THE BAILY NEWS 6 . . — —— ary 28 14 ind isheaeesssanenenmenel netstat ————— — me _ — ‘ r - | THE DaIlLy NEWS | KICK FROM KITSUMKALUM TH S.S. Prince C | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA et 0). rrince eorge Published Daily and Weekly by ] | RO TEM ns ; THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A Fridays at 9 a.m dincbbiddpidedieiecsinthnhoeas : | H. FE. MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER FORTY SETTLERS HAVE TO PADDLE TO THEIR RANCHES | og WHILE GOVERNMENT WANTs TO BUILD ROAD FOR SPEC- | | HEAD OFFICE : . ULATORS—WASTE MONEY TO KEEP VOTERS BUSY ) S.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR JOH Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. -— ——— } Sundays at 6 ‘ J A | a > SUBSCRIPTION RATES-—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Editor News: TIT want to shakelare in the reserve. But in order } Bs y p-m., Daily, 50c¢ per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in hands with the man from Bella/to cross Beaver river and the For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily,|C0ola and assure him that his|flats that overflow from it, there For those contemplating a trip to any point : $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. district is not the only one wh uld have to be two miles of PRURK R \ILWAY Ty ance ‘Sp 1 “) ote ¢ ’ arge a ve re til ee p ‘ oul eervice secor o none., Speed a Terg TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 cents per inch. Contract|{@°Se amounts of money are/pridge. To avoid this wou ' i Tas ; rates on application. expended with no results. T wish} nean to go at least six miles up For full particulars and information regard he could travel with me over the] Beaver river to make a crossing. LBERT D * apply ty ‘ apatite hat Aie ( BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ihad leatidie~ tn “titeumkalum|rhat*wouwlt: wean | (weive: miles Nate on ah bea )N New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New]lake from the G. T. P., a distance}extra to some of the settlers 1A i ee ca York City. of twenty: miles, and he would}/when they went to market. A General Agent Prince Rupes Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. see the same s*stem of movil] pleasant prospect, indeed, to the London, England—The Clougher Syndieate, Grand Trunk Building, the road a few yards either t¢| pioneers who have waited so pa | a Trafalgar Square. right or left each year. Why does|tiently for an outlet. You under ’ be _ a atalelali teenaged mall fet Sea __|the government not send an en-|stand, the road on the east side ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY vone 04 Peg A ines ot te pte [ae = Igineer to lay out a trunk road,Jof the lake would afford an out ROOMS : DAILY EDITION aegis Saturday, Feb. 28, 1914 then let the settlers build it by|jet to the whole settlement, but otuna per trom, 3 a. = 40 Pies APERHANGING nailed ieinnerinoncittenns —— we == |contract? That would give all 8]would not reach the purchase j Visiting Scotsmen ar not eea menos AINTING As was predicted by the mortgage’ the people up to the|chance to work on the road, cul!iend, This year the raiiroad will) ae act AMD, CHAS. DENNIS, OLISHING premier himself when he said hilt. The Premier refuses to/out the expense of foremen and|be completed to Prince Rupert} wea peonident Reasathrs ASTIN AN) road work would have to be open up the north but backs|/cooks, and as the contractS/and those valleys which should | WALL TINTING deferred, particularly in the notes for the railways to thejwould specify just what kind of|phe ready to furnish vegetables, | | Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 a north, Skeena district is hav- extent of some two hundred]road, how wide it would be, ete.,Jeggs, poultry and small fruits) |By Private Lessons ail ing her road estimates cut by millions. we could be erasonably sure Of|are at a standstill for want of | . : : ; . ELL R. JONES | half, This appears to be the ict. getting something for OUr|roads. Still the money is being | Tccrant: pobousliales Martin Swansoy reward of having a member This cut in the road esti-|Mmoney. spent in building usless roads in } , Si representing the district who mates is not the only censure In the beautiful, fertile valley}and around Terrace. They have | 3rd Ave. and Sth St., PRINCE RUPERT, 6.0 var MeBrig cringes under the party whip which is coming to Premier|north of Kitsumkalum lake the] just