PRINCE RUPERT, THURSDAY B.C., ————S FEBRUARY 26, HE DAILY NEWS ‘ 1914 SHING COMPANY | W GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: it |e sald that down in Boweer’s office the member for Skeena is known by a number Inetead of a name. PRICE FIVE CENT: LOCATE HERE ccna aA cER'S MUNICIPAL ACT Ve AVORS STRONGLY OF DESPOTISM ITTING OFFICIALS TO FRAME ORDERS AND REGULA- TIONS IS RETURN TO BUREAUCRACY—OPINION OF STUDENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY Sleep Walker Froze Feet re. somnabulistic a Horopin a _R. FISHING CO. WILL LOCATE HERE) iow 1: le Company will Ship from | hdwat Feb. 25. state, Douglas | Sioux Falls, 8 rince Rupert as Soon as county young man, arose from Railway is Ready his bed and wandered away ove! the prairie and through the cold representative and reached a point about one lishing Company, and one-half miles from Parks- in on the Spo ton, in an adjoining county, be hikan to look af-|fore he awoke He was awaken- of the power ed from his sleep by his freezing lah May, which| feel distressing him Instead of shaft, finding himself in his comfort- 18 making en-|able bed he was many miles from hen the G@ T. P,{| home Although he wandered ed up His com-|®way in the darkness of night, to see pailway {he did*not reach home until 7 Prince Rup Yvclock the next evening Mean- iny proposed to|time his distracted inother and from this port, | sister had given the alarm and | ‘mpany have al-|a@ general search was being made ns for him FPP R EM wy i Sia VON eee re $30,000 Reward 'O-NIGHT t Rewards totalling $30,000 have at the — | been offered for the capture of i| the Great Northern Railway ban- 1 * dits who murdered the — three | H (| */passengers, It is supposed they escaped in a launch from near ) Samich and may be hiding am- NA H QO U SE ong the islands of the Gulf of t Georgia, 20 8 REEL PROGRAM ee) , RITISH GAZETTE ready arranged for waterfront “SNETIAN ROMANCE : privileges here and will make MIFE'S PATHWAY. — Two their shipping headquarters at Bee An : Prince Rupert. as soon as the * WINE.—-A splendid flim. Grand Trunk can handle their ADMieal E + fish, me 100 and 16c¢ * Mr. Randles says Prince Rup- TOCICCCICICISI iia iniede a jert is bound to be the biggest ioc | fishing centre on the Pacific. Bank ¢ here from t Mr. St very p The ing, sifying with theft he mnnham opular News- ays: McLeod was charged with the be His defence Nx le reanize the nation as a spass on the lawl je against the aggrression of columns tl y}other nations the ever | loday, whilst men of ail par- ization and) s pay lip service to the prin overnment, a hiotes of individual liberty and iking definite | freed m, many of them in prac- palities bill,; tice are etultifying these pre he house, jcepts in advocating legislation at the one|wherebs ndividual responsibility ther irrecon s lessened. edom and in-| ‘There can be but e result of i s Canada’sjsuch legislation, and one only MRe. ist national decay. A.B.LESLIE, MELVILLE, vorst sign is} Phe moment undue regulations FETITIONER> . ipparent indif-jare placed on men’s ves the h the people|characters deteriorate 1 all their] That the state when it exceeds exercise ofiits duty as vi Lect defeats it- The morning apologist be stolen | 5 mn Se etide, et ea for the MeBride government fohn Stuart the case of China, where the featured by publishing on price of lib n of past ¢ es has two consecutive days a silly il vigilane become stagrent through the letter which endeavored to remember | ; of individual lib- cast a spew of dirty words vas that re eral \d “th idoption of bureat on two reputable citizens. wa yken, etheds The letter purports to come today [ rhe prog s of a nation is from a Liberal who claims slation as ia |r essa arrested when tis he stood in bold relief when at ; of |p ple, de i class caste or Liberalism was in bloom | d