‘Twelve Thousand Miles From Ceylon yet every package of “SALADA” TEA sold in Canada has the flavor, strength, and fragrance of the tea as it leaves the plantation in Ceylon. UCAT AT \ is sealed in lead packagee—air-tight and moisture- proof---thus preserving its delectable deliciousness BLACK, GREEN or MIXED oss : \ 4) av i 4 SS MIA LE ee WO classes of people worry about money-—-those who have too little and those who have too much.” Both classes appear to be satisfied with the price of ART CLYUTHES CUVK BROS. = ALLEN LIMITER ae mao Both classes also appreciate the youthful lines, the high art tailoring, the natty fabrics, the marked value of the special garments which await your early glance. j ' LEE & CLARK AGENTS Gent’s Furnishing Srd Avenue FI LOO. LILIA A AF as SUCCESS IS COMING a OCLs AISA THE SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE of Vancouver will open a branch in Prince Rupert in a few days. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic and Penmanship will be taught. We have branches at Winnipeg, Moose Jaw, Weyburn, Regina, Estevan, Calgary, Wetaskiwin, Lacombe, Lethbridge, Vancouver. GET READY for the big business that is coming when the Grand Trunk is completed. Drop a card to G. J. Schmidt, General Delivery, for free information. Tomorrcw never comes. DO IT NOW REBAR BRB BREA ARAB ROB BOAO PAI IAAI AAAI IA AA AIA AAA IIIA IAAI AISI SAIS ISA SASSDSACSSACSSDCSDAACMAA I OK = =— (“ ) You are Protected When Buying Dia- monds from Us by our Strict Rule of Quality Everyone who buys diamoncs from us, whether they are in a position to inspect our stock of gems anda gem-~set jewellery personally, or whether they are obliged to select from the illustrations in our catalogue, are pro- tected by our rule of quality which never allows an imperfect diamond to enter our stock. Our catalogue is sent free to any address and shows a splendid assortment for the out-of-town buyer to select from. Write for this catalogue; It will be sent to you by return mail, pari Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Maneging Director. VANCOUVER, B.C donald; set carvers and clock, J. }Opera house management, for 7 / ee —— one re rarer ‘WEDDED Last EVENING Wir. Thomas MoMeekin and Miss Stewart United in Wedlock in Presence of Few Friends The marriage took place last evening at the Methodist parsot age of Mr. Thomas MeMeekin, a prominent merchant of this cits ena Miss Katherine Peebles Stewart, who has been a resident of Prince Rupert for some ti The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Dimmick, pastor of thi Methodist chureh, There were. present a . Miss Beatrice Killen and Miss} Thi pitt i orushet Bernice Palmer. During the] evening solos were rendered by Miss Killen and Messrs. Dow- ther, Steen and_ Killen. Miss Killen also gave a charming ex- hibition of Highland dancing Dancing was taken up = and carried on until an early hour this morning. Among those present were Mr and Mrs. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs.} Geo. Frizzell, Mr. and Mrs. Wet cy eral hospital in a very pre- Steen, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Stet eens condition. and Mrs. Longwill, Mr. and Mrs. | ihgett H. Killen, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dow-} ; : . | Mrs . We tt as } ther, Mr. and. Mrs. 8. D. Macdon- | . : \ ‘ te saltihie eM Cl as eve g et £ ald, Miss McLean, Miss Beatrice |° re jfriends. , She came down from Killen, Miss Bernice Palmer and} Maa ic 3 ee Shittea: Genie: "S |New Hazelton yesterday and left eae tie Bees ',’ « this morning for Vancouver, Lee, James Dick, Cameron, A. B.| Williams, G. Garnet, J. Mitchell. _ METHODIST PARSONAGE : THE DAILY NEWS SS Miss Carr of Hazelton left t! iorning for a trip to Vancouver. e Port Kdward has a_ perfect itural harbor s7tf . . . Wiggs O'Neil of Smithers is in the city for a few days. . . . Port Edward has fine watet ont facilities i7t! rhe Rochelle of the Swan Navigation ne Lumber company Mr. E. ‘D. Harris of Messr Meaffery and Gibbons, !rft this lmorning to take in the touspi Vancouver. M Harris will}: lay on one of the Calgary rinks. | Four women of Comox avet Fraser street is busy onc’ mere, The rock is being obtained from the Bank of Montrea! corner where excavation is beirge ried on for Mr. M. Albert new} building. Andrew Hansen, whose cigar