THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by prompuly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. asgassare Wednesday, Fe DAILY EDITION b. 25, McBride is appar-; Now the premier admits that the few who have tried to open Premier ently through with the north. | it has been a good friend to! up the country in spite of the him, but that friendship was| government are to be aband- only reciprocal in fair} oned in the wilderness. weather. The hard times} All the world is talking opti- mistically of the financial oul- look and preparing to carry on which hit the provincial money | where chest is showing the premier’s heart is. The forth.| big undertakings, but the is a great country on which to premier of rich British Co- make eloquent, empty lumbia finds his job too big speeches® but when il comes for him. to choosing between the north bo Ae tice and the south the premier The government may plead smiles on the south that it is so hard up it cannot Lal gg aes ad gives us roads, particularly in In discussing the necessity the north, but that plea does of the new loan and the cut- not hold good in the Wark ting down of the = annual Channel power request of expenditure by $3,000,000, Prince Rupert. The govern- Premier McBride admitted ment needs nothing more than that “Some of the newly pro- a proper conception of its duty i jected works, such as new to the people to grant that vi highways in the interior, water right to Prince Rupert. ft particularly in the north, may Unfortunately, it is as barren £ have to be deferred until next of that conception as the : year.” treasury is bare of the late - That means that the gov- surplus. ernment is too hard up to, Sails open up the country for de-| With an easy money market velopment. The few settlers and the Bank of England rate and prospectors who have constantly dropping, Prince gone into the north and in- | Rupert jumps in and pays ten terior of British Columbia are| per cent. The same treasury to be left to their own re-| notes could have been sold a sources. | year ago when the market was Petes Fee | tight at a better rate than this. The government has never | Our financial experts who ex- had a policy of getting settlers! pect to realize around par for on the land or of developing | our fifty-year fives are going the great natural resources.; «a pretty way about it. FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE ae Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery iit Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle bt iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Pa Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Telephone 98. Mexico: | ' LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. . First and McBride Prince Rupert ‘ PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. 4B DRAINAGE AND LIME ESSENTIAL FOR GARDEN Horticultural Society Heard Lec-| Large Congregation Turned Out any ture on How to Put Muskeg Under Cultivation Very ditions unfavorable weather con did not i deter quite a number of citizens and those in- jterested in pretty homes and jgardens from meeting in the city j hall The call was made Horticultural So last by evening. the - ciety. The feature of the evening was a talk by Mr. A, H. Tomlin- provincial horticulturist, on to prepare muskeg for lawn or garden. Muskeg, he explain ed, imperfectiy vegetation, which acid and sour. The very first ess@ptial in bringing it under cultivation drainage—deep under son, how decomposed Is Is drains. those he advocated as the cheap- | and most. serviceable are drains made with slabs or cord-| wood. Tile is not advisable, requires a hard, even base. Lime is another gredient to be added to the mus- keg. It can be put on generously without doing damage. It neu- tralizes acid ground Wood ashes aid chemical and! bacterial action. Coal ashes in moderation supply some mineral and help to break up the muskeg. est as it | in- | necessary | the in the Sand, gravel and ground rock aid in drainage and add food for plant life. Manures are neces- sary to supply plant life. Seaweed also makes a splen- did manure. It is best put-on green and turned into the soil. The lime used should be caustic, but any kind is helpful. A general discussion on the subject was indulged in. M. M. Stephens, who was informa- Secretary chairman, gave tion about the some society. Harris had arranged to have a mixtures of clay and muskeg which is taken out of the post office site excavation stored on an adjoining lot. This can be had gratis for use in making lawns, and it will be loaded free of charge. Mr. Harris is also making arrangements for a spe- cial price on seeds for members of the society. A committee from the society had asked the city council for