possible, | £overnme syvsten cease to rhe Tory party today is full tinued and | P sess personality of that kind of Liberals, hose wh rhe modern tendency to legis ind they still have the hand sion f the|late by means of mpowering out boldly looking for relief sta but espe jJacts permitting secretaries of Vicilanece on the j state attorney-Lenerals and oth. ho b ve in lim | ors f like authority in the var- z . ncaa jiiie departnents of the overs] SENTENCE ON BANK Fie eee eeMatlone, vexplamine ‘what is| EMPLOYEE SUSPENDED s_of free-|! ilions, explaining what is es 1 law 1 « niawful under the act ee where, |!8 subversive of the principle of] Judge Mcinnes Holds Offence f written |representative government and} Should Not Be Condoned, but lb ther|sives undue power to officials of McLeod Not Real Offender i ehe ‘ r os th rl ~ burea i Holding that the offence as far cave ent in national and mu-Jas the actused was co red : rs td Gal and had not been a flagrant « ind * progress, and lihat the man who was the real S f. civ ‘ ‘ member the words ffender was not bef the ee act ce PREERE. Stee hy | SOuREe duties. Moines : allowed 3 Secon? Archibald Maxwell McLeod, the 1 amongst all! i 1 his countrymen against ? : young man who was former!y | ; the government to do). manager of the North Van- 1@ state is to the hey could do more ef cnivebah of the Bank of ee See 7 peOeRANy 10) ere is British North America, to go on me ; on “i suspended sentence, says the ers upon his NUNTUS Vancouver News-Advertiser. Mr | and to equip February 1, 1914 McLeod, who was employed in the of British on its opening, Vancouver America yme North having c branch with time, was] Rupert. | eonti at the in Prince Advertiser fal and was that] voks of the bank he had cashed cheques and} loaned monies to a man named Harris on the representation of| the latter that he had valuable| real estate, simply wished the} money to carry. him along, and would speedily negotiate a deal] whereby the amounts would be| coverd., MeLeod stated that he had not got a cent of the money himself, and that he had no in- tention of defrauding the bank, His evidence was. given with frankness and eyidently deep impression on the court On Trial for Breaking Window 4 Port Simpson Indian named Ryan broke a window in the Northern hotel at Port Simpson a few days ago and is in jail charged with intent to steal liquor. Ryan appeared before the judge this morning and elected for speedy trial lle ad- mits breaking the window, but says he was not after liquor. The case was adjourned ne two weeks to get wilnesses Stork Delivered Five Tavlorville, Ky., Feb 25.--Five children—three boys and two girls—were born to Mrs, Bertha Drury, wife of a Spencer county farmer, The girls died, made a A Divorce Action that Has Created a Sensation in Great Britain A.B. LESLIE MELVILLE RESPONDENT. BOWSER’S ALLIES “NAMED” IN HOUSE Give a specia)] policeman a bottle of whiskey and a gun and you “have ‘a man ready for anything from prostitutes to present gov- Place, M. blackmailing supporting’ the ernment.’’—Jvohn P. P. for Nanaimo. ORD FITZWILLLIAM. Cc ¢ LORD TZWIAMS, PREHISTORIC PIGMY The Leslie-Melville divorce oe SKELETON FOUND in which Capt. A. B. Leslie-} r Melville is seeking a divorce; 24g Up a oaisoen ier? Only i from his wife and naming as al - co-respondents Earl Fitzwil-| elg liam and Mr. T. Cornyns Platt, | i is eb ak -rhe s cret ge extraordinary in-| 108 ngetes, ep. £9.— ct gel iain “Lord | Skeleton of what appears to have eres i ree t . 40 ; : ‘ . Pe Fitzwilliam, who, by the way, | Deen a prehistoric pigmy, less Brat nin 4 Canada: ds" s per- than three feet in height, is on an catviend of their MAjastics its way from the asphalt beds of Sw ; ; cnfart man with|Labrea to the Smithsonion insti- ane 5 i ! 