yonday, February 28, 1944 THE DAILY News 4 ld waneret P.O. Box 1704 werent iphone 37 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST OLASS CUISINE nd Cold Running Water in pers all Rooms ande of Liquors and cigars kept T OTEL IN NORTHERN f ish COLUMBIA 4OoMME & FISHE? proprietors fine nly THE § phuod! lyoorere POOPOREOPIIOIIIOS Fs Hie, . Directory } Vintners Association || } | pette The cocoa had been grown in Brazil, shipped to Bristol, transhipped to Mon- faces a street, close | to the railway freight | sheds. ' All day long a stead smbers P-R.I Y y ; - ; alana stream of trucks and AS Ty treal and finally lorries lumber by 1 FPROsieRy | distributed from WINDSOR TET einai at loaded with boxes, (0 sone Toronto. + pirst Ave. and ‘ | | barrels and bales. w. H. Wright, Prop. The tea was gath- ered by swart- skinned natives of the romantic island of Ceylon; from sunny Portugal the luscious, big grapes had been gathered years — One truck I noticed the other afternoon was particularly in- teresting. Wo two boxes were the same, oo ae and stencilled on the \ perween Eighth and Ninth end of each was the name irst AVE a aa SMOKERS RUSH TO TAKE THE NEW NITRATE CURE IN HOBOKEN, N. J. of some well-known pro- HOTEL CENTRAL V \ Seventh St, t in and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. an Pls “Sesaet ‘ Cigarette fiends anxious to give up smoking of coffin nails. The cigarette eure clinic, insti- | duct—soap, tobacco, socks, et ee no tuted a week ago by Recorder Joseph John McGovern (left) in his Hoboken eourt room, has breakfast food, cocoa, port, a vam Pre ae i v. D. Casley attracted so much attention throughout the country that the little clinie is now doing a ea- et chocolates, perfumery and ae as a eich a famous ,Y. F EMPRESS HOTEL pacity business. Letters pour in by the bushel from all over the country asking for the aking powder. ao ae ae a ag anes the Third Ave., Be ween. sixth and cure, and hundreds of boys, young men and men of families crowd the little Court room to Gathered there in prosaic wooden an ae aor out America the ey x Se ie ae suffocation in an effort to avail themselves of the free cure offered. The photo was made boxes were the results of thousands dyes that entered into the product ropean Plan, ae at one of the night clinics iin the court room. The patients, after having their throats swab_ of hand’s labor in all parts of the finally stamped with the brand ofa 4 bed, are given a solution of the nitrate of silver for use ag a mouth wash, and are also world. well-known hosiery. PREMIER HOTEL and European Plan supplied with gentian roots, which they chew. Secretary Donald Gun (seated) writing up American 1G W. Henning, Manager the “histories” of the cases. 3 ‘ i co eee “es There, behind that obviously prosaic truck-load of freight was the whole romance a. Weve ie a ee , oe er en ge ce eae ee of modern commerce—the skilled production, the universal demand for food, drink ¢ Pa a reess, Props j|the privilege of travelling two and raiment, and the world-wide distribution of the things we use every day. Third Ave. and Sixth St. and a quarter miles further to r : Z ropean Plan Steam Heated | : ' wan Firvale And then I speculated why we use these things every day, instead of some other get from the wharf to Firvale, things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©O., CWS yl oles rom errace formerly Sloan. : LIMITED | So much forthe government’s The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie were known everywhere to-day, but Second Ave. and Sixth 6% = = j/| -—— iets wey? WA's Al had been unknown a few years ago; and I saw then more clearly than ever ; 108 pe a dibs vigorous policy” towards a road permeate Y ; “¥as Y etore Phone ee . , ds aad that Advertising is really a great channel digger. It is like the Panama Canal. You ee) Special Correspondence jity will show considerable im- through to the interior. ¢ + IMPORTING CO eee ere Be : Before passing an opinion, one can sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, around the Horn. You can get there, INCE RUPER ” The regular meeting of the | provemen