completed a bridge: at Ter- - , , , os Resa, - Se eat ou eee cor aa * the vs sre arcs ok eae ste oa ta _ on 2 Fro pe A WIDOW’S DRESS THE UP-TO-DATE ighting for his district. len yer on e roa question.]the foo » Jake S als14, and leads nowhere | HAYNER B ae sy it St : st dak sea sit soa » pe. |four-foot trail constructed as ¢ a ti or reserve ‘ slat Of dull crepe de chine trimmed re ROS, the pint h comes the dog with- They cannot get rid of the re-|four-foot e vil yn Se 1 - toa timber reserve on an island. nas Ada ce v ay : Neeata tiga HAIRDRESSING PARLORS . UNDERTAKERS Ano BMMALORM out spirit is the one who gets sponsibility of the disgraceful outlet for forty settlers, who|Of course it hav given employ- 1 crepe an i ah cuba ae Fr eetory the small bones. waste of the money approp-|mus\ either pack their supplies}ment during the winter to a lot yape; ‘me chetnisette end: curs Work Strictly First Class oo ae Pron ’ ‘ 1 ce oh ve < - nth as bette ha blac « Strictly r Brae riated in previous years. It is|this seven miles or trust to get-]}of good solid voters, which seems are of white crepe; the black Switches fr All ade and Hair Goods a Skeena district is the most generally conceded that hadjting a calm day to boat up the|to be the main thing. tulle sleeves are posed on Specialty important in British Columbia this money been properly ex-|lake, as it is utterly unsafe in a] We, like the Bella Coola man.| White. The newest phase of @p 000 ot you a ne tie just now. It is just being pended on_ scientific road}wind. I enclose you snapshot of} think we have a kick coming, and widow's veil is also shown, o-date re > 4 tapped by a great national building instead of scientific|a settler rafting his horse up the}surely Mr. Manson and his gov- ; TAXIDERMIST your prope the railway which throws the vote getting this Skeena dis-|big lake. It took nine hours to/ernment can expect no support Port Edward has a_ perfect Hk aeite Las ine agricultural lands and_ the trict would now have many|make seven miles and the water|/from a district whose wants and] natural harbor. 47tf Animals, birds, fish and all ; mines open to the world. excellent roads, instead of]|Wwas fortunately calm. But sup-!needs have been so persistently kinds of game heads mounted; GEORGE LEEK Preparalions to make these streaks of mud holes, rough|pose a wind had risen, You may/ignored. We only ask a fair deal, hides tanned end made jnto rugs) 45) 214 A\ Phong immediately producing hav? trails to nowhere and bridges|sce by the other picture what}/but it doesn’t seem to come our Alwa S Reliab] and robes, All work strictly first a been made by pioneer ranch- that are never used. would have happened. We set. way. y e class, A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- | i ers and mining investors, but esira ae tlers have offered to build this FAIR PLAY, Relief from the ailmentscaused |(¢'ist 728 Helmeken St, van- . O Al the provincial government has There is a letter from a Kit-}road for $20,000 and have re- ‘Terrace, B. C., Feb. 26, 1914. by disordered stomach, torpid |°euver B.C, fallen down badly on_ their sumkalum rancher who has|ceived the reply from Mr. Man- cee eet near tees liver, irregular bowels is given - — mee end of the development. In- never mixed in politics, pub-|son that he is informed it will “~| —quickly, safely, and assur- GEORGE LEEK New Wellington Coal. Beth stead of adopting an active] lished in today’s News which |cost $40,000 as there is a great SCIENTIFIC NOTES edly—by the tried and reliable Coast poliey of systematic, scientific gives an idea of what the road deal or rock work along the ? Riel aratd, thdevanesiaad Wada Groter Phone 116 Rogen tly road building which will per- work in that valley is. As a|Shore of the lake, and they are)’ BEECHAM ea - mit the rancher to take in citizen of Prince Rupert and a|considering a road on the west | The whaling season of 1913 Phone 174 bat fh supplies and bring out pro- pioneer in a new country in | side of the lake. I would men- feeuneee all records, the vield of AUCTIONEER FOR PLUMBING AND HETS duce, and permit the mining] which you hope to make your|tion that there are several sec-|ojl for the world being estimat- PI] E S 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert Sent man to bring in machinery} home and your fortune, you|tions of purchase land to beled at 800,000 casks. SMITH & MALLET and bring out ore, the govern- should read this letter. reached on the west