3 t t ‘ te te 4 ar four children. The Leslie-Mel- os ' . af — hor Le villes have sometimes been i me th , 1 : oe ‘a’ nkoeleton* will spoken of as one of the hand- un. 16: 249 ; { up! in Great Bri.| ke 4 place in the history of somest couples ives 2 : nthropology as the first re- ‘ The lady is Wietor thei”... ae 4 is J : ppowme ee! a nail of ante@eluvian man ever DOr ha . oe d ¢ the North American dress. At the Pantomime Bal! i : 2 h ; : , ne . a the er es To my mind,” said Director M ‘ a _ , COMnenniniate the Frank Daggett of the Museum of were eo ee ay hid the History, Science and Art, under seco 'O-TeS 3 et ° : enege rant ie va i C fi whose direction the excavations ‘ase, is . ( Secretary o G th Brit h [ ra * th lhave been tarried on, “there can : itis rague ir e bt oS rt a aes : ; Fitz no doubt that these are the Symes 2 aa hee ee es of a man.) The_ indica- william emphatically denies ove Pains the olabinn. “He ns ¢ , t » skeletor # miseonduct and it is said, has ' the Heviod. roughiy 2 nes oO , , oughly ae os assurance to nlaced aft BME Waies ago. rat effect. Last year when the mayor of Prince Rupert asked the provincial vovernment to guarantee the bonds” of Prince Rupert for a million dollars, Wm. Manson, al- leged representative of this city, refused to aid in the request. This year that same government imnereases its guarantee on. railway bonds to nearly 200 million for the purpose of aiding railways to sidetrack Prince Rupert, Wm. Mansen is a party to the deal. What do you think of him as a repre- sentative of Prince Rupert? Not one word, from Man- son last year to aid Prince Rupert, although the proy ce has big property inter- ests in this city and has¢ taken millions out of it. Not a word of protest fror Manson against the’ two hundred millions of guar antees to boost Vancouver and sidetrack Prince Ru- pert. Can Prince city which hopes Vancouver as a afford to have a member? Rupert, the to rival , seaport, a mummy for Pantorium Phone 4 Pioneer * Neaners, LIFE OF ST. COLUMBA | | | } lecture j that fappealed ihe ge TOLD IN LECTURE Interesting Session of Presby-| terian Church Club Last Evening Notwithstanding the inclem- ency of the weather last night, la large turn-out listened with linterest to the paper on “The Life lof St. Columba” by Mrs. G, A. Klower, whose treatment of the subject showed great care and research in the preparation of fhe paper. She traced the life of the saint from his birth in Treland up to his death in the old monastery on the little island of Tona, in Scotland The keen attention paid to the by those present showed her subject which to their interests Refreshments were afterwards served by Mrs. Douglas Next Wednesday a debate “Railway Nationalization” ven by Messrs. F. H and G, Wilson, Messrs. Mat Braun and Oscar Johnson returned yesterday from | a vacation in the south. They in- tend t® return in a days to their ranches’ in Bulkley valley was, one on will Pater few the First shipment’ of new opened up-—Bemers. ‘shapes 47 SER ‘OF NEW ACT wa | | The Railway Burden in Detail | | CANADIAN NORTHERN | Total obligation for principal................00005. $ 47,975,000 Total obligation for interest.................00545. 78,383,425 $126,358,425 PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN Principal and interest........... cece cece eer ee eeee $ 37,312,500 Provincial Credit pledged for............