1914 14, Ide St., Prince Rupert, B.C. | ; vy, March THE DATLY NEWS 3 aur’ — ae ——— [Sas SuaEEEEEEEEEeneeetees enoeeeeees) ees | Semen 8.8 cece ff] eee] [fermen f] ff emcees §] [} exes |} proce veenngegor’” We SABRE QPOGe (ca DG pa eS = praia Er ag OR ee E] cme {) [] ornsene {) ff end Hh ts 27 P.O. Box 1704 mal K oe ae = = “ — = oF 4 les SARE roe YG VES wera (ens ae SETI ELAANACITTTONHATY HVCseestt evra tt . gw ———__———____—_- anne, ARIF ii TUATHA Cet HHI) é y OTEL in) | LACROSSE . SISTA ITP. Hei ik ! HM 2 j yk | BASEBALL +P ‘ t LLL A, 1 mht dj \ AA TLL rm RAVO) | THE RING LAWN TENNIS i GLGEGLLLIAEELS (Sic » CODES ( ) \ 4) Caen © | HOCKEY | (ft, : OF AIT TRA 3! HAA : \ 4 FiInST CLASS CUISINE A i / qt HH! i nning Water In (Cor em ey pe 2 pg Pe Ede (ene; x reat = = To etl Tita HATHA HAH Land Gold Running NO mle ote (cae eins IY Cs, “FHL SE OS FROGS UES, HAULER SS) yA Hi NI a a | 1 Hi) } Hh ly finest brands of Liquors and Kight members of Sheffield : i y cigars kept 1 that blows no] | woreL IN NORTHERN United's present team are under | h additional | | . ar COLUMBIA twenty-three oe s of age he col trae ade’ f FISHET : ne coin because RUDHOMME ” Young Cummings the ex f tt ’ soe Proprietors Maryhill lad, is a great favorite | TO a aattrtettadiste tesiinl with the Manchester City crowd iy a : put away 3 maa ‘ o . nan at one - Newcastle United have over 40 a hdee players on their books, this sea h } for r ; 0 ize . j}son They have played twenty fieht , P g ntl ‘ AG Ory five in the first team, ’ v Phi onal Seot- — Bookman, of Bradford, whe | played ge lj}played for Ireland against Wale th noon a fs 7 Vintners Association ehh bata thet lew A vic n) ac | i i v top Gs cipated — ae in an international match . Ss WINDSOR HOTEL : 0 The j ae es dt. fwe 1 mer of A and Eighth St | Phe draw he i-final of s em wi. A. WRIED) ae {{/the In sh Football Association | ble iti f the he ¢ world's HOTEL CENTRAL OUP as follows Aston Villajoe" a; place tO ; ii ro between the s sud Se th St vs Liverpoo Manchests , ea \merican Plap I . ms \ i) i champions _ b or Shetheid hited vs. Sunderiand Peter Black, Prop. , tl wes nd Toronto, ehe cee tain ie oe en awww | THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT a layed Saturday, March 2 |" e KNOX er ee ent , : larch 28 0 Who takes the position of man-| Between Eighth ene é : A basketball game take ager for Canada of the Ellis] es 50¢ A Joston seribe seribbles ‘ 7 ppesn Plan, Rates 50S 99 White ic ‘ rib ribb [place on Monday night at St. Adding Typew1 Commit’ 5 OU’VE met at least one of those few good old Besner & Besner, Props. ouldn t it be a great joke if} Andrew's Hall between the Hich ie de, e menieiman of apleidiat souls, who are constantly getting the worst of it oa el the two Boston teams fought it! School boys and the intermed personality and rare businéss when shopping, who don’t believe in advertising. ic rey out for the world’s champion-!ate team of the St. Andrew's So santa | = A hundred disappointing and instructive experiences EMPRESS HOTEL ship It sure would Voteli fhe St. Andrew's team have failed to teach him their plain lesson. bird Ave, Hetween Sixth an pty a ai will be as follows: M. M. Lamb,} > Lng : (ane bi - es When he bought his first watch he was beguiled into oO S a a “o iro ‘ ' > ac ono » oro o stree "g i ° . poean Plan, 60 10 G1 Per Day ne have burg pro-1C, Dennis, C. D. Brown, J. M. vie cnikiadh: le we ie ; ran 5 buying one without a known name or a trustworthy ia sorb 0 have become in-!Campbell, James Neil Kelly. ne edlete Ababa ‘ es ia en ae guarantee. That watch—a poor timekeeper — cost 0 e { ov i ong am” inf @XISLs t > t “rs ¢£ pa : : . PREMIER HOTEL aq in a row among them ins 1 vat if the players ap him dearly by reason of missed appointments and b nican and Raropess Plas selves and queered the game in he High School basketball |Preached want to make the trip | missed trains, and for frequent repairs. Yet he paid F. W. Henning, Manager their own town, team for Monday night’s came ini east and play professional la- | s the price of a good watch. Bee ae re he St Andrew's Society hall will |' eee ee a. stranger let them do} i i i ROYAL HOTEL Dame rumor has it that Percy|pe as follows: Wallace Ander-|*\”" There is nothing to stop | iia slices oer fics “ie ar Sa aoe Cortey x Bure eae Dawson is likely to be trans-|.