farch 19, 1944 Thursday ee ae VOY HOTEL LASS CUISINE eeeeereete oer ie lirectory pS Viotaers Association red winoSOR HOTEL and Eighth St w. 4. Wright, Prop HOTEL CENTRAL al Seventh St : American Plap Pet er Biack, Prop. KNOX HOTEL t AY between Eighth and Ninth opea Rates 50c to $1.00 Beener ‘ pesher, Props. 18 Vv. D. Casley Empress HOTEL hird Ave, Between Sixth and : Seventh Streets ppean Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day Rot PREMIER HOTEL american sod Europeap Piao F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL corey & Burgess, Props Third Ave. and Sixth St pean Steam Heated VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth 8t Phone 102 CE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser ana Sixth Sta Phone 7 For OBSTRUCTED SINKS and Sewers DESOLVO his substance is a new discov- and will quickly remove acou- ations of grease, rags and te Get some anc save plumb- bills For sale by HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER ne 489 138 Becond Ave. exhibition at Orme's Drug tore, Third Avenue § JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder n Moving Bulldings Phone Black 294 DR. GILROY, DENTIST Bridge Work a pecialty. Repairing Quickly Done ICHIE AGNEW & CO. Engineers and B. ©. Land Surveyors ride St., Prince 0 Rupert, B.C. Avenue WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyor CE RUPERT Pp JAMES GILMORE Architect NION TRANSFER CO NERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE I JOHNSTON | Cove P.O. Box 1704 PROP DRO RO Oe rT ¢ ‘ , Running Water In all Rooms prands of Liquors and cigars kept pest HOTEt IN NORTHERN "sl COLUMBIA iE & FISHO? proprietors CEPOOEPEEPEEEG. ————— event, backed POPPER EOL OLED OL OCOLLODL OODLE | Sir Robert and the christening BADEN-POWELL, JUNIOR—-THE YOUNGEST BOY SCOUT Jaden-Pows with their son, arri f Master Arthur Robert Peter “B SUGGESTS SALMON AS MEAT SUBSTITUTE Dr. Hugh Smith, U. 8. Commis-| sioner, Offers Advice Which fisheries, should Salmon day proper his theory that mon is one means the present high Or perhaps Journalistic sense moment to gf the position he urges the comple eat more salmon The advice later we are that rr and that the living cost is As a nation we moment promulgate ’ f ‘ use ) sa Smith has a} j}ogist, talking some plain the prope ee lish about the disgraceful authority of meat cannot » made cheap meat eaters | Usually inoinpetently | | | | Brings Comment structed sical i scninablaemenbi Seattle Post-Intelligencer | B. C. Mining zournal It may be due » long hand} The term “government of coincidence Hugh M./ ought to mean something j Smith, federal commissioner of} merit. Instead, those upon the | been in the habit of observance as the|government trails know jusually incompetently located 1 lowering ja leading government of living ; jnamely the provincial In any : ner in which public Dr. Smith | }partment on bad trails. world to],. he travelind a be happy jtrau he travellec rom Bw ‘ icreek to Groundhog ooner ort, find | Mr Robertson says ing oul : fording the river the government trail was again picked lower our followed It was very less meat. } : cated and badly made, ‘U.S. WILL INVESTIGATE ALASKA FISHERIES Lisesaea] With View to Assictance ni Mak- ing the Industry More GOVERNMENT TRAIL OUGHT TO MEAN MERIT and Carelessly Con- » United States investigation Alaskan fisheries with the| . perpetuation }to grade, and carelessly oe ; structed. It is refreshing to find} wasted by the public works investigations urged local manufacturers to en- rhomtein iverty-stricken tile effort or time to make SOLE LELELEOEEEELOLLOLODCODELE Smith Blk., Third Avenue ERIAL MACHINE SHOP PHONE RED 156 Tel. 448. and we are such principally be ‘ause until recent vears meat has been abundant and cheap. | Other nations of meat eaters} have had to change their diet to} mform to economic conditions ind we as a nation will have 1 ao likewise Al present we engage our hopes by speculating on reindeer ierds and other carnivorous intasies, and once a week eat ish The meat supply is d shing every year in propo! th population, whereas trail-building and his staff will to remedy the jwhich this department is respor To Inspect Fishway related to aged neals and the best service in the to the city are ad- \ Water Power, Whalf Con- “eborts, Plans, Dominion and ourveying, Mine Survey- 46d Subdivisions, Electric ue Negatives and White Phone 43% 0, Bux 618 neal McBride Slreet South Wellington Goal Office RESIDENCE 410 Avenue PRINCE RUPERY BOAT BUILDER Phone Green 321 found both men » also denied ¢ made blaming Jaurez and hauhua City, Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable fron Pipe Rope Pumps Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” officers, other at Chi-| riet ¢, Cole is the socend the sea is actually teeming with ilatable food t be had at a rea ihle price We who have almon almost at our doors find it tables on on stated o¢ casions, while those who dwel inland dine on salmon at rare {Proves intervals jot i The salmon habit is a good one for the nation to contract. It Jame ndment has been furnishes as toothsome a viand|} as nature has in her larder, and all that it lacks is the habit, which is certain to come We iB haven't much faith in dietetic )* statistics, recapitulations of eal-|} » stated to the ories proteins, and carbohy 4 drates Eating is still too