THE DAILY NEWS a a RoyAL STANDARD 4 works-for hungry oe folks four times pes daily-.from hot-bis Ay cuits for- breakfast i to pudding’ or/ pie at night.\ Acts’ like magic in every recipe, calling for flour’. CROCER’S (ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR ———/) KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors P.O. DRAWER 1524 Stoves, Ranges Tinware HARD WARE Graniteware MALLEABLE *" Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH ** Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ ——EE=E— — a = —— ARCOLA High-Grade Work Plumbing Steamfting and sheet metal work at fair prices Western Plumbing Co.,Ld » VIIA IAAAAIAADA AS ASAD ASSIA SAS AA SASS SASSI AAS SASS SSSA SAAD AA I I I oD ST HULU — — = — = EF EF FF G Mel et an ee oe be a le te alt ae 66 WO classes of people worry about money—-those who have too little and those who have too much.” Both classes appear to be satisfied with the price of ART CLUTHES CUVGK BROS. & Cee ee as ALLEN LIMITER Both classes also appreciate the youthful lines, the high art tailoring, the natty fabrics, the marked value of the special garments which await your early glance. LEE & CLARK AGENTS TMM Gent's Furnishing 3rd Avenue eR YU OO RE MR PE | E Local and Personal i | RIIAIIIIIIAIAIAIAAAIAASISIAIAIIAIN OI III II III IIIS AISI IM * MAKES PERFECT BREAD Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream.| In the police court this morn- * . * ling two drunks were fined ten Pulice Gonstable Carrell goes|dollars and six dollars respec- jto Vancouver tomorrow’ evening | tively. ( d ° ( t for a short vacation. 9 oe ¥ ran . oncer % 9 r - Mervin, who 1 ve ares In connection with the Anniversary of | The whaling station at Nader f the government bridge. and} [harbor will commence operations | ferry building along the G. T. P | THE METHODIST CHURCH lon April 15, lis in town for a few days. Monday, March 2nd, 1914 S. S. Glass, chief of the Glass| W. H. Miller came in from PART ONE Advertising agency of Vaneouver,| Porcher island yesterday with | Comrade Songs” ; Octette }is in the city on business. He is|quile a number of passengers. | eee {submitting a proposition to the}Among others were Messrs. W. C.|«1 Dream't I Dwelt in Marble Halls’. . Solo | board of trade. and M. H. Wilcox. Mr. Miller in Mrs, Jarvis McLeod . * * rd tends to leave for the island on|«Lustspiel Overture Piano Duet Mrs. D. Stenstfom, who has|Sunday. Misses Nelson and Pillsbury |been a guest of Miss Sawle for| + Ser rll Sing Thee Songs of Araby Solo the past week, left for her home| Mr, John Piercy of Messrs Mr. J. B. Davey in Hazelton this morning |Piercy, Morris & Co.. is in town| Scene from “The Merchant of Venice . . - lon one of his periodical business | Choosing the Caskets Miss Strange of Ferndale,|trips. He will return to Victoria} Portia,” Mrs. J, ©. Brady Wash., is a guest of her sister,/in a few days. | Bassanio,” Mr. J. C. Brady Mrs. Thos. Arneil. 6.) @ When Shadows Gather” Solu renee Mr. George Leek returned on Mrs. Wm. Millar Wiggs O'Neil returned tO/the Princess. Beatrice from Van- ra Tickling saat ashes Ss wre aw ¢ r ene ral : ; 3 fessrs. Clapperton vans anc adie Smithers today after spendin 1 couver, ‘Vietoria and Nelson. He ‘ couple of days with friends in PART TWO , . went south as delegate from the cae i the city. ; The Little Church Octet , Oe gates local Orange lodge to the Orange ‘ ae grand lodge, which was held at anes Miss Bain of Seattle, who has |< Tah me es ~ | “The Four-leaf Clover” Solo CLS? . |been a guest of Mrs. §S. O. Erick, |° pore avs) Mr. C. A. G. Armstrong ef . lew aze s The. Highland Wreath” Sole er for New Hazelton thi The Rev. G. A. Raley came in ors caer morning. 