Name i fi | ey t i i pata Gian 7 —_—_ — ~ — ——== SUC UU UR R OUR NEW BLUE SERGES 25 | 2 iy Suit; i | 1) Hn i ii ti HH Ht FEB UOO OOOO OUR UE EE i A Display That Is Well MARK AERA . ¥ BEE EEE RR RRR RR RR RR RR ie Te te te tte te te te te te te te te te te SS a Srididididiicicicicicicidrinoic odo tcicicictcicictctrtcicictctctetctetctrtctrict-tetetetetetetetetetetetitedidh-ihthde-de de bo php eee ree reneeee sentry yeyenenny ties 3 Seeing | { BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. “The Clothes Shop for Men” Fresh from the Gardens of the finest Tea-producing country in the world. other building materiai that is being landed in Cow bay. This will be one of the busiest spots on the waterfront in a_ short wihle. Mr. Gerard Gore, who was one of the boys who helped ‘lay out Ceylon Tea. Sealed Lead Packets Only. 7 |} Prince Rupert ae is = town. He is registered at the Try it—it’s delicious. BLACK, MIXED or GREEN. am I’m the man who puts Uniformity into ROYAL STANDARD I came to Vancouver from the largest mill in the world. My sole job is to test ROYAL STANDARD products day in and day out. I do my work so well that a poor sack of ROYAL STANDARD is impossible. I first test in my labora- tory the choicest samples I can procure of Canada’s bumper wheat crop. Then I make bread from each. Only when delicious bread resulis---light, white aad velvety---do I order wheat like my samples. My never relaxes. uniformity of STANDARD BEST vigilance The delicious ROYAL never varies. Say “ROYAL STANDARD” (6) ancouver Milling AGrain CoLtd. ) povan sTANDARD Vancou Mon (Miratesiaater Nenoimo. Victoria d to your grocer GABBER ABBE ER EERE BER BABAR BABA EM SUCCESS IS COMING! THE SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE OO Ue of Vancouver will open a branch in Prince Rupert in a few days. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic and Penmanship will be taught. We have branches at Winnipeg, Moose Jaw, Weyburn, Regina, Estevan, Calgary, Wetaskiw/n, Lacombe, Lethbridge, Vancouver. GET READY for the big business that is coming when the Grand Trunk is completed. Drop a card to G. J. Schmidt, General Delivery, for free information. Tomorrow never comes. DO IT NOW c SOO OO I. PAA IAAI AIA AIDA AAA AAA AAAS ASA AAA IASI A AAA AAAI AS ASDA A = STN Ol eed SHUBERT RECT house in the W: vo addins caceate eively in" AMl AMERICAN W FURS « More Money” for your FURS SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” a reliable--responsible—safe—Fur House with an unblemished rep e