PRR gig * ~~ RB tg: ANSE eG me, eS eee ae aearaabacadiee as SoS eae pee wt 2 s THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in advance Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Gther Countries Daily, | $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch rales on application. Contract BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicafe, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1914 DAILY EDITION The news respecting the the views he expresses when proposed building of the Pa- anyone but himself is repre- cific, Peace River and Atha- senting the city. s basvo railroad is of particular ‘is ties adh money which interest to Prince Rupert. It the mayor is expending in try- shows that “the commercial ing to induce the provincial world reodemises the necessity government to extend their Of treng-Pavific ttade and ‘the account might bettér be spent Sistinct adyentege of ports: mn in hegotiating the sale of de- Northern British Columbia. It Nentures ‘Witalk would pey off is indeed an encouraging that debt. . prospect to those who have ihe tet -g pinned their faith to Prince It seems to be pretty gener- Rupert. It shows that before ally understood that everyone the first great railroad has who visits Paris “takes in the reached the northern Pacific sishis."” manning all the in- terminus there are other rail: iquities and vices one can roads in contemplation. well think of. Visitors to Vic- ee toria take in the parliament The proposed new read may buildings. be termed a rival of the $A WeTS © Grand Trunk, but the’ new The mayor probably made port would not be a rival of all those optimistic remarks Prince Rupert. It will be| about Prince Rupert before he some years before the new had an interview with Hon. W. road can be completed provid- J. Bowser. ing it is really built, and by a i that time Prince Rupert will In Ontario the provincial be a big centre which will de-| government buys Niagara mand another railroad and| ojectrical power and distri- which other roads will be glad} putes it to all the municipali- to get into. There may bhe| ties. They are now contemp- other contemplated terminals | in the north, but eventually! they will all centre at Prince | lating furnishing it to the farmers. Here in British Co- lumbia the city of Prince Ru-. Rupert. } pert has been trying for years Me AES to get Wark Channel water The mayor, who has been power in order to get electric spending, a week in Victoria power for the future city, and has been giving some opti- the government will not come mistic interviews to the press across. In contrasting the on conditions in Prince Ru- attitude of the two govern- pert. This is somewhat re- ments there is quite a distinct freshing and quite akes and | difference from the viewpoint from the attitude he takes and of the people. | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE ! Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery iy) ) y ) Carpenters’ Tools pa ee Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle , fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint \ Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron i “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” i FRED STORK’S HARDWARE UMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. . and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C, First TAME DAILY NEWS ARCHITECT’S PRELIMINARY SKETCH OF THE PROPOSED DO- MINION HOUSE IN ALDWYCH Although Lord Grey has gone, On his doetor’s advice, on a hol day voyage to Australia and New Zealand, the Duke of Ne folk has consented to take his place during his absence as chairman of the board of directors of the Dominion Site Limited), the syndicate which has obtained an option on the Aldwych site from the. London county council. Lord Chelmsford and Sir Edward Ward have recently joined the board. Lord Chelmsford left England for Canada on the Olympic on Wednesday, at Lord Grey's request, in order to lay detailed plans of the scheme before Mr. Borden, prime minister of the Dominion. The scheme in its present stage has three primary objects. It will enable the governments of the self-governing Dominions and of the and provinces to concentrate on one central site for their offices, now widely distributed in different parts of London. It would cause the attentionof the home consumer to be focussed effectively and impressively on the products of the dominions. It would give the manufacturers of the United Kingdom an opportunity of ascertaining and meeting the requirements ot