us summer, ; e but it is going to take months. A year or so from now you will sail through the LIMITED . A grand masquerade ball was|must drive over this streak of Panama Canal and chop the journey to less than half. A new channel will have Treat ohh Sixth "ore Women's Civic club was held on/| held in the Progress club hall on|abomination called a road, hub- been dug hone 7 . Tuesday afternoon at Mrs./Valentine’s day. There was a|deep in mud, as it was last fall. sisasaldih iin Large’s house, when a consider-|very large attendance and the|The mpass judgment on_ the The great names in commerce to-day are those of the manufacturers who have let . able amount af work was doue|well-known figures of Buster|criticisms of the people of Bella modern advertising steam-shovel a channel across the isthmus of distributing in preparation for the coming|Brown and Mary Jane with the} Coola. difficulties. ‘ U0 bazaar. | inevitable “Tige,”’ the “Old The government has been f ‘ . FEAR MEY ay lDuteh Cleanser” woman and|sranting large appropritions to The great names in the commerce of to-morrow will be those of men who widen and FIRE ALARM SYSTEM The exceptionally warm and|numerous clowns, a black in-| Bella Coola year after year. How dredge this channel so that vy em eae may pass smoothly and quickly from j : : eT : vital mes 0 5 ‘ z bright weather of the last week,/habitant of the Philippine is-|/ong can this be expected to the source of production to the home ap Seer CIRCUIT NO. 4. 7 with continuous brilliant sun-jlands, and-a Mexicon girl, were continue ? ee ace ire ae ea ot 12~5t ‘St. aha Sea ae x shine, has impressed many with|among the costumed dancers. If the money is put to no bet- talk over your advertising problems ox 13—6th St. and 3rd Ave. x the wonderful climate of this|Prizes were given by the various ter use than ‘in the past, it will with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. | ¢ ' 9 are vir al or nati al bneine { . or 14—8th St oe dia ‘ lmerchs - > tn eg set |take about 17 years before Mr. If you are doing a provincia at t ness it would be well for you 16 . a me een 4 x district, os erchant of town for thé be t Marvin and his neighbors can to have counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, or ead iclion O st, 2nd anc x oO jand most original costumes. The] 2 ; - without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room S03, Lumsden Building, Toronte, o1 16—ist Ave,, between 8th and x The town continues to grow jevening was pronounced by all aus to aye ” town, aaa Re h Sts. (Knox Hotel.) %|steadily. Tom Pierce has just|to have been one of the most en-]haps two generations before a —— a - —-—— eee ou 17—18t Ave. and 7th st, (Cea. | had his lot near the Presbyterian|joyable of the many social func-|©oMnection is made with the] ° tral Hot * Chileotin wagon road ( ~ H *! church improved by the erection|/tions that have been held this|/®!cotin wagon road, if¢ * Ith he al arefully OSU Hee %/1of a small cabin. With pros-| winter. After the dance re- think if the a rove is carefully | Y P d Wh B . Di en 223d Ave. and Brd Bt. + pects of another store and the|freshments were served as usual read it will be plainly seen that ou are rotecte en uying ta- on Z| new school, the town and viein-|by the ladies of the town. a people of ae oe rea We supply any kind from kind-| ’ ox 23 i Ave. and McBride St. » ave just cause to kick, and kick * } d fi b S x to cordwood | vr 2t-ist Ave, and MeBride St ¢|—™ ——————— ee hal tor, ling to cordwe | monds from Us by our Strict ox 25—2nd Ave, and 2nd St. * | A through road to the interior war ee ee * CUP TIE GAMES ‘SONS. OF ENGLAND c ints is what i aedan There 0 | Rule of Quality ox 27 r. P i | i * oye ‘ Phone 304 sve} PLAYED ‘SATURDAY) HAVE MERRY EVENING]'='n» pisce tn the northern Pa: | oe * cific coast where such a road T W od C : =e Teed beets, a eee gaits ox 815th Ave, and Fulton St : oe 1 Pee can be built as cheaply as at this errace o 0. Everyone who buys diamonds from us, whether they are in a position Box 32——Horden and Taylor Sts. » Some Surprises in Cup Tie/Played Bridge, “There Was a place y y ’ : ra or 34—71h Ave. and Fulton St 7 Gates Played in Old Jolly Old Miller,” and , ; : | to Inspect our stock of gems and gem-set jewellery personally, or whether Box 356-—-9ih Ave. and Comox Ave, ¥ Country } Other Games his work will never be ac- they are obliged to select from the illustrations in our catalogue, are pro- Box 378th Aye. and Dodge Pl. T Ne ey | to eat complished by making a_ short UREA MEMES EES tected by our rule of quality which never allows an imperfect diamond to Bor 386th Ave. and Thompson St, 7 London, Feb. 24.