ih hal ‘Sha | £ q i" i i ' iH i! 1 ; 7 i Hq : I at : } Ba Fj, g he iy Fi 4 i ie i ae af it Nei as ies i By ss ia DAILY NEWS THE DaiLy NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER CANADA’S FRONT DOOR Minister of Trade and, Commerce “ Predicts Big Things for Pacific Trade HEAD OFFICE Ottawa, Feb, 23—In reply to a a question in the House from Hon Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.] Prank Oliver as to Ganada’s . trade in the Orient, the Minister: SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:|/of Trade and Gommerce said Daily, 56c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in|that the feature of this year was advance Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, |(je very marked growth in the $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Canadian flour trade over las! as There ‘omise ef be TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract : veal : he > ae mised, he* | “ates on a lication. reved, oO deve op a consulp vga PP tion in the Far East of Canadian BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENGIES cereals that could not afford | > ut , . ; ; 4 be overlooked. New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New China was naturally one of th York City. richest countries in the world Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. and yet was one of the least de- London, England-—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers age Feb. 27, DAIL’ YE EDITION According to the printed nisl 1914 Friday, have early development of her natural resources and the opening up of will after*July 1 to pay @) ihe whole country to western id- ports sent out by the provin- tax to the province of $50}eas, western trade and western cial government, it has been every six months. Retailers | customs. known for the past forty years will have to contribute $5 It would create,a great market that the district usrrounding every six months. | Lawyers,|for machinery and tools, and far Francois and Ootsa lakes was real estate men, land agents|beyond this in importance would a country of great promise. aid many others will be taxed] be the food supplies of the four The McBride government $25 twice a year, while tran-|hundred million of Chinese and seems content with possessing sient real estate agents will|the sixty-five million of Japan- that information. No effort pay $100; druggists, veterin-|ase. These people today lived as has been made to open up that aries and dentists, : archi-ja rule on secant supplies from promising country and getting tects and surveyors, $5; every|day to day, and strange as it it settled with ranchers who pawnbroker, $50; circuses, $50 inight sound, rice was in some can produce the farm products | per day; livery keepers, $10 places getting too dear for the which we now have to import} every six months; six-horse] ative. ao countries as far away as pack trains, freighters and This was because all the bet- New Zealand. McBride's gev- stages, $5 every six months;|ter quality of rice was exported. ernment even goes to the ex- less than six horses, $2.50;/All that was left was inferior tent of stating that contemp- cattle drovers, $50; peddlers|grades. They were now getting lated roads, particularly in the and hawkers, $20; fruit can-|the idea of eating flour products north, will have to be aban- ning factories, $25 every sixjand even though the increase doned for the present. The months: bowling alleys, roller|might be but fractional it am- most promising country in the skating rinks, shooting galler_Jounted to a tremendous volume world is no good if the gov- ies will pay $10; danee houses,}when it was among a population ernment will not open it up. >100 every six months. Ap-|of more than four hundred mil- Wee RR To parently the government not|lions. The agregate would sum In the sensation of the new only wants to supervise and]up very large. ‘There was cer- railway guarantees under- control the borrowing powers|tainly a great field for Canadian taken by the McBride govern- of municipalities, but it in-|flour and wheat products. ment, a bill greatly increasing tends to cut into the legiti- “We have a great front door the direct taxation of the mate revenues of municipali-}on the Pacific,” said Mr. Foster, province is escaping notice. ties and bleed those who con-|*‘and we must keep our eyes op- It is a bill to amend the trades tribute to them. en and every string attached license act. This measure What do the business men|that will hold this trade. No will not only place a direct tax of Prince Rupert think of the}country has a better chance to on business, but it will usurp silence of Wm. Manson while|take advantage of that trade a function which everywhere this tax is going through forjthan Canada. Necessity and else in Canada is recognized as the expenses of a government |Changing conditions are making th par which has to abandon construction of roads, ticularly in the north? belonging to munici- Wholsale houses, if goes” through, strictly palities. the measure FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated