1914 Mareh 6, or peneeeeesreet THE DAILY NEWS 4 peneeet = ponnneeeet p.o. Box 1704 phone $7 V0) HOTEL | | FinsT OLASS CUISINE Cold Running Water in ap ae } dasa noone sual PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT WILL CONTINUE TO TAX SALMON : only fi eo FOR REVENUE INSTEAD OF BY LICENCES — WHALES a h N gest HOTEL IN NORTHERN ARE PROPERTY OF PROVINCE “id " ih Tm mM THE © sesticnite A‘, Brit + COLUMBIA ; ‘ sl ay bolt i he D H Hii awit : im 4 4 wMiE & FISHE? rday night sitting |wa yell, anc ed by the Do- ANNE nit a Ue ear PRUDHY iture Hon. Mr.jminion. In tid vaters there is a Anil Nb iad Pi Proprietors b ! the second read-|no property gh vested in sokd kobe ansaed gees one 7 ee sennnen sppndevetOooeODO OOO rma, tax Bet. In|either the Dom on or the prov- Wittigeeee ba gene a a Le | tives of -the]inc ince und Magna Charta, ics be y —| ey-general said|this fishing wa rmmon right i "wy, f. || had drafted int view]of all the peop! rhe Dominion ho "Mh. th | cision of thejand province n raise revenue f | al Wak (if 1] | li tely deciding|from those engaged in fishing, a L ; | that the D on only had{but exclusive vileges under nil | the fisheries.|the guise of regulations cannot — sa Dis¢ . position thustbe given by the ovinee. an Members Pt Vintners Association the ney ~ general The judgn further de- Ban = Ts. | d clares that with the transfer of 9 wind soR HOTEL | It h ercised in the|the solum or property rights in e a or St e have been in|the lands of the railway belt to S w. H. wright, wre es | ‘ i by this judg-|the Dominion the fisheries s e o } have felt that it is|therein passed with them. HOTEL peorgbeieesk t | i ‘ with the “With the exception of the IVi rsi Taal ; First A Seren Pied {| f the dgment referred|fisheries within this belt, our ie rel Biack, Prop. i et th nue, which|ownership of the fish in our tty naan TEE iM he past have done by|ereat rivers and lakes is undis- yi | egulati« i ‘ po . sp. | turbed. } KNOX HOTEL | i { ers confer- | On pirst Ave ) Eighth and Nint | red | eti f the provincial “We shall continue to raise a} ~ ONES knows more about motor Europes , Raves 606 to $1.00 | fisherii vet nder and by|revenue from those engaged in cars than any other man I ride peaner & Besner, Prope. |: means of re ns based upon|the fisheries, and the money “" know,”’ said a man to his — —$——$—$—<$<$<—<— || a formal revenue act realized will be devoted, as in the fri “ . : we riend. ‘* He has obtained his ; , : | past, to the encouragement of : Pp py omer ak Casley || BRITAIN’ $ GREATEST HEROES Powers of Dominion the. tenaeialo® The work: of ths knowledge chiefly from motor car advertise- Third Ave., Between eh and Are Her Missionaries in North We have a iys recognized provincial fisheries department ments, and the catalogues and booklets Seventh Stree I i f I ; 7 ropean Pian, 60 ns $1 Por Day ‘| Afriea."—This was one of the|the fact that the power of regu-|will be expanded instead of being circulated through them.”’ ae i a — 1 statements of Rey. Dr. Rains-|lation of the fisheries is vested | curtailed. I may state that the ‘i Ps TE HOTEL ford, noted preacher and au-|in the Dominion under section}Value of thi swork is recognized All I know about photography,”’ declared a well- ¢ ie wed ropean Plan | thor of New York Gity, who is]91 of the British North America| both by those engaged in the in eres amateur, “I have learned from the aang who a «mer p or of Ne 4 » Vv At é oe i F. W. Henning, Manager | visiting Canada, addressing/act. Under a judgment of the|dustry, and by the Dominion advertise cameras, plates, papers and films. = . Canadian clubs, Thirty years|privy council in 1898 the prop- — —- —— — . h ROYAL HOTEL | ago he was assistant rector ofjerty right in the fish caught in Advertisements ave been corey & Bureess, Props . as ‘ han provincial w mite es WA ge ares A Bureens, rap Si. James’ Anglican church,|provineial waters was declared well called “‘The Poor Man’s uropean Plan Steam Heated | Toronto, and the people ofjto be vested in the province. vee . 3 wi Bor eG is Te teacn| sida bono ihebe hove Mean air: University,” but other than i EAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., him appointed rector, but the] ferences opinion as to the ex- 2 h —~| j Tae St tishop of those days wouldn’t}act definition of the two juris- poor men ave been schooled " : , ; hear of it Rainsford wasj|dictions and the recent judg- Phone 102 ; — ——————_——— very democratic He went to]ment removes some of these thereby. RINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., New York and transformed Pending the settlement = of so LIMITED me of the struggling mis-|this case, the sole right exercised If you are doing a local business Much of what the average individual knows con- v reser e000 AOA ere of Gotham into one of the province has been that of celle Oe ake Aiveter De cerning personal and domestic hygiene, modern