——_——_——— Fresh from the Gardens of the finest Tea-producing country in the world. DALADA Ceylon Tea. Sealed Lead Packets Only. “™ Try it—it’s delicious. BLACK, MIXED or GREEN. r, <6 i ORY Ww BY) EE ‘, ORI .F, TRCN EDS Ie Dea EDITED ZS) Anpounceinen es "AN a VF, ys) Ss mD) — aS h affords us much pleasure to an- of the very latest it nounce the arrival novelties of materials and styles in ladies’ be fash- Gay tailor-made costumes that will jonable for the Spring and Summer Season 1914 Never before have the style, and trimmings been so pretty as for this season, and our collection is well worthy of your early inspection. > ae ay fabrics So Dvr Gs Our great success in the past is due > -. to the fact that patrons are always ¢ . assured of . ‘ BEST QUALITY fa x CORRECT STYLES ey Ce ARTISTIC WORKMANSHIP > ( PERFECT FIT SV = . Thanking you for past favors, and so- evs Sv liciting the continuance of same, we are ') Yours respectfully, SWEDER BROS. Tailors to Ladies and Gentlemen Sixth Avenue Gk) 50 SER OY ARS x 4 OF x a (5 9. x (auc > z >: omic mom oa Sa; Gee. eee Bs Piel elon Somiom aoa e *e > i Labora man’ FLOUR in INKED up with ROYAL i L STANDARD is the appeal i} to loyalty to goods made Hi} in B. C. But don’t buy ROYAL it STANDARD for that reason HHI alone. Of course you want | the BEST flour, regardless of i where it is made. Again we j say buy ROYAL STANDARD | because laboratory tests in 111} company with leading brands on the market prove it to have no peer. That’s why we take all risk in asking you to | change. Money back if you i regret the change after using iii} your first sack. Made in B. C. | —the best manufactured any- where—ROYAL STANDARD. At your grocer’s. VANCOUVER MILLING & GRAIN CO., LIMITED, VANCOUVER (Cel et el el ml el i ml tt om Sm FO CC Oe SUCCESS IS COMING THE SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE abe et of Vancouver will open a branch in Prince Rupert in a few days. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic and Penmanship will be taught. , We have branches at Winnipeg, Moose Jaw, Weyburn, Regina, Estevan, Calgary, Wetaskiwin, Lacombe, Lethbridge, Vancouver. GET READY for the big business that is coming when the Grand Trunk is completed. Yoon x x x x x - x x x x - x 4 - x x - x x x x x x OOOO OC OE Drop a card to G. J. Schmidt, General Delivery, for free information. Tomorrow never comes. DO IT NOW OE x x x x x a x x wees PIII IIA IIIA DIA IIIA IAAI AAA AAAI IAI AAAI AAIDAAI IAAI IK ST ee SHUBERT" 0 YOUR FUR BUSINESS DIRECT with the dealing exclusively in AMERICAN oo Get"More Money” for your FURS SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” ja reliable—responsible ~safe—Fur House with an ur rblemished rep & e- 7 The Spokane will sail south on}the work on the Portland Canal] feature of fruit trees in the fu 1% { Tuesday evening. She is due at} Tunnel, reports that a little ore}tu: Last season his trees grew 1 i 9 o'clock. ana To Sears in ane of the ross 22 to 23 inches in every|% Will please you in every way : . : * drifts. lig is looked upon as aj limb. |* ' The Island Dancing: club will| very encouraging sign. e - ————————————————— ———~ ———— ; give another of their enjoyable Se. | .o Provincial Constables All son| ; dances this evening. Piano drawing, March 2ist.|/and Pitney came in from Fort] * BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. t sO 8 We have a few tickets left, will] Fraser during the week-end and| ¥ f Visitors—Go to the Royal Cafe|Se!! two for $1 while they last.|/left for the south on the Prin Ps “The Clothes Shop for Men” ; for your meals. It is the best| Now is your last chance to get/cess Beatrice yesterday They x i service and best selected menu in the piano.