PRINCE RUPER PERUPERT | GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: que PACIFIC loos te drop some of the aldermen port OF PROGRESS into a corner pocket. } i cians Oe Le ea Sade ee. = ‘ = : —— ” = = es PRINGE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 144, 1044 PRICE FIVE CENTS LN v 4 = —— = - - ~~ Pe = eT ee SS Se S. R A ES FOR D. (. EXCLUS ()N LABORERS RVING B.C. CONSTITUENCIES -- ONE MEMBER SKEENA-ATLIN -- DISAGREE ON SUNDAY POOL rn OBE SAYS CANADA NEEDS scvoraine « » vessater {) GEORGE FRIZZELL BOOSTING from Ottawa, the carving up | of the B. C. constituencies POLITICAL HOUSE CLEANING fo work th tix new member FOR GREAT BULKLEY VALLEY has commenced On the o Pse are Vanco er aie aa ae oe pING LIBERAL PAPER OF CANADA DECLARES PUBLIC LIFE Sean nos ok rapa 2% TRAVELLERS CANNOT SEE THE VALLEY FROM THE RAILWAY IN CANADA IS IN DANGER OF BECOMING ROTTEN— Wh MOOWNES. “and “din. —MANY FINE RANCHES AND PROMISING MINING PROP- SINCERE DESIRE TO RAISE PUBLIC MORALS. erie tnt wna”: Sotith.: Vat. ERTIES—COUNTRY WILL SUPPLY PRINCE RUPERT. March (41. Under| gift of a valuable piece of urban i ee ah re Abe George Frizzell, one of the In the Aldermere mining coun ng (We Must Clean House,” }land to a Prince Albert friend Vancouver Island will get biggest men the north country|try Mr. Frizzell claims there are Globe, the leading|"nder the guise of a ‘homestead, three members instead of has produced, is now boosting|scores of mining propositions i. has an editortal | @!! indicate the tendency of the two. Yale-Cariboo will be for the Bulkley Valley, and.when|that are practically ready for a lls the famous] times. divzided in two and Kootenay George boosts there is always|openfng up and the mineral re- published at} After mentioning the Tren! will remain the same. The something honest and substan-|sources alone will mean a great if rf the Gamey disclos-|Cana! and New Brunswick scan- Skeena and Atlin district tial behind it. George considers} fyture for the district. | dals, the Globe says: will have one member. This the Bulkley Valley has not had] ‘There is one copper and gal- eed in Canada} ‘Here are two concrete ex distribution merely cuts Co- the amount of advertising it de-|ena property owned by Colonel rough politicallamples—one to the discredit of mox off the present constit- serves. This reason is that the|Steele which has a 350 foot de- says the Globe.}a Liberal administration, tre uency. It will leave it as people of the district surround-|yelopment tunnel driven in and best to improvelother to the diseredjt of the probably the biggest con- ing have never seen the valley.;work will be continued this om top to bot-|present Censervative gevernment stituency territroially in the “IT have gone through on the|spring. A big sum has already rhe { step is the puri-|—of the loose political morals Dominion and one which train several times, but I never|pbeen offered for the property. ) fountain head.|that obtain in Canada. Unless will long before the next re- saw Bulkley Valley until last Messrs. Carr Brothers have a Spartan code be re-|public life is to become absi WILLIAM'S, BENTON, \ Ceeenut eae rh bp at Soa be o> Frizzell. “Then |claim which has ten million tons p } xecutive officers | itely rotten, we must “lean DRAWN BY HIS FRIEND saree . : aa io Petar I saw some of the finest ranches of three per cent. copper ore it when the men|house, not in a spirit of parti FA, SOMMERFELD, 1 oa 7 nee On : Can and the best looking mining|pblocked out. It also carries gold people with the|/san recrimination, of setting OF EL PASO sick a Ti gous 0 ‘ 1e prospects it has been my pleas-land silver values. government are|'Tory sins against Liberal of Hd 4 northern boundary and from ure to see.” Other mining properties in the pen to censure?