en PRINCE RUPERT THE PACIFIC porT OF PROGRESS —_ tc, HE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: it Is not true that Mayor New- ton is waiting on the Victoria aock to welcome the Rupert delegates to the Liberal convention. Ke may be lonely but not that much. cc | — ) x PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 4 PRICE FIVE CENTS ot) tte . :ERS — ae TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF U OULD LIONIZE DEPORTED LABOR LEADERS--POLICE RAID GAMBLIN DED TWO STAR HOTEL JB CAPTURED THIRTY-FIVE MEN IN POLICE COURT THIS MORNING CHARGED . L APPEARED 2 WITH FREQUENTING RESORT 1 squad of|worked off in the same manner, vunded the} when the first came back to Fraser streeticourt with a lawyer . paid on the] L. W. Patmore claimed these jmen had not pleaded guilty and gambling titel Viegitet them tried over again I ere 35 in one|The P. M. said the man_ had or five games|stated he was playing there and S ere playing solo|although he did not plead guilty iving games|it was a statement to that effect in talk about.|He had made the fine a light one taken to|believing that the men were not where they| knowingly guilty of violating the bail | law If he thought they knew they crowded|the law respecting gambling he M. Gillor was} Would haved fined them 8100 heard and he The cases were then all ad- statement to urned unti the magistrate had been play- oked up authorities the magistrate | The police picked p a big ind fined him|cargo of playing cards and para ee more were | phernalia. rhe Daily News The Where I g which j ted labor lea 5 \f i remains 4 p was cpected fhames today d on thre i gn ders mvail )UTH AFRICAN TROUBLE MAKERS DID NOT ARRIVE AS EXPECTED OUSANDS LINED BANKS OF THAMES AND GREAT LABOR DEMONSTRATIONS WERE ARRANGED — WOULD MAKE BOTHA BACK DOWN ther arrival at Gravesend. Mean- while the sritish labor tenders ire perfecting plans for a cam- paign of lionizing the Souih Af ca deportees who will be the entral figures tn a series of striking demonstrations, in- led nfluer the Botha G rnme into withdrawing the deer if perpetual banish- SKED BANDITS COLLECT OVER $350 d Up Electric Car Near Seattle and Escaped With a Good Haul Daily News Chree ar interurban Mask Seattle-Tac robbed r $350 ed no robbers collect oma the The ma hey leaped from d escaped. lly fine bar- s discount sale. dows a9tf FERRE y EN eee ae een Extraordinary ! 8ix-ree! All Feature Program WEST OPER, at the HOLME y the great three-reel “hanhouser Feature ee CARMEN 99 With Children, 100, * “pPropriate music by the ; Orchestra 7 BRITISH GAZETTE ; The ' N® Great Refined Comedy * ’ A MIGHTY atom” : f ‘est Keystone Comedy , ®ver shown here ' t “HE : WOULD A-HUNTING gov 4 Ww } SN0Ws only, at 7 Pom, and x 9 p. m : Prices ; i ie 1 admission: Lower floor » ‘ ne two + aa m; rows baloony, 260; ; * rhe SOCIO II ininininididinde: 14 HALIBUT BOATS DOCKED SATURDAY Prince Rupert Becoming Great Fishing Port With Many In- dependent Boats aded fourteen hali- W but boa today,’ said Mr. Syd I Smith of the Atlin Fisheries Th Da News on Saturday. Or wa our own powel sch ( the Borealis which brought in 27,000 pounds. rhe other all independent boats We were kept busy un loading from 8 a. m. to 5 in the aflern | I'he eompany is paying three} jcents per | nd just now, which | is one ce hiwher than the Se. attle price. The number of small boats now fishiug halibut is growing rapidly and they are all getting good catches. rhe industry is showing signs of real magnitude even before rail transportation When several of the big com- panies begin operations here and the small craft ber ex be af surpri grow to pected Prince Ru ishing centre wi se the most optin the num pert will lich will istic. Europe Is Gale Swept Special to The Daily News Paris, 23 Violent gales are sweeping the coast and much damag whole and tr e has experiencing with wind and rain, of Spain ains are ‘en done fierce Wires stalled Madrid storms ravaging whe are Jown Eastern Hockey (Special to The Daily News) At’ diens At tario At roronto 0, Quebec 3. Montreal Ottawa 3, Pan Phone torium ae Toronto Quebee Wande Pioneer 3, Cana- 40, One 12, rers Cleaners, COAST HOCKEY TEAMS TO TOUR THE EAST Victoria Will Play Stanley Cup Games and Vancouver Will * Play Exhibition Special to The Db News Vancouver, Fe