' ; THE DAILY NEWS March 4¢ a i 6, 49 —$—$— eee — 44 4 —_— Se — - ee 7 re | |x alee a Le RAReRRNR eee EEE RENNES | MORE GOOD PICTURES THE WEATHER Don? ee Tea is “‘Hill-Grown’”’ |; d P / y hoime Opera W once i Put 0 setae if ocal an ersona #/At the Westholme Opera House) euenished by F. W. Dowling | * f from the jy tive s In Hill- ” tea has the small, tender leaves— * ae aN Observer & © Action of el a's h, d | [RII RR TOI ROR RIOR TR RIE IER A AAAI IIIA III ISI SISIISAIASIAISI IIS AIA he standing room only sign ne Pehete Neer. with ric elicious fragrance, redo ent ap was out again at the Westholme| p.. the 24 hours ending 5 a.m ae Hi the . : & iliac’ . Ana Heat pr ting - ‘ el” . "oO C-« 0 © es | ; ' * of of the spicy tropics. ry Smith & Killas ice cream Hear Principal Brady at th tre Saturday evening and a March 16, 1944 qu aa nhig hei altk-be eae esbyterian Literary Society ON) hetter pleased audience would be is thy la r ieee f ‘sg oe Wednesday night. Subject, “Ad-/hard to find. The Keystone rac Barometer reduced to sea BEEF ) Hoe ae ee ' of Science, 61-63 comedy was excruciatingly) jaye) .....csscseneeee 30.44 , eae) eee | and produced a_ contin- LAO Housecleaning Time, New wal , : heey ‘nt: ese ‘ ce Highest «.ssvesivnsyers hy Ipapers. Wallace's 58-60 L. Watmougnend ‘child came uous fen * eter eeey OC Lowest «+. .seeseeseeess so L Rw ie from Granby yesterday and|the Polly P. is a comedy Of A}pain .... oc e ee eee 89 The British Empire on he for Ketchikan on the Prin ehter : Nee éexi but bas I ree | > o where, In boxes 25 conta, ind satisfactory. 1e two ‘ip so too ee S sv , : : lization Bill Introduced Tea is grown high up on the mountains of Ceyion — with its native on uth took the barge ( : Maquinna this afternoon Broncho feature “Silent He-| Natura delicacy and fragrance held captive in the sealed lead packages. ‘°° ~ | : Re es” was also good and alto I, eens ra i ene he . mi ° ( ince sale : ke ~ s | heraldet ) or 3 yromotion B 05a A van ale of ‘tickets for St ther the progr ‘ ua jhera I r ie | : ‘ ‘ LACK, GREEN or MIXED When you buy a meal get it; Pa k's oneert, Westholn a ea NG rac T : nel of uniformity of the Empire's It Is Advisah} le Hoya zafe and you wil! get) Theatre, arch 17, should be ex oy ; naturalization laws has been in ; i the Royal Caf M 47; should we onight| has | enmen. e . + SH ther fine show will be given] . es the best in the city. tfichangwed at Orme’s for reserved : ling troduced into the House of Lord z reed r this theatre There will be a| we uk “a seats 61 : ind read a first time The meas a8 arly y i Tho: Beings aa i fae Keystone comedy, a British Gaz lesianated “The sritish poss ‘ i neess Maquinna is efined comedy “The De er ee : : an a >] ine Ly) pected in at 3 o'clock this rhe tritish Columbia sper ; F Nationality and Status of Aleir f tlm Or Woman and ¢ 0 eel . ot heat j in ‘the noon n grat the powder wharf : : te rer Ps i , > " iB] The measure is the re . ‘ ‘: . Rehance ea “A, earts 0 ss the harbor. delivering a . cow “nleht thaw soit hi Isult of the understanding reach Or If vou are looking for lus isignment of dynamite for the}. how. 7 nd f the |" with the Dominion SV EDER BROS, trial siles, investigate P< By Canadian Explosives, Ltd Pat k’ 1 ah + i . t ‘4 | i uae . 4 . Ss *atrick s we eing 1e MERCHANT ward ee ae in the theat Wednesday an 4 Left for Tasso Harbor P on rad ' Wim. Secate M = ~ ae Thursday the: eat 4-reel Than Mesars. O’Brien and R. R. Hed k Boat i adies suits oO measure s ry pleased wit the sensible ° 4 5 : waite 4 les wares A nierested ir tha harvested RE TE 3-60] way thi Manebapere in. the Oe oem etal mene ate m are 4 Se Ae 8 gether f é ‘ ass larbotr coppe ‘ under the = . c deal with provincial issues. This : bi { ly sia wi iy a ‘ame in vest lay . the Pri peerrerroceroreroseoes, a ‘ % stone camer an eek taz- | Ce e 1 yesterd: 0 e rince ee oeeeees sunny skies Mr. CG. A. Smith, who has been |is st another way of saying he} ,, Albert and left on the British "7 of Alberta ae ned to Ketch ippreciates their sile nce. I } ainembie tae Pases herhor.. ihe i egal é a) =n Rak mines ther are making thei rate: 2 and Sas B. W. Hutton, who is travelling] ip.) arene in Japan ae ere F ine co hy Oy katchewan St. Patrick’s dance in