LASS CUISINE Running Water in all Rooms Je of Liquors and pinsT © ot and © nest br t ay Cigars kept r HOTEL IN NORTHERN aE Pe BRITISH COLUMBIA pRUDHON ME & FISHET Proprietors oer oe peer eeeeeweeeggggge? see ? Vintners Association —————— mi) ol 8 WINDSOR HOTEL and Eighth St w. H. Wright, Prop. OTEL CENTRAL enth 8t American Plan "sta er Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL Eiglith and Ninth, Rat 50c to $1.00 ra & Beener, Props. 4 Besner ester vio EMPRESS HOTEL Between Sixth Seventh Streets Plan, 60 to §1 Casley bird A and opean Per Day PREMIER HOTEL american & European Plan ¥. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL corey & Burgess, Props Third AV and Sixth St, opean Pian Bieam Heated VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Se { Ave. and Sixth 8t Phone 102 NCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED ixth Sts Phone 7 atel « Directory Gods ee i ie ae ie in in in nn in i on FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO, 1. 12 ib St. and 3rd Ave 13 S und 3rd Ave 14 5 St. and 3rd Ave 156—J bn of 18st, 2nd and 16 1 Ave.,, between 8th and ibs h x Hotel 17 st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen | CIRCUIT NO. 2. 22 j Ave and grd St B23 ve. and McBride 5t B 24 ve, and McBride 8t Ave. and 2nd 81 and 6th 81. 25 27 cos CIRCUIT NO, &. 51 AV al Pulton St 82 i Taylor Sis | a 34 and Fulton 8t | a 35 and Comox Ave | a 37 ve, and Dodge PI. | a 38 ve, and Thompsen St, CIRCUIT NO, 4, ma 41—4 Ave end Emmerson ri x 42 \ve. and McBride 8t, x 43 Ave. and Green St. x 44 Ave and Basil 81. 45-—7\n Ave. and Eberts. x 141 ) Ave, and Yung St FOO ON Ce wee phahsbahalahahohelitlobehedininkoad a | trict Dis.".t of Coast inge ¥ t * that Hume Cronyn, of Upalion manager of @ ehas to apply for per the folowing descri - 4 post planted at the : r of Lot 1968, thence 80 chains, north chains to point of uning 640 acres more HUME CRONYN, a Land Dletriotmathiaseie of Queen Charlotte Islands i hat Wilfred Rupert, B. C., occu- Intends to apply for ' for coal and petro- described lands; iraham Island com Planted one mile south east of the mouth of st 80 chains, thence ‘ ence east 80 chains, L ns W point of com- vn as C. L, 7817. i rs Charles wing MAC DONALD, Locator, 1 December, 1018. to March 25th “ “and District —District on Coast— Range Five, ‘at I, Thomas MeCly- or Prince Hupert, in su Columbia, broker, permission to lease f land bounded as bost planted where T the right-of-way of Pacific Railway Com- sterly bank of the ‘nd being about 400 thence in a north- wong the westerly ' distance of thirt easterly paratiel with 1 i OF the Grand Trunk Wa 4 distance of, ten southerly parallel! ‘ore of the sald river ‘Mit Of the right-of 'runk Pacifie Kallway Westerly along the said ‘he sai¢ right-or- way “re or less to the place *eventh day of January, THOM AS McCLYMONT. to April 6 NSS (Fear aa ye a CL ons Ps, CE Wee aH In the Rugby international football match on Saturday Irv land defeated Scotland by a score of 6 points at 0, at Dublir Oo Lester Patrick's champion Victoria hockey squad left yes terday in quest of the world’s thampionship honors. Their | ponents will be the Torontos After days of dickering, Mexi- | an Jeo Rivers has consented to| meet Freddie Welsh, and the| battle will be staged at Tom Me-| arey's Vernon arena or the | affernoon of March 47, The| boys will box twenty rounds at] {34 pounds ringside. Oo | Battling’ Levinsky has * been} ffered a match with Georges | | Carpentier, the ‘French champ-| ion, in Paris, the plan being to stage the bout on the eve of the |} Grand Prix. —0o Victoria lacrosse officials have secured an option on the ser. | vic of Harry Pickering as man- iger of the capital city pro la- crosse team this summer. di A plan to put baseball under —— the supervision of the state box- JIMMY DISSETTE ing commission is included in a| bill to be introduced in the legis. | Captain of the St. Michael's team a and regarded as the best ama- teur team in Canada, which ae and defeated the Cleve- land A. UC, team, champions of | the Bited States. | | | Newsy’ Lalonde has decided | 1 remai the east this sum- | | mer He has practically arrang- | ed with George Kennedy to }manage the Irish-Canadians, but lis holdi ng off signing a contract | Ee ntil the Nationals have had a ichance to bid for his services. | eae: a Sam Clapham, the English | middleweight wrestler, is making }his home in Victoria, and wants to meet Walter Miller there after }the champion gets through with ithe Hatch match. -—U-— Villie Ritchie has left San Francisco for Milwaukee, where FRED MERKLE he will mingle ten rounds with Ad Wolgast on the night of First baseman of the New York | Mareh 2. Giants and one of the ease, ee hitters in the Nationa le ague We're going to have a pro- SD es, — | fessional lacrosse team sure lature at Albany. The bill pro- fenough,” stated a Victoria enthu- vides that five per cent or aes al ee teks he gate receipts of eae Traine reanee 28 OW DOME bal! games shall go to the state raised to finance the tea 1 aon [(* are now aiter players PiCK- - oe jering will manage the tea Swimming @ mie in <6 Mmin- | s d 8 seconds, at Sydney, N.