1914 § Wellington Coal RESIDENCE PRINCE iio RUPERT jay, Mareh 414, THE DAILY NEWS Wednesdé ‘ ; -_ = r te —— -— — ma eee siti silane hice, ; OGRIEE CURED COIR € OT CED 6g ° 9.0. 0u 4908 i — le te PL hes ; PF GIF E> HE ota e Phone } ———- -_____—_—. no Lee eweses BASEBAL | 5) sAvOY HOTEL Ki i. ene SPO LAWN TENNIS t 6 6 Fooreat. | HOCKEY rinsT OLASS CUISINE AD ; said t in fas ag os = hh) (here re: SUPE L178 z 7 3 , Hot and 08 ‘iI siomey ws tlk OS Mls) «2 = IN “ hes) OES, ACA Di Fa | r ‘ Liquore and " 4 ) a ‘ ee only finest brands oF bias With the draw for the Davis B bia agent-gen-|, Aston Villa a cing asclaites =>, erst HOTEL IN NORTHERN cup preliminaries announced | place a wreath led. the greatest | fighteradn S THE BRITISH COLUMBIA the Canadians being draws Lord. Mia do- | the bietéry of | h football, . inMOMME & FISHE? against Australasia, coast law) trophy whieh/and with good n On the ose in oe rietore ome Picture ere onde ASAE pee aes of t iday games, Cee gilo have the preliminary’ round | Aston Villa we ccupying the CLOCOROEOPOOVP® aver ‘ “~~ er o y ‘ t een poeetereneeeee played in Vaneouver or Victoria J Wagner, vet-|twelfth positior the standin& = $e thus giving coast enthusiasts at he Pittsburghiof the first div clubs. Now — opportunity of seeing Australia’s b, has jast/they are in se place, chal- i famous players. h contract to |lenging the red table leaders, firegtor Kid M hn nee It was Wag+|Blackburn Rovers sid MeCoy, the veteran fight- | ne traet with —( er, who was one of the top}! chteenth in W. W. Naugh the dean of ri 9 hk paler AE a ee sport writers the Pacifie Have you ever noted how an audience ia wi ry and “come back’ on Mar ‘oast, ard know; 1roughout the ° . | Vints ; tion ‘ ' : . es : ' , . : PRL. Vintners Associa 14, when he meets Georges Car-| J Ni holding|breadth of the country, died yes- yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? i eae pentier in Paris, The, master | fast le pT he owns in|terday at his hon 1 San Fran- WINDOOR HOTS | Leth mcd ae years ago isto He turned|cisco, of heart disease, after al On the other hand, have you noted how an audience ener First aod meet the latest and most sensa-| 5.000 for twolfortnight’s i ISS | . . mw. He Wright, Prop. tional “comer.” See ee will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when TRAM, - 7 ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? HOTEL ey oeaailll ar That the day is not far distant}; Wia a nan In Paris BASKETBALL LEAGUE "eorope De a Plan when Canada will capture thre | he ive leh W e ay aa Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To Peter Black, . Davis cup, emblematic of the|™made a white imed talzae The Basketball Leacu . 7 ‘ i ‘ ' ‘ J world’s tennis championship, is L Me idier beat- 2 ec ig i ay impart belief in anything, a man must believe it ’ , ; , under the auspices o re St. An- ’ ‘ KNOX HOTEL the opinion expressed by Mr. R pene the Texas border. irew's Society was brought to ¢ deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. rst Ave., | o Eighth “— aue B, Powell of Victoria, captain of} 0 Weal ad Neh ene el rer . vrope Rates 60¢ to $1.0 4 i . ‘ > ‘ e yefore wy’ Pe sh last evening by the che bi é i > . ropes the Canadian team in 1913, |< # ‘em before they're}tinish last evening by the cham This applies to the written word also --- particularly Besner & Be » Props. Lie Niees j hate hed is poor business, as the pionship game between the Lin- ) . i Connie Mack, the wily manager |T0rentos probably realize now. |ties and Microbes. both teams to advertisements. When the manufacturer really pr as aaa Casley of the Philadelphia Athletics, ” ‘id having secured the same number believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost EMPRES } oria hoeke players wi 0 ‘ ne . ‘ who makes a specialty of turning | of points in the league competi- ; J