—Wark’s. 43tf\ had in charge Sam Bray. act used | FOI IIR IR IIIT III IOI III III III I IO OOO ISO ITAA NA the city. It is’ the popular res- agg cae of indecent assault, and Albert} taurant. Dan Lindeberg of Stewart|Duter, an insane man, and were ‘ ; a rn hee came in from Goose Bay on his|en route for New Wet&Sminster Keep » : , { Edward eee Tt teers ; Mr. Ed Oleson, from Terrace,/‘@4unch Ena on Saturday after- ogee eras FOR A TAM went down on the Princess Bea-}"00n. He will remain in townon) One of the most persistent] Ald. Mor I tk - ue 3 trice. He ig on a business trip business until the 25th of this | pi, neers of northern British Go aoe wear { } vO but 5 and will not make a long stay in month, lumbia is now registered at the t says nothing a getting th t i the south. s Royal hotel This is Mr. W. P e The ou be h * 1 Fine eS Constable Doolittle took James] yeponald. who can in fre Wednesiia’ re — = i A meeting of the Ladies’ Hos- McGinley south yesterday tolc ypper City yesterday Thi s : pital Auxiliary will meet at 3|New Westminster. James has/the first time for seven years Mess D. Smith iJ. * 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at}'® labor hard for six months to/that he has been able to brea 1800, .who spent 8 oF % PRINCE RUPERT AUTO ti} the home of Mrs. Arnold. Fifth | expiate the crime of supplying|/away from his home in Lakelse|'?’ sf , o Seti ACiCca didi icici 4) avenue. it|liquor to Indians in Prince Ru-| valley. He is a true exponent of] With @ vie Ui : ou Ne. Fe pert. the home, sweet home doctrir for their hon Nasa 7 The Prince John brought a but admits freely. that Prince rday cargo of structural steel for the Rupert surprises him. He looks dry dock this last trip. It was S d S i for great things in the interior unloaded yesterday and the John — ays ermon spoilt when transportation facilities KNIGHT & HICKEY cres left last evening for the Island. by Coughing =} | sv_aiferdes. Pee ee eee SS gi eee ¢ i =_ Jobbing & Repairing Cs Mr: Bowerman, chief c . A dose of Mathieu's Syrup Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets P cs k 3 : r A een , me f . rf f ns ¢ of Tarand Cod Liver Oiltaken 4 eye | : : A ‘ ON SKEENA RIVER wireless station on Digby island,| @ before leaving for church will e SIXTH AVENUE PHONE GREEN 269 spent the week-end in town. He ‘ check that service spoiling A — and adjoining railroad was the guest of Mr. H. Davie of cough. ; the post office staff. ¢ This preparation acts asa ‘i BARBER SH uP. DR. GILROY, DENTIST 10 00 a kid @ tonic as well as a cough cure 9 \ ( ro saitine wt . . on Bee ¢ and its use soon enables the A Ve have opened up a ne crown and Bridge Work a The Prince Alpert on Friday ; system to throw off all signs a shop, opposite the schy | Specialty. pe i unloaded 313 tons of coal for of cold. A First class work; evry : 2 the Pacific Transfer company,| @ Keep it in the house— 96 ththa clan’ wad fieek ; Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue Bi0Ltons forthe GT Picaan ’ large bottle 35c at all dealers. 4 cae ee DR Me | ' Gi | RO also a small shipment to the dry g J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. 9 . {MPERIAL MA NE OP arr ison, afl G ' anok. y Sherbrooke, P.Q. A Vancouver Prices. Give us Hl H . . . i PS Mathieu s Nervine F wiers cure head s : e. 4 we ver. dna tte “Pow i & Gall $ Repairing Quickly Done Mr. F. R. Giertzen, who has| mn ¢ Boe af (14 Puseders 3 03 been engineer on the Pacific end| v S58 A COW BAY PHONE RED 156 - if the G. T. P. since the work | @@ ocho? DODDS DEDEO a started, came in from New Ha-| ...._ e “ . ” 2 a Ts prerercenrereese rere ert ttt zelton yesterday. He will be hs § The Daily News es Div BORN bagel tt staying at the Central hotel for SL OBSTRUCTED SINKS CLASSIFIED ADS. RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. tite t and Sewers ; ‘ Messrs. McIntosh and Potter, re nef OO PI neeee OR RW Land Vieter Gramaphones who have just returned from DESOLVO FOR RENT Surveyors Books Chisana, cis registered at the — ——_-_-- -- ~ Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- Magazines Central. They report that one or DESK ROOM in ground floor oMce. Apply | struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and laa wo claims in the district are This substance is a new discov- P.O, Drawer 1663 City 285-1! | provincial Laid Surveying, Mine Survey Photo Supplies king good but that generally ery and will quickly remove accu- $|FOR RENT—Front suite of four rooms,|ing, Townsites and Subdivis Electric Developing and Printingy ooking goo yu la Freneratl) 216 Sixth Avenue West, near McBride. | pive Printing Negatives nd Whit and the prospects are over-rated. mulations of grease, rags and All modern conveniences 2900} rints ty wr or ae Enlarging anc core \e waste. Get some and save plumb- ic eee eee Picture Framing or Mr. Ae. Cocks, bockkeone® af ere’ bilis. FOR SALE Best Selection of Inter! the’ Grossman clcthing store, For sale by Lactic: inne nectar aes, MO __ | McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. View Cards was taken to the hospital. “He is —— BABY CHI KS, hatching. eg eges laying hens ee Te ie anc eedin ens iocks eds bK- 12915 Secon enue »hone suffering from blood poisoning, HARRY HANSON horns, etc Quick oaks, R cagien a , ad Avsnn Don “9 W W WRATHALL but his friends look for an early Crane VOT Ream, Haeret: Mees convalescence, THE RELIABLE PLUMBER sateen WILLIAM T. HOUSE 606 THIRD AVENUE rs se n 1E nearly new for sale of fou » BE Phone 489 138 Second Ave. roan cottage, Also White Aotary sew: B.C. Land Surveyo~ Phone 551 asara reon §£ ’ ing machine, cost 860 ply to s eooenet ‘ ¢ rs. D. J. Ande ; n nee Ww. Also on exhibition at Orme’s Drug Blakely at Wark s Jewelry ie “6a PRINCE RUPERT P.O, BUX 518 | Keperoweorooecoesrrrrsert’ 7 . Johnston returned to Inver- Store, Third Avenue EE ener ness after a _ short holiday. WANTED —————__ Things have been very quiet on Be Oc ee eS TUG AND SCOW BC. C ast Steamship vehi a vite the Skeena during the winter’but WANTED—Rowboat: for salmon trawling y , : : ae i 5 4 POO See HRestaurant, 322 Third Ave it FOR HIRE already great activity is in sight. , , * FOR R E N T ! WANTED—Young woman wants work at W. R. MORRISON The tu McCullough picked ond. nours or permanent employment PHONE BLACK 156 FAMOUS . e McC ong "ke Apply Phone 537. Sour up the fishing schooner Zellah | $35.00—6-room house, Thompson YOUNG WOMAN with lite girl would fe May in Swanson Bay, to which and Sixth Aves modern ime ve pee is private family. Fos JAMES GILMORE | PRINCESS port the crippled boat had made provements. ay iets pd : ° NTED-—-A middle-aged rady to assist | her way. The Zellah May be- $40.00—6-room house, Young and in soft drink and clear enihian’ oat of Architect LINE Aneecia tie OBR oa e , town, Enquire Dominion Hotel. 9 ’ mgs to the C, E, R. Fish com- Sixth Ave. partly furnished; Anas GAMADIAN tall ondaw Gouda abonta 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street} steauinne, ° utnpound # 5 aad q oh. ai oe aie eee as ‘ iE CAN! / VM yrde ouse wants | UInNes pany of Seattle. She is being ae modern. one man in each locality to mail cata- | -———--——————— nee | Heme noon on 8a oo ae paired at the Rupert Marine and $30.00—6-room fiat, Sixth Ave. ie on Ray, B15 weekly, National SOUTH WELLINGTON || Princess Beatrice, sein " ron works, and Dunsmuir; modern oe : C | om oe ia ee ; ° WANTED—Several responsible men to | : “N yeneral Ape ‘ $20.00—-5-room house, Third Ave. represent us in all parts of Canada and 0 A L J.G. McNAB, an Several Prince Rupert citizens and Ninth 8t.; close in. ee ila auenatY Pecans, inhale The Coal that Made B.C. | os have met the city’s exiled bride $20.00—5-room house, Eighth Ave. Company, Limited, “Main Office, 707 FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY — epee ee and groom in the Sound cities. and Green 8t.; neat and cheerful Ronee eet eer eene on salad hike Masaki: JP a tiediest dum “4 ; [he blushing groom and_ his We are having numerous enquiries = * RONretent en’ nn Pe eta ere ae ce ar oe tare ss ld eoennnae we are emer? pleas- for houses and your vacant poultry farm in the vicinity of Prince UNION TRANSFER CO st ieW ed to meet Prince Rupert people house, listed with tupert, Good references, State wages P , us, will be for e . t hly le but thus far have feared to re- rented. ’ business,” Shearman, Brautford Club, GENERAL bapa oy AND STORAGE turn to their northern home. rantford, Ont. it South Wellington Coal d They haye warnings of an en- TTUL | PHONES ; 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 : . ; ee es. OM eam PA LO & RADFORD ioe 333 Second Avenue PRINCE nupERT|!) the el ew of thusiastic reception and are try- | . is lar ing to negotiate an unostenta- Phone 83 Second Ave. JINGLE POT a sideline morn Po. tious entry. FURNISHED ea tion 7 , Sec ioe APARTMENTS Lot 87; Block é ee eee ete nereae ee COAL in two and three room suite, P i $1 500 j itti delivered by Lindsay OOF :par, ments onlay * Plumbing, oleamfitting ed by L y J, E, DYER, Phone Black 334] ¢4.1 §500 h Transfer ovat ash $5 ; nt and sheet metal work B U months Western Plumbi Co.. Ld H. B, ROCHESTER OATB ILDER at a ee prices ester riumbing Uo., a ce Bt eee FXII III III Ob te FEIT OI AOI IDA IK ane 00. Ser ae OM u. JOHNSTON a en (0. week kkk Kk hhhkk Seal Cove Phone Green 321 e