| . Ss. W., Miss Fanny Durack broke] Gotch refuses to “rass MS \ ds record, beating the; 10re. Chis’ probably means a é f Miss Neave Jersey of retirement for a Tew ye s and an Rel ho oar Ste eee ae “eno |offer of a $100,000 purse, and nds Miss Durack now pos- then a come-back a la Jeff sesses every temale record = -0. Joe Choynski has a new heavy- Ihe University of Toronto|weight champion who runs an ice Rugby club made $87,000 last|wagon in winter and a black- season—and lost the champion-;smith shop in summer. He will ship never be content with soft snaps oO lake fighting and vaudeville By a considerable majority —-U0-— the German imperial] parliament Grand Forks are the chamy has adopted an appropriation of|jons for 1914 of the Boundary $50,000 for the Olympic games,|league, copturing this honor i to be held in Berlin in 1916. their game with Greenwood O~ their own ice last week by the re Victoria city council has|score of two goals to one, Grat di] donated $100 towards the fund|Forks have played nine games, being raised to purchase suitable|winning seven and losing two mementoes for the coast hockey|They also take the Richard Mé« champions Bride cup and the Nelson Dail) alt News cup. The Victoria Rugby union has = suspended eight players, Messrs. Con Jones and Harry Cowan W. Neweoibe, B. Scott, C. Vin-|have settled their business in the cent, J. Houston, C. Sedger, A.|old country and have left by the Griffis, Thomas and T. Hill, for| Empress of Ireland for Canada the remainder of the season for - - refusing to aceompany the “rep” In a hard-fought game at team to Nanaimo for the recent} Montreal recently between two cup game amateur teams a hair-rasing re Don’t merely smother your cough CURE IT ver it not oy Mathien’ s Syrup of ay SI ar and Cod L —proiuptly arrests coughing but lade to itst strengthening properties it helps the system to onic and throw off s for the cold and thus effects a permanent cure, It is this quality which has won it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada 35¢. large bottles, everye where J. L. MATHIEU CO,, Prop., SHERBROOKE, P.O. cok wy hie Norvine Powders, the wonderful headache cure wil ny Nea 1 Abe yey ee pein from bead, back and limi Bex of 6143 d Price List te, reliable and only Market Report am at lar of Its kind published “The Shubert Shipper” Absolutely Free to Fur Shippers—Send ne er veer name on a postal today You want this valuable publication it is worth cur Mark of dollars to you, issued at every change of the Fxg. » arket, giving you an accurate and reliable report of w +." ia doing in all the Markets of the World in American Raw Furs. Write for it—now—it's free st Averin AYINCS A. B. SHUBERT, Inc., birr.32 wy DEPT. 522 CHICAGO, 18 oS Y g ‘pow is given ¢ the referee, | frozen from hi foot, blew lthe whistle, a he did so il lfroze to his lig | s, however, supposed, alth i not stated, that the off thawed out lenough to. st game for | penalties JOE LALLY WILL HELP TO BOOST LACROSSE Enthusiast | Cornwall Writes of | His Coming Tour of the | West | Further deta f the West- lern tour of Joe La j if Corn- wall, Ont., to encourage the la- crosse spirit in the Canadian |}boys and which was announced learly last autur ire contained in a letter received from the Cornwall lacrosse enthusiast by Matt J. Barr, former president of the Vaneouver Lacrosse club, in which he states that he will be in Vancouver about March 5: In his letter Mr. Lally has the following to say If nothing unforseen happens I hope to be in Vancouver about March 5. I[- am _ going to the coast this spring with the in- tention of assisting in the ama- teur lacrosse movement in Brit- ish Columbia. I have made ar- rangements with the~ Canadian Amateur Lacrosse Association to assist them in every pogsible manner in building up the game on strictly amateur lines. We may visil the different schools and have a talk with the boys with the object of organiz- eon CHARLIE SNODGRASS - Famous outfield of the Giants, who it is orted has signed for the Federal league. ing lacrosse every’ school it Vancouver and other B.C, cities and I would also like very much if you would see a number of the prominent citizens in Van- couver who are connected with ports and have them address the boys. If we can do this, I im satisfied that we can put la- crosse back where it was in the days when you were playing il vourself. I am* prepared to offer twelve gold medals for competi- tion in the schools if it is pos- sible to organize leagues, Thes» medals I will have along with me and they will be a credit to any one winning them.” -Church Services . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CEITROH Services every Sunday in Chureh Hall at 11 a.m, and Empress Theatre at 4 80 p.m. Sunday Schoo! at 2.80 p, m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PASTOR THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH COR, YOUNG and FIFTH AVE. Services every Sunday at ll am, and 7.% p.m, Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Baraca Bible Class 2.80 p.m. REV. W. W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor, THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 1) a.m. and 7.80 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m, REV. MR, DIMMICK ASTOR ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH and Dunsmuir Place Even- Cor, Fifth Ave, , FACT HUNGER - vonday, Mareh,2, 1044 THE aa E. ws ae Be Sia rte SRO NOS O75 WES ROE FSI ME aes = a SAVOY HOTEL #}i figiest Nios in Field of Sport K p Hi tlh Soa HTH t WM hi a wa ri ( As children, our first de- mand is for nourishment; second for facts. All through life we go about searching for information. our We make a new acquaintance; but before we will accept him as a friend or invite him to our home we ask for facts about him. We visit a foreign land; and from the moment we step across its border we are asking questions— searching for facts. We are asked to try a new food product; isn’t it instinctive with us to ask at once: “Who makes this new article ? ‘‘ How is it made ? what goes into it >” “Is it worth the price charged for it ?”” Facts—we are simply hungry for them. Strange, isn’t it, that we should so often have to search for them 2 Odd, that some manufacturers still withhold the facts about their product, Not always because they are facts to be ashamed of—for But it will not be so much longer. human race is becoming keener and keener. there are many worthy articles yet unadvertised, The fact-hunger of the The more facts we get, the keener our relish for more of them. Soon it will be impossible to sell a man or a woman ed until everything has been told about the goods that can be told through Advertising. The public has discovered that Advertising tells much-needed facts— that, in fact, Advertising satisfies fact-hunger. (10) If you are doing a local: business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. C) We BURN WOOD s ipply ling any to Phone 304 Terrace Wood Co., kind from kind- cordwood PAE EAERKAIAEK IKI KK IN * * * ” * »* * * Morning prayer, 11, ing prayer, 7:30, school, 2:30 p. m, Corumunion first Sunday Holy Sunday of month, at 11 a m, and third Sunday at 8 a. m. REV. G. A, RIX RECTOR THE BALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at ii a.m, 8 ands’ p.m. Sun day fthool, 1:30 p. m, Week aight services Mon day, Wednesday, Thurs oy and Saturday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS Held in Hays Bidg, 245 2nd Ave, Sunday service 7.30 p.m Sunday school meets 2.30 pm Testimony meetings Wednesdays at 8 p.m Reading room is open every day except Bundays and legal holidays from 8 to 5 p.m. Large Special STAND, JOO II a OR 567—PHONE—567 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Seven-Passenger Prompt Rates for Parties ROYAL HOTEL Machine Service poser eeeesessepeeesessy fy : monds from Us by our Strict Rule of Quality You are Protected When Buying Dia- enter our stock. splendid assortment for the out-of-town buyer to select from. this catalogue; it will be sent to you by return mall. Everyone who buys diamonds from us, whether they are in a position to inspect our stock of gems and gem-set jewellery personally, or whether they are obliged to select from the illustrations in our catalogue, are pro- tected by our rule of quality which never allows an imperfect diamond to Our catalogue is sent free to any address and shows a Write for JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director) Henry Birks & Sons, Limited VANCOUVER, B.C PORTIA AAA A AAA AAA AAA AAAAAAAASAAAIAAI ASSIS SAS SSSS SAS SISA SS SISA SSS SSASISACSSSACSICSNCSI AC * THE EE== ——————————————— SSS SSE { N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular uewspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- } Gare bia. it treats these subjects with moderate opti- , SANE mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city It is read by the class of people the INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to / INTELLIGENT Poe SERS gh Ni 8 on den ig See $$ T B8.-——— : a ROO RR ROR RRR RRR AIR RAR RAR RRR ERA AERA R RIKI *+ ~ — ‘ i, Ale dace