yonday, March 16, 1044 THE DAILY NEWS 3 : : —— —— = _-_ — penser eae wongogonn Ge le mm) Cp i = i) i=, a) (rep - ees fit mrenea at aii oO a yore : as p.0. Box 1704 3] (aay POLES ee? PU PBN PPR DVLA: LESBO - an 51 Ej emo fj [commen f) 0 corm 68 1 one o7 op) einen — ae I 1A . ji) TEA HANNAH POTN “un WV ; LACROSSE oa ee — 164) ; GAA RITTOO SIT ae OTF AAT | win WAY Fi) Ge MATT COT ar 7A | UHL Hl th ® 4 HA BASEBALL 4B ‘ ALS p LLL Show I! De Nye AU at) < 2. V0} iQ eens ; ge criaa es | || (SID GanonDs SAVY! tid FOOTBALL | coer sh N18 46 Ligporcwcsecscca| |e UNSW LD CCDC! ¢ ) pinst OLASS CUISINE | | CKEY 3 : iat te A EOE AL} mh i HAT ey inning Water If (CS 5 (oe Es pe >» ix OE EMEP a. a iid " te { Hil i WH } t and o01d,, Rinning 8 AN MOL MOLES SVMs HES VD RD PRL PES, | i weet mn Guoboat Smith and Sam Lathe that Pint fi dat ar e Ow. HA Mi : TA Win 0 : 1a 1e irstysky high with chanee for , HHT HoTEL IN NORTHERN ford fight in London on June 30,|G re held in the/improvement. is ndard of H COLUMBIA a i play we & FISHET Jobnny O'Leary and Joc Aras ar vi | oO | vedo may meet at Cakland next, I Vict ; ' 4 a 2 proprietors nonth. ly cloria with sure sign ipproach ppbonseee woaed | - ‘ he head willjof the baseball s the no- ———_—_—_—{—_—_—_—_—_— Frenchie Vaise is about done Mn RaCarr nee seeders ss i} tak ae ae last week he and Johnny Me-| fren warte cohen ' gest whole | {}CGarty fought four tame round ly er fans at-|3ale houses of Lé n, Idaho ‘ } i s ‘draw. | me | nd matches|The notice reads Every re- ireglor —_—o - ie eh English foot] quest for an after off on 5 ba Apr ; went that ' Billy Murray and Jimmy Club ee ; fal her's ete eR by should 5 Jlenty of n erat, house cieani noving, Ta va y wuld furnish plenty of mix- | | Giff Wee -|grippe, brainstors sore . —_ ing next month in their twenty (min PY C6 aN Vintners Association round battle. | a villing to | must be handed | he manager — \ Lacrosse, not later than 10 ( on the winDsOR HOTEL Australians hail Young Saylor | an he ' ; ingements |morning of the ga and Eighth 8t is the world’s lightweight cham If hts ea position | Oo A. Wr jj Plot follawing his defeat of thei a t ce ay oe \ ria seribe, } a }} ‘ Oo the B. C. GL. A, cc ts of Vic- three stars McCloy, Meeghea } | he Ne estminste f ria ¢ : estminste HOTEL OENTRAL ‘land Morey. Ls ae : v nster.” 16 ie rig-and New: ninster, Dut. ‘ Seventh St o | playe are not the only|says the Victoria he the V rican Plan ho ha ceived f 1A. €, can make applic and | ree Kid McCoy and Georges Car.| POCGIVGd OLXGRR] shia asian aoe ee eC aes Peter Black, Prop : + o 5 ous ks att he Eastern clubs, Daye|}will probably be admitted, Which | aid entie are schedulec 0 grit } ‘ iWenty round tI p Ment! Gibbor the Vancouver goal-| reminds us that without Van-| ROAD TO THE RIGHT . n ounds i 4 i ark ; KNOX HOTEL ints Pal next «Ba 4 me arK IN} keeps receipt of a letter |couver the B. C. L. A. would be ® d Nin aris next Sar ay : en Eighth anc —_ uurday. g him to make his terms | like a ship without a captain and s ea ales fh , o- id , p De ae Ribas Cowies tattad As onein, o jcrew. It was not on Victoria and] ® OU’VE met at least one of those few good old Besner & Besner, : \ ‘ j m bile AVITLOE One would readily discern that|*Vestminster coin that Vancou- souls, who are constantly getting the worst of it —— mcouver fans Lhe e ge ¢§ } | , the ' . ° ss _ oitd: hhadaw i ; ee - IS Albhaseball is new England by ie players thrived.