fron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 2)) limits, e|the opportunity for us in the Or- -jient.” EDITORIAL COMMENTS ON NEW C. NN. R. DEAL Continued from Page 14 made to ther attempt would be idd° to our responsibilities for Cc. N. R. and that the railway would be constructed within the contract time, Neither of these assurances have been observed. Victoria Times.) Not one cent of subsidy or guarantee should be given until parliament and legislatures are fully informed as to the financial operations of Mackenzie & Mann. What is their personal relation- ship with the Canadian Northern railway enterprises? What value of their private assets— street railways, timber power and light holdings, etc.? Can they realize on these assets, and, if so, why do they not do What is their profit is mines, so? LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Brauch Yard at Smithers, B. C. loperating as the Northern Con- jstruction company in building the railroad for the Canadian Nortbern Railway company? How much of the right-of-way in Is IS ON THE PACIFIC | | | | veloped, this being principally | due to the lack of transporta tion. Today China was forging} ahead with railroads and when she got settled down to it tha would take on still larger pro- portions. This would mean the i — | ji | sl | SIR HORACE PLUNKETT Who is noted for his advocacy of agricultural co-operation and whose ‘opinion on Trish matters carries great weight with all parties, In the Daily Mail he outlines a plan for set_ tling the Ulster problem. He proposes that the Ulster Un- ionists should aecept the bill upon three conditions. First, that a clause be inserted en- abling it to be decided by a plebiscite after a certain num- ber of years whether any tion of Ulster desires to con- tinue subject to the Irish par- sec- Jiament. Second, that both} sections of Trishmen should be invited to suggest to the gov- ernment any amendments which could be incorporated in the bill by consent. Third, that the Ulster volunteers be given an opportunity, to or- ganize territorial force for the of their liberties. as a preservation Oakland to ‘Double Its Saloons ‘ ind citizens) voted by General Agent abandoned. On a railway policy, as we have said, the present ad- ministration rode i nto power, | Phe present railway policy, we} lore eonvineed, will end in dis-| aster for the government, in} epite of the most complete party | rire ition that may be de- | ised ' _ : The forcing of this latest bill, S.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR TO on the house, Without so much as Sunda sat 6 the preliminary of discussing it y 2 p.m by the party im eaucus, is the be- For Vancouver, Victoria and ginning of the ead. For those contem} lating a trip to any point « It remainss*to “be seen TR TURK RAILWAY SYSTEM (the Do AND whether the house will tamely| service second to none. Speed a t jsubmit to’ this railroading of | For full particulars and information regardi: : railroad measures. The voters ¥ to the province will not stand ALBERT DAVIDSON lfor it (Agent for all Atlantic Stean Prince Rupert iakland, Cal., Feb. 26 Oak a substan inces and federal government were to take over the road to- morrow in default of the pay- ment of interest, the two would still be enormously wealthy in the possession of millions of millions of dollars’ worth of pri- vate holdings. Vancouver News-Advertiser.) The increase of the provincial guarantee to the Canadian Northern Pacific Railway com- pany brings the total amount of the guarantee on the main line to $45,000 per mile for 5114 miles This is a liarge liability, and can only be justified on the assump- tion that the cost of the railway will greatly exceed this sum, that the security ample, and that the net earnings of the road ‘will be sufficient to cover these fixed charges. is Vancouver World.) Public opinion the of all the this matter publie bonds and 18 common people, and in of railway promoting straining the affiliations of party to the breaking point. At Ottawa revolt imminent; at Victoria Richard McBride, by thrust- ing upon the acceptance of his followers an additional guaran- tee of five millions to the Cana- dian Northern Railway comnpany, in a bill which had not even been been in party caueus, opinion is is sir discussed showed that he feared to consult his colleagues on the question. There are few, if any, examples in history in which a government without strong opposition has proved a good government. What measure of probability is there of improvement in a government which does not even discuss gov- ernment measures in party cau- but with the unloads it on the house fine air of a benevolent the name of Messrs. Mann, and how much in name of the Canadian Northern Railway company? The Mackenzie & | autocrat. the | ito the people | have a right to know these things |for they are assuming all the | risk. Sir William and Sir Donald} ; assume none, for if the proy- ‘ponents, The government should come country and seek endorsa- tion of its policy of reckless aid- ing Of railway promoters. As il the feeling is strong, alike among party supporters and op- is, SAVOY HOTEL }—— FIRST CLASS CUISINE | and Cold Running Water all Rooms Only finest brands of Liquors and Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN | BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHT? Proprietors Hot In 220 Second Ave. Peter Nelson 18 of for clearing land in that the policy must be — mm application, Hotel ; Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Associatioa Suite 1, PRINCE 300 RU Phone WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St W. H. Wright, Prop. | I will a ol HOTEL CENTRAL | househ rhe TOOK First Avenue and Seventh St | . uns and European and American Plan | SUNS ah Peter Black, Prop. \| il call any tis KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth 839 3rd Ave. W. also cordwood for fuel, ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections AUCTIONEER Prince LAND CLEARING yen to take and around ete Terms, HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Federal Block PERT, B. C. P, . Box 16° SECOND HAND GOODS sell all i kind meh s ne, F. M, CROSBY Phone Red 245) General Cartage Rupe contracts Terrac etc., | Ol} Helgerson Block nechanic vliing . a hone j4 P.O.Bang ial majority to almost double ie: he number of saloons proposed ae ca. fen Theat FRUANG t ' ( Empre Theatre APERHANGIN for the city, and to reduce by one} Rooms open from 8 a, m, ta. 11 p. m YR MIAL uING f . -epnsea fap 1 . Vi ne tsmen are ‘ jiall invited half the license fee proposed to For rates for hall rent apply secretary AINTING be charged each proprietor. |. » MACDONALD, CHAS, DENNIS OUsHING AND ukland now has about 400) sa President Secretary loons. Recently an ordinance WALL TINTING vas passed to reduce the number Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 nai to 200 ana inerease the yay | By Private Lessons | m4 fee from $500 to $1000 Instead WENDELL R. JONES | Martin Swa of 200 saloons, the voters elected EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Nsoy to allow 393, and the old license | Ss iA oa a fee of $500 will stand. 3rd Avo. and 6th &t., PRINCE RUPERT, B McBride . es co Bre ak a —— Kaiser’s Hirsute Edict THE UP-TO-DATE Berlin, Feb. 26 The wearing | HAYNER BROS of the “toothbrush mustache”! HAIRDRESSING PARLORS | owpe:craicers cso exuatem Ihas been forbidden to the sol- 214 Third Bt. | a diers of Emperor William’s body Work Strictly First Class ard Ave. nea Phone Nei guard by an order issued re-|Switehes of All Kinds and Hair Goods a cently, The reason given was Specialty —~J that it was non-German., sh ilaceana ica nono If you are rag Abita seid to-date ren a Y. ‘es : hie Visitors—Go to the Royal Cafe TAXIDERMIST your prop hands for your meals. It is the 8 : ( re Leek service and best salihiied oder in Animals, birds, fish and ali} ’°0"8' " the city. It is the popular res- kinds of game heads mounted; GEORGE LEA taurant hides tanned and made into rugs ©20 2nd Ave : and robes. All work strictly first, ~~ a a class, A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- “a dermist, 728 Helmeken St., Van- Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 couver, B.C, New Wellington Coal Phone 116 Best @ Rogers te Phone 174 Bar % FOR ee a HEATING SMITH & MALLET} rt | Largest - | Van ‘ and tings, Pipes | Third Ave., Head of Second te Prince Rupert D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave. Phone PRINCE RUPERT, BO M. Manson, B. A W. E. Wil WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Et. MONEY TO LOAN | | 1 } | | fe | | | av4, B.A, LE 15 I . q5as ety PACIFIC TRANSFER 0t Ss European Plan, Paes b0c to $1.00 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester V. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Boat Work Third Ave., Between Sixth and Sas Seventh Streets Phone 525 1st Ave., Manson Way European Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Pian F. W. Henning, Manager HOVYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth st. European Pian Steam Heated FEED HAY BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CoO., LIMITED OATS Second Ave. and Sixth St. WHEAT Phone 102 GORN PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., oh LIMITED Fraser ana Bixth Sts CHICKEN FEED Phone 7 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00. 908 Third Avenue Vealers tn SEEDS TIMOTHY CLOVER ALFALFA —ETC A SPECIALTY Mai! orders promptly attended ta LADYSMITH COAL 93-.-P e—83 — } | Btls P. O. Box 203 ron | __ P. ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant Audita, Investigations, Aa,usiments Le dations and Assignments ¢ Rupert, BE — erin Smith Block, rd Avs j/LU MBER | COAL | | | | | ri | | | | and Complete Line of | BUILDERS’ SUPPLIB WESTHOLME LUMBER CO. Linitd Must Feel Nice to!|be a Cup Winner-—Eh, Scoop? Drawn The Dail; for HELLO-IS THis THE PD.Q. MESSENGER. | SERVICE. 2- WELL SHOOT A KKID OVER TO THE DAWG SHOW & AND HAVE Him GET THEE SCOOP DAWG AND BRING— \T OVER, TO %-\-2- GREEN ~ MEP- GOO BNE - a wii Z L HATE TO ADMIT SUCH FOOLISH HOPES- BUT wy HONESTLY - I THINK. MY WILL WIN A FIRST PRIZE THEY SENT THIS SLVE RIBBON | AN’ CUP WITH y | TAZ MANGANESE. ROACH HOUND CLASS - 7 HEN WA MINUTE wy AINT MY : Ne DAWG!