Vancou- professior hockey team accompany champions yn their eastern t next month. The president the Pacific Coast league ant need this upon his return from Victoria. The local club hag epted in- vitations from severa eastern clubs to play a series of exhibi- {ion matches. Winnipeg, Otta- ya, Toronto, Quebec, and prob- ably Boston and New York, will be included the itinerary. The players leave on Saturday or Sunday next Victoria will only play the Stanley cup matches. Bringing Up Machinery rhe steamer Henriette of GT has left Vancouver with a cargo of machinery for the Prince Rupert dry ddck. The machinery came England on the Blue steam Halthyvhius to t was trans-shipped to the G. T. boat the p leet from Funnel Vancouver, where } Southbound Maquinna took passengerg south irday: Mr. and Mrs. H. H Allen, Mr. Johnson, H. C. Tibbles, John Johnston and J. G. McNab. Those who went on the Prin- Beatrice last evening were: B. Wharton, W. A. Pelti- Rey A. L. Burch, John Donahue, James Me- Doolittle, J. Wilson, Knott and A. W. The the fo Princess lowing BR. J. grew, Moriarty, J Ginley, C, E D. Smith, Hans Chashaw. Renewed Treaties Washington, Feb The senate has renewed seve irbi- ition treaties and hag ! ewed for five years agree! th Great Britain, Japatl Italy, Spain, Norway, Swede Portugal ind Switzerland. ts talk of constitutionality WHARF COLLAPSED suilding of the wharf. Extraordinary Attraction at th Westholme Tonight o parker Williams, who is $/NO CLUE TO BANDITS - doing the wo the oppo- | sition at Vie s a good WHO SHOT PASSENGERS fighter and uses some pic- Systematic Man Hunt Is Being! turesque language. Telling Inaugurated Around of an incident which took Bellingham place in one of the provin- cial jails, he remarked that Special to The Daily News some of the “imprisoned sellingham Feb 22.—-Dili- miners were doing arith- gent work is being done and metical sums the whiie armed posses have been follow- spaces of the magazine ing clues all day. They are pa- leaves with a pencil stub trolling the country around the when the.scrawny arm of scene of the Great Northern pas- a turnkey reached through senger train robbery. The offi- the door and a voice said. cers have not much hope of suc- Put it here cess in striking the trail. Two “In the fitness of things,’ $|"@ilroad detectives are on the said Mr. Williams. “why scene, As a result of a confer- was not that arm palsied? ence with the sheriff a system- And the government with atic man hunt will be inaugur- ated. more right to talk about th MURPHY RESIGNED 7 Aboutetittiar:< tom - PRESIDENCY OF CUBS Sold Out His Holdings in Club as Sequel to Deposing Manager GOODS WERE DUMPED Special to The Daily News a Cincinnati, Feb. 22.—As a se- About Fifty Feet of Stewart| quel to the recent deposing of Wharf Drops Goods Into John Everg as manager of the Salt Chuck Chicago National league club, — Charles W. Murphy, the presi- Percy F. Godenrath, proprietor|dent of the club, has resigned. of the Portland Canal Miner at|The president has severed all iStewart, is in receipt of a tele-|connection with the Cubs.~ Mr. gram from that mining centre|Murphy is also no longer a di- telling of a serious accident in|rector of the National league, his the collapse of some 50 feet of|holdings in the Chicago club the public wharf. Nearly alhaving been purchased by Chas. thousand dollars’ worth ‘of|F. Taft. ecoods, merchandise, ete., besides wali aetna 25 tons of coal, were dumped Freighter Ashore into the briny. The coal was oe wned by the Portland Canal Special to The Daily News rransfer company and the goods Norfolk, Va., Feb. 23.—The were the property of the Port-|British freighter Sachem ran land Canal Tunnels, Ltd. It is|ashore in a storm and appears expected that the assistant gov-|to be in a serious position. Life- ernment engineer here, Mr, Mil-|savers went to the rescue and ler, will eg to Stewart next/are ready to take off the crew. Thursday range for the re-|The high seas are subsiding and | |have stopped pounding the ves- | s which is expected to float at ej th high tide. the next German Arms for Mexico One of the greatest attrac- | einen When the Home Team Loses |tions “ever presented at the} (Special to.The Daily News) eter ast lading to hava Westholme Opera House will be Vera Cruz, Feb. 