GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: pRINCERUPERT oe There may be something in that THE PACIFIC perty ownere, in’ Victoria gant 6 poRT oF PROGRESS wreath of flowers to. the “meme ber for Skeena. -— ness . NEE ——————— —_—— = Se —_— = ———e —_— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS ee —— KEENA ROAD APPROPR An ONS ARE CUT IN HA HE GREATEST LIBERAL CONVENTION. IN PROVINCIAL HISTORY---SENSATION IN ONTARIO E PROVINCIAL ESTIMATES HAVE woe teen TGREAT LIBERAL CONVENTION NOW usurps the control of all the $150,000 FOR RUPERT BUILDING) '" iso". IN SESSION IN CITY OF VICTORIA passed or a dollar borrowed a ee oe eae on debentures unless Bow-. e Road Apbropriation for Sheena District Has Been Cut from) 27.0 2". 3] Best Convention Party Ever Held in British Columbia---Enthus- $405,000 to $216,000--Woman’s Suffrage Bill Ney bem Wblis farher and iastic Delegates From All Parts---Liberal Leaders Will Defeated Te taMsoce “lnceniue Visit Prince Rupert business lincenses Every business in the city sites Te ee he Daily News 1#67,000; Lillooet, $73,000, and;duction of the province is rapidly , 1 m \ . . , 4 ada = now has t -ontribute be ‘ ode ‘ ; 27.-The pro-|Skeena, $216,000. The estimates | increasing. nie ig i z co ea ee Special to The Daily News jare out to support Liberalism te | Messrs. Brewster and Oliver | 2% ' , ‘ler ‘ | " ‘ec Oo e extravagance HIS ment estimates|inelude $3,000 for clerk and The chief feature of the bud- of maintaining. 6 Bow r Victoria, Feb. 27.—The Liberal | fefeat the present administra-|{he leaders of the party, are go- today. The|stencographer in new municipal}, el . t ’ i t ris ywse 1 Z eal aha he - get is the large reduction in the machine, Bowser’s great convention here is the greatest| “2: ing to make a tour north after diture for the | department. educational estimates ambition is more wer and ver held by the Lil | ty ast evening Hon. Duncan yt | t Tt ill hay os i j i ‘ ‘ t : { ) 5 re ower &£ ‘ ever ele ) e bere yar . .¢ > 2 : yr {72,000 and the} The discussion today centred ud ' : , Be: and ; , k : : Bo eve ian Marshall, the minister of agri- the whee nace het ngs ha an 240.048.0000. around the provincial election The net debt, exclusive of the ee oe . ese + is rd : the province. There are dele-leyiture in Alberta, delivered a|a meeting in Prince Rupert. 2 F . * > © em, 2 2 aeat , . es include lact, the workingmen’s compen 1,500,000 treasury bill due May B tt as , oe ; ; gates from every riding, being|magnificent address. at the con- The greatest enthusiasm ff ‘e- publie works leation act. and the new dentistry | 28, is $8,500,000, which with the eae dt rn Pion 2 ae on representative business men who] veation. vails among -the delegates. sar sile y and sadly sat- ; ; gs | Seve ne bills « ‘on. | 210,000,000 loan to be floated, pe ’ blic buildings. act Several new bil f cor isfied to take the crumbs — —— ————— = mportance were given|Will be $18,500,000, Against this Nee ‘beid es. [thei first read ng : sit Hg then isthe aes ead y es ae Manson recently TORIES ON STRIKE ONTARIO GETS A SENSATION rH aagen reek. one Ret tia f ah gs 06.500 @hioh fs deawitis 6%. sgarapeeg tees ~ Abc tpl Bd c's WERE TALKED OVER ul ae eet o the fish act and a ’ ; : j citizen of Prince Rupert, education Mhe lane registry act ie road appropriations for t no one has hear se R ASK | bill : ‘ year were cl Gennes “heatd hiss Vancouver Delegation Interview- Skeena district last Pr ce Rupert rhe womans suffrage les og . %e leading Prince R rt’s dings was defeated bys 3 to 10 2405.000 This amount has cae while the tidenend