Greater Britain. NEW RAILWAY ON NAAS RIVER various states EXPECTED TO TAP COAL FIELDS AND PEACE RIVER GRAN- ARY—WILL MAKE TOWN ON THE NASAGO GULF— SURVEYS THIS YEAR The new Pacific, Peace River David Alfred Thomas, areas by purchase or by He The line has been laid out with] British Columbia. one 0 a view of draining the magnifi- cent Groundhog coal basin, in which Mr. Thomas and his asso- have secured larye inter- 1g the world and the annual.outpu ciates ceeds by 5,000,000 tons the an Hogem pass. The grade there is said to be .91 per cent, about the best mountain grade obtainable. Hogem pass is about 375 miles northwest of the Yellowhead ids or chutes in the province o Aiberta. Thence crossing and continuing down the righ Naas river, where it approaches as close as twenty miles to the main line of the G, T. P., the P. P., R. & A. will open up a terri- tory that hundreds of miles away from the nearest railway at direction to the Clearwater river thence to the Pembina south the river ane thence height to is the present time. and southerly to Prince Albert ir Which Relative Does Dachs 122 option, in and construction work will be ; begun some time in the spring|#"4 Is said to be intereste of 19145. dther mineral lands in norther: the most wealthy coal barons in of coal from his Welsh mines ex- ests. The line will also tap the|nual output of coal from Cana- coal fields along the Peace river,|dian coal mines. will pass through the Omineca From Nasago bay or the mining country and it aims tO|/mouth of the Naas, the line will make a bid for the transporta-}run northeast up the Naas for a tion of wheat by its sections|qdistance of 225 miles to the through Alberta and Saskat-|height of land between the Naas chewan. and the Skeena watershed, then At Prince Albert, Sask., the down Courier creek to the Skeena Pacific, Peace River & Athabasca|and down the Skeena to the railway will secure connection} mouth of Bear river, and up the with the big Canadian transcon-|Bear river to Bear lake and then tinentals and connections with|across the divide in a southerly the railway systems of America.|direction to Driftwood river and It will also be in a position to/qown the Driftwood river to enter the Hudson bay district}North Tacla lake and from that through the pass. lake to Hogem pass. The promoters plan to build After leaving the pass, the line the road from Nasago gulf, in|will go to the Omincea river, the Portland canal, and very/thence easterly to the Findlay near the mouth of the Naas river.|branch of the Peace river and From that point the line will/then down. the north side of the cross British Columbia and will|main Peace river and easterly go through the mountains by|jand northerly to Vermillion rap- the Peace river at the falls or chutes bank of the Peace river, the rail- pass, through which the G. T. P.|way goes to Point Providence and C. N. R. enter British Co-|thence in an easterly directior lumbia, to the mouth of the Athabasca Except for sections along the|river, then up the Athabasca to Fort McMurray, in an easterly of land and crossing over the Buf- falo river, the lines goes easterly Saskatchewan, dis I at Th | bill completing the 1500 miles. tance of jondon, Feb. 23,—Interviewed Cardiff, Wales, Mr. David mas, the big Welsh colliery prietor, Who 1s backing the before the Canadian parlia- nt for a charter to the Pacific, & Athabasca rail- ace River |way compapy to construct a new l railway the Peace river dis- ltrict, admitted that he was in- lterested in such a scheme, but I re eatly that the reported railway, viz,, 1500 milea, exaggerated. was ort Edward offers ideal in- trialesites, length of 39tf LE Vlas oda eman WF’ t ‘* CHELOHSIN Second Ave. UNION SS. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd. Twin Screw Steamer SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays & Athabasca railway, which is|Ashley Gardens, 8. W., London, 2o.m. seeking a charter at Ottawa, is England, is the leading figure in attracting much attention in the|the promotion of the line. He Lae Ahad west. Surveyors will go into the|},. acquired extensive coal field in March or early in April, Get tickets and reservations :| Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116) 9? | | j | j | Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker | f t 1 - Church Services - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Church Hall at 1. am. and Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PasTon THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH COR. YOUNG and