CE ER UJ P E R TE RIPERT | GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: PRIN Midwinter excursions to Shaw- rHE PACIFIC sonutas With the AMO o a port OF pROGRESS smart set. $ ‘ 7 a PRINGE RUPERT, B.C., THURS DAY, MARGH 12, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS ‘FUSE TO at DUTY OFF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALIBUT FISHERMEN ORGANIZE FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT---OFFERS TO GRADE FULTON STREET TY ON FARM IMPLEMENTS SUSTAINED BY TORY MAJORITY MANY KICKS ON NEW RATING SUGGESTS POLICY FREE WATER NOVEL SCHEME SET FORTH TO BE DISCUSSED WHEN THE GRAVITY SYSTEM IS COMPLETE—-NO WATER RATES BUT EXTRA GENERAL TAX—WOULD PLAN BE POUPLAR? ee miER BOROEN NOT IN FAVOR OF CUTTING OUT DUTY ON GRICULTURAL MACHINERY FOR FEAR OF INJURING THE BIG INTERESTS Daily News jeould not make a statement un | There have been several ndn-i tio m upon the completion of the dred kicks registered during the} Woodworth lake gravity system. He therefore advised his folk nment sup- The plan is to give free water to 12 On a votey;til the budget was brought down | past week on the new water mo- il imendment fers to treat the motion as a suit | : tices which were recently sent | all users excepting industrie® out to the water takers. The re-/and big hotels, which would pay vising of the charges under the|through meters. This free water present system of charging Cr eee e would be used for pub- the committee lof confidence motion i, Knowles call- Mr. Borden expressed a doubt} in of all duties|as to whether a reduction ip the ements. Thelduties would reduce the cost of} a “ 7 ae of . bs “| dhibbbhe ee + | | water has greatly increased the|licity purposes and the novelty on OF Mr.j implements to farmers, beca el water rates of many citizens, andjof it is expected to attract a lot the duties|it would give the trusts of [ne] naturally a kick follows. ef attention to the city. The cost necause al Ritao erates ar Opporuintiy uD The system now in use make.!of maintenance would be met by in such ajinvade the Canadian market. Ii as a charge for each faucet, each|a general tax rate, which would f hat they canjpointed out that the duty on Se 4 basin, bath or toilet, also a|be less than one mill on the dol- " with the/plows was reduced twenty-five eas charge for each room in theliar. This is practically the same : chief com bbewnin ago and wiped out nearts =e house. This of course adds very! principle as the single tax, and irkets of ‘the/all that industry Mr PORE oe much to the tax of a man with ajthose who suggested and advo- | twitted the Liberals with n ‘ house having modern appoint-}cate the plan use the argument said it was|/having much in the direction 0! nents, although he would not|that the speculator would have io considerjreducing the duties when ta . use very much more water than | to pay for a share of the water he government] power. c the small house with a large | service and thus contribute — OLDEST AND LARGEST COLLECTION OF CRIMINAL WEAPONS IN CANADA family and one tap. |something to the man who re- ‘ a The ste i se is|sides here, improve hi ‘operty, his curio case is the property of the Toronto police department, and contains revolvers, knives. The Sy Seart. arn apne us s| a vr re iapin OO Pree ™ ‘ : . : ; ; ; ; : r : practically a standard system ofjand thus creates an increased wheels of fortune, counterfeit bills, and other means of cheating the law. The collection dates I I it i ‘all a I ll ty sharges ; gener > ad-| value ‘ yroperty. from thirty vears ago, and is the largest in Canada. charges, but it is generally a value on a property alt mitted that it is far from satis-| When this free water policy is UNION W TH BRITISH COLUMBIA . — : === | factory. |Ptoponed it is expected that all BILL AND DAN ASKED | | This has given rise to an agi-|»f the heavy property holders ‘MONEY AVAILABLE FOR tation for q an entirely die will oppose it, as the general tax EST MADE AT A MASS MEETING IN DAWSON—WILL TO PUT UP SECURITIES. There appears to be a 3] thedratioal: tattle fan: her al MORSE CREEK BRIDGE scheme which has. been suggest-| would hit them much harder | DEMAND WHOLE PANHANDLE IN EXCHANGE FOR 13> igen .Bdinpiibn caed...Vans 2 Banas e aon eae see ae the direct payment for STRIP OF CANADIAN TERRITORY Dominion Government Wants al$ couver as to which city will $|@rand Trunk Has $30,000 Ready) —_——- ‘ List of Assets Pending vw March 10.