t ped with ranges, cupboards, etc., 0 0 0 : ‘i oe skego tr ake t e i “ONCEeSSIO i é e Ty . areardes > rj oY é § “ges San 6 ; j R I Lee of} ductor in the adjoining car, when treating muskeg md ay ' ae in the interest of the people Phis ig done in accordance witty en ee ot) aa ea everything needed in a first- ) ae ‘4. the shooting, imme.|224. sardens. This will give a eee? the request made by the British}and best equipped apartment|¢jass home Wash. he hear« if BOOMS, OMCs te ante woe very valuable in William Manson and Bow- Admiralty which in event of war 7 : : Ss . were three in|diately stopped the train. rhe formatinn der’ “howeeeen cane mothing ; alty : 1 war building in the city. An excellent The entrances and public cor- wer MH ; ormeé ym. ’ , : S sires ) * assure é > ° oe nat ticed handits left the car together as Be . ‘ for the people Thev are ee to be assured of a pien- site in section six has been se-|ridors will be finely finished and n firs notlicee nas it came to a stop There will also be discussions va é' a “1 tiful supply of oil for Great AO a tee Taha} both for|the exterior design is not re e smoking ct wu ae : : VP: ¢ ’ . oO Ine gcardeners aise trustees of the p . ite + i be cured ant S iocation, 0 or 4 ‘ wp: : 1 'th ied a The robbers did not succeed in 2 tmeaee a f vehe oi a it domain Thes ae sini sai ope orp 3 age view and closeness to: town, will|stricted. Arrangements are be- ee e aces an vers oO owers 0 thej : I. « ’ ‘ ' y of f ‘ msg oug awt » anil Ai akan } a a ae ody Me A a et » big ; ; favor ing completed so that the build- efs for masks|seltjng any Vatnanit , ee ugh | axperiences locally. Leones es nly real water The fair spring weather of the Pp vn Seat _ pe thes ; rei can te beaut aceite anacik dav coach. One|several tetribly frightened ladies The society’s plans for the powel Prince Rupert has. past week seems to be having its 1e building will occupy two 7a at 5 a es d to the rear of | were holding out their pnrses in} .eacon will be matured. \g Citizens, what have you got effect on the real estete market. lots and be three CeO e ad En nt ee eee stopped at the|the aisle as they passed out. pinta ket eG : to say about this? {Numerous persons are enquiring basement high, containing ae ns by mid-summer or ‘ | ‘alve large ms 1a.) early fall. ) he other step So far the robbers are at Construction work on the new for home building lots and even ea or fom oe ace mn . : ach. irge, but the police are actively|Albert building on the Bank of| several business property deals ADSSUNOIEN, rhe’ first ae ss The coming in-rush of resi- p ber at the rear n their trail, Montreal corner will start early oe BP 3 : are being negotiated. ‘ planning was to secure conveni-/dents fi already (axing the DEee next week. It will be a one-storey| The News regrets that a lot of sae ence for tenants and many new/ent living accommodations and building with four stores. One|local news had to be kept out of} . Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. features: locally will’ be enpOGEG, much building is being plamed § GOT BOOZE USED BAD LANGUAGE store will face on Fourth street.|this issue for want of room, |Phone 4. such as hot water heating, ele-|{o start at an early date. WONLEY GOT JAIL TO INDIAN AGENT — er serum ws voy ne rans mane PROGRESS ON $3.000,000 DRY DOCK TWO MCBRIDE STREET LOTS minster Sentence This posed a Flirtation to Be ces outta on SHOWS IMMENSITY OF THE WORKS, ___ S02 TODAY FOR $36,500 \ ition but i different} erry, with Mr, Gurd, an inter- OWNERS PURCHASED THEM TWO YEARS AGO FOR $17,000 preter of the native language, ; WITH ONLY $5,000 CASH—AN ONTARIO MAN appeared m patite IS THE PURCHASER charged with | ere discussing some official eo. 50 pine charged will osiness with two Indian women|{Grand Trunk and Domimion Government Preparatory for Great ———— ate and Brvant jon Second avenue. Carl Wil- M on? F f P ° R B il ° Real estate in Prince Rupert;Bride street, close to Third ave- | iamson and several friends aritime uture QO rince upert--- ul ding Complete and has always heen considered gilt. nue, and although at present t viden t the ef-] ee ae © ef ‘ame alone and evidently mis- i