—Vancouver when shopping, who don’t believe in advertising. Roche V. D. Casley ta "Ea af oa us ight with}reading the London sporting | News-Advertiger. s A hundred disappointing and instructive €xperiences enve fi , >, ° . . EMPRESS MOTEL i r Ed Martin. bhivon he cokiters® over there| / have failed to teach him their plain lesson. pre Aye ae eresis ey take themselves seriously ; BAY / ; od: seventh WOO: Cras IEE) Die. “Wennouves © pabach. say |e". ae ive ously and| LEY See eke aoa he bought his first watch he was beguiled into ppean Plan, Denver Ed- Martin’s place of oe! 12 wade filed English to de- O’LEARY 3 uying one without a known name or a trustworthy — maT te er es Saturday last was not in the rit scribe the game. Impossible! Z ; eee ry guarantee. That watch—a poor timekeeper — cost PREMIER HOTEL Sek gag Mgt 1a: re “dis chee o—. Victoria Lightweight Will Start him dearly by reason of missed appointments and Sead kuropean Pied it at 3 ) mer’s dinner. It is possible that Alfred in Four-round Game in missed trains, and for frequent repairs. Yet he paid F. W. Henning, Manager 3 bese 0 fea Shrabl the fatinus Enalish dic: California 2 the price of a good watch. —— a arry v 2 Oo Newcastie : é ; ‘}lance runner, will take up s — is 4 * ROYAL HOTEL Kng., an ex-champion sculler of} reaidenes iy “a v ae onsets Aeon (iedae ae i oor uo with regard to his underwear, i rey & Burgess, Props. the world: recent} nalahiatan tha ! mri ~ ee 9 ie es ay- is shoes, an is fountain pen. Third A and Sixtm St. a ; : ce ee 1 the | devote some of his spare the Canadian Igihtweight, is s Thi , : y . Rigo Steam Heates || 820d anniversary of his birth. me to the coaghing and traih-leoing to take fap the fours 1s Z0od old soul’s case is not unique. Many of us, if — ———— v ig of Victoria’s field and track z Bore REE TR Sree the truth be confessed, resemble him; we allow our- ER WHOLESALE LIQUON 00. Seu. Wothiman, fhanager. dflathietas game. selves to be sold merchandise with an unknown brand : , Javlay a : . ° * . * 7 LMTED bs Sem Langford, says. Georacs ee Bay! y thinks that he will do 5 or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is ca ne 408 ats Carpentier is, in his opinion, the The Don Rowin Club of 'T bi aged het si alt by ean bak ie hoe through the mecdium of advertising Phone 10 ) Lov g£ ; ( 0- ‘ “ a ey Se ee greatest white heavyweight fight-|ronto will send Bob Dibble bouts, He always has been good In slang language, we get “stung” pretty often. er ‘ yr ; f : r °lin four rou ds, and expects to do ' cf RUPERT IMPORTING CO., r in the world England to compete in the Dia ny z. sedans gape ft Th | pains of these cases we have ourselves to blame, for oe a gone nond Sculls at Henley, and it is] tour-rount ooree te cetera the road to the right” thing to buy has been made Frase vise ixth Be Hooray rhe tango and max-]announced that Canada will send ' i fi 1s oat ot 7 : A ps plain by advertising. hone 7 Sie : ae ; in San anciseo ane ,0s Ange- 4 ixe cured Willie Ritchie’s sore}a crew to Berlin next year for les at present, and a good light-| @ There is no good reason for passing by the known eel. he « g » thought ¢ ( Iwmnic os 1@ in “ © 5 ? , . . - : el, he says. We thought it wasdthe Olympic games. enicht should-tn well. 3 thing, soundly guaranteed, to buy a dubious article, eee Phe patiation Sure, Willie i Of obursh eieavad Mee which, quality for quality, cannot be cheaper than the looks e a better side-stepper Vancouvar’s Mann Gup_hold- won't pa ap any lon : a I known, branded article. j won ass ) al onger goes, seeneeeen ee han boxer. ‘ ene ac wee 4 eee expect to get on with some good or O— f the Chinooks of Calgary, anc Rat ; , , “ : If you are doi local buai i ; ov down there wr fifteen or you are doing a local business talk over your advertising prob- OBSTRUCTED SINKS London, March 44.—The Lin-|have ne the Alberta cham-| twenty rounds, and I will jump at It as better lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. colnshire handicap betting is ons to us effect, offering the chance, for I know tl If you are doing a provincial tional busi i 1 e chance. fo L na sat Tas Pp or natio usiness it would be weil | Sewers Bonbon Rose, 100 to 9: Alderond hem the first mateh of the ser- higia lot. ofthan ia Pf 2 tee E to be sure for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising _ * 9; Aldeg ‘| fey. forthe bhampjénphip. trophy pa } d there is 9 agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, to 