—A/Canadian territory was exchang- Further Aid sale trade. Edmonton is der the aus-/ éd without the consent of the jivadie in ‘tal odnniblion. citizens oecupying the territory Ottawa, Mareh 11—-The Do-} but it is claimed Vancouver to be traded. lie felt sure that ‘eter °" HALIBUT FISHERMEN PROTEST Yesterday the mayor received get the Fort George whole- | —cCity Has Offer for Dif- — —— — Territorial Libera! | | ed the Arctic —{minion government is aking/¢ will be able to ship to Fort a letter from President Cham- President Wilson would never|/ Mackenzie and Mann what se-|} George via Rupert within a berlain of the Grand Trunk Pa- ap} oe je nsent to such a trade without) eupities they can put up with re few weeks If Vancouver cific to the effect that the rail- Dr. \ n E. Thompson,|the consent of the people in the spect to the requested bond can get the trade through | road company will contribute Sar Wags cee ; n the chair | belt concerned guarantee of $35,000,000 which this city, what is the matter $30,000 toward the building of |20 NOT WANT SHIPS’ CREWS TO GET SHARE OF THE FISH yson Congdon Mr. Congdon opposed the an-]jc asked of the government \ with Rupert not getting it the bridge over Morse creek. WHETHER CAUGHT WITH TRAWL OR BY DORY—THE of parliament, |nexation of the Yukon to British} pepiy on this point is sought bi for her own” wholesale 3} When this year’s council ap- CREW SHOULD BE PAID WAGES the evening, |! nbia for several reasoOns,| fore the government comes to a houses? | proar hed the subjeet some time Wik see. posed annexa-|among which he claimed would] geejsion whether it w aid or , ago, Mr. Chamberlain. ceuld not This morning a meeting of the; The fishermen protested against British Go-|be the depriving of Canadians Of] not ies recall any promise made to pre-|halibut fishermen was _ held in | this. : protective taritf | the ghts of self-government It is understood that Sir W Baseball Training Games vious neils agreeing to bear al|the Sons of England hall on Sec- |. 4t this morning's meeting the dealt with|extended to the Yukor Pe pe |! n Mackenzie and Sir Donald At Sacramento third of the cost of the bridge,| nq avenue Mr. P. D. Gill. ; | fishermen agreed to stand for a a trade of ajlieved, he said, that if the matter) Mann have not taken Ct R. H. E,.|Which is estimated at $100,000. woe eee 2. ")poliey of distribution of the with the}was to be broached it would)ihe suggestion from the govern-| Chieago 2 7 4 |The correspondence was hunted representative of the Halibut/cateh to fishermen only, whether is 1 port on the|never do to attempt to carry it]} ment they put up as_ security Saoeamento 3 j 7 ,'up and copies forwarded to him. Fishermen's union, organized! caught with line haul or dory; I out without a_ plebiscite being | heir assets in numerous m cE conwWedn ville my: He now agrees to turn over the|the gathering. The object of the | the captain and mate of the giving a route/taken in the Yukon, He argued] panies including the street rail- ee E.G. T. P. share any time. meeting was to discuss the dis [See to be paid wages by the 1 railway from|that British Columbia land laws|ways in Toronto and Winnipeg, Bhil. Athlatios 6 > i The provincial government} tribution of the catches brought rae company. : territory could|and other features were objec-Jand power, projects in Mexico | Jacksonville 3 7 «tand city will each contribute ee eee ' This afternoou a_ representa- f the Alaskan |tionable to the Yukon, and Brazil. 