—The fol-| In snite of the counter attrac pate hhere and there, with long 567—PHONE—567 ¥ enter our stock. Our catalogue is sent free to any address and shows a * : : ; , streches of unworked road be- * spléndid assortment for the out-of-town buyer to select from. Write for CIRCUIT NO, 4, lowing are the results of to-/, f the fireme ball Friday ‘ * Bor 414th Ave 1 £ ‘ 7 ADE? ae Serpmon 6-08 i tween, so I say, let the people * this catalogue; it will be sent to you by return mail. , ang ramerson + day's gameg played in the third|night, the Sons of England social|/eontinue to agitate for a road f z Box 425th Ave, and McBride St. 7 round of the English and Scot-|was a tremencous success through the valley that will go ALF HALLIGAN * ’ i $$. — Box 435th Ave. and Green St. 7) tish Football association cup: Some after 8 o*clock the | somewhere. ‘ * oe - th Ave and Basil St. * Sheffield United ue Millwall merry-makers began to gather Yours truly, & Large Seven-Passenger Machine x > S . e d a 46—T7th n > ‘nr m i eee nee ont : x Athletic 0 and about 8:30 the K P. hall was FOR A ROAD TO f Prompt Service + Henry ir Ss ons, ] Amite . wng St. =» West Ham United 1, Liver-| wel) filled with dainty daught+rs THE INTERIOR, & Special Rates for Parties ODOC iti pool 4 and stalwart sons of England -_-— — a t JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS as Sheffield Wednesday 3, Brigh- raat ee be Rare values sterling silver »* na | 3 H . “Athi ; 0 rhe opening game of progres- and pak yarae ; 8 ane , ling oh liver i STAND, ROYAL HOTEL * Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director] VANCOUVER, B.C ena Land District District of Coast] OM and Hove “a Hae ; North | 2i¥e whist enabled all to form]@nd cut glass at Cameron's dis- x : x KE Notice tat fume C jc Bunderiand 2. Preston. “North new acquaintgnoes and renew old j0ount sale, OOO ladda anonnnS odo | AS 2 ! h e Cronyn, : : : pation manager of a| end 0. ae j Blackt ones and when this was followed lied . ; ve tn ur lo apply for per- Manchest (ity OO, at yurny} by There was a Jolly Mi Se eee ——— Sian i ase 1¢ following desecri- Rovers 4 i ; tt i td wi, tec ert rt ee et ns es om re Fh : ; . : and some other good old country] tr eal erat Post planted at the! Burnley 3, Bolton Wander-|;ames everyone joined in as a| * FEI IISII III III III III ID DI III II II IIT ISIS I III ID ISIS ISIS ISIS ISI ISIN. + m8 west $0 chains ni rth ers 0 i | hatns ains, no . member of one big family } } ins, east’ 80 Chali canhint’ af é ik ae . { “a oe ose reps — ‘las taining 640 acres more wea s Park Rangers 2, Bir- Mrs. Kelser and Mrs, Freeman |} po mingham 0, s “ he t » of the hicheet] * oo HUME CRONYN. 3 . ; . hared the honor o le hig! | \¥ Bah ne” x th, 1913. Aston Villa 2, West Bromwich score in the whist tournament \: 7 —_———$ s we. 20 a fe 914. Albion 4. but on cutting for the prize Mrs. | Buy Your Plumbing r fena Lond District—District of Queen : Freeman came out winner Mr. | ¢ * ¥ Charlotte islands , Glasgow, Feb, 24.—Cup Ue) prices was winner of the men’s Supplies Direct From : TAK 1ICE that Wilfred charies| "ore played this afternoon re-| trophy, Us and Save Money x THE Rupert, B. C., occu: | sulted as follows: The mandolin seleetion given = SSE = = Sey Wont ' , | , wi e large hous: Tne ae hase: Airdrieonians 1, Q ueen ° by Mrs Freeman was hight ap- British” Salute < Pre eee ie » / . : . wing described lands i Park 4. sak ted. as were the songs of | public, We buy in Dig quantities and eel) f P R rt d N th mM B C 4 t ; Slane ‘sand ant Third Lanark \. Raith Ro- oe 7 a ats