ruesdas March 3, 1914 “a peeet P.O. Box 1704 phone 87 sAVOY HOTEL 7 CLASS CUISINE FIRS , Running Water in Hot and ON” “Rooms est brands of Liquors and Only Cigars kept IN NORTHERN OLUMBIA FISHET THE pest HOTEL : gRITISH ¢ pRUDHOMME & proprietors ee Hotel . Directory = s a , nbers P.R.L. Vintners Association 6h em . a winpsoR HOTEL 1 Elghth St _or w. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL Sala 1 Seventh Bt rire merican Plan European 4 Peter Black Prop. te KNOX HOTEL 1 AY Fighth and Ninth pean Pla s 50c to $1.00 Ope Da Besner & Beoner, Props. b V Roche EMPRESS HOTEL ind A Between Sixth Tere hevet b Streets 50 to $1 Per Day Y D. Casley and wropean Pilar PREMIER HOTEL (merican & European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL sai cess, Props Third Ave 1 Sixth St uropean Plan Steam Heated AVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Ave. and Sixth 8t Phone 102 RINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser a sixth Sts Pt earereets povernnerwrnogone’” ppocneeeeeetPOOPOC DICE e eT oer cee OO THE DAILY NEWS ROOM OCCUPIF! BY MRS FENTON AND CHILD Ss Rr mM WHERE BURG te WAS pn f= z} yi 20, ' | ll e | 7 Doors a yw ‘ oC — TOGETHER AND. ~ A fp 000 0 = \ | WOMAN FACES ™&~ INTRUDER AND. GRAPPLES HIM \ SURELAR 1S “ RORCE INTO \Zy PV&. OFFICE & FENTON CALLS FOR HELPS] BURLNE EX APES — VIA FRONT POOR. SOCIETY WOMAN'S PLUCKY CAPTURE OF DESPERATE BURGLAR How Mrs. Fenton, widow of the late Dr. Fred Fen Toronto, grappled with an intruder in her home the night. She was alone in the house with two children and a maid, when she heard a noise in an adjoining rr She quickly opened the door of her room. At the sam: fant a door across the hall opened and Mrs. Fenton was face to face th a bur- glar, John Gowans She grappled with the intruder and they both fell downstairs. With grim tenacity she retained her grip and forced the man into the office formerly used by the doctor, Then she ran to the street and called for help.