¢ m, Arthur Manson, Alex. Hun- them. Phe elub has no player | ° : - ro sy = ‘ si fare Ave. and Ge ferred to Blackburn Rovers. If|ter, Jas. Mitchell and Willie|=£0ed up for 1914 and to all in- This good old soul’s case is not unique. Many of us, if oe he goes there will be “some fun” | Rowell ltents and purposes the Big Four on truth he eer, ee him; we allow our- ‘cnet ee . | feel confident that the agreement selves to be sold merchandise with an unknown brand VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., it Tynecastle, eb I nen C ; : b t LIMITED obi The Stanley cup. for which the | Si#ned between the east and west = or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is second Ave. and Sixth St. Celtic have completed _ theit ' lis no jonger valid now that Con well known to us through the medium of advertising. Phoue 102 league engagements without los.|o0 Wil! Degin .to-night has/jones is out of lacrosse. It In slang language, we get “stung” pretty often. ee eee ee ' een co veted for since 1893.| probably es ‘ha ‘ o iia & poal’. to: - Clyde... Dundee com| jprobably means the passing of In most of these cases we have ourselves to blame, f RUPERT IMPORTING ©O. ‘ ses 1 or 78 LIMITED : Dumbartor Airdrieonians and}At a banquet being held by the|the Minto cup, but even this tro- : “the road to the right” thing to buy has been made Fraser ana Sixth Sts. Rangers 1 Ottawa club that year Lord Kilo | Phy fails to raise much enthusi- plain by advertising. Phone 7 asm these days.” : . one i" 0 ' | curie, who was present as the a eee ae is ne eat reason for passing by the known ‘hilip 18 the seventh centre-| ....acentative » Gavarno one aas. aaa oe thing, soun teed, to b dubi icl jrepresentative of the Governor 1g, C y guarantee » to uy a ubious artic e, salen tae forward tried by Dundee. His|General, proposed that the TANGO HAS REACHED py quelicy - uae cannot be cheaper than the first game may keep him there,| hockey clubs accept a cup from » Dranded article, for not many players can score|Lord Stanley, to be an emblem CITY FORT GEORGE Se , +" a . oe PPPOPEEEOREODDOOR sore three goals in a game. He was|0f the hockey championship. The rae? “Tt ° bh tt, If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising prob- a the eleventh player to perform |0ffer was accepted, and Sheriff | Exhibition Given at Ball for the 1s Detter lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. OBSTRUCTED SINKS the “hat trick’ this season Sweetland and P. R. Ross were Amusement and Education t b If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well : appointed trustees The forme! of Pioneers 0 @ Sure for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising and Sewers —o— I ae : Re 9 agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, On Friday, the thirteenth of|died in 1907, when r, mm than sorry by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, (Room 503, February, Manager Hugh Duffy|Feran was appointed by the re- Fort George Tribune . Lumsden Building, Toronto. of the Portland New I ngland | naining trustee to fill his place The Tango has made its ap- (11) League team signed his thir-|The trustees have control of the/pearance in Fort George. This a un 1108: ae es iH nn 0 his substance is a new discov- teenth player had Doth? was | Playing rules which govern the|much heralded dance, made still and will quickly remove accu- oy d ‘ } - is % l ab sit: base-|Cup series. The Montreal Ath-|more famous by the report that} — —— supposer o kno t about ase- o etic ssociatio ie on e| His Holiness e Pope hi ? A + of grease