THE DAILY NEWS ——— Friday March ¢ 1944 ———— The Mcaning of a Name means everything that is choicest in fine tea. “SALADA” means the world’s best tea --- “hill- grown Ceylon”--- with all the exquisite freshness and flavor retained by the sealed lead packages. BLACK, GREEN or MIXED 6a FPR RBA yy ay OOO a a gt x Local and Personal * x PIII IAAI III IIIIIA AI III IIIS SS ISISISSISSI SSIS ISI SISAAISISISSISSAN Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream | A Fort George citizen is | eee mourning the loss of his house, | Port Edward has a total dock-|which was carried away on a jing length of 16,960 feet. i7tf| sleigh one night recently. He is eee lcharging a livery man with the Mrs, G. Hipps of Terrace is/crime. ; spending a few days in the city sea: Y er tae The G. T. P. dock was a busy Millinery opening at Demers’|scene this morning. A large Friday and Saturday, the 6th and 7th, 53 . . ° The Borealis, of the Fisheries, being fitted out a fishing trip. is SG MMe a LT WO classes of people worry about money—-those who have too little and those who have too much.” Both classes appear to be satisfied with the price of ART CLUTHES CVUK BROS. =“/@ ALLEN LIMITER Both classes also appreciate the youthful lines, the high art tailoring, the natty fabrics, the marked value of the special garments which await your early glance. LEE & CLARK AGENTS Gent’s Furnishing 3rd Avenue -- breaking the. trail in the Great White Silence of the Northland, the prospector must travel light. The little grub he carries must be amply sustaining. So as a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. The concentrated goodness of the finest wheat in the world. For any journey---In auy clime--Worth it’s weight in gold. 5 1 longer 49tf jto continue days | Wark’s. | When you buy a meal get it at ithe Royal Cafe and you will get] this jthe best in the city. } The Camosun of the Union | brother at Hamilton, Ont., for a j}Steamship line is not expected) few weeks and will sail for Sco* lout before the first of the month.|land some time in April. we ae De ae | Our millinery display on Fri-| The rock excavations around day and Saturday, the 6th and/the ‘terminal yards here’ have forts. Demers’. 53 |been progressing very favorably Bi Ray te, | lately and it is expected that by The Misses Seott left this|May first all will be cleared up, morning for California, where | including the hotel excavation |they will spend the rest of the|the dry dock yards and the ex- winter. cavation west of the _ freight | Re ies | sheds. ;} Our suits are ten. dollars ———_—_—_____-— cheaper and ten dollars better} Baptist Social 'than any in town. See us. Am- erican Tailor. e Sweder Bros. shipment opened today of the é a large Atlin] for | Our big discount sale has been} have }so satisfactory we have decided] for morning on an 52tf|visit to her home in Glasgow. iShe intends to stay with her 52tf |) church newest; parlors. Youlered shortly after eight to await {t|the | | fabrics for ladies’ suits. are invited to inspect them. * * . The machine shops on. the} waterfront are all very busy. |There is considerable activity among the power beats and can- neries in getting filted up for jthe season. | se 1 The Pacific Transfer Co. have |decided to extend their Ninth avenue barns very considerably | Work on the foundations will be commenced at once in charge of |Mr. Angle. A, Swanson returned yesterday on his launch Regal from Port |Simpson and Union Bay. He has |been engaged towing scows of jherring for H. C. Breckenridge. tee Wm. Angle transferred his |pile driver from the Scheinman building to Cow bay yesterday. He going right ahead with the lfoundation for Mr. |planing mill. The be three storeys thoroughly finished. is Kiler’s new building will and will be a up-to-date mill when The cifie the Pa- boats new schedule for Coast The steamship 1s