pe LA etwe 1 , i B ly a hile } : ; Third Ave, Between Sixth ane out champion teams, has suc-|"eUlar easterners before theyltion. The following was the inevitably find expression in Advertising. And en- ropean Pian, 50 to $1 Per Day ceeded in signing up every mem-|®°! @ chance.at the Stanley cup, line-up: Lintlés—W. R. Martin, thusiasm will be contagious — his audience — the — ’ ber of last year’s pennant win- | J. Watt, J. R. Nichol, C. Dennis ; ° ° PREMIER HOTEL ning aggregation, If the Federal league plays{and R. McLean. oe Ss. readers of the newspaper—will, figuratively speaking, (merican aod European Plan yee baseball up to the standard of|Currie, W. M. Brown, W. G. Den- se ; ; 99 sten intently. £..W. Wenning, eener Percy Quinn, president of the!President Gilmore as a publicity|nis, C. D. Brown and James Neil lean forward and | t y oa : 0 0 ‘rosse associ promoter, organized — basebal!| Kelly. se ° OVAL HOTEL DORI OR Lae See O NO eno woe Oe | ae To be convincing an advertisement . burgess, Props has announced that the eastern |W! just have to recognize the Right from the commence- and Sixth St. magnates will raid the coast}Feds., that’s all, |ment of the game it was appar- must convey an unmistakable Steam Heated Cities for players this season un —o— ent that the Linties were the é 6 : 8) me eC ee re less Con Jones, with whom | Eddie McGoorty, the Wiscon-|superior team, their play being impression of enthusiasm. This it VER paren LIQUOR CO., easterners have an agreement, | sin boxer, now in Australia, wilij/™ore combining than that of will only do when the article ' t , heir opponents The Linties é Second Ave. and Sixth st remains in the game, eet Georges rpentier, the]! PI eT. ; O cone TT - f at : “| took the lead early in the came advertised has inherent worth. -sastommnyesesnbslibiiaietiiasilighdemestliliias j ‘ »” Cant ‘ ‘ Freneh champion, in a bout ia and from that point never seem- . Hilliard Lang, Canadian wel ; jo INCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., terweight champion, has accept- ie land some time i. May. Theled to have any dread of defeat. Thus we have: LIMITED bout is expected to have an im-|'The score at half time was 15 to : + + ed terms for fifteen-round | $ ’ 33 . a om bout w th Fran) baeMaad il the {portant bearing on their claims]4 jn ‘favor of the Linties. The Sincerity -- Enthusiasm =e Advertising: hone 1b wi ank Bi eau al , the rid’s championship.|seeond half was ractically or . . Steveston arent he pi a as practically on £ be we il hi ‘ere I ae Mouaas "| Richard ( roker, the former New/the same lines as the first, the Three mighty forces, close linked. 2 ee 5 York politician, new to nave Microbes showing no. signs of Fielder Jones, president of the offered a purse of 820,000 for improvement and ultimately If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department seccsecsecccccocoooooooooooos | NOViWeslern league, says he | the battle. having to retire defeated by 27 of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for r would consider an offer from |} re points to 9. The Linties now you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these a the Federals if they would offe: President Joseph H. Tannin of{have the distinction of being the will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian OBSTRUCTED SINKS him enough money. the foston American baseball/club champions and right-well Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. : league club announced on Mon-|do they deserve their title, for e and Sewers O— 5 Len Turnbull, Buck Marshall,{day night that he had Tris|the general play of the team in _ DESOLVO Cliff Spring and Gordon Spring|>5peakers name to a_ two-year the competition has been con- ® i I gt n Spring ; j . ‘act Cf ge for » “large st}sistenc telf. It must be ad- are in receipt of letters from R.