CA BET + eee LES NR | Ere ae ee " a ee I <— ave Se OT NES ANTE I NIE eo = — Seng po nine SR SS et i ae ER Be sexe ee Cif DAILY NEWS | | Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert. B.C. Telephone 98, New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Fast 25rd St.. New| 8 London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Graud SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: | Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The THE DAILY NEWS | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by H. F. McRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICI BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES York City. eattle—Puget Sound News Co. Trafalgar Square. Daily, 50c per’ month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, | $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. RANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch Contract | rates on application. , The worst thing about the be the only place in the world} ©. N: R. affair is that they have not a cent of their own | money in their railway sys- | tem. Meckenzie .and Mann | are big promota$ and they whole people. When a ra get in on every deal through It appeared at one time as are strong just now on dic- if the C. N. R. was turned down tated editorials and _ other by the Borden government in articles. Any one who will their demand for an addition- follow the local papers can al grant of twenty-five million. readily discover them. They 't looks now, however, as if purport to disclose’ grievous that was only a stroke of faults against the Laurier policy. Before accepting the government and» when they Dominion grant it was prob- are looked into they are found ably thought better to take a to be obvious frauds. A Tory slice out of the people of press bureau at Ottawa sends British Columbia. This was! these articles all over the easily accomplished through country and the people should the influence of a premier and be cautioned to place no cre- an attorney-general who are dence in them. On their face believed to be a part of that they bear the very imprima- corporation. Now it appears ture of so discredited a poli- that they are back at Ottawa tician as Bob Rogers, which with a renewal of their de- should be enough to condemn mand, and it is very likely them in the eyes of all respec- | EGO FOO RTARTA PIII III IIIA IIIA IAAI AISI IAI ASIA SSAA ASIII AIA IIA IIIA MI SD YATLY EDITION British Columbia seems to| where a mefnber of parlia-| ment or of the legislature} does not wish to represent the ber gives his report only the friends of the party are in- vited. It certainly gives the impression that there are| js badly financed and_ the some ugly scars to be covered; Canadian people are compell- up which would not stand the ed to pay the bills. It is very light of day. When all the regrettable that we have rest of the world is demand- patriotic citizens in authority ing that politics be conducted who could check this vicious in the open, the Tories of system. British Columbia’ insist on Coen rie putting on the lid. that they will succeed. table citizens. and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., Ld High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steamfting at fair prices CARPENTERS ! 50 PER CENT. discount.from B. C. List on Doors and Mouldings with lumber orders PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager 1st Ave. and McBride &t. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Trunk Building, | News carriers agp Monday, March 16, 1914 group of Jaanese who are helping to take care seen with their HOW JAPANESE NURSES PROTECT THEIR FACES FROM THE FALLING ASHES FROM SAKURAJIM. ging to the Red Cross Society of the many sufferers in the faces muflled against the fall watered stock. Whatever money they get in actual cash is diverted into private chan- “nels. Consequently the road Conservative newspapers representatives part of the British Empire ered together rooms tonight to listen to impressions of last autumn. MAAN AEN NNER ANI | icws on the dominions questions enlightened, institution which had watched its proceed- FEN REHH as in Europe for people to herd pinguity of the United States was 2 | affecting the dominion’s deyvelop- ada’s legislation was undoubtedly individualistic KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 16524 PHONE No. 3 Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE ** ° “iz fevsfeceor and conditions other democratis community at the present time. net do bet- LOYALTY OF THE DOMINIONS HIGHEST IN EMPIRE HISTORY SUCH IS BELIEF OF LORD EMMOTT AFTER TOUR—SAYS PRO- PINQUITY OF UNITED STATES IS AFFECTING DEVELOP- MENT OF CANADA—DOMINIONS VENERATE THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT AND RESPECT ITS TRADITIONS. Under the; They had a native question and a “poor white’ question, the two inatters which were Summing up his impressions, Lord Emmott said that the im- perial outlook was one that filled him with hope and confidence, He saw no signs in the domin ions of any general desire for closer organic union, It was freedom to manage their own affair in their own way that they attached the most importance to so the day might come when the dominions would come closer to gether, but for the, present, he thought, we might rest satisfied with the fact that the loyalty of the empire was ‘growing with the growth ol self-government throughout the dominions and 1 higher today than ever be fore in our history. WANT REV. COLLISON FOR MASSETT CHURCH \ me isiy signed petition Vas St { Bishop Du Vernet some e ago asking that Key W I { son be stationed at | Massett. rhe bishop, in his sermo at that place last week, stated that while the matter had not been detinitely settled he j}Was Of the opinion that owing