much | P! of an instinct and not enough of | a science | ike figures on the | Whe subject appetising But salmon | days, prope advertised, will'| Queer Realty Deal bring about the desired end Lo | the eventual! discomfort of the | , hotel proprietor beef barons and the pork poten-|paid his first tates jon the General Fraustro, president of | commission investigate |vides that, in the event » killing, at J: ». of William |death, the property shal! Benton, and disappearance | his heirs, regardless ’ Gustav Bauch, denied the re-|amount paid in. Frymai port that the commission, had | to pay $200 a month murdered, | years The aggregate had been|price, if he lives to fulfill oneleontract, is $96,000 Mrs jto the sale 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Valves Ammunition Hose Paint DAINTY WATERPROOF SILK when folded up, | | 1 | It ollowing desribed nds on the west }eoast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of 7977, thence south 80 chains, thence chains, thence north 80° chains, » west 80 chains to place of com- |} mencement, FREDERICK L, PUSCH, Locator. Wilfred Charles Macdonald, Agent. , December 29, 1913. Advertised Feb. 26 to April 7. 1 | east The TaleThe Wains Tell My office window faces a street, close to the railway freight sheds. All day long a steady stream of trucks and lorries lumber by- loaded with boxes, barrels and bales. One truck I noticed the other afternoon was particularly in- teresting. Wo two boxes were the same, and stencilled on the end of each was the name of some well-known pro- duct—soap, tobacco, socks, breakfast food, cocoa, port, tea, chocolates, perfumery and baking powder. Gathered there in prosaic wooden boxes were the results of thousands of hand’s labor in all parts of the world. The cocoa had been grown in Brazil, shipped to Bristol, transhipped to Mon- treal and finally distributed from Toronto. The tea was gath- ered by swart- skinned natives of the romantic island of Ceylon; from sunny Portugal the luscious, big grapes had been gathered years ago, fermented, bottled and branded with a famous name; from Egypt had come the cotton and from South America the dyes that entered into the product finally stamped with the brand ofa well-known hosiery. There, behind that obviously prosaic truck-load of freight was the whole romance of modern commerce—the skilled production, the universal demand for food, drink and raiment, and the world-wide distribution of the things we use every day. And then I speculated why we use these things every day, instead of some other things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie were known everywhere to-day, but had been unknown a few years ago; and I saw then more clearly than ever before that Advertising is really a great channel digger. It is like the Panama Canal. You can sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, around the Horn. You can get there, but it is going to take months. A year or so from now you will sail through the Panama Canal and chop the journey to less than half. A new channel will have been dug. The great names in commerce to-day are those of the manufacturers who have let modern advertising steam-shovel a channel across the isthmus of distributing difficulties. The great names in the commerce of to-morrow will be those of men who widen and dredge this channel so that the greater traffic may pass smoothly and quickly from the source of production to the homes of the consumer. If you are doing a local business talk over y with the Adverti TIf_you_ are doing a provincia our advertising problems Department of this newspaper. nations! bosiness it would be well for yeu to have counsel! and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association. Room S03, Lumsden Building, Torente. FURR I 2 Special Rates for Parties STAND, ROYAL HOTEL KARA AKERRIAKIRAIAIAIRIIAIIAAAIA 567—PHONE—567 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Seven-Passenger Machine Prompt Service eect ocesccseseessesey Skeena Land District—District of Queen TAKE NOTICE that I, Frederick L. occupation clerk, of Prine Rupert, intend to apply to the Commis- and | $10 ner of Lands for @ license to prospect | for ee ee I DE OE a a ae Charlotte Isiands oll and troleum over the containing 640 acres. Parcel Post Information FREE | Henry Birks & Sons, Limited Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director! We are compiling a very interesting booklet which will contain the regulations of the new percel post system, postal information. This book we will mail to all who will return the attached coupon filled in with their name and address. HENRY BIRKS & SONS, LTD., Jewellers, Vancouver, B. C. Gentiemen: Please forward as soon as published, your booklet of parce! post information. Mame... ......c2e0s Address JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS THE DAILY NEWS SAFE SANE SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT ay Prince Ri Revett Wine Ranta Northern B. BC The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Ruperi. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects wilh moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable. paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. erence I a ae a DAILY NEWS ! + FOI IOI IOI IIA ID IDA III AAI IS IA AA DAA AAA AAA A IA I IN i ra along with other valuable VANCOUVER, B eS Re na Ss *