ed Premier on C. N. R. Bill and Bag raed. inch-syows an; When Hon, Price Ellison) practically been cub-in two, prov- 1% ence of Prince Rupert is be- Rares 30: re Ore G. H. FERGUSON, MEMBER FOR GRENVILLE, READS LETTER 8,000 Road ap-|makes his budget speech he will|ing the premier’s threat that ine ‘ stolenee Manéon iba Be ina th a ACCUSING HON. GUSTAV EVENTUREL OF ASKING ide: Atlin, $20, j cli i particular attention to the|road work would have to be de- better “buttons” to Bowser apes ial to I se: Pail News LIQUOR MEN FOR BRIBE 240,000; Gomox,|fact that the agricultural pro-| ferred, particularly in the north. (hin haisitoiiigen. ofthis Victoria, Feb. 27.—-The budget 7, - = city. will be down today. . Special to The Daily News see its way to help him along by The Vancouver Conservative a : iu ; ar ; 810.000. The let seeeeeeee renee -\|MRS. PANKHURST association, after an interview Toronto, Feb, 27.—A sensa-|Paying at least ' inti Bey WRITES TO THE KING ME ee ae with the premier to obtain fur-|tion was sprung in the Ontari ter added that he would sign an EDITORIAL COMMENTS ON NEW c N. R. DEAL ete 5 : agreement with the board of the we SPORT BY TELEGRAPH ther particulars on the new rail-|legislature yesterday when Hon.|,-. ..... f ived ‘t ficht Special to The Daily News 5 oe } aa ros “ * ; _, jassociation if requirec o figh ‘a Fee ON. mt : BOx. Head I ye way policy, has agreed to en-|Gustav Eventurel charged that for the liquor interests in the nments on Yeal—D C BO a OF i Bay ea ae , . »sts London, Feb, 27.—Mrs. | Pank bas te ak Shatisatiy. Now) dorse the railway policy of thejan alliance existed between the iamisiat is ne hurst has written to the king re- Special to The Daily News) eae ie ee aa , : saber ; Lene _ | legislature. government regarding the fur-|license commissioners and_ the NI nee t tt a Colonis’ is never likely to cost the prov-| questing that he receive.’ shia London, Feb. 27.—First divi-|ther aid to the C. N. R, liquor men im his county of Mr. R. N. towel : Lom * o ibe nit. ottthedndtthelinoe-e diitae tation of the Women e Socla’) Son léagsue football results are Respecting the discovery and| Prescott. opposition, stated that there was ane ia BE wuantaaetd aca nes fand Pontical union to lay before as follows: Aston Villa 4, Bol-|conservation of radium a bill was G. H. Ferguson, in rebutting |2° justification for the letter Nosthialstkaitia Daincuitrdce «inti } him their claim for bray ton Wanderers 0: Blackburn Ro-|read a second time at the after-|the charges, read a letter from which Mr. Eventurel had written. acif es : » complains , : , ave § " 5 fame wowed. Tal And inthe téce of thie Prosi a oar shaenue methoda {Yer® 2 Bradiord: Gity 0 noon session yesterday and put|Mr. Eventurel to the Ontario|4#¢ would have something to say railway may play | ¢, i nes et awed ti maf dieval is e eae tt ie? Cie “ibe, through committee. It was given|Licensed Allied Trades associa- “ we wee we — me ha gras?’ davel re : SLO? Por Panes paerone ero bos ae Vancouver, Mabie ian cavent aie, “ira reading at the night ses-|tion stating that he had always|@0ubt Mr. Eventurel would sup- le gre deve \ . . : ’ . iy ar seeking to repress > anco er, reb, z - ast- > > s sts ea sr catee. tthooone ted with the C, N. R. de-|istere are seeking t ig a ais , r defeated the Vancouver |Si08 the opposition being in|been a good friend of the asso-|Plement his statmeent, hole cou ry, . en’s revo agains 18 ‘os 1inster defeate > i , 2 } ° | -_ struct jp} mands for public assistance, the | wome! revolt ees i SEs ladthe honkoy Leaner eomaia oor. te accord with