free water for lawns and for a stump puller. The council will probably comply with the re- quest. A series of monthly pamphlets on timely topies of local horti- culturtural interest will be issued to the members. It has been suggested that a summer flower show be given, which idea seems to be ppoular. Those who want lime for their should place the order through the secretary. \ general vers will be lawns canvass for mem- made, Big Mine Soon Working D. J. Williams, manager of the Rocher de Boule mines at New Hazelton, has awarded the contract for clearing the right- of-way for the aerial tramway which will convey the ore from the mine to the railway. Work on this has already been started. The completion of the big towers for carrying the tram is all that now delays active mining opera- In six months the big works Will be all under way and tions. jlarge shipments sent ovt regu- jlarly to the smelter. It is likely ithat the Granby smelter will handle this ore, which will all be shipped through Prince Rupert. The North Coast Towing com- pany’s twin-screw tugboat now in good shape for the sea- REY. KERR MAKES HIT Several kinds were described, but} IN NEW WESTMINSTER to Hear His First Sermons in New Charge Westminster ‘ New Columbian | Rev. F. W. Kerr's first sermon in his new ministry of St. An- drew’s church, delivered before a we filled echureh on Sunday ning, had for its topie the iission the Saviour gave to H church and the mission given Andrew's church in the down of New Westmin- ter In an earnest manner, the St town section new minister spoke of the chal- ge there was to every Chris- in to do the Lord's work in that part of the city. Was it richt, he asked, that the souls of the young men and women In this section should lost, and were they ready to clasp hands with him in that work? He e phasized the important field f the » work, What virtue was} there in foreign missionary W rk } if the Hindus and the Chinese} and Japanese were t gathered | into the churehes here for in-| struction? What is home mis-| sion work if the waterfront work- | ers, the residents in lodging} houses and in all manner of| places in the city had not the | gospel brought to them? As the | largest congregatio nin the city, St. Andrew's had a large work to| do. If there was corruption in} the city, the church was con- cerned about it; if there was not everything clean in sport, in all forms of recreation, in social | life, there was work for this church to do. He asked the sn gregation if in this they were | prepared to stand behind him.} Referring to his Prince Rupert} ministry, he said that he had left} a congregation where there was harmony and working | together, equal to any congrega- | tio nin the west. He answered the call to New Westminster, for he had felt that there was special earnest work to be done here. The con- clusion of a sermon which re- vealed the new minister's in- tense earnestness and zeal for} social - religious work, was a| prayer for deep harmony to. be} shown here in all religious and| social betterment work, which, | he reminded his attentive hear- | ers, always exists when men} work with an eye single to the] glory of God. | At the evening service, Mr. | Kerr's theme was evangelical, | and there was a large congrega- tion, fully appreciative of his heart-gripping message. Monday night there was a r¢ ception to Mr. and Mrs. Kerr ir the lecture room of St. Andrew's ehurch. Furs Plentiful but Cheap The British Columbia trappers made splendid catches of fur early in the season and antici- pated a good winter’s work. The spring reperts ,are not in yet, but it is thought some big packs will be brought to market. Since last year practically all raw furs have declined from 20 to 40 per cent, and a further drop is expected after the March sale in London There will be no im- provement in price until next winter, at least. Princess Sophia Off Again The Princess Sopnia has been turned out of dry where was undergoing re- pairs after running aground off Blenkinsop Bay. She went on the triangle run yesterday, the Princess Victoria, lay off for overhauling will retain the some time yet sleamer dock she relieving which will The Ma- quinna northern run for son's work, The Imperial Ma- chine works have just finished ing the engines a thorough over- hauling. fey boring out the cylinder and giv-| | oe a Rare values in sterling silver ;and cut glass at Cameron's dis- jcount sale, 39tf Noe — —_——______—— The World’s Confidence in article intended to relieve the sufferings of humanity is not lightly won. There must be continued proof of value. But for three generations, and throughout the world, endur- ing and growing fame and favor have been accorded BEECHAM ’S PILLS because they have proved to be the