store on McBride street has be-| ceme one of the landmarks jwhere she will take up her resi- dence. The bride was the recipient of} yo with wandering ind not being able to give released on suspended sen instructions company of Seattl rived here last evening wilh uilding material for the West ] Westminster Prince Rupert, is lying at the |and injured his spine ¢ Short on Prints penitentiary many handsome gifts, which in-| cluded: Cutlery dinner set, Geo Scott, cut glass cream and su- | | } gar, Mr. and Mrs, Frizzell; silve tea set, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bur-| we gess; silver dessert and tea spoons, Mr. and Mrs. 8S. D. Mac- Dick; cut glass fruit bowl, Mr. | and Mrs. J. Dean; set carvers, | Mr. and Mrs. J. Steen; cut glass | W flower vase, Mr. Finnie; “<=: Terrace ood Co., BURN WOOD ling to cordwood Phone 304 embarrassed supply any kind from kind- butter dish, Mr. and Mrs. W.| Lonewill; silver eream and su— | FAR BBGRR RRA gC aC a typ 1- SI IOI IORI IIR II IIIA: 567—PHONE—567 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Large Seven-Passenger Machine Prompt Service Special Rates for Parties STAND, ROYAL HOTEL RARER EAI KI I IK *« TOWING ON SHAWATLANS LAKE Shawatlans Lake EEE gar, Mr. and Mrs. H. Killen; sil-| ver tray, Miss’ Beatrice Killen: | silver fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs, R.| Dowther: silver trav. Miss Mary | Dowther; silver dessert forks, | Mr and Mrs. A. B. Williams:] fruit knives, Mr. G. Garnet; Mrs. | |P. I. Palmer, jardiniere; Mr. and} Mrs. D. C. Stuart, silver napkin} rings Geo Sutherland, silver ernet stand; J. Mitchell, electric | ster; Kaien Hardware, Wring- machine; R. W. and G. G. Cameron, clock; W. F. Cameron, | Silver teaspoons; Miss McLean, silver butter dish; G. W. Nicker son, carving set. The young couple are receiv- if eongratulations from their merous friends in the city. SOMETHING TO LAUGH AT WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Laugh and grow fat seems to | |be the motto of the Westholme with the inauguration of their splendid Keystone service there | has been no performance at aia theatre without something o| Lickle the risibilities of even i most confirmed “grouch.” To- night and tomorrow night a great baseball comedy entitled ‘The Rival Pitchers” will be shown, and the management For OBSTRUCTED SINKS and Sewers DESOLVO This substance is a new discov- ery and will quickly remove accu- mulations of grease, rags and waste. Get some and save plumb- ers’ bills. For sale by HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Phone 489 139 Second Ave. Also on exhibition at Orme'’s Drug Store, Third Avenue v Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charictte Islands , occupation clerk, of Graham Island ae south 80 chains, , Containing 640 ¢ “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS, guarantees one long laugh Jast- ing nearly twenty minutes, with never a break in the film from start to finish. There will also be a fine new Weekly Gazette and a splendid two-ree! Broncho feature entitled “Conscience,” This is a western story but there are no Indians and no cowboys. Most people know the story of Parson Jim, who could Jead in prayer and play a double-back- action hand at poker as well, Here is Parson Jim in pictures. The story is clean, moral and in- structive and shows tremendous improvement over the old time Indian western stories. Last, but not least, a very beautiful child story, “The Knight Errant” will be shown, Admission as usual, Meet me at the Royal Cafe. We ‘an have an excellent dinner and a quiet chat. tf FOR RENT! $356.00—-6-room house, Thompson and Sixth Ave.; modern im- provements. $40.00—-6-room house, Young and Sixth Ave. partly furnished; modern. $30.00—-G-room flat, Sixth Ave. and Dunsmuir; modern. $20.00—-5-room house, Third Ave and Ninth 8t.; close in. $20.00—-5-room house, Eighth Ave and Green 8t.; neat and cheerfu. We are having numerous enquiries for houses and your vacant house, listed with us, will be vented. PATTULLO & RADFORD Phone 83 Second Ave. DESK ROOM in ground floor office. Ap 56 iily. 2 Columbia Poultry Ranch, 101 Daily News. LARGE CANADIAN mail order —————————— SS EEE BIC REMOVAL SALE. Local and Personal FE IIR RRR REE RADIA IIA DIDI IID II ISISISISISSISA. ACME CLOTHING HOUSE ‘Everything With a Yellow