f THE DAILY News $n ————— re 5 poprererseseeepawower sews Somme REEF meer Gt ff commen] [femme 5} ecm 1] [] eee f} fi] emer | cme f} 69 cement 7 p.0. Box 1908 i] MMT HANAHHANNNAANANNNNY IH ‘ , SALBIUTOLOPT TT 0 3 - iy | Wu | } my SIE LO? picts ieeg TRO SSG 7 . AVUT Y fn Ploy SG Dia api hs i SAAT ||| ON ty Eat een es | eT aa finst CLASS CUISINE A La LU) Ss Yo i if WIHT s cold Running Water: In ay ieaiaeal t ' all Rooms LLIZTCTMTZELICI TD verre res finest brands of Liquors and pw JUST A , {R *" cigars kept y =f | . C aw er HOTEL IN NORTHERN # MOMENT PLEASE LZ ‘ay BEST vio COLUMBIA SHE TILL ie eer Yep’ frm he : - > | H / Don NTT i yHOMME & FISHET BION” PROF. DIZTYFOT 3-4) 4 Proprietors are / CLASS . INSTRUCTOR - Fe 4 , attained - (3 | iy IN ALL LATEST STEPS Nae Pye 4 “ey TANGOS, 1 y i We NY | oe : | tESITATIONS, fa 4 ¥ rs f ae i | fliregtor | _ GRAPEVINES, | fer ? ' \ FP a= Hl: | Ms (A2X Be ETE. ee | WOW DN HOURS 6.45 AM. FF ul | f \ rs P.R.L. Vintners Association | t EE winDeOR HOTEL | - pirst Ave, and Eighth st w. #. Wright, Prop. | HOTEL CENTRAL 4 + avenue and Seventh 5% | i Srot snd American Plan | ay Peter Black, Prop. 5 KNOX HOTEL Between Eighth and Niotb & ean Pian, Hates 60¢ WO $1.00 s OU’VE met at least one of those few good old Besner & Beaner, Props. souls, who are constantly getting the worst of it when shopping, who don’t believe in advertising. te. v."D. Gastey s A hundred disappointing and instructive experiences pO EMPRESS HOTEL — have failed to teach him their plain lesson. ve, Between Sixth end When he bought his first watch he was beguiled into ean Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day buying one without a known name or a trustworthy ; iWon s guarantee. That watch—a poor timekeeper —cost PREMIER HOTEL him dearly by reason of missed appointments and erican and European Plan missed trains, and for frequent repairs. Yet he paid F. W. Henning, Manager | the price of a good watch. Be It is the same story with regard to his underwear, ROYAL worm m his shoes, and his fountain pen. rey & Burgess, Props. . . . ° Third Ave. snd Sixth St g This good old soul’s case is not unique. Many of us, if Steam Heated the truth be confessed, resemble him; we allow our- ee . selves to be sold merchandise with an unknown brand : eaten eae ee 5 or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is nd Ave. and Sixth st well known to us through the medium of advertising. A “6 F D ” In slang language, we get “stung” pretty often Phone 108 Present Craze for Freak Dancing stung” pretty often. ete In most of these cases we have ourselves to blame, for pe erent ae ne nag |g “the road to the right” thing to buy has been made : Preser 000 Oe ° ( sign si taiea “ale el shone plain by advertising. sess) NEW BRITISH COLU hive; Creniiisl earl inode ancatectn There is no good reason for passing by the known hal): je teri tn hie ica enti inne thing, soundly guaranteed, to buy a dubious article, pie ATION mistake is ‘recorded by an offi- which, quality for quality, cannot be cheaper than the rie lal OF-thacnoua, known, branded article. LELLPEPPOLRORLOLOLLOD DLO OLE oudeg) tf \ : & ‘/ ‘ ising ——_— —_- —_——_ lthouahiuthere areal nd stru- “ ° you are doing a local business talk over your adverti peob- eri OPINION FROM OUTSIDE ON COAST METHOD OF RAISING) \'Ush {here eatie deeaten It is better lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. OBSTRUCTED SINKS MONEY TO WASTE ON USELESS TRAILS i ara gh calculat te of the If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well ena aX baal : : . x : ’ 5 to be Sure for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising ane) ae Edmonton Capital agents will pay $50 a year, drug- effect it has been estimated that agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, ear. : the wind has blown as rapidly as th orr 9 by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, DESOLVO Something has been said in|gists. veterinaries, dentists, ar- 600 miles an hou: : an S ‘y. Lumsden Building, Toronto. the Conservative press (in which|chitects and surveyors $5 twicea F Get : 1) loti : ;vear, circuses $50 a day, freight- a un 08 nn AT on nz nu ue is substance Is a new disoov- is included the Bulletin poe ers yack “¢ s $5 twice a oe nd will quickly eemove accu- of the vovernment of the | re ae cemere een cedalial 3 WONDERFUL