rage and 3) 1), jletic Association, which won th : lit Hie Pope Bad PPO | GGG a GGG O OGG G UO UU UL LE (7 =) mee. Get some and save plumb- lehampionship in 1893, was pre-jed upon if, was witnessed by an * Seen bosses be baci 567—PHONE—S67 * : bills | CuatGiies Thompson has|sented with the cup, their name|interesting crowd about 1.30 last * For sale by started én a six months’ tour of lbeing the first to be engraved on|'Tuesday = mor ¢ in Virginia T x arce 05 fl ormd On bora Pi ae the vorld ane ys he expect to|the shield at ,the base. Since | Hall. t Axl + : HARRY HANSON e back the middleweight|{hen the Victorias of Winnipeg At the close of a subscription * hampion Cyclone neglec ts | Victorias of Montreal, Shami ks|danee erven by two young men ; ALF HALLIGAN t We are compiling a very interesting booklet which will contain the THE RELIABLE PLUMBER say where he expects to meet|0! Montreal, Ottawa Hockey ( hun, pepe ae ‘ A Mr. Gil- X large Seven-Passenger Machine regulations of the new parcel post system, along with other valuable ¢ 489 139 Second Ave. 3/ ddleweight champ , Wanderers of Montreal nist |‘ aes lis eee fan x Prompt Service postal information. This book we will mail to all who will return the yee pa enorags an Ouebee | prevailec po! dance » tan- exhibition at Orme’s Drug | I a kk ! . Mi : F ree . pa os a sa t Special Rates for Parties attached coupon filled in with their name and address. have been winners of. the g.|/ <0 wit ducationa olives. * Store, Third Avenue , . S 1] er to be « ec >» guests : oamniatetiaie * rhe present series is th a eee at, ee Pa ee x * HENRY BIRKS & SONS, LTD., eereeeserereeroooe | vhich there has been | bib é . Seuss e ; ‘a re pe STAND, ROYAL HOTEL e Jewellers, Vancouver, B. C. | from the Pacific ind watched y closely the|¥ x | ; | iid Gentlemen: DR. GILROY, DENTIST | ff CIs oe hs rhe paren WAS | CKKKKKKKAARRRRRERE OO Please forward as soon as published, your booklet of ithat t >» tang ~ re oLl I j Work a ADVISES PLAYERS TO | : “s } . iu aoe prem oan 9 | parcel post information. riage or f | iL al t £ Sng } | | ‘ ; : wpa ana | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Pine Rddsées .) faves oeks vesialia | JOIN THE “BIG FOUR”), 3% then. pernaps, there are/"™™™ “ones aiuans "SMU | tmessvsieneees 0 tens b: Smith Blk., Third Avenue anaes Robi lib | TAKE NOTIOR! shat. 1, Preceriok: Ta temene cs a bes a IB ee en cae } i } ee Be ctor P occupation clerk, of Prine Rupert, | Weatensnneer Lacrosse Critic ba An Encounter With the Beef |2 intend | to apply to the Commis- a ; Si terete eae —! i | is of Lands for a cense to prospec —<$<$<$—$—__— RIAL MACHINE SHOP ["clares. Prospects Not Bright oor oP atare?8 etna fo proses |] =————— | for Nationai Game. Here, wa aid the rude}, pty A ane oa oo we Bi S i i d ORS, we ae : le of Graham Island: Commencing at @ t epairing Quickly Done | oe lan in ‘the “tell the or-|post planted at the northwest corner of Henry (IrrRS G ons, Limi e | The New Westminster New hestra t Carmen’ whi] I |}. L. 7977, thence south 80 chains, ene estré 0 armen ' st 80 chains ane ’ . BA PHONE RED 156| linia Abin cabinet vinw of .:tho| ant aeietaalaioa al peer) cast SP Sees chains to place of conn JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS ane my Piekbele snk en |mencement, containing 640 acres, ing Di " jlacrosse situation: | ‘Yes,’ sit Might TI inquire ie me PRE DERICK L. BUSCH, Locator. ‘ Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Directorl VANCOUVER, B.C 1 , ’ . } 1 | 9" | Wilfred Charles acdonald, gent. 4 Tel, 448. | “One can come to the conelu |why? | pate, December 29, 1913. & K on that profesional lacrosse} I want to hear the Toreador Advertised Feb. 26 to April 7. CHIE, AGNEW & CO. | Ie ah ed pie, erste ale I feel like a bull fighter.” | _ —— —————— j}ster if the small amount of com Bs ; : ee ee ee Engineers and B. C. Land) lment heard on the street yester The Royal Cafe gives the best j } Surveyors ja of R. J. Fleming’s threatened eals and the best service in the + FOTO TOTO TORR TRA AAA AD AA AAAI AA AASAACSIA AS ASS ASSASASA SAS SAAS AAA SA SAAS ASAASASASASAHH + | : aa mS ott <3 0/1 CLES Visitors to the city are ad- { i | raid upon the Salmon #ellie is} en ee wa ra welt Gone rf v lorilenon: Three or four|Vised to make this Pps ar 94 ) ‘ Plans, Dominion and} ; cis : : ssa fa ba their selection, 52t * rveying, Mine survey: | ea . ago oe ve . ye ae é i l ind Subdivisions, Electric ed the eastern clubs for players : STE \oratives ten hal ARNOLD KRUCKMAN. PE re % ‘onver.