7; Mediator, 20 to 4: ae ie ol one fellow whom I will try to than SOrry. by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, m ’ Short Grass, 25 to 1 For the]? ; ems gel in the ring with—Johnny = Lumsden Building, Toronto. Grand National: Lutteur I, 100 on wens i O'Leary I am sure that I can a. s substance Is a new discov- to 12; Waveret, 20 to 1. Meers of the Oltawa Hockey whip Johnny, though he beat me a na 1 nn a BR RY ne matt: saat: 8: and wilt quickly Pemove @cous pie | Club have announced that they]in Vaneouver. Tf I get half a ‘ grease, rags and Paris, March {2 Mile M.jwill reserve all of this year’s|chance to get on with him again|~ aes CLAM GLE. kat Pee teen Pa ee . ry * Get some and save plumb- 3) Carpentier, 20, was declared the}players for next winter. Though]! will grab it.” eee (7 bills ‘ - - female pugilistic, champion fol the team fell down on the last ine ee 567—PHONE—567 * p a For sale by ving her knockout of Mile.|{@P of the N. H. A. championship Start Whaling Early. ; x ae iW imner in the fourth round of a race, the club will be over $6000 y I AXI t 0 Se } ache . ‘ rqea ., {ahead on the season's opera- The whaling station at Nader * , HARRY HANSON leduled alz-round bout P tions larbor will begin rot ie + ) ut lv. which was witnessed A ‘ Bry ten gu Operations ALF HALLIGAN * THE RELIABLE PLUMBER 600 persons 0 about April 1! This is a litle x We are compiling a very interesting booklet which will contain the es 10 eakacitties. A Padenaoe jacnatés: djearlier-than usual, but the sea.|% ‘a@e Seven-Passenger Machine yf, regulations of the new parcel post system, along with other valuable ‘ on at Orme's Drug ( hict yoursely I vest, appear to be courting dis-]son is so much advanced that it x Prompt Service T postal information. This book we will mail to all who will return the, . u uct ourselves ike gen Third Avenue i iit ; ; ister in instituting anothe ir}is believed the run of whales wi'l 3 Special Rates for Parties - attached coupon filled in with their name and address. ; NI eet. 2668 ver players The east f-|begin much earlier this year t x Loe aninoreiat POOLE OROOPOEDPOOROEDOOCOOOOS free from rowdyism j fig ials threaten to raid i ua * »* HENRY BIRKS & SONS, LTD., ————————__ M pires will be the bosses of,cific coast clubs for p ind Rain coats, ladies’ and child-|} STANG: ROXM~ pe tee * Jewellers, Vancouver, B. C. | DR. G “ I be backed up|vice vers ( neans tl elren’s | S 58-601* * . GILROY, DENTIST 1 Se 1 will be backed uj i versa, which means that w n Walla 58-61 Foti OICISInIAISISniSiniadAciidicinide Gentlemen: ; vera I) President Gilmore ire in for another long drawn — neem Please forward as soon as published, your booklet of Bridge. Work a his club managers, ‘ut war in which salaries Fey Port Edward's power plant ma- m parcel post Information. ally. " a chinery has arrived. 54tf|Skeena Land District—District of Queen ene... hy hi Madsbee... £29k sR Smith Blk. hind danas DRRPIOthe: RONG cy RAE et ae aN CN ie a ee at ceaee ee a ’ TAKE NOTICE that I, Frederick LGR of = 8 cg heb Sd chalice ak: tas aaa aie eral , Pusch, occupation clerk, of Prine Rupert, Be RIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done PHONE RED 156 Tel, CO. 448. CHIE, AGNEW & Engineers and B, CG. Land Surveyors r Power, Whalf Con- P Plans, Domiuion and , eying, Mine Survey ubdivisions, Electric ‘egalives ,and White ide St., Prince Rupert, B.C. nue Phone 43 WILI “AT THE CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP SKI-JUMPING COMPETI- iON LIAM T. HOUSE ue B.C. Land Surveyor fhe photo shows ..the royal box au Ottawa during the competi CE RUPERT tion From left to right are: Captain Buller, Col. Farquhar, J P.O, Bux 648 Miss Villers (lady-in-wailing), Princess Patricia, the Duke > Saree of Connaught, and the Duchess of Connaught, TUG AND scow FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 1656 JAMES GILMORE Architect Carpenters’ Tools ‘' McBride Street Wire Cable | ; ailee tar ION TRANSFER CO |i en Pe + r { bie ease || Pumps swage RESIDENCE 110 mM *RINCE RUPERT | } BOAT BUILDER < Coy, HNSTON | Phone Green 321 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles and Sho Valves Ammunition Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” tguns Sunday's Sermon spoilt B sl s by Coughing A dose of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oiltaken before leaving for church will check that service spoiling cough. This preparation acts asa tonic as well as a cough cure and its use soon enables the system to throw off all signs of cold. Keep it in the house — large bottle 35c at all dealers. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrocke, P.Q. PS. — Mathieu's Nervine Powders cwre head aches and dispel < uable for fevert ds te wit Math up I water O59 9292940292949 4=4 O°DODODED 6-B5BVSEDSUEDSEDSUDES Seo oe ee Pe oe Bes Skeena Land District——District of Queen Charlotte Islands TAKE NOTICE that Wilfred Charles Macdonald of Prince Rupert, B. C., occu- pation prospector, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petro- leum over the following described lands: On the west coast of Graham Island com- mencing at a post planted one mile south and one-fourth mile east of the mouth of West River, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of com- mnencement and known as C. L. 7817. WILFRED CHARLES MACDONALD, Locator Date located, 27th December, 1913. Advertised Feb, 17th to March 25th, Skeena Land Distric\—District of Coast— e. Range Fiy TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, tn the Province of British Columbia, broker, intend to apply for permission to lease thirty (30) acres of land bounded follow, Commencing at this post planted where the northerly limit of the right-of-way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany crosses the westerly bank of the Zimmergoetz River, and being about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- easurly direction along the westerly shore of said river a distance of thirty (30) chains; thence easterly parallel with as the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk Pacific right-of-way, @ distance of ten (10) chains; thence southerly parallel with the westerly shore of the said river to the northerly limit of the right-of- way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company; thence westerly along the said northerly limit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement, wee this seventh day of January, THOMAS C. \ Pub, Feb. 8 to April on shiek st planted at intend to apply to the Commis- of Lands for a license to prospect oll and petroleum over the desribed lands on the west of Graham Island: Commencing at a the northwest corner of thence south 80 chains, thence chains, thence north 80 chains, e west 80 chains to place of com- 977 st Henry Bibs & Sonn fae ' JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Me TREDERICK L, PUSCH, Locator. Gee, K. Teorey, Menagins Direstorl anos Wilfred Charles Macdonald, Agent. w g Date, December 29, 1913. Advertised Feb, 26 to April 7. — — —— ~_— tase opt tira, bose asso con ertnserinse tavern aaindavanin bai siasoie ~. ee ts rms ee rt ee et es Pe l ral St er ret ee rt es re rs Fe Pd Pe Pt PP es THE DAILY NEWS SAFE SANE SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT eer FEE EE I a og & + FOR RI IR RTA RRR IH RRR I HAI IIA FOI III III IASI III SISA SIA ASA SASASASASASASAAASASAON fet es ee et mS eH Ft Ft Fa NEWSPA PER rt and Northern B.C. upe ne Prince R The Daily News goes into nearly every home in { Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of { the city because it is clean and reliable, It has all t the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News the most valuable paper advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. is to ——THE DAILY NEWS mee eet tlhe ett ee ~~ OOOO I OOOO OOo | r