THE DAILY NEWS avurday, Maroh 44.4 < ae i 944 . FOU OOOO UOC COR YY YIU Great Demand for Baby Carriage. | is "°t Put of Make The Teapot Test i : aul wana oa On't Put of ¥* * 1 TS iz LD x Lise¢ a wavy Cal Put “SALADA” TEA in a warm teapot---pour FE: Local and Personal : YEAST rege for sale. Today” KE-onlled | < rr U eli FOI I IOI II III IODIDE AIA AI II ISI ASIA I SASS ASA SAS AAA AI ISA ACA AAR on freshly boiled water---let stand for five to have it) taken out'as he had| erion ait minutes---and you will have the most delicious | fry smith & Killas’ joe cream.) New spring blouses in lawos,| | QQAUGRIEE eT TUE] | sold the article and a ot “pgs Lat ma oe ee voiles, ete. Wallace's 58-60. , Boer VOW. Wena ment rT t a dt 1 cup of tea you ever tasted. { | Saturday last day of big dis Pak See =|This proves two things—first, jcount sale at Wark’s. 59-60 Vr. Fred Wallaee left today for rhe publicity committee of the|the advertising values of Thi EECHA ; ‘ rae Ree p to Fort Fraser. board of trade will meet. this| Daily News; second, the enor-| |} Housecleaning Time, New wa zee afternoon to draft a plan of pub-]mous rate at which the baby T jpapers, Wallace's, 58-( M A. De Ford. G, T..P. duets ti ty to place before the city|population of this city is increas I” i ILLS | Ps iyRc x, © er eft this morning for Rose| council. Ing. |} Rev. Mr. Fortune will preach! Lake | gee ny Feet overrwtiaie In bones, 25 caniy at both services of the Pre, eles Ny Mr. Thos, Farrell, of the Foley,| Dog Interfered With Life Saver HAS THE FLAVOR! THE FRAGRANCE! THE DELICIOUSNESS os | terian Church tomorrow. rhe s wr panir ice Banten | \ eleh e ee staff, ane Haz North Wakintin NWanAteo 14 ‘ an eXtra leavy cargo Otjelton, Who nas een spending a i . e that makes Ceylon Tea the beverage of delight. When you buy a meal get it a ht yesterday, lweek in the city, returned home| Throwing off her fur coat and It Is Advisable In sealed lead packages ONLY. |the Royal Cafe and you will get ore re | today. hat, Mrs. H. B. Rigg, wife of| epee BLACK, GREEN or MIXED | the best in the city. : 52tf M Seog Williams, of the) rr irecnioe former Judge Rigg of the Yakima | to pl ie toch de Boule Mines, went up| The steamer British Columbia ]CGounty Superiar Court, jumped aie S early y The Borealis is going out this Skeena Crossing this morning. | unloading coal here. She}ingo a mill pond here yesterday Arment can by Se Sot one Ty j afternoon. She returned f ! * ° e eaves for the Skeena and Naas|/in an effort to save a 10-year-old finishe ed time 7 iy i jher last trip a few days ago with Mr. ‘BR; Tones: merchant of | th cannery supplies and then} boy who had fallen off a log into} h oF YY 30,000 Ibs, of halibut I C1 hea S t lasso Harbor to load ore for|the water Mrs. Rige¢ dog, a ’ skeena ossing, ho has been ‘nn @ Ine ical. in he : erin t) ce tl lacoma smelter I ly in tl wate! lieving 1 SW i} i returned to the nterior : ae ‘ f ‘ eady re wate beliey I i If you are looking for indus- | vday, | . . . nistress to be drowning, tried to} MWEDER BROS, Or a trial sites, investigate Port Ed * € This morning John McLaugh-| save her, and so impeded her ef Phone 38 a seaeee i war RAt 1 ron pears é osu \ id slide up the Skeena is|lin, a young man who has no|forts that the boy was drowned EET * , mee epovled to have interrupted the| visible means of support, was ave you realized thal $250 |train service ‘he government|run in by the police. He is ay cash will secure a lot in the |tpjegra, ; nae Savers ‘his “4 ; a THE WEATHER Crore Be harvested Pp ° Rd , elegraph wires are also down jcharged with having beat up a evevcoroocooooooosoooeees susiness centre o Port dward? e * e leirl on Comox avenue The girl a art under the . P : ; E Westenhaver Bros. are all dec- had two teeth knocked out rhe mae amontar Dowling sunny skies St. Patrick’s dance an eons Ollorated for St. Patrick's. The |case will come police court : of Alberta i aE Ad March 17th. Givet vindow is prettily set off with | Monday For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m e}] Wee Bass "7 : M. Cooper, peau Ns shamrock leaves and other Irish Wc Wat £8 March 14. 19144 }structor. 