‘ aod. 1 GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: RI NC E R U P E R Judging by the sees pile olty jal! vil oscuro labor is not a very keen competitor lah ae pani of the stone crusher. 4 ar ae PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©., MONDAY, MARGH 16, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1E HOME RULE BILL TO PASS DESPITE THREATS ESTE ERN SECTION TRACK REACH LINKING UP POINT IN TEN DAYS — CALIFORNIA INVADED | | {ICANS INVADE CALIFORNIA bar ae “ae “gy HOME ‘RULE MUST GO THROUGH TWO MEN SHOT DEAD AS RESULT sz sens ru o 00 GRAVE RESULTS ARE FEARED s City, Will ‘Be in Charge of alias ‘ New Venture CHURCHILL ISSUES WARNING AGAINST ATTACKING BRITISH OMS ARE BURNED AT TECATE AND T OFFICE AND CUST SOLDIERS—BIG PREPARATIONS IN IRELAND TO DESPERADuxv~ MAKE THEIR ESCAPE lerrace is about to have a co CELEBRATE FREEDOM perative store This has come} mahap seh The Daily News. Mexicans Frank 4H. Johnstor | ; ; ; pecial to The Dafly 16 The|th tmaatéer. wa tan ibout by the deire of the ranch Special to The Daily News The newspapers are filled with , >i the mostmaster, Was SHO a, f ‘ + Sayre’ » Dies March i ; ; ; a MT iete as s and farmers to be my, Lo London, M qh 16.—The set-|pictures of Ulster in civilian stoms ane 08 ane 11s riene arren aet ) successfully il their . lo 1S é | 3 a ‘ ad bac was fatally wounded. The ; ‘3 tlement of the home rule diffi- clothe and rifles and belts ere totally des-| back, wi alé i product with the southern iar drilling like trained men, lowing a raid|charred remains of an American] ; 4 In order to be able to pro- culty is apparently little advanec- Mr. Churchill commenting ed by the concessions to the/again says that the first British Uljsterites. The deadlock remains] soldier of the coast guard to be as immovable as before Mr. As-|attacked and killed by Orange- quith’s speech, Signers of the}men will raise such an explosion covenant declare that nothing}as to shake the foundations of less than a permanent exclusion] society. The government has of the Protestant counties of|decided that nothing can stop Ulster will satisfy. The more|the passage of the home rule radical element wants a total ex- | bill. clusion of the province of Ulster. Big preparations are being declared to be|flag was found by a posse. duce cheaply they must reduce the cost of living, and the co AcE. LET THREE CONTRACTS 8° SOUTH OF FORT GEORGE jn ey ae IDENT STEWART SAYS THAT CONTRACTS FOR PEACE Mr. Tom Stewart, formerly of this city, will be ‘harge Mr. Churchill speaking at|made i P iy RIVER EXTENSION WILL BE LET BY MAY 1 ity i in cha ts ir pee mH $03 i, b: . ul in caster ony parts of Ire af ao adford said these concessions|land to celebrate the passage of . ma ; Sint ere the last the government can/the bill and the freedom of Mare { The | locating rveyors Will be placed wel e ater ' th n the field fc the purpose of WOMAN REPENTED and ought to make. |Treland. od is made at ie} oe : , : ; rine. Pacific |™uNning lines early next month.! SOFTENED HER CHARGE ‘intldas vase : The proposed extension will way today thal : hace Sthemnact tek bee bab I irtheast or north-| pig Not Know How She Got Cut SUFFRAGETTES INVADE SEATTLE PREACHER ON Geokge. ot upne] eee om. Fort. Georaa for. § and Loosened BIRMINGHAM CATHEDRAL, CHRIST’S TEMPTATIONS in built this short 13 cnask et r as Teeth 7 ; . easy grades Srna Wh ae ee I tracts eover for] Re On Saturday morning the po- Placards Placed All Over Church | was Urged to Pursue Wrong Fort an Py Saturday Evening Bridge e were called to arrest John —-Invoke Assistance of < Means for Right Ends, Says 8 ure i. Lachlan, a youth who had as- Clergy Trinity’s Rector the first 25 ‘ fa a ‘ ‘ ‘ > > tb biicats | Miss Kk. M. Thompson was the]saulted a girl on Comox avenue & Co., for the linktnlé abe a. “vary. eniovali ma Harwood is the girl. She Birmingham, Eng., March 16. Seattle, March 16.—‘Christ Burns, Jordan &; ; Phe} !ad a cut on her forehead and Worshippers in the cathedral| Tempted by the People” was the Ihe firms award- | ridge Saturday evening an teeth loosened. Saturday found the walls and floors cover-| subject of Dr. H. H. Gowen’s have just com-|party was for ladies only and the charged the prisoner with ed with the suffragette plocla-| sermon Sunday morning at Tri- of the Grand] finer touches—the artistic dec he damage. mation painted in white and ajnity Parish church. “Christ,” he Fort George lions and delicious refresh- This morning in police court} foot high, ‘Votes..for women” {said, “was not so much tempted are already Or-| ony were appreciated as they|she was not sure how she got the | ‘nd “The clergy must rise in our|to do wrong things as to pursue he in. @ poSi-} would be by ladies only Very|damage. An official of the city | be half and stop the torture of|wrong means to right ends. The lew work HMMe~ |) andsome prizes were awarded,|hall who had been collecting city women. prisoners. Every foot|heart of the people was genuine - l the first being won by Miss|/accounts down there had _ wit of space except the altar had a}|y possessed with the idea of the the CON-|y,nnstone, the second by Mrs.|nessed the assault and gave evi _ sign. | coming of the kingdom, but they the COMPANY | pya yo. and the consolation by]|dence. | SIR JAMES WHITNEY eT ee | looked for its establishment M Stewart othe Mrs. Roberson The guests in The magistrate ees oh haracteristic sketch of the Gonvalescent Premier of Ontario. CHISANA SNOWSLIDE lot time, force and in a moment yon au ae lk Mesdames Clancy, Mc-|evidence of assault and fined the} Three. tnonths ago sir Janes was thoushtsinanen aula of time Bar d a z N Morris, Carss, Naden, Rob-| soner $10, 3 New York An artist proceeded | the General Hospital KILLS TWO HUNTERS venue’ We temptations in the oF employ i. Ward, Pillsbury, Palmer, | The young man had pl ) with instructions to see Sir James Whitney and to secure a ie | Rigernene he said, Were re- 4 b iow [2 sete