FIFTH AVE. Services every Sunday at li am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2.80 p.m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. W. WHIGHT, B.A,, Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at li am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. MR. DIMMICK PASTOR ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even- ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Holy Communion frst Sunday of month, at 11 a m©., and third Sunday at 8 4. m, REV. G. A. ST. cor. RIX - RECTOR THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Graoville Court Sunday services § at 11 &. m., 3 and 8 p. m Sun- day Fthool, 1:30 tm. Week aight services Mon- day, Wetlnesday, Thugs day and Saturday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS Held in Hays Bidg, 245 2nd Ave. Sunday service 7.30 p.m Sunday school meets 2,30 p.m. Testimony meetings Wednesdays at 8 pm Reading room its open every day excopt Sundays and legal holidays from 3 to & p.m, } | | ow for clearing land in and sround Terraces} euestiten _ also cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, etc.,| jon application, 0. C. STUART meee Accountant 808 2nd Avs. ie Prone Tuesda = §.S. Prince George Fridays at 9 a.m. §.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR Joyy Sundays at 6 p.m For Vancouver, Victoria and For those contemplating a trip to any point « sTRURK RAILWAY SYSTEM (the Db GRAND service second to none, Spee da ere 4 For full particulars and information regard PLY to ALBERT DAVIDSON (Agent for all Atlantic Stea General Agent ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY OOMS: g nad Ay Opposite Empress Theatre rp ity Rooms er atts am tw it p. m ERHANGING Visiting Scotemen are 4 invited \INT For rates for hall rent apply Secretar) NTING 8. D. MACDONALD CHAS. DENNIS, OL] HING AND ° President Secretary ' WALL TINTING terion Phone 539 Bookkeeping Taught By Private Lessons ENDELL AR. JONES . a ve ACCOUNTANT Martin Swanson ard Ave. and Sth St., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.) >" var McBride THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS HAYNER BROS, UNDERTAKE! EMH ALMERS 211 Third st. : on Work Strictly First Class aa ieoeet eee oon Phone Nt Switches of All Kinds and Hair Goods a Specialty — | If you are ne for an y to-date renting agency, pia TAXIDERMIST your property in the hai George Leek Animals, birds, fish and all GEORGE LEEK kinds of game hegds mounted; hides tanned and made into rugs 220 2nd A Phone andlrobes. All work strictly first class. A. MITTLER, Expert Taxi- i dermist, 728 Helmcken St., Van- C O A L couver, B.C, GEORGE LEEK Best Rogers tly New Wellington Coal Phone 116 Coast Notary Public. Rents and Collections Phone 174 Bor FAY FOR PLUMBING AND HEATIM Prince Rupert! SMITH & MALLET} f f nore ¢ Largest } AUCTIONEER 220 Second Ave. LAND CLEARING fy ioe i's sa : Prin Rupert Peter Nelson is open to take contracts re . HARRISON W. ROGER Architect ‘Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. Phone 300 PRINCE RUPERT, BO } Alex. M. Manson, B. A | W. E. Williapa, BALE } i j 1 | WILLIAMS & AANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ee MONEY TO LOAN SECOND HAND GOODS ay P. O. Box 1635! I will buy or sell all kinds of | Helgerson Block prince Rupert & household goods, inechanics Lools, guns and men’s clotiung. Office 6( \ Will call any time. F. M. CROSBY PACIFIC TRANSFER ( 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 245 General Tea A IVARSON & CO, sien sos ores Blacksmiths & Horseshoers x Ti one Boat Work Pa Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way P. ROBERTSON | Ghartered Accountant PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. }Carefully and j | Audits, Investigations, Ag, ustments, dations and Ass gnments wrince Rupert & | | Look the Most Like? FEED SEEDS L HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER C O Al WHEAT ALFALFA CORN : = Complete Line of F r rc’ SUPPLI CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY BUILDER: Smith Block, 3rd Are., LU MBEk 908 Third Avenue } Vealers in WESTHOLME LUMBER 00, Linid Mail orders promptly attended to ee Drawn for The Da HUM- HERES A LETTER FROM THE DAWG) ta "ay ING THEY HAveE HEARD BOUT MY WONDERFUL D AND REQUEST ING THE HONO Or SHOW - HUM- LASS To US! ‘A SLANT HIS ENTRY IN THEIR THERES SOME < THE BEST WAY \|5 TO BEAT IT OVER YO THE. DAWG SHOW AND TAKE AT SOME OF 2 THE ENTRIES geome AIT ANNUAL 7 DARNED \F LT KNOW WHICH CLAass To ENTER MY DAWL- / ™m - yes @® 1914 = werk -2¥nND~ BALTY