2 | ae ‘ 1 $35 000, in by the trawlers working under | tive of the fishermen and the hange for a/ Opinion in the Yukon is evi Many members of the house! port Edward's power plant ma-| The plans of the bridge which he. sew system of gear. | manager of the company were to territory from{dently unanimous, All partiesithink that before further aid is GhinakeBen arrived watt have been agreed upon. call for a Since the Cold Storage com-| meet and discuss the question. r a He said the}are against annexation, All pa riven the Canadian Northert : ; ‘ ste structure, but the city has pets atarted fishing line haul /tt is thought an amicable agree- thward from|pers in the territory are opposed | pajlway should be prepared to since. had Ane aA OM ALS instead of with dories the crew | ment will be the result. , of enormous/to annexation, and both Liberals] make some personal sacrifice of hert. offering. to. build.a reine of the steamboat has partici- | A branch of the fishermen’s {hat British|and Conservatives are in accord]{heir personal belongings — i fe forced -OcuORate aia tne cimtion pated in the distribution of the | union will probably be formed at ' be violated itiagainet the proposition. fiian. ctoHanigin ae enn d-unies > bb aosign for AEE: einer ane catch as well as receiving wages.| this place. this is done there will be stren to take the city’s share of the a MEN ARRES GRADE ST ous opposition to the granting of | cost cits debentures. Harry Watson Awarded Contract | PRINCE RUPERT CLUB 4 TED | OFFERS TO the guarantee | The council will now be in a —__— | WON BILLIARD MATCH Y BE BANK ROBBERS AND ERECT NEW HOTEL _ ——— | position to discuss this alterna- Harry Watson has been | Another billiard match be« . \ TORONTO CLUB WON Ee pian awarded the contract for earry-|tween eight players of the Prince | CHINESE BASEBALL TEAM ing the city freight and passen-|ftupert club and eight from the yal Bank Bills in Posses- | iM. Albert Offers to “Take Deben- HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP Psion and Answer the tures for Street Improve- WILL TOUR CONTINENT gare cress ae eee eens et A hg ae a Descripti k m ~ | See s tender was the lowest and he } g. oved a close anc eseription ment Wor |Pinal Game With Canadiens Cut | Srecial tooeDaile Now |has a boat which the committee | exciting contest, the final score Phe | von, T want build an hotel| Feenehmen Out of Lead and See ean “ che 19 finds satisfactory for the work.|being 16 in favor of the Prince , ' ly News mh i N. H. A. Championship , eRe aa OS Harry will make an effort to haul| Rupert elub. The first three h {2 Two}on my property at the corner of | Fifteen Chinese baseball players | , : ; ' his boat up t » lake a ds natches were played in the Wan- lwith their manager Hop Sing, p to the lake in a day| P) ed near the| pifth Avenue and Fulton Street, Phe | ; , or two. There are high tides | derers’ club » final game of the Nationa ‘ dary ¢ a | have arrived from Honolulu, ; | Tanderers ‘ ‘ . ~ 3 or lsaid Mr. M. Albert to the Dally | poekey association champion } his te the firette ad 4 ; aah now and it can be floated up to} noe’ derers age 2 rince Rupert— ever oO be ev | , 5 5 Ne Tirs eB a seve , | 88 ; euiet * ; g Ibert }s series was plaved i ro the rails of the road without | Howe 250/Palmer . Se 34 , the Abbots-|News this morning. Mr. Alb hip ms , 4 ey ’ ‘tad “th jmonths tour ending with a ser tania | Russell 8 Forster ‘ Ht Chey gave|and an architect went ovel the }ronto Tas yan Ang. TOs a jies of games to be played in Cu- ; pou > ; mawordie = 5° \ . oro ‘ l ) pe ave) 250 oO » 926 John Smith and|grounds yesterday and found BP iOLETy: FOr Gg? _ uv, 4 }ba during September rhe team MeMillan 160 Me Mullis tee 250 q ae ae at » bela seore of 6-0 ove rthe ontrea nat , | Tobey 7 Pillsbur 2 he description that the street grade ha kt ' E . He j are ( hampions ol the Hawaii First Ore From Tasso Mines | Pe Petena ss OO ones my aah that of two of|taken down some nine feet at/Ganaedrens | Basebail League. ann am : \ bank bills to|that point. “I want to put up a \t the _end . ny taioa) | aa The steamer British Columbial oe: a. $787 . > sched oro > s i i ens wer eee re wee vere found in|building 100 x 100 feet, three;s hed | : nt ; anG ef ce * ml | Two HINDUS MURDERED is expected in tomorrow with . tj vit 0 0 rome t ‘ 1 storeys high and equipped with}were tied and a play OVER RELIGIOUS QUARREL |¢oa! for Lindsay's and the G, T aoe } ; ‘men ‘ vranged.