| fences, but with a sincere desire 4 { the coast half way across Mr. Frizzell visited the Carr|district are held by Harry How- ! indal at Quebec | to raise the moral tone of pub- t the province. ay Peers Waa Bros. ranch, six miles from the|}son, Wm. Hunter, Martin San- Tair in the On-|}ie life and to establish the right] BENTON, THE MAN WHOSE DEATH STIRRED TWO GREAT in population faster than 3/pailway. It has 800 acres of|ders, C. FE. Thoman, Jack Holly, e, Mr. Hanna’s|principle that publi¢g office must ANGLO-SAXON RATIONS TO ACTION. any other part of the prov- cleared land and a lot of if will|Dan Simpson, F. M. Dockerill, A of collecting|be a public trust alike to the pat ince and probably before be in crops this year. There are}McLean, D. Carroll, D. Rogers, tutions as re-|liamentarian and to the official] A rough sketch drawn by a friend, but said to be a good likeness the next electoin will have all kinds of grain and vegetable|James Cronin and P. MePhee. and Hon, Rob-|who serve the people in execu of the wealthy Scotch rancher murdered by Villa, the rebe! sufficient population to war- and hay on the ranch. More or less work has been il defence of the|tive capacity.” general, in Mexico rant two members instead At Jack Seeley’s ranch he saw/done on all these properties and — of one. over 75 head of cattle, and fine|several have interested repre- 0P DU VERNET BRIGHTEST PROSPECTS |THE THOMAS CROSBY MANY SETTLERS GOING | Srreceoreero “| ay Company also bas a bighpanies, SITS GRAHAM ISLAND] OF ANY CITY ON COAST] ON CRUISE TO NORTH INTO GRAHAM ISLAND] ssote win nierain ensien. rin wi ieh cleat and) Phe govornnont je now ul Gn'Monday. Marek Bat Eitan of smal-|ing a wagon road from the rail- Reossiadite Aims Bopiets: will Mas MaEhaiC ler ranchers just getting their}way into this mining district, any Signs of Growth Since|Bud Corley aaktione From Five|™ethodist Mission Boat on Long Forty Went Over « on Last Trip of giuts in St. “Aniemenn Senate the lands opened up. which will be. compleied. this Visit—Services in Several | Months’ Absence and Expresses Ftp: tip the Gorse the John. and Twenty-five Mors ie s of Fn fal thastil he tade “It is the prettiest country I]/suimmer and will open a lot of Settlements. Opinion on Rupret. ee Are. Expected Next Week. r Saat oventit wana an seeadlanl have ever seen,” said Mr. Friz-|these properties for development : | nD : The Thomas Crosby, he aoa gh aeheadagal i hatte onatad oR at zell, “and that country is in a] work. ng, March 1 S. A. Corley, one of the pro-|Methodist mission boat, left man SeLlors ‘See: SOR, ae Ge of the feature of the avers position right now to start in With a period of mining and Ve t preached in} prietors of the Royal Hotel, re-|ing on a three months’ cruise to|!e Queen Charlotte Islands as a ings will be an address by Rev. supplying FEUOS:: . Regent Wb ERE en ComInS. 00: Mee ( h, Graham Cen ned yesterday from a fivelthe north. She will visit all the, "result of the boosting being}Ganon Rix, who won great favor sea as produce. The Pee tne shonid eeeraot, & Job oF Massett Inlet ths’ visit in the south He} northern mission points and in|done by the vesidents of the]with the Soctechmen by his splen- ; ere are DiIAnniAS oe, POR ply: aR ORR ant Ra We Ane of the service ‘king well and sunburned On the last trip of the|did speech at the Burns banquet. tupert trade, 4 next few years. f baptisn iddition will carry a large sup-| Islands. pparently enjoyed himse a John some 40 pre-emptors went e attendance of} wh away, even though he|Ply of magazines and othe , , ’ Methodist Services. the neighborhood eems to be very happy to return|erature for all of the lighthouses nto Graham Island af mottle- { special children’s’ service UNITED STATES RETALIATES — f the same day/{o Rupert Bud left originally |alonge the northwest coas ky ment in the \v nity of Masett. ; will be held in the Methodist . . i St. Mark's Church,{+,, to South America, but fin-|the newest lighthouse of a s Graham Centre and Queenstown. | ; hurch on Sunday morning at 44 \ t I ty t tec { ‘ northern . } . s : ’ was OVOr @ialls cated in El Centro, Im-|uat 1 at th h They came f many parts bf i clo Several special numbers RD R hip had visited] yerial Valley, Gal. There he andjof Queen Charlotte Islands, will } | ] e i i e the world, and all looked like}|will be contributed by the juven- Graham Island, he}a partner erected a garage and|not be omitted. This new fea-| oq settlers ile choir, An object sermon will eer ee A f growth. Rev.