23. “The com. Be en TN ‘ shown tonight and tomorrow inder of the German warship the only home brew hockey team pa |Dresden has’ shipped two ma- in the Interior league. The citi-|night. The main feature of the lot Ne REE: forty thous zens of that mining centre will|/program is the great “Than-|)o nds of ammunition to the no doubt applaud this doleful|hauser” production) “Carmen,” la, man legation in Mexico City, philosophy from the Gres d three reels, The play is beau h a squad of bluejackets and Ledge: “There is no glory ! tifully acted and gains greatly avd of picked marines. any town to win at hockey with]in color and terest on account Re Soe FS imported players.” of the action taking place in na- Wedding Bells tural surroundings, instead of a} rhe marriage took place Sat- May Be Ontario Elections stage where the scenery is nec-|) gay of Mr. Pete Titergn and The Toronto Star predicts}essarily artificial. For instance|yj.. Olympia Korinee, of this hat a redistribution bill wi jthe great bul ght scene is ac-|, The event was made the put through the Ontario jtually, and eclly portrayed, | 4, ision of a general rejoicing lature this season and that |whereas in stage productions it], the part of the numerous election will be called on \% h | has to be omitted Besides this friends of the bride and groom, Sir James Whitney as leader, |sreat feature which alone is welllang a most elaborate wedding The suggestion is that the worth the 4 of admission, | fa. . 1s spread by the proprie- wants to get a new least t} there will be sae comedy €n-Jtor of the Austrian hotel, IT. Sic- power before it is necessat { | titled “The Mishig Atom,’ a new eciats| hat scroom . ie. tell appoint a successor to Pr en | eee ee and 60." excep known in this city. For years he Whitney. tionally funny Keystone comedy, has been employed on Grand | ma auld, a Uae P.M rrunk Pacifie construction, and Smithers Won Cup ing to the length of this pro-Jro, four years he has been a gram only twa performances foreman under D. Dempsey, the The hockey mateh b en| Will be given the first commen- hikowski The groom is well New Hazelton. and Smithers at]¢!ns at. 7 p.m ind the second at layer of the track, The bride is Smithers on Saturday night was 9 p.m, Prices will be as follows: of Ukainian nationality and won by the home tean The | Entire lower floor and first WO! ame to this city about two mon. score was three goals to one,jfOWs In baleony, 25 cents; gal ths ago The bridesmaid was New Hazelton took a big crowd|lery 15 cents, children 10 cents. |yii5. Anna Krikweska. The cere- of rooters up and left consider- a” }mony was performed by Rey. able This victory gives Great Bill at Majestic Father Bunoz in the church on the Duncan Ross cup to the NEE ou. Saturday afternoon. Many G. T. Smithers team, The Majestic is putting on alP. employees attended the festi- great bill tonight and tomorrow |vities which was arranged by South on Prince Albert night. The chief namber will be|the bride’s uncle. ' “Romeo and Juliet,’ a two-part | - —_-— The Prince Alb left at SIX} piece in eotors. It is a true vei Cc. P. R. Opposes Loan o'clock last evel for the}sion of the Shakespearian play} It is common talk at Ottawa south with these engers: J.Jand the orchestra will render|that the G. P. R. is opposing the A. Levine, T. D, Pattullo, H. F.j grand opera selections while th proposed Canadian Northern McRae, A. J, Gord 1, Bent, W.} films are being run off, “The|loan of $25,000,000, The suppo- MeLenachan, J. J, Dravenstead|Mountain Wife” is another ;|sition is that the CG, P, R, wants and wife pretty drama, and “Seroggins,|to financially embarrass its ri- the Official Censor” is a laugh-|val and eventually secure the Lumber for Dry Dock able comedy. In addition to the} whole G, N. R. system at a bar- The tug I t is bringing up]regular bill, there will be a repe-|gain price. Sir William Mac the barge Bangor with half ajtition of the Johnson-Flynn fight|kenzie is lobbying for the loan million feet of timber for the dry| films which were so popular on|and Premier Borden, being on dock. Che timber comes from] Friday and Saturday. Altogether; the horns of a dilemma, has put Wancouver It will ‘reach here|thig Wakes up a big bill of ex-| the responsibility up to the pro- Wednesday morning ceptional class and merit, jvincial governments of the west DID CANADIAN CARRY ARMS WHEN HE CALLED ON MEXICAN? Special to The Daily News Washington, D. C., Feb. 23.