Tag | Which Offers an Unprece-~ dented Bargain | | his will be the greatest lof men's clothing and | weat ever known in northern f said Mr. Scheinman }Aeme Clothing house We we prefer to sell it at slaughter prices rather than pack it jmoving Phe Acme Clothing stere lelosed vesterday.and again lit preparation for the 1 very article is being marked iwith a vellow tag, which sale price and every i bargain, There are Visands of them and something i SOM is ist i ! m the sale houses. It had to be nto the old store and the | | places, | wo PON 0 Cooney eee. | $1 eff MLM. STEPHENS § a. Lremond s stock on hand ant taken} ownel [_——————— BANISH BULLY BOWSER. KNIGHT & HICKEY Contractors and Builders Jobbing & Repairing Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets PHONE GREEN 269 Specialty. one Smith Blik., Third Avenue DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHONE RED ai P. O, Box 1714 Surveyors Provincial Land Surveying, Mine ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Blue Printing, Negatives and Prints B.C. Land Surveyor PRINCE RUPERT P.O TUG AND SCOW FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 JAMES GILMORE Architect SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.C. Fifth St., rear Hart Block South Wellington Coal 433 Second Avenue PRINCE FURNISHED APARTMENTS $20 per month i. JOHNSTON 2 man in each locality Will pay $15 weekly. ent us ah all ‘parts “of Canada ane | JINGLE POT at fair prices * * * * x AIO OOOO OOO UII AR RRA. RC High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steamtttin and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., La FIO I A AAA AOS OOOO SII OO I I I IC COAL delivered by Lindsay with the H, B. ROCHESTER 231 2nd Ave. | Skoona Land District—District of Coast— Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that 1, Thomas Cc allophone | | mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, }the Province of British Columbia, intend to apply for permission to thirty (30) acres of land bounded follow Commencing at this post planted where the northerly limit of the right-of-way of the Grund Trunk Pacific Railway C beny crosses the westerly bank Z4imimergoetz River, feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- eastcrly direction along the westerly shore of said river a distance of thirty (30) chains; thence easterly parallel with j the Jortherly limit of the Grand T Pacific Vight-of-way, a distance of (19) Chains; thence southerly parallel westerly shore of the said river to the northerly limit of the right-of Way of the Grand Trunk Pacifie ) Company; thence westerly along the said jnortherly \imit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or sess W the place of eommencement, DATED this seventh day of January, THOMAS McCLYMONT. }1044 Pub. Feb. 8 to April 6 Tel. RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers and B., C. Land| Waterworks, Water Power, Wnalf Con striction, Keports, Plans, Dominion McBride St., Prince Rupert, B. C. 215 5 Ave Phone WILLIAM T. HOUSE 2nd Avenue, near McBride § FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY UNION TRANSFER 0 GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE PHONES 36 Office RESIDENCE RUPERT in two and three room suite. J, E. DYER, Phone Black BOAT BUILDER Seal Cove Phone Green 321 Finest ' View li Storage pla and being about Cash $500, { G. R. Naden Co. lt 1944 FOR sae $375 For RENT eeeeeee TT TTe 4 PRINCE RUPERT auto ry ' siehilalaiaidlelelti SEE EERE EEE a | ' ' a) pokes — — - —J rs a | Shjtibeeeesen BARBER Suop | } | Vancouver Prices. Gin af | a Call | | | | | | ae ee LATEST STYLES _LaTist sm | Leroorrrrorcoscccccecoossoosene BEST MATERIALS For Ladies and Gent ‘ag SWEDER BROS, | | | OOP POOL LOL OOP OL OOE OLE OPEN 3200 Acres’ Cro ON SKEENA RIVER and adjoining railroad $10.00 per at Harrison, Gamble 8G ~ ——$—$———— Breccccceccsreenreeneertetttte STATIONER} Victor Gramaphones Books Magazines Photo Supplies Developing and Printing Enlarging and Picture Framing Best Selection of Interior View Cards. W.W. WRATHAIL 606 THIRD AVENUE Phone 551 eracernnne —e B.C. Coast Steamship seri POLL LOL ELLE ELLE LEO EEE sped SERVICE PRINCESS LINE soutnnound, § eatrice Princess a ‘Sunday p. ma, ral Agent ty —=s J.G. McNAB, ree ee in the cit) i the Inlet . 1 Lot 37, Block 6, Section Price $1,500 months a '