the|ciation and was prepared to vote ‘ : rue ri mo izen 's rignts i Ss ocKke ee « FOaIS LO . : > ‘ > 2 a & . arly ¢ ii oth fa alaka . t of Sir Richard Mce-|Privation f citizen's righ P neasure Several minor bills|against his leader, R. N. Rowell, Mr. Eventurel was formerly a neers vere re¢ a sec ; ir , . a ing ster in the Ross Liberal ad- st contemplated, | Bride ehtiv hands over an addi- were read a second and third!on the question of abolishing the }|™m7 id rant ‘ ; ' { ~ ot a “4 * ’ BUSINESS MEN'S sn or reap ; ' eee bar. He stated further that he} minis tration. Mr. Ferguson is d fu I e doe | vw ‘ iillions to e el os iweles 7 27 : Ss. ica ' fas ‘Ipaady been FOR BOARD O | L. Ang Feb. 27.—Ohri ——_—_—_—_ was a poor man, living only on ithe Conservative ~member for ( ed ¢ een ‘ ‘ rojects ivi ireac beet ity Mathewson, the star pitcher | 1 ; . ; ae | a smal! sessional allowance, and;Grenville county and is ambi- such an exten Arrangements have been com- jof the New York Giants, who has} ‘HAD TO CUT FREIGHT ted the association would|tious for a portfolio. t xpecte s IMtnbe MAMMEOE AE] qevor: hope in Soeaedes ligase IES fh ie tars of leael eet ihe Hrookiyn Madera Ta RATES ON LUMBER — = ommittee of the board jeer in the lea | Sa ea ee cen td ee te le aoe eee nawins. .&. husiness | men sigue ALND Ie) ee eee tw, a is eal a ee ‘PROTEST AGAINST BILLS of raising|/be called upon to do so. ITiltyneh at the G. T. P. cafe next | training camp of the Giants and| moderate cost except) simp! means that the govern-|Wpjday. The time set is 1 0’ ome i ‘arried with him an unsigned, Charge Through Freight Higher CHIEF VICKER’S HOME FOR MORE AID TO C NR j . . ssible security. |fnent has mortgaged the future} sharp, and there »% be one F contract. He reiterated his in-|. Than Sum of Local Rates r xpect that thelof the province up to the hilt and | spe ke o 1 address the] ( to consider the Federal | eeeinieages To nol receive a/ that if anything goes wrong our), r te x M sees fal ute talk in rae Attar ant was ana tiden' Special to The Daily News Many Guests Keep Up Merry-|Delegations in Victoria Kicking , aril navered (Lite, Gua ect tae cas x ee ot yeide making Until Small Against Liability of 200 smn, Tt is, in, | prospe vy will not be recovered! ajex. Manson and J. H. Allisonjof coming t terms with the| Ottawa, Feb, 27.—Judgment 4 mitt ht that they should]in the period of two generations lare the committee in charge | Giants. has been given by the railway ours ons | : ——$_—_— osest investi-,This measure has been intro- ana board in the application of the Win. wisn a caer Try par f ; We heliauacreha 7. ; te i M ‘ape : ans ! ie a ppl Bs on ee Phere was a very merry party Special to The Daily News te ee oee Oy WS eer D Cc. P. R. SAY WILL NOT | Toronto, Feb, 27+—Eastera|* a ts eS ws a 80-lat the home of Chief and Mrs. Victoria, Feb. 27.—-There is lat the more they} cond ns which conviet them of} USE PANAMA CANAL | jyekey results are as follows \« Vancouver for an order di-j Vickers last evening. A pro- creat excitement here over the ) the more they | duplicity of the most ene na | ne 'Ottawa 6, Canadiens 5; five se-|"eCUns +8 C. P. ih to donist ne gressive whist game of six tables |) ay railway . bills, which — bring ' lo be fully justi-) ture The public has all along} (gyeeial to The Daily News leonds overtime. Toronto 6; On-|Charsing a higher through ratelytarted things off. The prize-|),, province's total liability on answer to ¢ been led to believe that no fu | > . 7 : : i ‘ re aa than the sum of loeal rates. The a are aa Rs A é ‘ c AMEREYS a Ea weet I ieve lat n I | Washington, Feb, 27.