|/for several months carried on ajture of the work is undertaken at On the next trip of the John it|be delivered to the children by LABORERS FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA CANNOT NOW ENTER ho is in charge] profitable business, finally se the solicitation of the govern-/j. expected that 25 more pre-|the pastor. Parents are invited U. S. OR ALASKA UNLESS THEY HAVE $100 IN POCKETS ! has recently|jing out at a good figures ment and will be carried out un emptors will go in, to come and bring their children —ORDER TO STEEMSHIP AGENTS. he new building Mr. Corley says the witer|der its direction. Recently considerable landjand friends. Sunday school at —————— he chureh property. |weather there was like the sum- Captain William Oliver is in|eovered by timber limits has|2:30 p.m. Evening service 7:30. That hasty immigration order|the act many men were turned ‘Tlernoon, March) iner here, although he never saw command. He has been identi-|been thrown open for pre-enp-| Subject, “How the Strength} passed by the Dominion cabinet|back at the border and seaports. mducted thela refreshing rain. The ecuntry|feq with the mission boat serv-|tion and some 25 were taken up.| Failed,” 15 minute song service|at the solicitation of B, C. poli-|Even at this port mechanics com- Vinh St. Paul's Chureh, Newtthere is very prosperous, de-liee since 1884, and his Christian| These are the settlers expected| following. Everybody welcome,|ticians is being resented by the|ing from Alaska to Rupert were ed a child. In] yeloping f t lands by. irriga-|jita as well as his capable’ st ext week. ‘ese ata ec U. 8S. authorities and a retalia-| refused a landing. ' conducted the} tion, manship have been valuable fai Quite a number of the settler Messrs. F. GC. Wright and F. C.|tory order has been passed, The| Today J. H. Rogers is in re- fr . John’s Church, Bud took in the auto races at}tors in the success of the water-|are from Oregon and Washiag-|Green of Graham Island are in|Canadian order was made some|ceipt of a telegram from U. 8. : and adminis-]|Santa Monica and saw the rec-|ways mission work Mr. J. B.|/ton and the old settlers are get |the city. They return to the|time ago, when all laborers and|officials ordering him not to sell . onfirmation toO}ords broke He talks very eN-|,amb. missionary in charge g ng many of the friends to join|island tomorrow, citizens were excluded from en-|laborers tickets to the north or : ung men and}tertainingly of the country Neloxeeptionally well qualified for|them in. the development of the tering British Columbia. This|U. S. ports unless they have $100 ; omen, all being]says San Diego and San Fran-|) jx imp¢ rtant post His ecalling|Gem of the Pacifie, was to be in force for six months|in their pockets, It is a retalia- ' } 7 , ’ j i id been prepared|eisco are both making great|js not an irksome one for him| Graham Island | has particu- ST. PATRICK’S DAY and since then an extension was | tion for the Canadian exclusion by the late Rev.) preparations for the twin world]a. he enters into its labors with|tieularly good land ana an ex asked for. Under the working of|order. ho had arrang-| fairs which they will hold next » 1 hearty enthusiasm, Mr. Lambjcellent climate and all the set- _ —e Oo come at this ‘ar } : year. has been on a visit to his family|tlers are enthusiastic over their CELEBRATION ling link with the After all. though,” added Lud, . anat ‘at vhen he returned! prospects. News OF Bie Coa BLAST ‘SUNDAY POOL ROOM t thas H in the east and when he return | I HAS CROSSED CONTINENT tha rs. HO-|*there is no place like Prince}jgjct week brought Mrs. Lam) : p the confirma-| puper perth met anh Pra eee : Westholme Theatre, Tuesday ——— CAUSES DISAGREEMENT pert. It has the be pl and their litthe daughter with] Baptist Services. i = the interval) neets and brightest future of any | jim Thev sailed with him on] es Evening, March 17th, 1914 A recent issue of the Toronto ere On q | } ane 4 * c | bi teal een “wn a Rite : a4 ;. y . : ‘ , 7 toa 8 de ath and|eity on the coast the Thomas Crosby and will re Subject of pastor for morning PROGRAMME. mi Sa Par of = License Committee Will Submit ie ee oa ee _ jmain with him throughout the/worship, “Sunshine and Shadow.’ | 4, irish aire......Westholme Orchestra 30 sulle hie ik st t tt » Ki ox}: RuseMen. te. ihele Panett ice, One common drunk paid a five) jong trip. lin the evening “Debits and Gred- avi Pax, TT a ouga . g d ylas a 1e nox Coo Sen eed ity Orde s il the police court this morning . Jits’ will be considered. Bible 3. Recitation Mr. Brady oe Phe oe nee The license committee of the D ’ 9. , ? ' : ' as ¢& 2 J » Cc - rs Steel Pipe. ju Port Edward's power plant ma jschool at 2:30. Young People’s 4. Character Dialogue—"Tit for Tat’ ita ® aor EE ss 5 oni a city council met to consider the Se: , op as arrive b4tf | Socie at. 7. rou are ‘le ’ e: , BOvOr Ofer : meeting tat ths chinery has arrived 54tf| Society at 7 You are welcome, Mary Gray and Florrie Gray|ii, gwner of the Knox Hotel|auestion of allowing the pool contractifar the William Manson says the 5. Solo—Marie, My Girl” cae above referred to 85.000 be-|reoms to open on Sundays, but the hydro-electric new Municipal Act was fa JUICER ARERR IRAE REAR RARE AE AE ERR RE AR ER aR OR OR ; Mrs. Wm. Millar fore the blast was set off to cov- eould not agree. Ald. Maitland ) t vas * Awarded 10 yvored by all versed in mu t x| & Quartette-—''Billeen Allanah”..... er any damages that might occur favors the granting of the ap- I f Montreal. agent nicipal matters, Whiy, then, * * Messrs. Shrubsall, Waddell, Davey,!).. ¢ ha declined. thinking the ho-|Pliealion and Ald, Morrison is This Aunicwnn did the Union of B. CG. Mu x t Clapperton. tel would be badly damaged and opposed to Sunday pool, Ald. ind promised nicipalities proiest: agains: ‘ x 7, Solo—“An trish Folk Sono”... -- The could get big damages, but| Kerr, the chairman, did not com- They ask $6.55 it? Why, too, was it that it * . “Arthur Foote! got left; for, as mentioned|™it himself, and thus the ques- foot for 45 inch pipe passed the house by such a * x Mr. E. V. Ling. above, all the damage done was|tion is blocked in committee, Ti 17 18 inch pipe, They narrow margin? William > a SS ES TaTEEY * 8. Address Oris’: Mr. J. C. Brady/ine breaking of two panes of|Was decided to put the question ent lelivery in 44 weeks Manson was chairman of the t 9. Irish Melodies. .Westholme Orchestra | 1... 1 up to the whole council and make | ' will be by rail committee of the whole * Will Be Held 10. Solo—‘Come Back to Erin”..... % L all the members show where ul tinent, when the act was under fire, t IN K. P. HALL, HELGERSON BLK. ‘Mre. H. H. D. Hemel! Westinghouse Is Dead. they stand. A few days ago a a AA He was challenged by one of t |11. Solo—"Les Cloches”. . Mr, @. Couture ee deputation from the Ministerial "aint Patrick’s Concert. the members to express t | 12. Solo—My Isle of Dreams” New York, March 12.—Georee|Association waited on the mayor ; a himself on it and the report * urs a arc t | ..Mr, MH, G, Fletcher) \Westinghouse, the inventor of|protesting against Sunday pool, cert with a splen- is that “William Manson t 9 13, Comedy Sketch—‘Two Flats and {ihe Westinghouse airbrake, died|buf the mayor sidestepped the . ‘Nine will be given by hedged,” At that time it * and One Sharp” today. He had been suffering] issue. a \id in the Baptist looked as if the bill would Ats P. M. Major Keye Mr. Fitzmaurice | from heart complaint for the last ———__-——_—— eth u : far , { i t . ‘Ae 8s 1 ore ‘se ¢ Be Monday evening, be defeated and had that All Friends and Supporters Invited. Mrs. Keye . han ourtin three months. He grew worse on} — “Announcement aoe ‘! 8 o'clock, in happened he would now he x Mrs. Minor (Mre. Keye's mother) Monday last and had a relapse} Spring Millinery opening, Mar. be} ‘nd’s patron saint, proclaiming how he saved x T. D. PATTULLO, Pres, Mrs. Chisholm | which left him weak, He was 68/16 and 17th, at Miss Barbeau’s, 50.60 e ) ‘ i MAE . ° eet —— t 2 . M oe oa has still some explaining * | Admission 50 Cents and $1.00 Mr. H. P. Wilson, manager of ooheeienepaeeensioennenemecennarepineiet h ' \dams returned to to do, : Seats reserved at Orme’s Third|the Royal branch, made a trip up Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. oday IRI IOI TORT IRR OTOITRTRIOTIIIO IID IIIA IAAI IAAI AIA Avenue Store the line today. Phone 4,