— President Wilson and Secretary Bryan have had a conference on the Mexican situation, but no announcement has been made. It is understood a complete re- port on the Benton aiffair is awaited. It is understocd that Ambassador Spring-Rice has ex- pressed on behalf of the British foreign office pleasure at the promptness of the American government in seeking to ferret UNITED STATES FERRETING TRUTH ABOUT THE KILLING OF BENTON BY GENERAL VILLA—WILL THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT TAKE ACTION? out the truth of the killing, Full details of the affair are rapidly being gathered. It is generlaly admitted that the case hinges largely on whether Benton went to the Villa headquarters armed. Upon the truth or falsity of Vil- la’s statement that Benton tried to kill him depends the view of the British and United States governments will take. It is be- lieved that it will be difficult to reject Villa's version in the ab- sence of proof. PEERS W WAR IN Special to The Daily News) London, Feb. 23.—A remark- able report is current to the effect that the peers have de- cided to force the issue in the Ulster crisis by taking a dra- matic advantage of the pro- yisions of the Parliament Act whereby the commons must send a bill to the lords L FIGHT ON CRISIS IN HOME RULE ISSUE LORDS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PARLIAMENT MAKE GOVERNMENT DROP BILL OR CAUSE CIVIL ULSTER COMMONS ACT AND In order to make any such amendments the lords must give a second reading. It is stated in Unionist circles that the peers will refuse to accommodate the government, no matter how al- luring Mr. Asquith’s suggestions are, thus forcing the government to either drop the bill or face for additions.!civil war in Ulster. OYAL MACHINATIONS FOR PRINCE OF WALES Royal Family Arranging Young Prince’s Tour and Picking His Bride Feb. and 23.—The their Londo: and queen have been busy considering the plans for the foreign tours of the Prince of Wales. It is under. stood as to the question whether king advisers Canada, India or Australia should be first. It seems cer- tain that it will be the former. It is also known in court circles that the royal family contemp- late purchasing real estate in Canada. The question of whom the prince will marry the queen wants settled before his tour. THE WEATHER Furnished by Mr. F. W. Dowling, Observer the 24 hours ending 5 MEXICAN REASON FOR SHOOTING CANADIAN Says He Attempted Armed ‘Vio- lence but Friends Sneer at Statement Special to The Daily News) El Paso, Tex., Feb. 22.—Rec- ords of the alleged court martial of W. 8. Benton, the Canadian who was murdered by Mexicans, have been made public. Juarez asserts Benton wag present and was represented by a rebel offi- cer. He was executed for at- tempting armed violence against Villa. He was found guilty of giving aid to the enemy. Ben- ton's. friends received the report with Sneers and pointed to the knowledge that for many years he guarded against possible re- sults of his spirits and temper by never carrying a pistol. Partnership Dissolved The auto firm with which Alf. Halligan has been connected has MAJESTIC For a.m.,|/been dissolved and Mr. Halligan February 23, 1944. will in future conduct a taxi ser- — vice on his own behalf. “‘AIf.” Barometer reduced to sea is the pioneer of the taxi busi- LOVO]y 4. fog hac O ake eee 29.754/ness, and deservedly popular, Highast «4. tks 3h von dae 43.0 and will no doubt receive his Liaseeat cies she we 38.0 fair share of the business in the Raine ie a a 39 |city. UBER HERE HEALER THEATRE TO-NIGHT Pathe film by the Don't miss the fight Only This great ing quarters. A special price of 2 that all may attend. Tuesday. official 5e J III III IIIA IAIAIIAIIAIIIIIA IASI III III IS IIA “THE MOUNTAIN WIFE" “SCROGGINS, THE OFFICIAL CENSOR’ —Comedy. greal and Pictures Extra --- SPECIAL --- Extra Freres Grand Spectacular Photoplay in two parts “ROMEO AND JULIET” Special Grand Opera selectiong will be played during this 1€ orchestra, Drama. fight between Jack Johnson vs. Flynn is shown in detail; also Johnson's train- pictures, {0c has been arranged so shown Monday and :