| contract calling for the largest istency i GREED GEE2Si=a> Bey eae ly Wiesatne ei usnaiite asking | Salary ever paid to a profes-|mitied, however,. that in their oape ate ne o, sunetance a Sone eee rn m to ‘tanis their wn terms|sional baseball player,’ in ad-jlatest triumph they vanquished and will quickly femove accu- bo playing latrosse with the To-|dition to a bonus for signing. It}a team that seemed to be com-| == aT ay ae lat , f grease, et “7 | fae anie saakawt is understood ee s one Eee oi ; ore ae are aabanannannannannnnaar’ (e = Hie Get some and save -plumb- calls for an annual salary of}do their reputation justice. Mr. eas al ; 567—PHONE—567 * . ne The Westminster Lacrosse |}$16,000, and in addition to this}W. E. Williscroft had charge of * | For sale by club cabled arrangements with|/he gets a $5,000 bonus ithe game. T XI t arce 05 fl orm - ! —— —_ A e | | 4 RESULTS OF THE * HARRY HANSON | SCOTTISH CUP TIES ALF HALLIGAN x We are compiling a very interesting booklet which will contain the THE RELIABLE PLUMBER — Large Seven-Passenger Machine x regulations of the new parcel post system, along with other valuable one 489 180 Sécend ‘Ave. | Glasgow, March 410,—-Follow. |* Prompt Service postal information. This ee will ~~ oe will return the tion at Orme's Deug 3} ng are the results of the ties Special Rates for Parties Mttaghnd -ceynen “OAR ny ianacne. ane ren , . | n the fourth round of the Scot-|« ete ——— —— - Third Avenue | a tish cup: * »* HENRY BIRKS & SONS, LTD., Crerrereceeorororoceoooeooore: | Phird Lanark 0. Steveston Un- x STAND, ROYAL HOTEL + Jewellers, Vancouver, B. C. ited 0, * * Gentiemen: . otto kk toto kk DR. GILROY, DENTIST Motherwell 0; Geltie 3. wkike ee eink Please forward as soon as published, your booklet of Brides Wark 4 St. Mirren 1, Partick Thistle 0 ———= parcel post information. : tee ork @ Queen’s Park 1, Hibernians 3.]skeena tand Distsiot—Dietriot of Queen MANO i. 5 ce Sek cous Address. laity, he Re Freee eT, re MM RO Sh ea sei raga ie las er e Smith BI League Results TAKE “NOPIORy hat °2, | PreGerlGy Temas ee Ra ee AS ome ite a neem Ku Thine Bivens Rangers agui vde 4 Pusch, occupation clerk, of Prine Rupert, ——— A are, , B. C., intend to apply to the Commis- - RN PERIAL MACHI P Aberdeen 2, Morton 4. sioner of Lands for @ license to prospect Se NE SHO Airdrie 1, Ayr United 4. roll wing desrinad pone on the west ite Dumbarton 2, Dundee 3. coast of Graham Island: Commencing at @ hia Birks o ons, im ay : ; post planted at the northwest corner of Repe '9 Quickly Done j Hearts 0, Kilmarnoek 4, i : Pera neni atk 80 chains, thence enry ‘HONE RED 156 | Raith Rovers 5, Hamilton 2. eR ome ramos oa cm JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS vt Nin y 06 i dheailaeeaene encement, taining 640 acres. . : t VER, B. eee REDERICK. L. PUSCH, Locator, Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director\ VANQOUVER, BX , | ENGLISH CUP AND LEAGUE Wilfred Charles Macdonald, Agent. s go j Date, December e 13. Tel, 448. | GAMES PLAYED SATURDAY aave rtised Feb, 26 to April 7. I —_—— rae SEER CHIE. AGNEW & CO. London, March 10-—Following be Nak p . E; ire the results of the four ~~~ emer poms ers ee games played on Satundsy teishe] |. l FOI DISIIDI SII IOI III IO III I III IIIS I IOI TIS IIS IIS SIS II SISA IS SISA ISI SIS AISA. Surveyors fourth round of the English { ! Football Association Cup, each rt — Power, Whalf Con- ” 1e being playe 2 gr 'lans, Dominion and|}GANADIAN SUFFRAGETTES START “ WE ALL STAND CLUB ee tal spa b= bg: roe B rveying, Mine Survey- TS cet Qs, bay Be RECA ere ia eae * Subdivisions, Electric} ‘Won't you take my seat?” asked the young man .chivalrously. Villa 1, Sheffield Wednesday 0; 7 " ‘egatives and White “Thank you, I will stand,” was her reply. That was al! Liverpool Queen’s Park Ran- ¥ j e The above is a sample of dialogue heard on the street cars [opps 4: Manchester City 0, Shef- ¥ of Toronto any day now. Somewhere among the women’s field United 0; Sunderland = Q, x ride St Prince Rupert, B.C literary societies of University college, a secret “independ Burnley 0. 