WEATHER — ~ STEERER <= ns of grease, rages and demnatory of the action | go9, eanning factories $25, bowl- OF THE GOLDEN NORTH . OULU (i; Get some and eave plumb- province of Alberta for having jing atleys, shooting galleries, oneithaiade AR _* piile. the liquor license receipts en-/skating rinks $10, and dance|WNorthern Paper Urging Cam- 567—PHONE—567 7 . For sale by tirely to the province. ihalls $100 every six months, and paign of Education of Yu- % arce 05 fl ormd On or eee British Coiumbia already takes|the whole receipts are gathered kon Geography I AXxI * . HARRY HANSON 4 $lall the liquor license receipts, as|in one fell swoop by the McBride ~— : ata * n| does the Gonservative Roblin|¢overnment. Dawson News ALF HA x We are compiling a very interesting booklet which will contain the HE RELIABLE PLUMBER vernment in Manitoba. and Phe protesting Conservatives, | “Alaska ts a land of tce and snow Large Seven-Passenger Machine * regulations of the new parcel post system, along with other valuable aso 139 Becond Ave. has done so for some time.|who allege that the Alberta gov-|And that ts all we seem to know.’ Prompt Service t postal information. This book we will mail to all who will return the on exhibition at Orme's Drug Phere is at present going |ernment, which does all the in-| So sing the little boys and t Special Rates for Parties + attached coupon filled in with their name and address. Store, Third Avenue through” the British Columbia|specting and enforcing of the/,..). poring ver their geo-|* pI SN Oe ee egislature a measure of direct/liquor laws and which bears the] | ri errited |E i id * HENRY BIRKS & SONS, LTD. OO OLOEEEODOOEOODOLOOLERDC CHE . stitu-|#?aphies in most o the nited | *« . : taxation which provides for the|/cost of the provincial institu) 7” Sa 1x STAND, ROYAL HOTEL + Jewellers, Vancouver, B. C. eVY of licenses against al-|tions such as the jails and luna-| States. And 8 BEeey emmy eo i + Gentiemen: R. GILROY, DENTIST st all businesses conducted in|tic asylums, to say thing of|Canada chant a similar song re GASES SI SII III III wiadee fevlsene sie: -adiu ak. dechileld sone aannen a , i Bridge Work a the province the eost of chasing boot essere specting the Yukon, Ignorance | -— —— parcel post information. ; specialty According to the terms of the/across the map to th h of lis the basis of the ditty. The|skeena Land District—District of Queen eee ORS eee en Rddieds ee ef bill wholesale houses operating |53, is unreasonable in appropri youngsters are not. to blame Te FOB PAM OE be EE Ca eas ee ea ; Smith Bik., Third Avenue] in British Columbia will pay $100 )/ating the liquor licenses, should - 8: ! ree ~ | vane Wisk ak ieee I a ba ae oe ‘ - a vear, vetail houses $10, law jtake one long look at MecBride|Their fathers and their mof 1ers, | Pusch, coMmnitinel aleek,cekieias BRapanMEnT one Tcrecrt tense chats RIAL MAC P vers, real estate’ agents and landjand forever hold their peace their sister, their cousins and |B a intend to epply to the, Comanta beri; i OREN haa aoe eee HINE SHO ee (their aunts know no better. If r coal, be ne per veum orar ae ama =a j = . rn } pw follo e nds on e ° s ; et SI This northern empire of Yu- ee ast of Grabais Island: Commencing at a He B ; S GS Sons ] imited epairing Quickly Done ee ree mene a ———— | kon and Alaska has a campaign |post planted at the northwest corner of enry ir “ 3 wre Lites Ey : r lis 1 th t pals ! L. 7977, thence south 80 chains, thence BAY PHONE RED 156 S m te sage! | ) eae es | ssh e! cee thence port 8 an sins, JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS };O% ts8norance respe © *©~\mencement, containing 640 acres. . . } By Newest Notes on clence | lgion is no child's play. But con- \ a FREDERICK L. PUSCH, Locator, Geo, E, Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C y | ; " ent. a B STh4 Tel. 448.) | }stant hammering will get re-| Dank penne artis & ee alte The fact. tnt ment rail. |. SAverteed eemenea Aneel 7 mS HIE, AGRE Sr re ee eee s - $= aterty ; Sd te ee ae atid )-| Will be one eye-opener, The dis- ee es eer ete Prvinesre. and (ae mmen | pocueD, Dowel wil ca os op me vaytiniee th whi e ; | Seibaison of the daily weather re- . eee + Jeti > | ‘oads Oo SV zesland, it e entor’s sftepk ’ 1 ( t \ Surveyors war oe { I 1 7 ch have |third section carried between the|ports throughout