| THE LATE EARL OF MINTO A ins ; ; orercereeseen nn w= (all modern appointments but. fjAand h ' - I Me ai : re) ’ | ae P. She will then leave for Tasso Two visitors from Ed- nanan eT , The inadiens \ the firs Vy} ‘eg ar *-penert “i 1, : ; M ‘Dresame cannot do so until the street is}]The Canadiens won the Tt noe overnor-general of Gan Special to The Daily News harbor, where she will take on a monton were in the city making and millinery cradad:”’ Montreal 2-0, and then lost in} ada, and later viceroy of India, cargo of copper ore from the | I DD TasTs - eet ‘ iAemhiAcn which gives the To , are : ‘ vk | Cranbrook are 9 Mr; ae ; ie me yesterday “It is surpris- ASTE STYLE FINISH This morning Mr. Albert went Poront meni ; pRE ' 2 } died on March 1 at Hawick, and Mareh 12 rw new mines there for the Tacoma ing remarked one of the int if th ty hall th new pr ronto club a lead of four goals] Scotland. He came of an old{tlindus, Brynh Singh and Ranah fl can Th is the first ship ge, ark , ( em, n . on all wi a nt ro , : smelter, is is , s . he ronan a pe ane ‘ Bie Soe li eh Hi will grade the}@nd the champ imship | Scottish family and was edu-|Singh were murdered early this} nen; of ore from the Tasso mes Yaneouy) : snoeks , pew Ot : 7 lhe Victoria team is now In) cated at Eton and Gambridge.}morning at Bull River, Sabin ; your city. We were discour- street for the city at the engin 7 mines, the aerial tramway and, aged on every side from 4 7 the east waiting to play for the He was with Lord Roberts in/Singh was arrested, Other ac = aks ; . . | = ‘ . , eer’s estimate and take city de Va? ; rv eect ; ore bunkers having just lately)3 > goming up here,. but decided ; 7. Sianles cup and the world’s | the Afghan war in 1878, Afier|comipiices are being searched for |, : _ | ” | , ef ' 3 bentures at 92 for payment, The | ; been completed The mines will} 1o do so contrary to the ad : ra .{championship | seeing service in Europe, Asia|by the poliee, It is thought the : AS. : | p : . @ Aas i city was receniiy offered 87 fot , : : now make regular shipments, i$ vice of many acquaintances ‘ their fifty A Rnnfe: and. _— | and Africa, he came to Ganada|trouble arose from an outstand a : ‘ ‘ “4 INGAAS ida Ms YOUF Boring , mag yes pen t Swift Basketball as military secretary to Lord|ing religious quarrel in vancouver, e are giac a 9 and Summer Out- lber ‘fors 92 He says he ah ae ’ ’ _— ie. ° : , Will Turn ProfesSional ae ; x . ep Bpecial tow rates faa se * a peat a th hot , up Vanecouve! March 12 Che | Lansdowne. In 1898 he suc- =a SSNERTEENSRISOSeNIOoneTONtS | we came and cannot under- ae ’ an re ’ ote ’ . — he ; - ‘i ie ; house dresses. if 8 10 BE MK champion Vancouvet Y. M. Gia ceeded Lord Aberdeen as govy-! Large Baseball Bonus Special t The Daily News | land th policy of knock- J i led op altered ~ em - OL G basketball team outelassed the | ernor-general. In 1904 he was! _—__— eer 7 ~ ing Fortunately Prince , | i , ames ’ , | mrt ca ‘ as : s : Last Night's Hockey IVictoria Y. M. G, A. boys in an sent to India, where he used} Special to The Daily News Portland, March 12.—H. L.|% Rupert will -soon have a ’ KEEp . The Daily News exhibition game by 65 to’ 22, The} the velvet glove that coneealed| Macon, Ga,, March 12.—John| (Chief) Batiste, the track star of}; road in, which will bring se | (Specie , aily News Z | : } . | . ore wi aving hb THE ADDRESs | pecial to The Att visitors were ever in the run-|. the steel gauntlet in British!J. Evers, the deposed mandger|the Cleveland Athletic elub, will] visitors here without having q | i : | : i f Tore 5 Canadiens 0 ing. affairs. Returning from India,!}of the Chicago Cubs, receives ajsign a contract to piteh for the to come through Vancouver. et | ronto 6, Canadi ni I | : 1 ya Ninth Ave, & Phone Bi Wanderers 14, Vaneouver 7. — he has lived in retirement in! che« f $25,000 as a bonus for| Portland Northwestern league | You ought to have many ie . ne | ’ x 7 : . . itor ; an? pe bas a Me 680 At Winnipeg for the Allan cup Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, his castle in Roxburghshire! signing a contract with the Bos-|jteam and will renounce aly Visitors this year, it ° , : : ; i *ereecovereocoooooes | —Monarchs 6, Kenora 2 Phone 4 ; until his death, [ton National basebal Iteam amateur standing, | : y