-...... $163,670,925 In addition to the above is the new guarantee of $35,000 a mile on 330 miles Great Eastern extension, together with interest, which brings the total obligations to about 200 million on the two roads. PRINCE JOHN HAD —_|REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE VERY STORMY TRIP CONVEY CONDOLENCES Ship Had to ‘Maave te and Ride|To Family of ‘Late V W. H. Kinkade Her Out—Gasoline Who Was Member of That Drums Lost Organization The officers of the Prince| At 4 Special meeting of the John say that their last trip|Real. Estate exchange, of which from the Queen Charlotte islands| Mr. Kinkade was an active mem- was the worst they have ever ex-/her and a director, the flolowing perienced on this coast. The resolution was passed yesterday storm was so bad that several ft ; Oe i ; gasoline drums went overboard|#'*®rnoon: “Be it resolved, that we deeply deplore the passing of our friend and co-worker, Warren H. Kin- kade, recognizing that in his re- moval from our midst we have lost. one who has been ever faith- ful in his undertakings and wise and kindly in all his counsels. aa “That we hereby convey to his sorreee wife and daughter our DIESEL Ol PLANT cerest sympathy and the hope MACHINERY COMING) =! ‘who doeeh’ ait thine in the sound and the vessel fin- ally had to heave to for seven hours to ride it out. This, com- bined with the several hours she was stormbound in Skidegate harbor, accounted for -her arriv- ing here at 7:30 last evening— fourteen hours late. will comfort and direct Henriette Bringing helna. Ginko of eg in this the hour. of their chinery for Port Edward (a fitiation. : It is directed that a copy of Power Plant ithese resolutions be conveyed te The G. T. >. tratantae sVacuic | Mrs. Kinkade and her daughter, ette is expected in lonereennad that it be published in our morning with a full cargo. She | CaN eae al IPERT RE had aboard the machinery for | ee ee the Port Edward diesel oil plant! ee , wT Ab L Raker which will generate electricity | F ee for the industrial town there Ce The shipment consists of o70 | Sree ee Ceo nasil tons. It will be transferred to G., | T. P. cars and sent by rail to] Port Edward. Following the beautiful “Car- pictures which made such € or | : and other ja decided hit at the Westholme The Henriette is also bringing | men” a quantity of powder freight. / jopera (house last Monday and —-- — Tere |Tuesday, a _ splendid five-reel Funeral Arrangements Changed | program was given last evening ‘headed by houser a fine two-reel Than- feature entitled “Life's There was also a good Gazette and a_ splendid siihject entitled “A Ve- "The closing the late W. H. tomorrow | Pathway late resi- | British to Fairview | one-réel | cortege The funeral of Kinkade will be held afternoon from the dence, Fifth avenue, The cemetery will leave |netian Romance j the house at 2 o'clock. Rev. | picture was a Keystone comedy, Father Bunoz will officiate. It|the first half of Which is strictly was originally intended to take|eduecational, while the second the remains to Seattle, but this|half is faree comedy pure and was found inadvisable, and in-|simple. The title is “Wine” and }terment will be in the city ceme-|it is certainly a picture worth tery Friends and acquaintances | seeing These pictures will be are invited te attend, jrepeated tonight. m Rogers’ cutlery and oad Some exceptionally flea bar- goods going at half price at|gains at Cameron's discount sale. Cameron's sale. our show windows. 20tf 39tf | See AGU UG UOU UG UU ULL UUCU COCR GLICO ACC IE YR Empress [THEATRE .TO-NIGHT... 6—OUR TONIGHT’S PROGRAM 18 IN SIX PARTS-—6 PART 1—PATHE’S WEEKLY REVIEW OF LEADING EVENTS THROUGH- OUT THE WORLD. PART 2-—‘A BUSINESS SHARK.” ‘PART 3—TONY THE FIDDLER (Part 1). PART 4—‘TONY THE FIDDLER" (Part 2)-—-A fine feature release from the Essanay Studios, it is a tale of Canadian border life. Cast of characters: Tony the Fiddler; Carson, allas “Big Bill; Bud Mercer, the Hall, PART 56—CAIRO, EGYPT—A very enjoyable trip through the city of Cairo “THE ENGINEER'S DAUGHTER’’—A raliroad story. PART 6—‘SUSPICIOUS HENRY''—-An exellent comedy from the Vito- graph Studios. Sheriff; Deputy; Sue, the Sheriff's daughter; Jack Townsend, Deputy; Joe” Stage Driver. UU UUU UCC ORIOL RIAA Ep aE IE pag apap . : i drinlelairtedetsdetetndrtrictrirtrictrtrictrtcirietilebeiedabeieiolsintericisdibiiebititidetelastn