—Assur- jtorios 1 Quebee 14, Wanderers | ion : ce es chan winners were Mis rs mp and the CG. N. R. and P. G. E. up to cal e paisec f : . deeisio age s > applict Ss . lle yer ‘ aa Se lances that the CG, P. R. have no]6 Pere pcan’ =| Mr. J.D. Allen. At 10:90 @ VOR¥i) sane mailions. japplicatton concerned through} peehereche supper was served and \ Vancouver delegation is here The guarantee Continued on Page 2 iad | ntion of atterapting to evade ' jrates in group “D" lumber from|this was followed by musie and ithe provision of the Panama Ca London, Feb 27.—The trus- srotesting strongly against the 6.4 Bellingham, Wash., to points if}oldq country games such as have : : 8 bac inal Act which bars railroad own-/tees of the English Rowing bills, and other delegations are e Canadlé or ast ' being lig ’ e sarts of apPry . : © ASSO MINING SYNDICATE ed ships from the canal, has}championship have approved tie) 8 ee es oe delighted th he ors f “merry protesting against some other reached Washington through |challenge of James Paddon, the|' a ae Sate Sat ai tvs meant that makers for centuries, The fun) drastic legislation. | ficial channels. It declared the|Australian sculler, to row Barry [NEEOs Ae Ms » al) waxed fast and furious until Bec RN Sie aioe toe ee > pou jthey exceed the sum of the local)3 o'elock ¢ hen only the P. R. would not send fleets|on the Thames next August, or] ye a. m., wa ru nly th Jo. P. htMe canal even if there |early in Septe mber. The race | rate rumor Ke the Oe a = N. R. NOT POPULAR ‘ig g for his copy of the riot ae octet was no question of its right be-|will be for the double title of ‘n . A al world’s and English echampion- ‘FIT TINGS BURNED T0 induced the guests to retire. The AT OT TAWA JUST NOW RAMWAY 2300 FEET LONG JUST COMPLETED FROM MINE |cause the officials see no advan | ® TO TIDEW tage to be gained by changing /ship, with a sidesstake of $2500 party . included Prineipal ant a a ene imi ae the present routes across the At | 2 RUN SHIP T0 SAFETY Mrs Brady, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.|Must Go Before Parliament to pe i lantie and Pacific Montreal, Feb. 27.—Word has | — Woods, Mr. and Mrs, Batcher, Get Permission to In- '. Crawford, represent jerecting an aerial tramway cor | been _Teceived from Manager| Thrilling Tale Told by Crew of oo _— xl bap Sh - crease Stock iver Machinery|the Tasso Mining syndicate, Guilty of Unawful “Assembly Brausficld who hee been seout Revenue Cutter Which Went aah or a ee , riety E smears ; city, having just The Tasso mines are located - - ing across half the continent af-| to Aid Steamer ‘ M y; : Paar ! “a : ee Special Lo The Daily News Queen Charlotte|on Tasso harbor. They are a; Special to The Daily News iter the alleged jumpers to Fed-| _ ham, the eno mi oe toe . Ottawa, Feb, 26.—Ash Wed- he has hee ‘ l copper proposition with — big New Westminster, Feb, 27. eral League from the Montreal} Los Angeles, Feb. 26,-—By Eason, J. Eason, E Eason and|/nesday being a parliamentary Se ed K. Eason, Messrs. H. F, MeLeod,}holiday, unusual quiet pervaded | ‘arrell and William Lee|Injernational League club that/feeding all the inflammable car- past five ths |blocks of profitable ore in sight.