een Ty RUPERT, B.C., THURS “="| THE DAILY NEWS| GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: The mystery of the finance com- mittee is, where did Morrissey get the money? PRICE FIVE CENTS CHT ON WARK CHANNEL WATER POWER HOLD UP ALIF AX DRY DOCK STARTS SOON--VICTORIA TO PLAY LACROSSE--LIBERAL SMOKER TO-NIGHT ANADA—MAY BE FOUND | Daily News {0 The work of the ordet estimates pro- in the house vole was on lines, there be ipple of excite ifternoon, ent bills were mmittee, A bill chants shipping of, while one solidation of ERNTMENT MEASURES PASS VITHOUT RIPPLE EXCITEMENT WSSION OVER POSSIBILI TY OF RADIUM EXISTING IN IN NORTHERN ALBERTA connection with this bill several the members protested against ‘ae pre sal to make certain fisheries officers justiceé of the peace on the ground that they would be too much interey ed in securing convictions rhe evening sitting was taken up with voting the estimates of the departments. There was an interesting dis cussion with regard to the de sirability of locating radium producing ores if such existed in vs made ome |}Canada in regard to the develop- the committee |ment of tar sand deposits in t progress. In| Northern Alberta HHH «| “MOTHS CAME AFTER ALL * | een from a ®|Westholme Shows Famous Films d on this * After Delay Caused by Error excuse for * Shipping Prince Ru * | e Wark channel * Moths sure shipped March the Conti */\eleventh, Dominion Express, on ipplications *)| Beatrice; should have arrived arded from *|March thirteenth Rupert An lupert govern *iswer, E. Strassburg.’ for three * This telgeram, received in an being put in * swe to one sent by the West ink admission * | holme Opera House company iter department */earlier in the day, made but one handle *®j]coneclusion possible Moths’ ess. and this *|]was carried through to Anyox by ved in an * |} mistake. This proved to be the the letter ¥ [ease However all's well that ; comptroller *iends well Moths" came back i s if he can fix 4 if 9 p. m. on the steamer Chel J hin several */ohsin just in time to go on be be doing ray a crowded house A short q ! Z Anv ord # [ext inatory speech from the s n could *istace informed the audience that he docu ° Moths’ would be given after all, i i de *land not a man, woman or child matt na mY ef the theatre until after the *| of the performance | might be *|wl ery one left satisfied and \\ Mans * ted The pictures are rnment *|Splendid and are sure to draw Rupert . ther rowded house tonigh these ap * - - ! said to nave ® Making Contract for Pipe way Per e pee Manson has * Vincent Simpson of Gerald n *«|Lomer, Ltd., Montreal, is in the *|city signing up the contract with * * * *& * *& & &/ the city council for the purchase ed fast colors. 15 Wallace's 63 { I - - OOOO ORIEPOROORO POD ODOOO OR, DID COME F | l i reel feature Vh again TONIGHT PROGRAMME 1 LADY KILLER ed) Comedy I ‘MOTHS ac 1 i’ great reels YSTONE GOMEDY t il the HESTOLME |} dmission . 10c., 15c., 25e ‘nd Worth the Money” and delivery of the steel pipe for ; ‘ the hvd eleetric power plant 1 ginghams, the The pipe is to be shipped from he world for the Antwerp Belgium, and will ravel across the continent by ail Mi Simpson leaves to- morrow, Summer Timetable The sun schedt of the nion Steamship company ts out MOTHS” jctsszs.ctoit he steamer Chelohsin will ar ive from the south Monday eve ning at 6 o'clock and leaves fot he south every Tuesday at 9 p LATE : THAN : NEVER m. The Venture will arrive at 8 ». m, Fridays and will leave Sat- irdays at 9 a.m. The Camosun will be in the Bella Coola run Wedding Bells A quiet wedding was solemn- zed on Tuesday evening when Miss Myers, school teavher of Yorcher island, was married to Mr. Guy Johnston The groom is well known in Prince Rupert, 1aving a number of years ago een on the staff of a local bank, le is now a rancher on Porcher sland. The ceremony was per- formed by Rey. Mr, Rushbrook. Mr. and Mrs, Johnston left yes- erday for their new home, Miller Fails on Job Vancouver, March 19.—There was no fall in the Miller-Walker wrestling bout here last night. PERA HOUSE | Miller undertook t ker twice within an hour and a half, Port Edward is only a few minutes, by rail, from Prince PPP pene. ¢ ieeeeeaeeee ee | Ruper t. northeast corner relieved with an ornamen ind fountains have » covered with been effectively a rich red Spanish tile. » standard for all the exhibits of both and Macdonald WHY PRINCE RUPERT DOES NOT GET THE WARK CHANNEL WATER POWER Department Says Old Agalitations Were Neglected---Water Comp- troller Believes Claimants Have All The Water They Need But That is Only His Opinion---Who is the Man Higher Up? ellous production exposition authorities ¢ This pavilion will house the had done no such thing. apparently does not intend to ecertam of application » Wark canal power » and the letter which a stream flowing who claim such water powel » substantiated, se Rupert Hydro-electric . but should it » correct, in-couneil that a reservation be regard to the applications of the ‘as it went * was staked acknowledgement of cheques, » letters comprise an old file warded at the request of Mr. A. is herewith which explains itself and had you You will note that the I have no doubt herewith confirms helped but notice 1 The tetter some considerable years and between five and six months. » not endo: sed you might see » throw Wal- 64Atf ah EPR 2 malt Ay ' Hyaictes Hate UY GRAND TRUNK R& Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, Cal., 1915 vhich will occupy of the Panama- to the passenger is simple in outline The walls will | enriched band ec: which is a mi of a departme subservyviel! up