59-6 l symbols. rhe R tai r tt i ‘ o 4% katchewan eee — he Roosevelt, of the Hays : ee a . ’ mp peer Be }port cold storage plant, was sent] Barometer reduced to sea is selected Pgs a nae beh iS ce Ae ; Another big bateh of working}out on her first fishing expedi Neil oe ne ee arr EOS Two First-class Houses for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Wheat bursting o ; eo . ; aa ' oat * . men rn up the line this morn-|tion vesterday The power | Highest temperature 16.0 Re ae eee - ' re Ing ‘he G. T. P. sent up 40,} schooner avspor s expected ' : J with goodness, poured in a golden stream into our y ries. She is being unloaded at! Bates & Rogers sank: 0 ms 1| or Oi a : eit w a a - ae Rte eee es pee acd $40.00 AND $35.00 i { cmt : awe tails ‘ae saree Ne 0 e€ 80 oe woo OUT RON. ss yj book 6 bos 1.22 elevators. Washed, Ted aah Se ee he Gove nme nt wharf today. | Foley, Weleh & Stewart aliout 25.] will be immediately put into serv- times over and over, untouc y the human hand ; | | ice, They both fish with dories ° : ° ° s’ 8 s oO easure fit} — O ‘ finally sifted through silk mesh until it emerges I, Een d Watt cwor a eae a6 iw. voog|$ Office with fixtures whic ROYAL STANDARD— sweet and soft as the breath igs fi ean etic The city council has agreed to can be purchased very of harvest. Your grocer sells it under a money } Mrs. A. J. Galland went south FOR SALE Ae ik, - ne o La esl reasonably rom Shawatlans Passage to the back guarantee. | with her little.son vesterday. She | ; & | wil | spend a month or two with} — Dae her aia line Tight of way S yr R / N G |her parents in New Westminster. |3 Lot 1, Block 1, Section 2; a | power house at 860 to 875 per Fe Ge | corner lot, over 5,100 o ft. in ere The work is being adver St les PATTULLO & RADFOR)| | | aroca; beautiful harbor view; on 1 od and ‘ill be let ‘ Y c } P a , | W. H. Miller of Porcher [sland | street grade; possibly the cholo- tised and will be ‘let to station 2 PHONE 83 SECOND AVE) ee x» We t} , re ae o est residence or apartment site ranges The right of way will be 3 j solutely Labora Bipasha ap eto ge in the city; $3,000.00; $760.00 $]) 4. ¢,.,, ° ; \ | Asawalgit He had four hundred | cash, balance to suit purchaser. eet wide f Meoerorerorerrrerree+o+e+ee Tested | Local improvement tax is pald. eo ee ul 5 od S i 4 § Uniform | dozen eggs aboard and has been Lots 1 and 2, Block 35, Section 8 doing a roaring trade. corner of 14th and Frederick; an I'wo Indian women, Alice Bos {3} i i ge excellent corner; $1,150.00 tard and Rhoda Watts, were in| a 4 General business in town is| police court this morning charg ; OTA DS y rapidly on the up grade. The FOR REN ed with being drunk. They re- a ccalas Cres ‘Vancwuver Ming rain€, HEADS | | |e oret sash Door tyee if ——“S_“SE Disc ete ey ae fama a | | |" 0 he onan cae ll DEMERS |). «* Vancouver .New Westminster. Nanaimo, Vectoring = sSe'5' | more than doubled in the last | a In Clapp Bullding, $38.00. over pending some further evi- \ oe i Senna se ‘ CaS ; -room flat; water, scaveng! d dence SSR Sine Sr a a eee ee s me month and is still inc reasing, electric light paid; Tnieeee lence. Third Avenue ON SKEENA RIVER as ~ ee ae, | with sewer; $20.00. and adjoining railroad Fred Parker of Metlakatla is Oned »piestered cottage, 211 East First Dogmaniac So Stella % building a new launch to take the Theewalcnia water and "eeenee got her separation all right? $10 (00 place of the Rosebelle Rose- Ing paid; $18.0 Sad 1 emani: ' 1} : ie Second Dogmaniac Do tell FRERA ENEMA EAA FH belle II is to be 32 feet long with Two large office rooms, plastered, me-—wl t have‘the custody|*® e rf : at one of best business corners ae 10 18 tO. nave 1© CUBLOQY | & I : as 7 feet 6 inches beam and will in the city; $25.00 month. of the Pom,?” * FOR A TAXI } carry a ten horsepower engine. Good cabin, $10.00. t x Re a eed Other houses, flats, rooms and mt ¥ WR eT ee H } 6 et : |) Harrison, Gamble bt It is reported that great prep- Every kind of Insurance in very * x ON, 1M f afations are being made for the pest companies. 