| Rain coats, ladies’ and child- itives and White | lliitle else was heard in conver- | p f t |Head of the Department of Aero-|sation among he sporting fra-|rens Wallace's 58-60 WILLIAM T. HOUSE me TUG AND SCOW FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 JAMES GILMORE Architect Ay hea McBride Street NION TRANSFER CO EF “ TRANSFER AND STORAGE uth Wellington Goal Offioe RESIDENCE f PRINCE Ni Re 110 RUPERT BOAT BUILDER IH Cove AVE J JUNSTON of the Panama-Pacific nautics International Exposition, who}]Vanecouver. Two years ago when has the work of organizing the|this same My. Fleming of To- bie globe girdling aviation|ronto sought the services of Len race that is to start from the | rurnbull and Cliff Spring i exposition grounds at San/leaused a big hullabaloo which Franciseo in May, 41915, tolfinally ended in a Canadian 'Northern Railway magnate but- I ting in and staving off the at- Little so with the present make the round the world flight for the largest offered for a single sporting event, prize ltack, ee —— - a I Phone Green 321 FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Fishing Tackle Wire Cable Steel Blocks Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shetguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Skeena Land District-——-District of Queen Charlotte Islands TAKE NOTICE that Wilfred Charles Macdonald of Prince Rupert, B. C,, occu- pation prospector, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petro- leum over the following described lands: On the west coast of Graham Island com- mencing at @ post planted one mile south and one-fourth mile east of the mouth of West River, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of com- mencement and known as C, L, 7817. WILFRED CHARLES MACDONALD, Locator, Date located, 27th December, 1913. Advertised Feb, 17th to March 25th. Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast-—— Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that I, McCly- mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, broker, intend to apply for permission to lease thirty (30) acres of land bounded as follows Commencing at this post planted where the northerly limit of the right-of-way of the, Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany crosses the westerly bank of the Zimmergoetz River, and being about 400 Thomas feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- easterly direction along the westerly shore of said river a distance of thirty (30) chains; thence easterly parallel with the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk Pacific right-of-way, @ distance of ten (10) chains; thenee southerly parallel with the westerly shore of the said river to the northerly limit of the right-of way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Ratlway Company; thence westerly along the said northerly limit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement, DATED this seventh FRED STORK’S HARDWARE day of January, 1914, THOMAS McCLYMONT., Pub. Feb. 3 to April 6, Pe { THE ss ee ee DAILY NEWS SAFE SANE SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT OOOO OOOO OOO OC Cg The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The News the valuable paper advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to, Daily is most to it DAILY NEWS _—— — + FOI IOI IO IDA AAAI IAA AAA IAAI AA AIA AIA AAAI AISA IAAI AAA AAAIAAIR | +