Hhursday, February 26, 1944 THE DAILY \ews ~ ; =x ere ‘ \ CAC Ors y) a § ACME CLOTHING HOUSE | are moving to their new store and will open witha complete newstock — REMOVAL SALE Sale Starts : C L E A N . ae be SATURDAY | SATURDAY —“~ SWEEP On Saturday at 9 a.m. we are opening the largest CLEARING OUT SALE as yet offered to the public of Prince Rupert. Every article in our store must be sold as we do not intend to move a single thing; and we are going to do ‘it in THIRTY DAYS. PROFIT ! EXPENSE! and COST ! are forgotten i in this slaughter-of prices; one thing only, the goods must be sold clean to the walls. Look for the Yellow Tags BARGAINS GALORE Look for the Yellow Tags Read Them Carefully = # te — Nie ==. rorees 9 a. m. POOPIE IP LLP PL OPPO P OPO P OD OOO be os A elite teeta a mt. | Pee Te pes ee : . j BOYS’ BUSTER SUITS | goyy’ WOOLEN UNSHRINK. Boys’ 2Piece Norfolk Suits MEN'S sus) | MEN'S SHIRTS alues to $5.00; Sale Price $2.85 Bloomer Pants in tweeds d worsteds; Value to $15.00; Sale Price $6.85 | iF i ¥ Se ric eG ” =e ; aT ” Be aa oN ABLE UNDERWEAR vale to $6.60; Sale i iy "$3.65 wee : aie ies 49 $9.45 | a erat tae be | ’ All sizes; Sale Price, per gar- Value to $25; Sale Price. .$12.90 | Sale Price ..... Bhs te et tae 35c BOYS’ OVERCOATS rien Nae cae 500 | J. B. Stetson Hats | Tee | | Any one at........... half price | Papilio Any one in the store............. $2.95 “MEN'S ENGLISH WATER. 92 PAIR MEN’S ODD PANTS Seren Lcd S : a rr PROOF COATS Value to $4.00; your choice $2.35 Any pair of Boys’ Bloomers and | MEN’S FOUR- IN- HAND Men’s Cloth Felt Hats | Every one guaranteed; Sale Kuickers at 33 1-3 off regular SILK TIES | In all shapes and colors; value to $1.50; | PLiC€ «1 severe reeceees $8.95 LLAMA HOSE | Bale Price...) . nes senate os. ess 75c aa ee prices, fota @ho: Bela wate OUR SPECIAL ree , : eee P02 AS ee ae - | M . F - Fel H - MEN'S OVERCOATS Regular 35c Sox; Sale Price Bvedy tcc iin duwstoce will rey ey eet >| ens Fur Felt Nats Value to $12.00; Sale Price $5.95 Five pairs ............, $1.00 ery oys -< i our store | Se F ’ MEN’S FOUR-IN-HAND TIES [eel All colors and shapes; value to $3.06; Se be at b i | . Sale Pri PPP OR ees Pe LO) |e at bargain prices TE abe: aaic prioh te iieee eee | MENS ENGLISH WATER- MEN'S UNSHRINKABLE a em BOSTON GARTERS | UNDERWEAR BOYS’ SCHOOL CAPS ; Pai? or precios’ a 15c prey PROOF COATS a ‘ I MEN’S 75C TIES | rn ey Raglin style, wr water- | Lomuiat $1.38 Barmeur; Sale |} Value to 50c; your choice, Sale | os . for $1.00 wit — HAR sere | proof; Sale Price...... $11.95 | __Price, per garment... 7Oe Sale Price. ..35c; three for ’ alue rieLige.: +s cena ae wo for 5c AN Me a | } Pring sere Ea ey oe 10c | beset a ar apt 5 Lie ary % pmo —_-—— MEN'S WOOL 80x "| 100 PAIRS MEN’S ODD | MEN'S BALBRIGGAN Value 25c; Sale Price, pair.,....... 15c | | / BOYS’ HATS | | ALL OUR SLATER SHOES AT | ma a Siete: bi | PANTS | UNDERWEAR N\ y Value to $1.00; Sale Price... . 550 OUT PRICES 35e value; Sale Price, pair......... 20c | Value to $3.00; your choice $1.45 | Regular 450. germent;’ Bale: Prige, \ | | por ‘garment ...2 0% 03.66: 35c \ Every article in our store will be marked in Plain Figures, YELLOW TAGS representing sale prices. OUR GUAR- ANTEE! Your money back as cheerfully as we take it from you if not satisfied. Store closed Thursday and Friday to arrange stock. Remember our sale starts SATURDAY at 9 a.m. Come early and avoid the rush at THE ACME CLOTHING HOUSE 5 Second Avenue A ‘ ‘ My, a STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY EVENING DURING THIS SALE e ms) hate WH oS wezce ,, s S¥, tan 74