side in Imitation smoke, made of pro- Seld everywhere, In boxes, 25 cornts, LAND CLEARING vain ne - at ment is cutting the road ap- lists Beaver valley, while we settlers|perly colored cotton mounted Gems, Pipes cul to weet, oe propriations in two. There doesn’t seem to be a ———_—_——— Tn upon wires, has’ been patented ; 4 wal oe Te elas fuoun . * * 4 7 au : Foo / ‘ as an yy? locomotives Wy Wifi y YY Peter Nelson is open to take contracts Tory left in the city. At any for u in toy le : for clearing Jand tn and arvund Terrace; It is the period of economy, rate there isn’t one who has a | Genoa shipbuilders have re- slso cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, ete., | ©. STUART says the Premier and we ere the temerity to come forward jceived a contract for a 22,000 nN application | D. ©. soing to cut out the roads pare and tell us in what particular jton p*assenger steamship, the ea ’ ee et Accountant ticularly in the north. Yet ihe Bowser-McBride misgov- | 'argest ever built in Italy. 4 8CB 2na Ave “is Pho this same premier personally ernment conserved to the city | That the formation of a hu- a introduces a_ bill to extead the rights which should be man being begins with the stom Architect PRINCE RUPERT, & 0 further aid to the C. N. R. and| vested in the city. iach is the contention of several! | ar iscientists of high repute. Suite 1, Pederal Block | Alex. M. Manson, B. A ne ee Rea eae Teepe Res See TT Lom German iron founders are trs PRINCE RUPERT, B. C eee _————— | : 4 eae 2 . . cee r , - LLIAMS & MANSON jing to increase the use of fur Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 si nace slag in place of gravel and Fp i as hil a ie : | Barristers, Solicitors, Ei jerushed stone in concrete. SECOND HAND GOODS MONEY wn I will buy or sell all } vey For the benefit of women before bottling FRED STORK’S HARDWARE eee eae ee a i a Sd shoppers an umbrella has beer kinds 6{)Helgerson Block 710 SECOND AVE ees WES tee ae ee ceria household — goods, mechanics’ | — Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Ties n de of a species of hard Mihai AARNE tee Vv re aoe . eee : Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle |wood have been ‘used’ on the Pa- om Lia Pr bated F. M. CROSBY PACIFIC TRANSFER Ut Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ee ina ee ene LEE | 339 304 Aye. W. Phone Red 245 General cartel ae — eee With a clock dial invented by : LADYSMITH COAL Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated fron ‘WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FUTURE KAISER ILL Ber at cer ae E Boat Work pes ee, Visitors—-Go to the Royal Cafe A IVARSON & CO. Spans hour and nautical time. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers e me /P. O, Box 203 ; resident of Washington. D.] WMA G¢ COMPANY OF 8.6, Ld | P. ROBERTSON _mr=SHHTE EC emWVW’—aDITI>D’”—DQ—>"—>a>>P=anmnmnmna@mn0="—"—"”""TEOE—EO—EG SSSA =< = in Screw Steame : TaN co Crown Prince Frederick William|for your meals, It is the best ain, Bovew Beamer Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way FRED STORK’S HARDWARE of Germany, who has been|service and best selected menu in - Chartered Accountant confined to his bed with anjthe city. It is the popular res-| ¢¢ 9? Audite, Investigations Aa, ustmenth WY attack of tonsilitis. | faurant. CHELOHSIN PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. dations and mane Ee SSS SS = | Smith Block, 3rd Ave., *rince ™ ——— — 908 Third Avenue | LUM ——> Black MGM) “Wencun ba as, (LUM BH aoe K’2\StovePolish, =~ 9. su | Co* rN is] MAKES HOME BRIGHTER ||| Gi tickets and reservations [°° r Complete Linea PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. S\7059 AND LABOR LIGHTER || BUILDERS’ SUPPUE s SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS First and McBride Prince Rupert A Paste FED Cw} NoD - CHICKEN FEED A) SPECIALTY ‘list PHONE 25 _—iBranch Yard at Smithers, B. C. NoWaste [namirom canaoal No Rust || Rogers Steamship Agency | Pane ae WESTHOLME {MUER 7 Second Ave. Phone 1161Malil orders promptly attended ta ssi = e ° e 9 They Gotta Quit Kicking Our Dawg Aroun . by Drawn for The Dai!) OH B05S- GUESS \| (HANE-UH-LOOK- WHEY " ZRICBOUT KID 1 iy “OULL Quit” PUT WIM IN A CLAss “ ONLY Soe. OUR SELF-Y00 5 & es Ree? a WL An ative rele aes mat Big TAsBO- &, > THE BEST HE ee Boa 17) VAG COULD GET SELE AN’ CANT ] & i fi.) NE EVEN PULL / ee A THIRD -! yee GEE THEY GAVE. MY DACHASWUND Bit A HIRD ia O44 MTL SHAD ~BALTO: an i Me