Re ae Bere * , , ° edged. Through all the finan-|they are not right in the busi- McGinley BOL} took the object of the gathering. Machinery Installed by November : | : hem. Jimmy de-|/o.,) attracted attention. to him cial depression prices have held|ness centre, everybody looks for a i a let et t 3 uo ) - ee ee SE but his alibi by using obscene language : T ) ising ¢ en anguage. Two years ago Hays Cove was|also see the strategic advantage |tion now to finish. This has a The Indian agent warned him to firm. Now it appears that there|that part of town to be the centre is to be an active demand for|before very long. ; : s ; ae ae 4 a terfro of this port to the naval service. |}decorative sign which will add t tn lis record, the/ desist, Later, when the officials|? little bay on the wa eine Kite | Ben Ane lthe acdancenaes vanes | Property. The lots in question were siv imonths : ‘tially surrounded by hills of|Prinee Rupert has a tremendous|the appearance of the immense i ook : : : ; = SE vel walking down the street,; partially surrounae Ee importance in the eyes of those] towel The biggest sale that hasj;owned jointly by H. F. McRae and 182 for being |ootl ran after them and assault-}rock and gulleys of muskeg. At] 4, look into the future. | The construction of the. four|‘®*e" Place for some time has}the firm of Williams & Manson a FOF DOINS | ad Mr Perry low tide the bay was a mud flat Ch a | buildings an conmestiniesthmnn just been put through by Mr. {of this city. They bought the aa Shee Pri Special Constable Miller was in]A little stream ran through it, enge in eee ec | le ax Baker of Westenhaver Bros.}/lots just two years ago for ister in the artlin, vicinity and he took Wil-|being the drainage outlet of Few persons who have not|™' Ne e wulitiece Lots 63 and 64, block 34, section|$17,000, with a payment of : liamson in charge, Mount Hays. ‘Today the cove is|kept in touch with the work go- One of the smaller pniaties i, have been sold to an Ontario} $5,000 cash. The profit made on lectured the The case was heard in police|the site of Prince Rupert's three |!2e on at the dry dock site realize =). aha gnratlate It is the client for the sum of $36,500.|the outlay runs into a very hand- irned them to court this morning and William_jmillion dollar dry dock, in| the extent of the physical change ; ; : These lots are situated on Me-/|some percentage. fone son was taxed $10 and costs, the}undertaking of the Grand Trunk | made at lar er at that Continued on Page 2 —— eharge being using obscene lan-|Pacific which is backed by the point. ve rock hills have been GRE O CMY MEER: SELMA. ince i! Pick Up Zillah May guage on the streets. Dominion government What|/cut down, the gulleys filled in FIREMEN’S ANNUAL \BRITISH OFFICIALS Pee ASR was wild two years ago is now a and the bay covered with docks, WESTERN PROVINCES woe eel aie ucts cet fap "so tauands a ese:| 9 BE CONSDLTED| BALL GREAT SUCCESS) TO ALLOW ROSS’ RIFLE hich was reported tremendous work accomplished|soted piles. The docks them- eS A the coast, is still LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. and countless days of labor to|Selves are about complete, but Serer Big Crowd Enjoyed an Evening | War Office Backed Down on the 1 sheltered bay. The|$ Raa the pontoons which make the|C. N. R. Application for Money to of Good Music and Good Aperture Sight Ruling for F h of the North Rey, D. R, McLean left for his Faith in Great Future dry dock are only now in course Be Put Up to Provincial Dancing Bisley Matches os company, which|)ome in New Hazelton today. To the average citizen o of construction, Governments - ——_ ! day night with a ..* Prince Rupert the dry dock cor The area covered by the Be é Chief McDonald and the fire Special to The Daily News Bay, will pick Mr. D. G. Stenstrom, who has] s “T r . aT : SOOO hie son in the fifth of an from the Essanay Studios. 7) , { tare values in sterling silver Admission 10 and 15e. OO oka round | . wenty ‘ + | Special Sunday dinner 6 to 8]and cut glass at Cameron's dis- yout, Fridririn irntrinkrtrtrtrtrtriinirrirttrtrtntenticteriricrinirittrtrtnk trinitrée | p.m. at the Bay View. tf leount sale, SEE RIB IRIE IRR