the continent } + FOI III IID III ISIS IS IISSISA SSI ISSISSIISISS ISI ISIS III IIIA opinion of engineers CSR IT ; oie »|would be a revelation. A few of|* emesemesrmeerms ~ Water Power, Whalf Con-| investigated the question for the}front and back ean be raised t it = c tn : = ae un oi ee eter eter treme mermerans Plans, Dominion and} government. a desired height. jthe ou ie pay I ; es { veying, Mine Survey- “ Oo reports. The Post-Intelligencer j * j ns, SemOine In a new combined pneumatic With the idea of eventually;is one, and it had a_ splendid * j é ON ee eee l lid tir for automobiles | producing a perfect human race|front page cartoon on the situa- + ] ant SOME e Ol LOTROD IOS | pros e's F m } , only a heavy ring of rubberjan English scientist has as a tion the other day, The sketch 7 = , 7 B : a ahs fas any | pictured the map of North Amer- * S comes in contact with the road,/nucleus six children of a a ~at N j x Ge St, Prince Rupert, B. ©. the rest of the tire being pro-|nationalities and will add five|ica with a miner at Nome enjoy- + l THE SOE i SB EM a Sag eee een Tiantead by a steel rim. }more to his colony, ing a position on the top of the * PORT ae ne ee cor nue Phono 48 Bas | o | map hanging out his washing at * f P . R rt d N th B C W} The Chinese government, own-| A Pennsylvania inventor is) Zero rear ee Was : } DA I LY or rince pe a or ern oo iLLIAM T. HOUSE ing the country’s telegraph sys-|said to have aren meee cae ae wi ae | pod * fg : paler an eek yrelthe strength and durability of}|Gotham, ‘ BpsA ” ? * m : i er arly every i ©. Land Surveyor yom, be en : ou , fom lit i cia without impairing it in|tropolis, was chilled stiff at six + N E W S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in E RUPERT P.O, Bux B18 than Rie es Os Wy on i y wav by adding vanadium as below, and old Montreal was + Prince, Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of 0, f : ( 8 cables jan f c & ase , . % . Has one ot is ae lit is being manufactured, “friz up” to the neck at 26 be- * the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all are no se, Is be ~ ‘ ‘ . zh : TUG AND SCOW lows; Dawaon, wag enjoying bal- < is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events ee = oe a ym Pe tie * and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- 4 = Or Nome ang aidezZ, ese TAaCls w FOR Wing fey be startling to the vast por- SAFE bia, It treals these subjects with moderate opti- , * R. MORRISON ) TORK’S HARDWARE |tion of the continent south of the : SANE mism and reliability, PHONE BLACK 156 { sixtieth parallel. When the mil e The Daily News is the most valuable paper to rrImmnrerenmrME ov ihite ep fh eR yr Mea lions there begin to pry into the x SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. mae ae government weather reports and IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in JAMES GILMORE 710 SECOND AVE i. get other i, pe) will find : the vity. It is read by the class of people the Architect , hip Chandlery that Yukon and Alaska are less x INDEPENDENT ae ee : near McBride Street Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware 8 . eae ininhvenienned datteriiker thai ; advertisers want to talk to, ee Pe bith Fr OOS Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing the old states and provinces of * INTELLIGENT Brass a dS | Ss RR nee Bead tee NION T | Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns the so-called temperate zone. } o RANSFER C0 Rope Valves Ammunition Yukon and Alaska have borne pa- } 7 rer ———— THE FERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE Pp Slane Paint tiently and have suffered long * South Wellington Goal wre Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron the drawbacks dup to the ignor l x , Flee RESIDENCE 110 Stoves and Ranges ugaees ance of the many of the outSide + i. ‘ ’ ee PRINCE RUPERT , “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST’ world, but truth will prevail, and / + ; ee eepee ed this region yet come to its own. * ) Pa hone ; So i ee ; BOAT BUILDER ee 4 Let every one do his part to help | + : TORK’S HARDWARE on the good cause of education. ire somes — 7 $ oe i" ., JOHNSTON FRED Port Edward’s power plant ma- } + FOI IORI TOT TOTTI IO ITT TOT TOTTI OI I IO IOI III IIA IIIA, ty " Cove Phone Green 321 | \ Ts SSE chinery has arrived, DALE | gem prere ~~ i