Sons of| for Jaeger’s woollens, came in on| Bitoal ee a a “Akita, ma » ter; A Ie > ey : ear quake oceurre { Kita, ;}CoMmis smeiter, large gang [ is selected England Hall, March 17th. Given|Saturday. He is registered at the nan tana a mh a ~ linen are at work at the mines OPS oT b M. N . Ce er é Cc g ne ; n é ] ole ER 7 : ees werd 5 a : , for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Wheat bursting ee ee tae aay « Killed in Akita city; Many: bouses| a with goodness, poured in a golden stream into our : wy were destroyed. The village of} Mrs. Bates and family WO First-class Hous r ’ Provincial Constable Sidney 7 ae : : ’ rs wy P mane ee elevators. Washed, scoured, polished, ground, many Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Goodrich|Ham came in from Hazelton yes- sob ~ ruined with ae | from Granby yesterday. They \f 4 times over and over, untouched by the human hand ; and family left last evening forjterday. He will be in town for to 16 st et ) Bere Tt ed ee Ma a area ceca ree $ 0.00 AND $35.00 finally sifted through silk mesh until it emerges Fort George, where they will re-|about a Week. f Cements cess Maquinna today. | side in future { i AK Ae | sey f . ROYAL NDARD— swee wo oes iar Southboun STA} 3 d t and soft as the breath The Geergetown Sawmill com-| iia Heinhsas os pe . a Ae ee Office with fixtures which of harvest. Your grocer sells it under a money Rhoda Watts, an Indian wo-|pany’s steamer McCullough came | , '. Come th . na can be purchased man, was fined $10 in the polic Saturdé th a aque Ste eee ae eres a bh back See. ‘ourt this mornir Th nate f. lum) ul d Nae a ~ ae Lambert, J. H. Bryan, Thos. Tel-| Latest reasonably eou Ss Ol ne. e arge;or.tu!r er ant a geging sco . oa ‘|ford, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Reddie, | was being drunk. She left on Sunday morning to ' y | ‘ ° ‘ e rooate ini eh i pact aiid. |}Mrs. Brewn, J H. Barrett and S P R | N G ; ; ae , one *©<) family, G. M. Goodrick and fam- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Barrett and rn Georgetown | | r family left last evening bv the Pic: # . ¢ adie Anderson, E. Larsen, H.| Styles PATTULLO & RADFORD ana LOURM= ne B at ' for th Okan Chief Off Ford f t Ande A. Anderson, O. Ward, | P | - ncess OF or tne Kan- He 1icelr rc 0 e 3 Uniform Tested gwar They will resid App! fishery Malaspina : j\. Brownwell, G. Carlson, N.| oo. wee 7 agan. ‘ | side L\pple- she ( ser ilaspins: as ; } lad Voden, H on, A. Esslemont, | ? } dale. married on Tuesday’ last at Vic. > Meoerererocrrororororroesetttm [3] ay fast @ oe 1. Turner, and T. Giffor | u ue a to Miss Elie Tribe of that Turt nd T. Gifford. l 5 oa S 5 The Prince John took the fi ty he ceremony was per- , a lowing passengers south las! ned by Rev. Father Silver at | at f Yancouver MillingsGrain€: tL evening: Geo. Taylor, R. C. Cop-|the B shorgs palace Do you want a Me pock, T. J. Coppock, A. Scholey, Sey eerie Cres ae . a e “Ne rT Sant yoT 1 ed eee ee nen vrennatet Nanaimo.Victoria 2 1. Baucher, and D. A. MeNeil M : Tr. H. Scott of Terrace is Waterfront Pre-emption ee — Mee ainda eee DEMERS Mr. Btnala: represting hati pater: dt Cais af Reott has on ~ north end of Graham Island, ; MOM eh A hee oy ae United States Steel corporation,|an excellent ranch close to Ter-! tee eae ‘ ar ella Third Avenue ON SKEENA RIVER is in the city checking up the| race n which he has an abund-| wire cop peadtest Lok Beal Mca ot il Island propositions. They are go- | and adjoining — railroad material shipped by that com-j/ance of fruit trees, together with ing quick! 4 in ¢ il : many to the dry dock here. 1 well st 5O¢ on] ne ee eee eee ree | 200.000 : veces Dae ete i ee sekeesenseasecseesecenees $10.00 | . The steamer Spokane was in Messrs. Mackenzie & Co., who| QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS + anne ~ ‘i business men last evening northbound. She |have the contracts for the super INFORMATION BUREAU * FOR A A _ TAXI: took 35 passe ; { Sand ‘ ; Robt. Eatwisie, \* st k 35 passengers. from this|struciure of the permane. * * 4 ’ ar Rha hai nan < dvie rid 2 m Hilditch Block Third Avenue * * : are now wearing port. She had a full load and |bridges along the G. T. P., have| 2) $ ; Harrison Gamble & to a . SS was sold out of second-class ac-|two gangs now at work. One it * ; , Rego clothes J °"""’. hat Lorne Scese AAAGIAD citer. ~|$ P e Kitsumkalum | x me eas : 5 ‘ a The Westerr Ny oo Warm l el ean \* * a @ The fact is significant ; it means that ; rh : : ‘de ones 3 | ; 66 The Dail News "9 1x * fe : “se ” ar ave addec i shee tal dies do ea eshr | ———_——— TS iY : 200,000 men ite that “Reso P i oe i a i e 1eet meta The I a Ai 1 f the Prest y * PRINCE RUPERT AUTO co + — oe style is what they want, and that “Rego” paeapes tee er) to their business. | teria hurch will hold a ten CLASSIFIED ADS pe T ‘ . They also carry largest stock cent j r . { ‘ ° * * JOHN ( \ ; quality and value are the right standard. ; i large K G domestiu tab ea | RAIA EEA / “Rego” Clothiers are London's leading sm BanOaOs goods in northern|the ho f Mrs. J. A, Kirkpat a Contractor & Builder i Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire British Columbia. Pics 0 5th Avenue East, t FOR RENT rae ; ' . , mol ternoon fro 8°25 8 | Metropolis), and they offer you high-class a ; ihn heaps! oe Bee total UNITED TAILORS Phone Black 29 London tailoring at practically ready- : 61] : 7 made prices—or less. Attention—Ladies and gentle- | * . a Pane Eros floor office jipply | PRESSING AND CLEANING Sia’ hava dinkiis ee ee The ss enka hte Me ms ity 255-¢ | peoccccrccccccccsccssset tin, } “REGO” NEW YORK eae la enea e ha | - | witt a Prone 56s f the best wn cutters andi! Leaf ( has arrivad| FOR SALE | y, ’ , : eee | 6th St., Next O P. R. ‘ gq Americar Model Lounge Suit. The fitters from Seattle, especially |!" Vanes She brought steel ene zk 4 ; cut and fashion of this superb model n ladies tailoring. Our stock of}from New ¥ lo the British| TOR BOAT—-Bul, $0 ft by 8 1-8 ft! cory OF PRINCE RUPERT, &. 0 hones | sberts es 0 b ( Winn) Arn ac| neat Apply T. M. Orwig, boat build , B. C. i pamaphon pare been ene Gavs as o Woollens is of the highest|© lumbia 1s Phe Arna has| Por mein ee st | Victor Grama; f st ot eardees fe ie year. The grade in quality and patterns.|~ 0" tons steel for the dry| ‘INE HUNDRED DOLLAR player piano at Books ' st the suit you show wearing. e We do reali custom work and dock her Sh Is expected to equity in Prince Rupert realty West | Woodworth Hydro ~ Electric Schome— Magazines i rik, “New York” is only one of the ae oe © may {arrive hi n the 28th enhaver Bros 52-54] Clearing for Pole Line, Ete. Photo Supplies ' Unk ruare ee ¢ £006 j or noney | r € : | oto uppiie | 5 ret ave esr "7 om returned. Ladies suits from § i0| TT ; : fy Gecding "nena asene nit fiat Developir + and Printing ' | wasted af: OE eae ee ae p, at the American Tailor, 3rd There . short delay cf horns, ete. Quick shipping connec-} ‘Applications will be received by the Enlarging and | “ : : rae ; s beet Cd terndaw'e : : tions. Columbia Poultry Ranch, Steves- ity Clerk up to 5 5 on Monday, 16tt 7 Ah Bia ' ! / FASHIONS FOR MEN Avenue and I ifth St. 641-67 al ae a by a mud ! ton, B. C., 48 March 0té, fr See a danes ra the Picture Framing f tater ier , ip the ine, but it was secon|1 SCHOONER, 45 ft. over all; keel 35 tf.| clearing of the e lr etc., on the Selection 0 a (just published) a Free a jul HOONER, 45 ft all; ke t k pole line, et n th Best } rs ~ Thos ‘otie ag ahnatiac ; , be 2 ) in., depth 4 ft. Hydro-Electrie Scheme l ons mus { { ri bs FREE Copy of which, with full Mr. Thos. rr tier has accey M licleared away \ lot of work has in it cbt tt, 1903; registered Pei ee Ne be in aie aa sian ‘Apo cas es View Cards ' He range of 191 patterns and simple self- an ageney for the Dominion|been done during the winter on| ip "Siok Wetec cae bee. MWe Gane. We? Pehnak uinon / measurement form, we will send you on Nursery and Orchards Company/|the dangerous spots along the| 59-64 kp SUG: BOE EL /RATHALL H application. The of Vancouver for Prince Rupert |!!#¢ and the mpany does not}—— Oe eS ——— W. W. W ; “Re oO” Clothier S and surrounding erritory. Theis much ti uble from slides ! WANTED | $eereeerrrecorronerrer 606 THIRD AVENUE ey “I M d 6 company aims to supply a con. | ents spring. fb - SIXTH AVENUE Phone 551 a | ade to : Ld siderable proportion i f this | eae | ROOM wanted ‘ private family, with or ; pnoncecetnntn ee ‘ portuio ) 8]