Pout. Spokane sails from on March 143 and the City March 31. every five Seattle April 6 comes out be a boat that date. and 25 and of Seattle There will days after . . . line is expected that the Admir- the Pacific-Al- Company will for the Rupert It is said the boats of that line will make a re- call here this and possibly cut the’ freight rates An announcement pected in a few days . al boats or Navigation big bid jtrade this season, aska |jmake a gular year some | number of local people assemb jled to bid farewell to departing friends. . . - Many new small craft will ap- }pear on the harbor this seasor. |The Rupert Marine & Iron work: four engines recent’y new power boats. Mos. of ; them will be used for commervial purposes, sold M. Mrs. Carmichael left extended Jas. The Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist invited the friends of the church to be present last even- ing at a social held in the church A large number gath- program of the evening, which was of a most interesting character. After the opening and a few remarks by the chair- man, Mr. Murray, and a_ few words from the pastor, a social evening was indulged in, Games, competitive memory and other features in making the evening a very enjoyable one. Miss Morgan gave a most lightful reading to an apprecia- tive audience. Shortly before 12 dainty luncheon was which with the previous numbers on the program, reflected highly exercises contests, contests assisted de- a served, on the painstaking care of the Ladies’ Aid. Swallowed Radium Vienna, March 5.—Radium worth $3250 disappeared down a patient’s throat in the general hospital yesterday. She was be- ing treated for cancer. When the doctors discovered, by an electrical examination, that the woman had swallowed the ra- dium tube, they prepared imme- diately for an operation, fearing grave danger to her interior from the radium’s presence. The operation was successful and the radium was recovered with- out harming the patient. Off for Naas Valley H. 8. Irwin, the district fores- ter, and A. P. McCorkindale, his assistant, ieave tomorrow for a two months’ trip into the Naas valley on a tour of inspection. They go to Terrace, and from there across country on = snow- shoes to Aiyansh on the Naas, which place they will make their headquarters for a time. It impossible to get to Aiyansh by boat at this season on account of the ice running in the Naas river, is ex-jalthough the boys expect to re- {turn by | that route, * ~ FAO URAL RL LALA. LAL AR ALAR ARORA RAR Stalker & Wells Phone 187 Clearing these out to make arrive, * FOI IOI FIAT IID IIT IA IIA IAI DAI III IS xa? DEL MONTE CANNED FRUIT AT 250 PER CAN PHONE 187 PRAIA AAI DAA AAAI A AAI AAAI AI AAAAASI SISA SAASISSASASASI AISI SSISI SISA 4 room for new goods due to 1 OO CO —<- Read The Daily News at fair prices : * eee: | PUTTTPETTCEETCTOTOCOTTTT TTC OCC COC CCCerestoercorrrs s) High-Grade Work umbing, Steamfitting and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co.,Ld 3 TORIES IO et II OO A IIA AA A I | 3 JABOUR BROS. NOW HAVE COMMODIOUS NEW STORE Jabour Bros. are busy fixing up the store for their grand opening on Saturday. They have a large stock of high-class goods which makes a fine appearance in the new place.. The building itself is of con- erete and they will thus have the advantage of a low’ insurance rate Che fixtures were put in by A. H. MePherson and are sec d to none in town Notwithstanding the fact that their store has bee neonsider ablv out of the business centre, this firm has always done a large trade, due largely to persistent advertising, in which they strongly believe Now, howevel! that they are located closet in, being almost opposite the Em press hotel, they should do a still larger business. In order to celebrate the open ing of their new store they will give away free flowers to all who call on Saturday. Southbound Passengers on the Prince George this morning: P. H. Cow- herd, A. Stowell, A. E. McCready, | Mr. and Mrs. J. Springstein, Mrs Frank Derry, Wm. Thompson, J. R. Murray, A. L. MeHugh, Mrs Jas. Anderson, R. A. Simmons, | Miss A. Davidson, 8. 