66 The Dail News 9 ¥ * St. George's banquet, to be held y rE hstand _ 7. on April 23rd. The Sons of Eng W t h B CLASSIFIED ADS x * * * land say it will be the biggest |? es en aver ros. ° ft . * sill ae siciesle e 9 banquet ever held in the city. } 2nd Ave. & 3rd St. Phone 100 ¥ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO * J0 HN CURRIE . ofmn Belge ae Te ee Mathieu S Syrup ri ce Open Saturday Evenings FOR RI RENT FOI OR ROI IID AIA IID AAAI ' The Atlin’ Fisheries halibut - c ; & Builder ee ies —_— actor ui of Tar and Cod Liver Of] hoat Zora brought in 8,000 Ibs. | = —======|pesk ROOM in ground floor office. App! ontracto | P.O, Drawer 1603 cit 4s eee it } h of fish early this morning. Most. } : ys 7 UNITED TAILORS PI » Black 294 not only stops a cough but cures | 1836 THe sank of 1914 eters 1one Blac . . a of the halibut boats have 1 n | - it. Its tonic and restorative 7 na by nih fe ! B iti nN A FOR SALE PRESSING AND CLEANING coccesseewwttl . ying in 1e@ harpvor or ie isl} h eg SDSS POOL EPL EL OR EROL EOE properties enable the system to tied GAGE. One aabotint one Piish ort merica wilt oall Shesé wee ; | MOTOR BOAT—Hull 30 ft. by 8 1-2 ft, permanently throw off a cold. | storm, but near : all of them are | 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS be am Apply TM. ¢ Orwig, boat builde r Cth St., Next O P. R. NERY ‘coing out this afternoon. CAPITAL ANO SURPLUS $7,786,666. Port Essington, B. 53t c for large bottle. * . . | pM ee NINE HUNDRED DOLLAR player plano for a ev wh, Pat Phillipson expect hi mi i equity in Prince Rupert realty. West- CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. Victor Gramaphones ery ere. ‘ , 2A PEOCUS * enbaver Bros 52-54 | boat Anna D in from Georgetown | Teach The Children al Books MATHIEU CO. SHEREROOKE. “i BABY CHICKS, hatching eggs, laying hens | woodworth Hydro - Electric Scheme— : LL . Prop. l today. She bas been thoroughly the WV: alue of Mone and breeding pens, Rocks, Reds, Leg- Olaarie ae wale Line, Wie. Magazines ovarhs ‘ j ere Pinte ; a horns, ete, Quick shipping connec 9 ne, | : . rhauled and rigged for yt y tions. Columbia Poultry Ranch, Steves. Photo Supplies } but fishing by the Georgetown If your children learn, while galt blo 7 st Developing and Printing . Sawmill Company and wll go in- 1 SCHOONER, 45 ft. over all; keel 35 tf Applications will be received by th Enlar ‘ nd { a missic : le Cant: - growl not only how to 7 In., beam 12 ft, 5 in, depth 4 ft. 8] City Clerk up to 5 p. m, on Monday, 16th niarging ane 0 omm) ion Inder saplain 7 ; ? 1 ; in aot 1i¢ rede t omer ee tonnage 16; March, 1914, from station-gat for thé Picture Framing S , ate!) | ] money wi f 1 Ww sails, anchor ¢ he s rice ,20( ¥ ’ ou 15° . , mith. mayne diat Bee x | rie pS OY PORt how, Apply Mo Thos. Nutcome, Maes 8 C clearing of the pole line, etc., on the} Best Selection of Interior ra |e 4 ‘ f ual, to save some- 59-64 Hydro-Elects Scheme. Applications must View Cards = 2 R > | ‘ be in writing and signed by eact rember tew are , Miss Ethel Gray returned from | thing tor the future, you will a f the gang with thelr place of residence COD LIVER OIL Seattle last night, where she har] ave started them on the road et i 0 tity Haine WRATHAIL | ; lbeen receiving the finishing! to fina: | e Opena eee eee W.W. T F 2 ’ pte ROOM wanted in private family, with or : touches to her dancing educa- Savings Account for each in without board (gentleman ; References CLO LPELLELELOLOOOLEOROLOOLODLOOOEE 606 THIRD Avi tion, and will resume her classes| the Bank of Britis] re era OL Ne) OWS VENUS Phone © is ’ Aicidsiie Bde Bank of British North CHAMBERMAID wants position. No ob SIXTH AVENUE > the first of the month. While at | Amnerica,and encourage them jections to country, P. 0. Box 279 OE _ the coast Miss Gray paid a visit tana 4 “te ceca aa 59-6 : BARBER SHOP — Whether to her sister, Mrs. R. L. Kuhn, pee ne oN My Capel PPT sisaaton. .f. gods ee 8 FIC RLY : oS OOK; Capable of taking full charge A PACI in Centralia, Wash. Soy Box 104-1 , 59-66 , P ‘ . CANADIAN F “i > x 104, Daily News 9-66 We have opened up a new . For Yourself oe Rir j NCE RUPERT BRANCH WANTED—Rowboat, 16 or 18 feat ir st fess te tl schu | Summer Excursions OF 88 a 7. T | > ns “ good condition; cheap, Apply Box’ 103 shop, opposite 1e sé ’ G t Mr. Thos. Trotier has accepted | P. MARGELTTS, Manager. haly Nawk ee ee Betr First class work; every ng " ift to your Friend an agency for the Dominion | WANTED—Cook for dining car, Apply thing clean and fresh i Nursery and Orchards Company | W. J. McLean, G. T, P. Wharf. 49-51 3 D | es Pere. ' LD 1 YOUNG WOMAN with Mttle girl would 9 of Vancouver for Prince Rupert | nat Wau Wait