epruary 25, 1044 THE DAILY NEWS 3 iiiate — eer se a — SPE ee sa Lek Oy Fe # Ba fd Ds Rn EERE EEE MEE peereee , | No. 3 vein will be ti 1 lo fy =, \ genet 2 @ ol P.O. Box 1704 another level! Othe ill j ‘ 9 y HOTEL | Oo, jbe announced late You are Protected W hen Buying Dia- Ce ole FIRST ANNUAL BALL monds from Us by our Strict FIRST ° | | sunning Water In | S R l li ‘at we BEST DANCE OF SEASON | ule of Quality + peands of Liquors and | : Dniy finest Ores kept } ltstand Dancing Club Complete ¢ pest HOTEL IN NORTHERN 3) | Series of Entertainments ; a H BRITISH COLUMBIA With Grand Ball Everyone who buys diamonds from us, whether shey are in a position & FISHE? to inspect our stock of gems and gem-set jewellery personally, or whether BD pr OMME The Island E Hat ( » they are obliged to select from the illustrations in our catalogue, are pro- Proprietors } = i} ixth . ‘ ai tected by our rule of quality which never allows an imperfect diamond to le Sixt a he oe ppaereeeeeeereteeeteeres aaaot: on Mo It enter our stock. Our catalogue is sent free to any address and shows a s — } tc a bi in ‘ splendid assortment for the out-of-town buyer to select from. Write for =, | ne % ful this catalogue; it will be sent to you by return mail successful seas cial event if p ‘ of as the nice ba f the year r , Lar Para ae ' tal flipegtor | The affair was he the St 5 ‘ é Ol ! o's tal view wwe elabor. WT lenry Birks G& Sons, Limited itl Andrew's Hall, w! bor enry Birks Sons, Limite ate decorations previous af- a awe ae ba tt , ha ftAK a 2 fair were left hanging. The floor JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS : [. Vintners Association was in excell hape for danc iB —— ing and th bers claim Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director! VANCOUVER, B.C Werner's orch ’ ever ga i TEL 4 aioe "had Eighin St better music 7 - w. H. Wright, Prop. “ i The ladies i dainti - — _ —————- — eT ‘. ‘ HENRY JONES gowned, mans them appear-' md 4 Va ‘ enet Tr AS fs . ra coat J BRIDGE FAR? ng ag ost. Te em ARDWARE COMPANY snd Seven St. mittee who had charge ea i od American Plan | fair are being ¢ gratulated up-| Peter Black, Prop. fe FIRST CASE OF ITS KIND IN CANADA ani ihe eundebe. of: thetr <6tforts: | THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Jury awards verdict of five hundred dolla dan ist Onts ae ' ried: ¢ e Those present were KNOX HOTEL , amag igains ntario farmer who married a sec- Mr 3 ie 4 i ‘ antitiond- whan’ tte tie , J Dr. and Mrs. L. Kergir iF Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass i ean o1,08 Siti «Seth Bonin sla ate Maria Fisher and. Henry Jones, pictured above, and Mrs. Lee Baker, Mr. and Mrs Plumbers’ Supplies , Plate Glass Mirrors Tay ; were the principals in a pe ir case at the Toronto assizes. Jones, who is a prosperous Ch dae M: d Mrs. Vauet Paints Stoves, Ranges - a Goedenrath, Mr. and 1ughn, 0; Tinware Besner & Beener, Props. farmer, was married 26 years ag but according to his own statements had seen her M and Mrs. Helgerson, Mr. and] dils ; £6 ates ere for 26 years and had received an ar ax oe ‘ ra deren Reset Or ! Shera Varnishes Graniteware ihe ae Met od nous telegram that she was dead. fn Februai i912, iMrs, Parker, Mr. and Mrs Fine- | Y V. De Caley Miss Fisher answered Jones idvertisement { a housekeeper, and after a short courtship, gan, Mrs. and Mrs. Randall] The ‘' Stay Satisfactory eae a tah and they went through a form of marriage and lived together for nearly a year. Then the first Vancouve! Mr. and Mrs. Mc-} MONARCH MALLEABLE Range.”’ Third Ay o nereene } wife turned up and Jones was arrested for bigamy, but acquitted by a jury. Miss Fisher sued |{peoq. Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Mr. wropean Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day for $10,000 damages for loss of character and social standing, and was given five hundred land Mrs. Willspinor, Mr. and SaaS dollars The presiding judge said it was the first case of its kind in Canada. | Mrs. Frizzell, Mrs. F. Bowness;| — - $$ - ——— - MIER HOTEL | » sses ‘ade , Pas qmer vs 4 European Plao Pe ie the Miss ; Se aae or vacates | as hh laa aa leas ANNES 'F. W. Henning, Manager {hood of two thousand tons of|!ssey, Green, Sullivan, La; ie * | | Davidso Montreal Knight, * 2 foncestrting ve nbn wt ver [Banoo Montel” ight ESS IS COMING! } Ar teh r jturn an immense amount Kenzi | Hizzell ‘Emm ns, ‘King ¥ = * PT Burgess, Props. 1e, ’ yaesry &, i ie ol a | TWENTY FOUR CARLOADS ORE See a veer eae) eeees. ee! Steet se. as THE SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE t ~ - ropean Pian Steam Heated when the concentrator will be in-|Mann, Edwards, R. Rogers, A. z 2 es stalled has not vet been decided.| McMaster, F. Wallace, E. Doyle, |« of Vancouver will open a branch in Prince Rupert in a few days. a VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., ‘ : 7 ai cts LIMITED | ONE VEAR'S SHIPMENT OF OVER SEVEN HUNDRED TONS—| Speaking to D. McLeod, gen-|*- Booler, Hende ee Aver Ey, Seaaheeolng, ShaRNES, TyptUrniOG, AANNNN: es ae St | WILL RESUME DEVELOPMENT—HAVE TWO THOUSAND leral manager of the company, | eae _ one ; +5 wit ‘1 7. # will be taught. ¥ ue ' LOlIDY, er, tilar, .. . ee TONS CONCENTRATING ORE NOW ON THE DUMPS {the Herald was informed that Waugh. FE. Harris. Johns. G iP We have branches at Winnipeg, Moose Jaw, Weyburn, Regina, Estevan, > RINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., rae a ae jthere will be another carload or Noble W K sick Knight \.|% Calgary, Wetaskiwin, Lacombe, Lethbridge, Vancouver. y LIMITED Omineca Herald from this point on Wednesday's two shipped out this winter|**" ny F ; ” . ye ee z . * Fraser ana Gixth Sts Ten carloads of high-grade | freight | provided the sleighing remains. | Little, Malcolm. é GET READY for the big business that ‘s coming when the Grand Trunk + hone ¢ silver-lead ore were shipped the Last year the Silver Standard|At the present time the mine c f * ee + | past week from the Silver Stand shipped just a little over three|forece is cleaning out the bunkers | Not Quite 1% Drop a card to G. J. Schmidt, General Delivery, for free information. + Sais i Gl mountain, |"undred tons, and it is safe to|and sacking up what ore is left, Mrs. Enright—Suppose I were - Tomorrow never comes. DO IT NOW x \é e ol ler 0 al Y Bk g | ar Cee Ree eae predict that this year’s shipment,|preparatory to resuming devel-|to die, what would you do? ¥ 7: TOWING GARBAGE SCOW peeyen malios trom Heselton: THis! ain. more than double‘ in site, opment work. Mr. MeLeod and) Mr. Brright-—Why, 7 SHOU] | yep gett tA RII AIDA AI IDA I IIIS IIIS ISI ISSA SII I ISIS ISS SS ASSIS. jmakes a total of twenty-four will also be much more valuable,|Mr. McHugh are going up to the} simply go crazy. panenineeensinesanssnsesiaiasaaasid - . — a "Friday aon carloads, or seven hundred and!as greater pains were taken in|mine this week, and with Super-| Mrs. E.—Marry again? rer . Sporemiions for twenty-one tons rhe last loads} sorting. intendent Haskins will decide Mr. E Oh, not that crazy. 6 Informatior or;*’ ua” 7 . | vqlinforena tion Oty werk brought: dowd: ‘trom. “thi Besides’ the seven hundred|upon the new development work oe : e al ews eee t mine on Monday affernoon last/tons shipped, the company has/|t be undertaken first. It is} Port Edward’s taxation will be RNEST A. WOODS, ind the last ears were shipped|on the dumps in the neighbor-|most likely that the shaft on the} very low. 39tf City Clerk. | : | . a - —— — — a Ne ng Se i ids uk Eo ra eee VAFIADIS CELEBRATED EX ne Ta a TSU EEE EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES ODALISQUE 25%rtr sox or [© TRA FINE. SOf-. + : Imported from Cairo, Egypt el TT Palin AT eg AM EN ‘ THEODORO VAFIADIS & Co. CAIRO. Purveyors fo the Hhedivial family. CTE pT eile Uo iti ST a aT Sa ee Te cr fr, COUN Feline Fo - Po Pins Pe! allie 11a ei SU Fr er _amann oo IO Ne pe