8. Glass, Mr Piercy, W. A. Lawson, Miss Ben nett, Mrs, J. M. Carmichael, Miss L. Scott, Mrs. J. Seott, Mrs. H.} Grove and family, J. L. Evans, W. M. Cowals, Mr. Woodhouse, Mrs Turner, C. A. Howard, Mrs. Me- Lenaghan, Mrs. T. Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirkpatrick, J. Hatch G, Strachan, Miss A. M. Strovet and J. H. Swearinger. Indian Got Off Arthur Stewart, an Indian charged with the robbing of a mail sack between Aiyansh on the Naas and Prince Rupert, was | tried hefore J. P. Mullen this morning He was dismissed, there being no evidence to show he was the guilty party. | Elocution doesn’t go far en- ough, It merely teaches us how to speak, not when. NOTICE Tenders will be received by the under signed for the stock and fixtures of the Criterion Cigar Store, Westholme Theatre Block, up till noon, March 10th. Inven tory may be inspected at the office of the Assignee Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted 1 H ARNEIL, Assignee The Kewest_ Materials of the highest imported and domestic are shown In a var- quality, lety of choice patterns. COME AND SEE SWEDER BROS,, MERCHANT TAILORS Phone 38 Helgerson Block SIXTH STREET “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DESK ROOM in ground floor oMce, Apply P.O. Drawer 1663 City 285-tf FOR SALE MOTOR BOAT Hull 3C ft. by 8 1-2 ft beam Apply T. M. Orwig, boat builder, Port Essington, B. ¢ 3 NINE HUNDRED DOLLAR player piano for equity in Prince Rupert realty West enbaver Bros. 52-54 BABY CHICKS, hatching eggs, laying hens and breeding pens, Rocks, Reds, Leg- | horns, etc, Quick shipping connec- Lots 8-9, Block 19, Section 8, vons. Columbia Poultry Ranch, Steves- $1050; third cash, balance 6 and | ton, B. © At) 12 months. a SAFETY n caeae ” | We have a goud list of bargains in 2| FAMOUS at ; D Sections 1, 2, 6 and 7; get a fist. i cals Houses and offices for rent. PRINCESS Ca sree WANTED—A woman to help in dining} | SERVICE room, Apply Windsor Hotel, 5itr A ULLO & RADFORD LINE WANTED—At once, @ general servant, | Phone Green 202. 50 53] PHONE 83 SECOND AVE. Sty soutnnouns, 8 WANTED—Cook for dining car. Apply | Princess Beatrice, aay W. J. MéLean, G. T. P, Wharf. 49-51 | | Re ie thbounés Princess Maquinné Sou YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would Gaturday, 9 & ™ like position in private family. Box Agent 101 Daily News iour| Skeena Land District.—, Distt of Coast | J.G. McNAB, General AB LARGE CANADIAN mail order house wants Range V. Ft one man in each locality to mail cata- TAKE NOTICE that Hume Cronyn, of | —_— logues, Will pay $15 weekly. National Supply Co,, Windsor, Ont, MISCELLANEOUS THE BATTLE OF WHO RUN AT WESTHOLME TONIGHT ” neni | at the Westholme thea- | tre, and the of the | Battle of Who Run” is sure to | Keystone comedy is \ an event PPR om, please the many patrons of this | Another for Friday & Saturday popular playhouse good picture on tonight’s pro-| Fresh gram is the two reel Reliance egt whity | feature entitled The Clown’s| Be iDaughter.” The Weéstholme or- | Swift's | Bate tra is preparing an excep 4, ltional musical program for this New Z picture. A selection from Leon-|.. n % covalli’s Il Pagliacci will be} : . Me played in the first half of the |} Spring picture, and Verdi's famous | 2, Rigoletto” for the second, half A fine new Weekly Gazette and Fresh vegetables fop 8 by . . : le atUMay a Broncho comedy entitled }Sure Curt will also be shown. | The “Sure Cure” is a suffragette | comedy that is sure to interest 2 | ‘ the ladies | Bid, ales On March 14 and 12 there will| 4a oe inother great star feature | BUTCHERS ANOPROvisION Desum, program with Moths in four} , MO GAME x Satay Is headliner This picture 4 was procured at considerable ex Prince Rupert BG }pense and is sure to attract j overflowing houses at both per formances | AAR BB ARB UU UU as ¥ | +c ‘ THE WEATHER it FOR A TAXI! souintincin a + ————= ——— Furnished by F. W. Dowling \* Observer | +* * | ee § P- 15 PHONE |For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m., x “a nm March 6, 1914 lz | = —S | | Barometer reduced to sca + PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 0% | AYERS ook a stood bees 30,155 FEI IOIIIOIIOOIO IS th | Highest PY: lets | Lowest 40.0 peecoercererereeerororeestettiin, | Rain be-0 bs Ou) Ree. ees 56 SIXTH AVENUE It is much safer to shout with | the crowd than against it. That BARBER SHO is why the crowd makes such a| We have any ;nose. shop, opy sch | First class : vee | thing clea fresh ' THE \ | ' SOCIETY OF CYP.A | Vancouver Prices, Give a eA. 3) a Call \ OF PORT ESSINGTON Drs ie se pidoosooccocceroitii will give a concert .on the early a life of the Indian Tribes in | CUNNINGHAM’S HALL PORT ESSINGTON, MARCH 7th = Cres Don't forget to take Saturday's train | Crown Grant 3 ON SKEENA RIVER and = adjoining _ railroad $10.00 SPRING, 1914 per acre very easy ES DE, terms Suits and Costs in all styles from ; al the plain tailored to the ultra Harrison, Gamble l stylish cuts. in beautiful stripe Third Aver checks, brocades and honey combs. SELECT NOW FOR EXCLUSIVE 4 cere feoccocooocecocececeeeeetettn Y DEMERS Victor Gramaphones j Third Avenue aie | oe \2 Magazines Photo Supplies 1$ Developing and Printing } Enlarging and ; SOME GOOD BUYS Picture Framing Selection of Interior View Cards | Best Lot 14. Block 42, Section 5, $900; } and 12 | montnes balance 6 : | W.W. WRATHALL Or 45% Block 3, Section 8, $650 | ens THIRD AVENUE Lot 28, Block 4, Section 8, $6500; Phone 551 terms arranged. ae . Lot 28, Block 4, Section 8, $560; eecocoseroeree sere e tent eet ee B.C. Coast Steamstip set third cash, bal. 6 and 12 months. } Lots 12-13, Block 10, Section 8, | $900, half cash. These lote face two streets and will make splen- did residence lots, Good view. — Dry Dock L# London, Ontario, occupation manager of a | Trust Company, intends to apply for per- | Mission te purchase the following descri- | bed lauds | Commencing at @ post planted at the horth est corner of Lot 1968, thence ) south 80 chains, west 80 chains, north es EARN $15 WEEKLY at home evenings /80 chains, east 80 chains to point of| i mailing catalogues for large Canadian | commencement, containing 640 acres more no mall order house. Representatives | op less, ‘ 6 B m Wanted in all cities, towns and country, | HUME CRONYN, |Lots 27 to ¥ National Supply Co., Windosr, Ont, it Dated November 25th, 1913 | The be ' Pub. Dec, 15—Feb, 20,1914. al : | * ew St ee a ee. NOL . JINGLE POT | Skeena Land District-—District of Queen | beat Charlotte Islands } $57 | 5 | TAKE NOTICE that Wilfred Charles|For all cash 4 Macdonald of Prince Rupert, B. C,, occu. | 6 an ; ’ , ‘ 1ce in | pation prospector, intends to apply for Half cash, malance | 7 sas! permission to prospect for coal and petro- | 12 months interes leum over the following described lands: one e “A j , On the west coast of Graham Island com- | noe in delivered by Lindsay mencing &t & post planted one mile south Quarter cash, balan¢ 750 Transfer H. B, ROCHESTER Phone 115 231 2nd Ave. and one-fourth mile east of the mouth of} and two years at 7 | West River, thence west 80 chains, thence j Rorth 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, | ; thence south 80 chains to point of com- Fi |tMencement and known as C, L, 7817, ( R a én 0., CHARLES MACDONALD, ° ° we I Locator. and Insure Date located, 27th December, 1018 17th to March 26th. Real Hastate | WILFRED Becond Avenue. Advertised Feb,