4 : Mrs. Wm. Millar d S on the Prince John from Port “Killarney Male Quartett Mr. John Carthew, who is well] Essington this morning to attend Messrs. Clapperton, Evans, Davis and known here as one &f the old-|the anniversary services of the Waddell timers of British Columbia, is|™Methodist church. He will be in| neaaing “Selected” seriously ill with blood poi-}|!own for a few days and then in- Mr. 3. C. Brady soning. tends to take a trip up the line The Winter Lullaby” Solo Sree the Beem: Mrs. H. H. D, Hemmel! The mayor was expected back Mr. W. B. Harper of Kirkpat-|+tne prison Scene’ from “Il Trovatore’ jyesterday, but again failed to]rick’s clothing store is in town Soloists Mrs. Jarvis McLeod and turn up. Possibly he is waiting/after a three weeks’ holiday at Mr, J. B, Davey over atte , vr iber: ette Messrs stro s wer to attend the big Liberal) yarrison Hot Springs. He came ate " : Ear *; ars veto convention in Victoria. up on the Princess Beatrice on CR Ekaterina rete . ° .y Friday Fisher and Darton The board of works committee mt oe 6 8 P. M. Sharp Admission Fifty Cents of the city has finally fixed the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Craggs, 4 prices for the station work on|who were married here on Port Edward has a total dock- > r \ . ‘ > excave r leng 0 5,960 e 47 Li neni _ a. aoe Thursday, left for Pacific this |'"® ength of 16,960 feet. 7tt 1) i ae Loft: sofia Bay akan alh ksate morning. Mr. Crages has been jlic until the men agree to accept 4 an mploy of the G. T. P. for | 1 ee Noy Oo e ’. . e or them, : pera a considerable time, Mrs. TERRACE NOTES 4 Craggs, who was formerly Miss The finishing t thes are be- : e finishi pate e are be Pallister, came straight out from = jing put on the new tower for the England to Prince Rupert for the Special Correspondence. | }Catholic church and it shows up| wedding P % res g ee go the handsome and attractive front - rit ; ae a = ; 2 " oce ber? socle as el It is thought the new bell will be . That oan te hited heat R . o esa eve wu en shor ready to ting tonight. 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 yapers covering a wide range of subjects were read by a number Mr. Frank Bowness came in B iti nN thA © . of the members Several of the Friday from Decker Lake, having Prius or merica papers were the subjects. of closed out his business there. He has not yet decided whether to go into the Omenica country in ad- vance of the G. T. P. or to strike north for the Alaska boom. Gen, Supt. Mehan left this morning for New Hazelton and the end of steel. Mr. J. W. Stew- art will accompany him from |New Hazelton in tomorrow. Mr. Mehan expects to start track-lay- ing again about March 5th or 7th The weather is favorable for railroad work now and the snow in the interior is almost gone, . *. . ' Mr. Frank Ellis arrived from Fort George yesterday via Ed- nonton, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria. He says that wherever he stopped in his travels, eager enquiries about Prince’ Rupert sought him out, A feeling of optimism is growing rapidly in the northwest and business ig showing ment. corresponding improve. 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL ANDO SURPLUS $7,786,666. Our Travellers’ Cheques are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, with the exact value in the leading foreign currencies stated plainly on the face, They are payable without discount, so that you can realize their full value without trouble. Hotels and Trans- portation Companies accept them as cash. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. For OBSTRUCTED SINKS and Sewers ~ DESOLVO Buy Your Plumbing Supplies Direct From Us and Save Money We are the largest Plumbing house in British Columbia selling direct to the public. We buy in big quantities and se for cash Thus we save you the middle inan’s profit and you do no: pay for th bad debts of others, For tuis reason © can sell for less than any other plum» ing house or plumber in British Colu bia, Compare our prices, For instanc« Our prise for j-inch galvanized pipe $4.05 per 100 feet; 4-inch Pipe, 86.20 per 100 feet; 3 inch pipe, $9.15 per 100 eet NO MATTER WHAT YOU NEED IN THE PLUMBING AND HEATING LINE WE SELL YOU CAN FOR LESS, Get your Plumbing sup- Piles direct from us and Save money, Send along your specifiia tions and we will give you price com plete delivered in your town, by returr mail, WITHOUT COST TO YOU, Then compare our prices with ethers Don't pay two prices for your plumbing supplies, We can supply everything for your bathroom at great saving to you Write us today about your plumbing and heating problems, lt wil! cost you noth ing “for advice Remember tha’ we save you money al! plumbing and heating supplies on 155 PENDER 8T. WEST Dept $ 16 i By This substance !s a new discov- ery and will quickly remove acou- mulations of grease, rage and waste. Get some and save plumb- ers’ bills. For sale by HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Palurday Feb; sary 28, Hj aflerwards dealing with out of which on the’ subject The literary part of followed by a and readings, general discussion notably suffrage, one woman arose a discussion of child labor. the program selection of which able ine was songs concluded most At the next meet a debate will be held on the of President Wilsor Mexico. a enjoy evening. ubjeet i's etion in C. H. Carnes Suicides Word that €. student mitted ceased was had has received’ h H. in been former law had in Seattle. bright young friends Carnes, a this suicide city, com De- a man who many here Skeena Land District—District Charlotte Islands of Queen TAKE NOTICE that I, Pusch, occupation clerk, of Prine Rupert, B, C., Intend to apply to. the Commis sioner of Lands for a license to prospect for coal, oll and petroleum iver the following desribed lands on the west Frederick I eoast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of ©, L, 7977, thence south 80 chains, thence east sO chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com mencement, containing 640 acres FREDERICK L. PUSCH, Locator Wilfred Charles Macdonald, Agent Date, December 29, 1913 Advertised Feb, 26 to April 7 3 ” : “The Daily News CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DESK ROOM in ground floor oMce, Apply Phone 489 188 Second Ave. P.O. Drawer 1663 City. 285-0 Also on exhibition at Orme’s Drug > Store, Third Avenue FOR SALE wer “** | BABY CHICKS, hatching eggs, laying hens and breeding pens, Rocks, Reds, Leg- horns, etc. Quick shipping connec- tions. Columbia Poultry HRanch, Steves- veers ton, B. C, 4t FOR RENT! WANTED $35.00—-6-room house, Thompson YOUNG WOMAN with lctle girl would and Sixth Ave.; modern im- like position in private family. Box 101 Dally News. 19ir pres enane LARGE CANADIAN mall order t t (GE CANADIAN mall order house wants $40.00--6-room house, Young and one man in each locality to mall cata Sixth Ave. : logues. Will pay $15 weekly. National ve, partly furnished; Supply Co., Windsor, Ont, modern. $30.00-—-6-room fiat, Sixth Ave. | and Dunsmuir; modern. sor " $20.00—5-room house, Third Ave. JINGLE POT and Ninth 8t.; close in. $20.00—-5-room house, Eighth Ave. and Green 8t.; neat and cheerful. We are having numerous enquiries for houses and your vacant ‘ house, listed with us, will be delivered by Lindsay rented. Transfer PATTULLO & RADFORD H. ®. ROCHESTER 3 Phone 6 Second Ave. Phone 116 231 2nd Ave. ————— —— Laid to Rest KNIGHT & HICKEY Contractors and Builders Jobbing & Repairing Fraser and Sixth PHONE GREEN Sho Streets Pp: 269 DR. GILROY, DENTIST and Bridge Work a Specialty, Crown Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHONE RED 156 r 7 P. O, Box 17144 Tel, RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil 448. Engineers and B. GC. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, sirucyon, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey ing, Townsiltes and Subdivisions, Electric Biue Printing, Negatives and White Prints Whalf Con McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. 215 Second Avenue Phone WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyor RUPERT P 43 PRINCE O, Bux 61& TUG AND SCOW W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 ~ JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made 8.C, FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY Fifth St, rear Hare Block UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND 8TORAGE South Wellington Goal 86 Office, RESIDENCE 110 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER Il, JOUNSTON PHONES 433 The funeral of the late W. H Kineade was held yesterday af ternoon from the family resid ence, Fifth Avenue, to Fairview cemetery, in the morning a pri- vate service was held at” the home A large number of cit- ivens were in attendance in the afternoon and followed the re. mains to the grave. The pall- bearers were: F. H. Mobley, 8. P MeMordie, M. P. McCaffery, FE. C Gibbons, George Sweet and J. K Smith rhe floral offerings were Heart Wreath—P. R. Club, Red Cross—Real Estate Ex. change Lily Wreath—Wanderers club Spray—Mrs. and Miss’ Em- mons Spray Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Sweel Crescent—Mr. and Mrs, Davul H. Hays Spray Miss Barheou Spray—J. F. Pooler and Ed ward F. Doyle. Spray-—Mr. and Mrs G. Ar nold,. Spray Richard Moore Wreath—Mr ind Mrs. H. G Helgerson Spray—Mrs. and Miss Davis. Spray—Mr and Mrs. M, P. Mc- Caffery Spray Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunn. Spray—Mr. and Mrs. H,. Dunn Wreath—Kaien Island Club Spray—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T iH use, Star—-Mr. Kissick and Mr, and Mrs. T. D. Pattullo. Spray—Geo, W. Nickerson, Spray—Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bes ner. Spray Mrs. Lake. Spray Mrs. Griffiths ihos.r/Stho- Meet me at the Royal Cafe. We can have an excellent dinner and} a quiet chat. tf| Port Edward has fine water front fac ties A71f) FOR SALE Six splendid lots, Section 8, only $3765 each; $50 cash, balance $15 per month FOR RENT Modern five-room house, Fifth Avenue 35. Four-roomed house, Eighth Ave n $20. uw roomed house, Eighth Ave- $15. re porned house near dry- $15 See our lst for real estate buys Insurance in all branches M. M. STEPHENS & 60., LTD. Old-timop Cees rh thew Joh Cy noor is sflee Decea 1d ma ~ Linn 4 brothe d THE WEATHER vr th I g 8 Ay parol 1944 level ; ligh a Low 130 eaten 384 A Rea GOLD WATCH F _ *rnig "Tet tm . on : . = “ "y “ = 25 cent 8 Poe elt a Posie wit Mead, Lae nn ee " FOR A TAY ;————] x i t ' t ' : 75--PHONE-} | * i \* ' F: |} PRINCE RUPERT AUTO @! * FOI III II III A tt —_— CL OLOLEPELELELOPOROEOE SIXTH AVENUE | We hay 1 up aff ' shop, PI Rl First i\ thing \ | Vancouver Prices. Give w) a Call 1 q peecororrrocecrccoelronriititin a 3200 Acres Crow ON SKEENA RIVER adjoining _ railroad $10.00 and ac Cae Harrison, Gamble & Gt peroccoerece reer erent ett ttn, STATIONERY Victor Gramaphones Books Magazines Photo Supplies Developing and Printing Enlarging and ' Picture Framing ‘ Best Selection View Cards W.W. WRATHALL 606 THIRD AVENUE Phone 551 of Interior eoesenet B.C. Coast Steamship sei hewocorer ener nee rere t ene! FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE », soutnpounds n., sunday Princess Beat Pp seneral Agent os MCNAB, \ J.G Sl ae Finest View . Col 6 in the ell 3 7 ine °* Storage pla f the Inlet Lot 37, Block 6 section Price $1,500 | , 42 al Cash $500 ' . vs months @ pe Seal Cove Phone Green 321 G. R. Naden Co, bi