best corrective and preventive of disordered con- ditions of stomach, liver, kid- neys and bowels. The first dose gives quick relief and per- manent improvement follows their systematic use. A trial will show why, in all homes, the use of Beecham’s Pills Continues To Increase Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, The larcest sele of any medicine, No ene shoal neglect to read the ions with every bex. Coughing scatters germs —Stop it Conghing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a permanent cure. The wonderful popularity of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oilis specially due to its great value asa permanent lung and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, 35c large bottles. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. For headaches wae Mathieu's Poneders—these are wstjul also to chase the fever and pains which often accompany colds, #6¢ @ bow of 18 powders Nervine 4-tet3 anne net before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Demand the Bra Veto WAV MMM Mlle UNION S.5. COMPANY OF B.C, Ltd Twin Screw Steamer ‘* CHELOHSIN ” SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays 2p. m. Get tickets and reservations Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave Phone 116 ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY £554 Pag | ROOMS : ak a Roe oe owe 5 tt ot e a ; ¥ ! D ; m t RHANGING Mgting®) sogrens pee an > ant’ " NTING Is D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS ISHING AND | Z President Secretary y ALL TINT | mookkeeping Taught Phone 639 te | By Private Lessons | | | | | | ard Ave. and Gth &t., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. _ HAIRDRESSING PARLORS | |} Switches of All Kinds and Hair Goods a | | Specialty —$$$—$—_____——__- If i r any to-da 4 ', TAXIDERMIST your pro] a George Let Animals, birds, fish and all a) kinds of game heads mounted; GEORGE LEEK hides tanned and made into rug8\o09 ong xy, Phone and robes. All work strictly first a class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- a dermist, 728 Helmeken St., Van- ¢C O A L lcouver, B.C, | 1/220 Second W edie Si ey G RUNK §.S. Prince George Fridays at 9 a.m S.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR jony Sundays at 6, For Vancouver, Victoria and For those contemplating a trip to any point « TRURK RialLWAY SYSTEM (the D RA} service second to none, 5S; \)) For full particulars and information regar ALBERT DAVIDSON (Agent for all Atlantic Stea Genera! Agent Prince Rupee | | - WENDELL R. JONES EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Martin Swans THE an UP-TO-DATE HAYNER BROS, UNDERTAKE MBA LMM Fune . r 211 Third St. 7 ird Ave. new k Work Strictly First Class New Wellington Coal GEORGE LEEK : Best @ oast Real Ectate, Insurance and Loan Broker Phone 116 Rogers th Notary Public. Rents and Collections —_ Phot ba fi AUCTIONEER Ave. LAND CLEARING Peter Nelson is open to take for clearing land in and around also cordwood for fuel, ete Terms, on application. FOR PLUMBING AND HEAT SMITH & MALLET} Lare 4 Va fe Prince Rupert Third Ave., Head of Prince contracts wes D. ©, STUART Accountant HARRISON W. ROGERS “7-002. 7" A vines f PRINCE RUPERT, BC re Suite 1, Federal Block Alex. M. Man I 7 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. ee i iams a aaneeel Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 Melee SN A enemas ESS os Barristers, Solicitors, E% ‘ TO LOAN SECOND HAND GOODS Tae 10 I will buy or sell all kinds of | Helgerson Block household goods, iechanics ] ools, guns and men’s liung. Office ¢ ae Will call an time, m an FM. CROSBY PACIFIC TRANSFER (h 839 3rd Ave. WW. Phone Red 245 General | >a J Furniture 7 Carefu a A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work 25 ist Ave., Manson Way Btorage end Forwarding Wood and P. ©. Box 203 Pome Phone 52! P. ROBERTSON Chartered Ac countant PRINCE RUPERT FEED (CO, **"* ‘stots iso] Smith Block, 8rd Are, LUMBER 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY c O At OATS CLOVER a WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC alot Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIB WESTHOLME LUMBER c0, Lid CHICKEN FEED A’ SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended to r \ST-TEN BUDDY—10O TAKE THAT DAWG OVER. TO THE DAWG SHOW AND | ENTER HiM- L HAVENT GOT THE CRUST TO BE SEEN THERE With AIM, MY SEL £. om ) OO “Some Dawg” is Right (N NONCHALEN LUKE AN’ IF MY Bp \DE\NG |S GETTIN’ THE MERRY NOBODY WILL KNOW ITS \NE_- Se F Re BVLNUSS OF COPPING AN EARFUL- OF COURSE \TS A\ THOROUGHBRED, DEARIE, OR IT WOULDNT B ie ee, 3 A Z me Joh a. NES-L NEVER, SOW ONE JUST Like. \v BEFORE - Bur r S'POSE ITS WORTH HOUSANDS UY DOLLARS - Drawn for The Da “we Cae OD ao © 414 ~ tmrd- svn