Phe compl rights at Victo have absolute leases to app applicants showing for acquiring sueh waters and by following cert fixed rules laid down by the not obligated t Lo any person or hay reserve sires, Many years }working unde! Continental These applica WV }eranted Subsequently this Con- -| vers n tinental Power by or. evolved Rupert Hydro-eleetrie Rupert; » application or petition » north arm of W permitted to rest for a time but will have to develop, or abandon, » two undertakings they have at present placed on the water Continued on ILWAY PAVILION railway plaza at the » directly opposite the in character, ugh finish and tinted in a soft cream placed to enha rhe or this building was the one acgepted by the iildings which will be . but when the city of good reasons » and a municipality grant any waters corporation and} waters Wark channel was absorbed} s a portion of Mmnpa am of the opinion that will not be * conversation I stated that companys then | am prepared lieutenant-governor- Continental in this office, is not is correct, > as being sent out was that was Agnew by the ‘e Rupert office and which was for- A copy of this letter ‘applications in question and states those cheques here that . Sppipetions were , to be accurate, [ me rely did so that Prince Rupert Dei ligations » course of a few time, In drawing that in view of the fact that the company question and because handled by the department in Prince Rupert, it or even months work out an arrangement that wil! more than three Lo this matter WILLIAM YOUNG, WORK ON HALIFAX DRY DOCK WILL COMMENCE VERY SOON Special to The Daily News Halifax, March 19.—Work on the new dry dock is to start im- mediately. It is to be the largest of its kind in the world and will EASTERN CITY IS COMING INTO ITS OWN—HAD TWENTY- THREE OCEAN LINERS IN ONE WEEK be located at Tuft’s cove, on the Dartmouti side of the harbor. Last week twenty-three ocean j}liners doeked here, and business in general is on the upward turn. CITY TEAM ALTHOUGH Special to The Daily News Vancouver, Mar. 19.———After and Victoria professional la- crosse players, a representative of the Victoria lacrosse club re- after what was termed a suc- cessful visit, which means that Victoria will be represented in the B. C. league this season. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE Presbyterian Literary Society Had Interesting Meeting Last night in the Presbyterian Hall, Principal Brady delivered a characteristic lecture on the “Progress of Science.’ There was a full house, and the large audience which turned out were more than reeompensed by the interesting and educative dis- course. The lecturer told of those men who by laborious research had discovered the fundamental laws and facts of science, how they had benefitted humanity, and made our present day civiliza- tion possible. A wide field was covered from the first discoevries in chemis- try, in medicine, and from Hum- phrey Davey's safety lamp to the aeroplane and cinematograph of the present day Asplendid display of lantern slides was provided which gave an added interest to the lecture. Altogether these Presbyterian Literary Club meetings are well worth attending The subject for next week is certainly up-to- jdate, when the militant ‘methods of the Suffragettes will be de- bated on by Mrs. Klower and E., H, Paterson vs. Mrs, E. H. Pat- erson and Mr. Klower. Word was received yesterday of the death of Mrs. Burgess at Abrams, Wis. She was the mother of Mr. Charles Burgess of the Royal hotel, who left ten days ago for Abrams on account of her serious illness. fPIC IIAIIIIII III IIIA II III II III II IE VICTORIA TO PLAY B. C. LEAGUE AMICABLE SETTLEMENT MADE EXPECTED THAT HARRY PICKERING WILL MANAGE CAPITAL NOT YET COMMITTED [It is announced that Harry |}Pickering of Vancouver will jmanage the team. The local interviewing several Vancouver | jjayer stated that-he had receiv- ed the offer and would take it under consideration. The other |players interviewed by the Vic- turned to the capital last evening | toria official and who it is said accepted his terms to play for the’ island are Len Turnbull, Hugh Gifford and Fred (Mieky) Ions. OO KK OK OR Tonight in the K. P. hall’ the Liberals are hay- ing a smoker. All friends of the party and improved government are invited. It will be a social evening interspersed with some political discussion. Some good music will help out the entertainment. If you have a previous engage- ment come up later; the affair will last all evening and you will be welcome any time, KKK KKK KK KKH RE RH HK OK RR RO RR OOF OR ROK RR OR RO OK OK PREPARING FOR NEW ALSAKAN RAILWAY Work Toward Interior Is Ex- pected to Start from Seward Seward, Alaska, March t8.— Officials of the Alaska Northern railroad have begun the work of putting their wharf in first-class condition in anticipation of the coming of material for the Alaska Northern railroad. Be- cause of the report of the Alaska Railroad comunission, which made a trip through the terri- tory in 1912, it is regarded as certain that the work toward the interior will start from here. Real estate price sare be- ginning to climb and it is next to impossible to obtain leases or options on property within the city limits. The feeling is de- cidedly optimistic and business is brisker than it has been for months. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, ABU UUUUUUUUUUIULLUULIORUUIOUL OOOO GULL ELE BIG LIBERAL SMOKER Will Be Held IN K. P. HALL, HELGERSON BLK. TO-NIGHT At 8 P. M. * * All Friends and Supporters Invited, T. D. PATTULLO, Pres, A, M, MANSON, See. SRO OOOO OOOO OOOO oOo ; 1