hone 7 ; : lems with the vertisin e- . vee | the most influential churches|collecting a revenue by issuance partment of this newspaper! office methods, books and se cob electricity, pre- i I of United States Episcopalism,|of fishing licences In the re- Uf you are deing a provincial or ays Cana ae = almost everything else, a —| ao iene cent judgement the law lords were national business it would be well e€ has tearne rom advertisements. aA e careful to ref rO “x- fer you to have the counsel and fi ‘ ‘ ° ; No Smoking in Zion ve ' ae t $ vig Pane assistance of a good advertising Advertisements have stimulated our intelligence, recccccseevinuedmeal Binh Ce Mepeh Oe Sie ke es agency. A list of these will be added enormously to our knowledge, and given us op eee Would limit our right th fernished, without ecst or obli- aspirations which have raised us to higher levels of 1 For In vere arrested here for|j,y those engaged in. fishing. gation, by the Secretsry of Can- thiAking and 1; Ad deed “ Th . lemoking in spite of a recent rul hether tidal tidal adian Press Association, Room mnking a 5 iving. : vertising is inde e re OBSTRUCTED 6INKS SMOKINE |} } ne nhethe in tidal or non-tida 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. Poor Man’s University.” ing of the state aoe as court! waters This we will continue to and Sewers that city ordinances orbiddin Eldo But we believe that instead = ithe use of tobacco were uncon-|of doing so by regulations made stilutiona The police explained] under authority of section 30 of |they had received no official no-|the provincial fisheries. aet, we This substance is a new discov- sitfication of the court’s decision.| should do it by regulations made HON. DR. PAYNE CLL Te a ery and will quickly remove acou- HI noch Pearson resisted arrest|under a formal taxation act —— re = == = pretiene OF Or ere eee and was severely beaten, he al- Province Owns Fish The temporery jeader of the On- aaneaannnnnnanaannannnrs (7 ‘\ waste. Get some and save plumb- leged. He swore out warrants in tario Government. * _. Waukegan for Policemen Shep.| ‘To summarize the judgment asi hen sn * You are Protected When Buying Dia- | , Kl ) arrested {recently delivered, I may say that — * Oo a Yy g ee ae a : Oe we i Vo vid, ad it decides that the province pos-|department of fisheries as well | AXI * | a hin ilbur Glen Olivia said]’ a ‘ ‘ ott : : lthe war against smokers would|Sesses the property rights in the ‘We have retained scientist; + monds from Us by our Strict ; HARRY HANSON be continued in spite of the si fish and fisheries above tidat to work out the life history of ALF HALLIGAN rs : THE RELIABLE PLUMBER | prem rt ruling ~ reer ace baja important food fishes, to chart Large Seven-Passenger Machine ) Rule of Quality : ; ‘ gable or not above at oint, | =. Phone 489 490 ‘desend cAbe. If . can't ge ae if pans TviAad Ae aAtoek that Fiat heds}our shell fish beds and to study Prompt Service Z| eS cise M pe exhibition at Orme's Drug : Te as we ee = . f the rivers are 1 he rail-Janimal life inimical to the fish- Special Rates for Parties x eee Tr eS re aT, a Store, Third Avenue | ; ‘i a 2 “A a - c ard eries. We have been enabled not * Everyone who buys diamonds from us, whether they are in a position eee wrre 0000 Oa Sa ae oseres only to give valuable advice to + to Inspect our stock of gems and gem-set jewellery personally, or whether | inna oe | i : } yn this directior STAND, ROVER OTE * | they are obliged to select from the illustrations in our catalogue, are pro~ License to Drink the Dominion in tis direction t x and to blaze the way along LINCS | iagigiiaidioininininiciniidiidiotoiotiottick tected by our rule of quality which never allows an imperfect diamond to OM. GILROY, OERy ane Why not make a man take out of this nature, but to place in the . enter our stock. Our catalogue is sent free to any address and shows a i Bridge Work a ¥ license to drink?’ Pay $5 for hands of the canners and fisher- parser a a a eae splendid assortment for the out-of-town buyer to select from. Write for tily, vee ra the Pe tna: take men information of great value Skeena St eos Islands this catalogue; it will be sent to you by return mail. iwa iis license i 1e indulges : c z to them in their industry and ae not | . e TAKE NOTICE that 1, Frederick L. 4 fice: Smith BIk., Third Avenue’ 1) wisely, but too well. Mak iaihade. i pe ih Ap ertergg tn cae ee ee a =r - him show his license upon de- “In the past our sole licence ]B. C., intend | vo apply to the Cnn mand by any bartender and also : : sioner of Lands for a license to pro fees have been collected from | Ff, coal, oil and petroleum over the it PERIAL MACHINE SHOP take up his license if he is found those engaged in salmon fishinc. | f° owing desribed lands on the west enry ir S ons, imi e€ Bering aftecsmanaaeyenis would Ye have no intention at the |Stt' antednat, tbe worthwest corner of . . : ’ ne alte ours, 8 oul ro ave o inte 6 elpost p a orthwe PO , Repairing Quickly Done ye lim ge the liquor traffic and Weomave 0 ' ees ee Corz. thence south $0 chains, thence JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS w 1 ' } ' th present time « extending that | fist’ so chains, thence north 80’ chains, Ww 1 > epiregulating 1 right dow io e ce ate kai e | thene st 80 chains tc ace of com- “ a - Vv By ! PHONE RED 156 re iy daatamationn werkt the tax to othe fisheries, but w shen oe coniainine ato meee. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director! ANCOUVER, B.C 6 rah CORR HOT want to have the power fo do so FREDERICK L. PUSCH, Locator. | ) - treating system, for instance, e be L ae . Wilfred Charles Macdona Agent. a Tel, 448. : - tiiin wdl, ae aael ) when necessa Of course such Date, December 29, 3. Ne < USE IMAGING, & ATION .C@ ay) _— taxes have fallen upon only the] Advertised Feb, 26 to April 7 ) to vou (ome on in, ant lave f ee i‘ a commercial isheries. Anglers —— \ CHE, AGNEW & C0. 4 drink while you would be} within the provinee are rot af- a oat Te ter : b forced to reply, “Sorry, old] a : : | Rt eres es a Ft ‘il Engineers and B, ©, Land ar a footed, Upon a Begvision se the |) FOI III I IDI IDI IAI AIDA + 7a. a wedUt, Dut paves't sok Hoenae, Game Act we collect an angl«r's - SECIS ISIS ICICI IOI I III IIT RII IIIS IS IASI ISAS ISAC k varare Ottawa Journal, license fee from non-residents 4 ae — —~ —_ ; eet eens ees r ile ! ted by some the of the province.” : H Plans, Dominion and ae. BUN m Mp ue : In discussing the powers of * } rveying, Mine Survey-|®lres compelling latecomers lo the provincial government to tax * x i 1 Subdivisions, Electric}]staud until the end of the first whaling industries, Hon. Mr. * t ‘egatives and Whitelact is a good one Besides en- Bowser skid that.as whales were 7 { hancing the comfort of the punc- described as mammals and not + ™ tual, it will make it easier for the : : pay , ; fish there was no question as to eBride St Prince Rupert, B.©,|/!atecomer to walk out if he does the rights of the province. A THE ; == ———— Soe , eaeeniinibi not like the show.—-Washington very curious fact had beén brou- we BB. C. 7 Phone 43 | Star. ght out in the discussion before Al LY o “Prince Bao a all ort ern | , : the privy council. That was WIL. LAM t HOUSE The Royal Cafe gives the best that sturgeon end whales 4 BC meals and the best service in the L K.C were roval fish, and as such be- S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Es » Land Surveyor city. Visitors to the city are ad- MR. - oF pees . a ee longed to the king. The transfer N E W Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of EF : oa hae Ae thaiie ; 1 6 » Oppasitio M n mre He eRe 0 Se Tee ee ‘ ta felis rent of the old crown colonies rights the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all p ir selec 52 ntario ve i : : : Q { nie their selection, ay of British Columbia and Vancou- is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events I TUG AND SCOW ' Fe cate ne mene ae Jehipgpe had and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- i SE eae | not include 1ese royal fish. AFE ania 20 scts arate FOR HIRE Therefore, as successors to 8s bia It troptan: Sante subjects with moderate opti- ; W. R, MORRISON } 9 DWARE the old crown colonies, the pro- SANE mism end reliant ity. : PHONE BLACK 156 FRED S vince of British Columbia had The Daily News is the most valuable paper to ees Rahokt ie jurisdiction over these, as they SPICY ‘advertisers because it is read by the buying public. JAW Por . ceearnaemtes scsi i ea still belonged to the crown. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in LES GILMORE 710 SECOND AVE ane Enel " pe Pro- sce the city. It is read by the class of people the A vincial Fisheries Act, which was t Ss entinate SR inli de rohiteot Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery also read a second time Saturday x adv “ hear MeBride Street Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle night, provides for royalties to INTELLIGENT Ree as ta cae. wisett dobstadhinieiee sasanee UNION T fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns be paid by owners or lessees of RE. RANSFER C0 R Valves Ammunitien oySter beds, in British Columbia GENERAL TRan ope coast waters, the fixing of the SFER AND ’ ‘ South Wellington Meare Pumpe wees oe ted Iron Hafan: to be in tha mands. of the : . Office RESIDENCE 110 Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Reofing Corrugale Lieutenant-Governor in Council : " PRINCE RUPERT “ HING BUT THE BEST” aaa * ar WE CELL NOT . Port Edward hes a_ perfect * ; BOAT BUILDER == natural harbor. 47tf * 4 _-——— re oe Many lines of goods to:he sold Ion Spi cian naan CSS aI ISISIIDISIISI SEIS III I ott tI Na JOHNSTON at half price in the next 15 days Beal ©, , ’ eu ot ove Phone Green 321 at Wark's. 49tf | g~. —_——