7 l THE me - = spiapruataie ence” organization has been formed, and it 1s eee a League Results Firat’ Divi. * ! et If among f omen of every city in Canada. The | jon—Ryerton 41, Bradford City PL spread itself among the womer ; ; . t ) * rt wee.ak rrospects are good for the early independence league of JQ, Middlesboro’ 2, Chelsea 0; * or rince u all or ern I I He : ; * WILLIAM T HOUSE women has developed from an organization of university rottenham 4, Preston 0: Bolton, BO. Lb B;hh-euetramemes” 920° Gemanded “eg ae ideek A ite Poti Shik tables EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in { D ‘ Pa : . or otes 0 ome ideas arm e lab, a ; : : a ind Surveyo simply passive support of vol ay ek he 1 been . N Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of CE RUPERY P.O. Box 618 militancy of the English suffragettes, which has ni Goods at half price for the . cs an and reliable. It has all oe ee very effective. next six days. Brass, leather * the city because it is clean and reliable, 8 TUG | goods, stationery, some lines of + is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events AND SCOW a cut glass, silver and china. 7 and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- 4 FOR HIRE Wark's. 55-tf + SAFE bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ; = + iw. pind keel ele ee | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | =< geccem | | | Bl ican goa P inge The g ‘ews is » most valuable paper to PHONE BLACK 156 TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- * ericy The Daily News is the most va pay ware \ ae Se ae : —— mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in * advertisers because it is read by the buying public. = , aoe the Province of British Columbia, broker ; s Sa JAMES CILMOR 710 SECOND AVE intend “to. ‘apply for “permission” to lease ; IMPARTISL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in ! E thirty (80) acres of land, bounded as ar the city. It is read by the class of people the t Avchitec ' hip Chandlery Commencing at this post planted where * INDEPENDENT Savertiaark. wi renitect cools Builders’ Hardware ” a ent ths tor therty int of the niet nee wpe * advertisers want to talk te i My ’ . ishin th Grand un acific Railw Com- tM Bride Street Wire Cable Stee! Blocks : 9g asia la oe irand ‘Trunk wena. pallway im: x INTELLIGENT caESe us J lron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shetg Zimmergoetz River, and being about 400 ¥ NION TRANS P iti feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- > a seep arena IED eerie eras ER C0 Rope Valves Ammunition eastcrly direction along the westerly » ee INERAL yp int shore of said river a distance of thirty * ‘ANSFER AND STORAGE Hose Pain (30) chains; thence easterly parallel with | * * * * . + + BOAT BUILDER JOHNSTON Phone Green 321 | Cove Pumps Stoves and Ranges Fubberoid Roofing Corrugated fron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED Carpenters’ T the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk | Pacific right-of-way, @ distance of ten (10) chains; thence southerly parallel | with the westerly Shore of the said river to the northerly limit of the right-of way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Ratlway | Company; thence westerly along the sald | northerly limit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement. RATED this seventh day of January, 1014 TUOMAS -MCCLYMONT. Pub, Fob. 3 to April 6 DAILY NEWS —_——— + UII IOI IO IO III OO IOI ISI IOS IIIA I AIA IAA IAA A IA { { ete ect trwtrernsrmannermerne / ‘| { | r l +