t« Mrs. Collison’s health Mr. Colli- som would be obliged to decline the call. Mr. Evanturel Quits. Poront March 144, Mr. Gus- tave Evanturs was not in his seat in the legislature yesterday when his resignation as M. P, P. for Prescott was announced by F Speake Covie, Hon. WwW. ae Hanna provincial secretary, took idvantage of the opportunity toa deny insinuations made by Mr. Evanturel last Saturday that the provincial secretary was retained by the Standard Oil Company. rhe Royal Cafe gives the best meals and the best service in the city. Visitors to the city are ad- vised to make this restaurant their selection 52tf The Boss is‘too Dawgone Practical had interposed a thin sheet of ily. | co-reiated. ‘NEW DISCOVERY BY FRENCH SURGEON. FC | Professor of Paris University Announces Success Grafting | India Rubber on Tissues | Paris, March 16 Professor Pierre Delbet, of the surgival the Uniyersity of Paris nicated the Academy Mediciné a report of his dis n the feasibility’ of ifting India rubber on living Prefesso ' Delbet described cases in which experiments madé and proven suc In one of these cases where h of a finger had adhered the bone, making the finger seless, the professor said he ibber, and that the patient is now able to use the finger free The other case was an exten sive hernia of the large intes- Line, \ thick sheet of rubber grafted into the abdominal cay ity, Professor Delbet said, gave absolute and permanent relief. Have you realized that $250 cash will secure a lot in the business centre of Port Edward? A Real Lever Simulation GOLD WATCH FREE. A_ straightforward generous offer from «sn established firm. We are giving away Watches to thousands of people all over the world @ @& hhes rh sent carriage paid to wear with the wateh, whieh will be given Free (these watehes are cents today snd gain will be A.—WILLIAMS & Jewelle SW SSS SS GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Br the Brand GLEE i iBllt Plliattd WU lg dl UNION $.5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd Twin Screw Steamer ‘* CHELOHSIN ”’ SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays . 2 p.m. Get tickets and reservations Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave, Phone 116 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS Nala S.S. PRINCE ALBERT op JOHN Sundays at 6 ; For Vancouver, Victo Fridays at 9 For those contemplating a trip to any TRURK RAILWAY SYSTEM (th RANT service second to none S L For full particulars and informatio ALBERT DAVIDs\ (Agent for all Atlant » General Agent EEE Prince Rapa ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY ° v5 POlbay ROOMS: Second Avenue, Opposite Empre Pheatre ADCD Rooms open from 8 a m. to 11 p. m 4 ERHANGING Visiting Scotamen are cordially ted INTINy For rates for hall rent apply secretary) Livy 8. D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS OLISHIN President Secretary STING AND WALL TiNTINg Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 By Private Lessons WENDELL RA. JONES EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Martin Swanso, 3rd Ave. and Sth &t., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. - Bride KNIGHT & HICKEY — — HAYNER BRO0s, Contractors and Builders UND dias Jobbing & Repairing estes Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets |j oN = Phoome Ne, PHONE GREEN 269 Ae aes are et! EF y ne tél a cae 18 agency, al Animals, birds, fish and all ¢;, kinds of game heads mounted; hides tanned and made into rugs and robes, All work strictly first 9:29 » class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 728 Helmecken St., Van- couver, B.C, ~ GEORGE LEEK 4 COAL] New Wellington Coal Best ob GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker . Notary Public. Rents and Collections Phone 116 Coast se AUCTIONEER . Fe ber 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert ae we ee LAND CLEARING SMITH & MALLETT Lare I h¢ Peter Nelson is open to take contracts gta oe Stenttt be for clearing land ip and arvund Terrace; —— also cordwood for fuel, ete Terms, ¢l..,) == — on application. O. ©. STUART Accountant HARRISON W. ROGERS 20 exw. = ws Architect PRINCE RUPERT, 6. Suite 1, Federal Block Alex. M. Ma 4 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. \ ss, BAL LEB Phone 300 P. O. Box 163% WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete SECOND HAND GOODS mover 10 som [ will buy or sell all kinds of 1 s ‘ ’ household goods inechanics —4 ools8, Suns and men’s cvivthing Will call any time F. M. CROSBY 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 245 PACIFIC TRANSFER 0t LADYSMITH COAL A IVARSON & CO. ~—— Blacksmiths & Horseshoers : Boat Work oe Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way P. ROBERTSON ---— = - - Chartered Accountant — prot @ Audits, | s, Aa, ustmenthy LAM PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0 on ae * Smith Block, 908 Third Avenue . Dealers in LUMBER FEED SEEDS NN HAY TIMOTHY C O Aft OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC Complete Line of ies BUILDERS’ sUPPLIE HHICKEN FEED A SPECIALT CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY WESTHOLME LUMBER CO. Linitd Mail orders promptly attended to eee ee -* Drawn for The Da [NOW \.00K AH HERE, | MOO LIL RUNT CUT OvT ACTIN’ so NUTTY & AN’ TELL ME WHUT THE TROUBLE 15 - \F YOURE IN, LOVE -WHY ™ SAY 50- be e-~ OM YALL RIGHT BOSS, TLL UN- B0SS0M MY HEART-SECRET - WHEN THIS GIRLS PICTURE CAME OUT IN THE PAPER LT KNEW AT ONCE THAT SHE WAS MY LOVE-MY VERY LIFE -THE MATE annual clearing of linen rem- 26th. Prices below loom cost. ring fashions THAT GALYOuURL \ SOUL MATE ? WHY ? THAT AINT NO REAL : ’| LIVE GAL- THATS a TUST A DRAWING— MADE BY A FASHICN ART(ST— UMP-UMP- TEE-HEE -HO -Ho SUPPRESSED LAWFT ERY FADING IN THE DISTANCE- @) \41H- IATL SAN ~BALTO~ 1?