|Robert Fi , | t 1 ive month pitehers Jean, Dale, Emil and|go and ship's fittings into the . t R, Stalker, J. Howe, J. Dallen, EB, » capil »sterde T > |" Phe tramway is for the purpose | were both found guilty of unlaw- + talker SAO : alle ; the capyal yesterday The house the| V. Ling, H. Birch, J, H. Rogers,/qid not sit nor was there much ‘ ; ir e ore 0 e asst rly at Nanaimo on|Rocher, third baseman Boyle and|furnaces Capt, Paulse saved } 5 een eee a Me awaben emt. io he charges of riot-|first baseman Miller will sign tabbamat Eureka from being}|#nd Ed, Gillingham, doing either around the corri- Cop LAvaH | 500 feet ing were dismissed in both ca- Montreal contracts. jdashed on the Morro rocks in a . dors ov government departments, * aa +) On the harbor there are now|ses, ’ |storm and docked safely in Port Southbound which were closed for the day, VY EST ‘HOT ME ibeing erected bunkers holding Fort George Growing lSan Luis, according to the crew Passengers on the Prince The principal topic of conver- . me {200 tons These will be com- British Navy Estimates F, M. Reynolds writes from{of the revenue cutter Manning,|George this morning: J. P. Mee- sation among those around was OPER A HOUSE sleted very soon and active oper Fort George under recent date|which has arrived here after go-}han, W. N. Tuck, G, C, MeKay,}the action of the railway come rc Mansa ae ‘ns will commence. Special to The Daily News that the weather has moderated |ing to the Eureka’s assistance, H. F, Brehant, Mrs, Meysmith,| mittee in declaring that the C..N, a 0. NIGHT The ore is not being treated n| London, Feb The sup-|and the snow almost gone. A lot Buffeling the storm exhausted] Miss Nellie Dale, M. Ledwidge, | R. must come before parliament lany way locally, but will be|]plementary estimates for the of people are vow going inte|the regular fuel supply and the] Mrs, Nix, I Ss. Stark, Mrs.j|before they can get a further in. ‘he great baseball comedy Ishipped in 1200-ton shipments | navy have been issued and total}Fort George and the accommo. | vessel began to drift helplessly | Brooksbank W. Wi Badjely, J. 0 crease of capital stock, entitled |to the smelter. The first of the}£25,000,000, The prin ip al, iteme dation y - monies bahar Baye lowers bearer Rate ae y Fore ee - ee THE ° i ro 3 t »lare co ract work i { O LAKE oOo tents and 1 is Tearet I ands to 1e@ DOX SHOOKS, be ‘Tis, ober Je rs € Also the MAL PITOKERS” | jshipments. will probably, Bei ae iains material £733,000/it will be a tent town, ordered the captain and this|wife, A, G, Foster, Mra. Walter veneer feature Quite a large number of menjand armaments £320,000 ~ | part of the cargo was fed into|Qwen and child, G, Thomp, Mr Mc Meeki n- Stewart At the “CONSCIENCE” Han working at the mines now, - Port Kdward has a total dock ithe furnace, followed by fittings Jacobsen, \ L Stevens, Mr. Mel-| Methodist parsonage, by the Rev. And the beautiful child story | ane manager is Mr. Rh, R, “a St. Andrew's Society ing length of 16,960 feet, ATUL whi h were nearly all gone when/ler, EB, 8, Crawford, Miss ae Mr. Dimmiok, on Thursday, A KNIGHT ERRANT” 7 ley, a well-known mining man of - Sayre mr | th Eureka reached short B R Jones, Miss pevilt ‘Mrs. ae 26, A914, FMomas Me. NEW WEEKLY GAZETTE * o. incouver. The regulat monthly business B. R. Jones of Skeena Cross = - Loc ky Mr. Bagley, H. 3. Short, A. Meekin to Katherine Peebles Admission: 4106 and 46 x L — meeting of the above society willling, manager of the Continentat| Port Edward's harbor is two|W. Spike, J. W Govern, Mrs. H.| Stewart, both of this city. ' + Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.|be held in the club rooms, Second| Development company, left this|miles long with a turning basin}! Bole, R. H. Corley, R, BE. Har- ese noc inttririririniciririririrtra | Phoos i enue, tonight at 8 o’clock, morning for Vancouver, jor two thousand feet across is and Mr, Shea, ee ‘Smith & Killas’ ice cream, |