THE WEEKLY NEWS eRe Aa EEE Whole Leaf Teas are worth 50% more than i those of a broken and dusty character. \f \* Local and Personal | 64-66/him in evidence once more jagain tomorrow, basking in sunshine : we -€ Wall papers, all kinds. Wal-/prince Rupert. He came out} Teas are free of dust sweepings and broken leaves. | Investigate Port Edward jlace’s. 63) from the hospital on Tuesday} R ee ig In the Every infusion is clean, fragrant and delicious. There’s a reason, 64tt oe oe ind is well on the way to com te _ s i Syst ; on: the \ . . * Weddings. No nicer present} pete recovery. } oe ** am wa i follow jnight the seore as “”Ss oloy . ° Mr. George Bryant is leaving) than fine china or the every day | we eee wage j High 29a 1e E acke 6 wa ; . Sad egin ‘ irandmere 4. Sealed lead packets only.—Never sold in bulk. |, \": mOPaifie MEK tip south. |kind. Big’Variely at. Wallace's: | ‘The Chelohein-went south iast|Resina 4, Grandmere. 4 Se were © abaeine bat, Se evening with the following pas oy ew York, March 19.—In the itiiihiiaaiiniitaa i Nish Bb ae Our bargain counters save Ladies basketball; players Of} sengers: Peter Black, Jim Jolet,| N ‘4 : aah : aa the el sia SINE, i acenean ee sh caso lyou money, Wallace's. 63\the Ladies’ Own League. Blues| Neji] Kerr, M. Matheson, Steve | SoM | % 000 pl i here last “Tt Me - 2 ms ge igeoee +. 6a vs. Whites in Auditorium Thurs m, &. Hoden, R: 8. By Lil | Prize OF saver Prayes ere la sen Re ce P h ji ; Auditoriun Jacobsen, L. oden, i Be ad ; ea Neat ii aK £2 nif WLOALS of thessr = Mr. Richards of Port Simpson/day, March 19th, at 8 p.m. Ad-!jjeo, H. BE. Miller, R. Stewart, J ht Quebe ! a 1 Van r ~ > » or 2) fh . by ) goals to 8B, Mishty aoe | AS j is in the city for a few days. mission 25e, 62<64| Casson; Mes. Bo Harria and Jas. {( ' \ : te iret. ths Bhs oe | Wilson. # A Make your money earn money ‘Krex’’ is the name of a new} . ae ' wee ‘ ++ | hy : ’ 9 i ri¢ hy Bread ther foundation. Bread by buying in Port Edward. 6itf floor rug suitable for bedrooms,| WHY PRINCE RUPERT ¥ f anes ve» a eh by s which makes bone, and muscle or teak dining rooms, ete., very durable| OES NOT GET THE WARK - the Ch 46. | basel ul and sinews which flex in the Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MeNicholl|and very cheap. Wallace's. CHANNEL WATER POWER ; } p 4 ft re { eu : . lleave on the Prince George for a ae? | ii |! unas Brena a frst strong right ar b - e4 tockholders pre “A ni +9 Sena d visit to California. | Mr, Ernest Marshall the | Continued from Page 1 “er “ 1 gs. Linh aha ‘ok ty man ts he. rea | * * * jcity preparing to open business. | ks BN t at th l i intimated made trom | Brighten up! The latest and|He has rented the store opposite] yy wij) pe noted from the letter hat th _ rate their . Lor pests thing in wall. papers at) the Empress hotel on Third ave- |that the comptroller himself be : rons . le , STANRARD moderate prices. Wallace's. nue whieh has been aS @llieves that the Prince Rupert aah el ub ee. sy | Boe es | Eaters and will open a penny} Hydro-electric company has suf-|" Mrs. Maynard Mustard moved | arcade, ficient ‘ fac ra : , | gue) « ; power now, in fact more} Tested into her new residence on Eighth | : : than they can handle, but this is} ners (e-2 | fvenue east yesterday. j Mr. George Frizzell returned | oniy his opinion, He has got to} kh Hi | f | in cer jyesterday from Port Simpson, | efter it to the men higher up ' 7 ; “ea | When you buy a meal get it at} where he went to arrange for a| first | Houston - 9 f | = jthe Royal Cafe and you will get supply of spring salmon. Fish-| Qoncerning the applications Die co ieee ; i i = . : . 1 : ee ne an Fas we ‘ E : ; t : = —the kind the wise housewife jthe best in the city. S2tf | Ing started qog ere aC st this week! 14. Continental Power company, | i ieago Nationals @ 44 . = puts into the dinner pail. The | . * . pe the 7 ah good was the department makes the ex-| Phi : 5 Apatpes i ach os : al = flour YOU should use to make f Paul Nelson, an old timer, has} made on uesday, a cuse that inasmuch as these ap i oe R a “| ey ie momiling hadi Pio Cditoraia, Pe tee | Mr. A.” Portier ‘retortiod to | "0ations were pigeonfoled tn the} nosion Nationale ...20- 10 Sas ; ito Calltornia. * . . rince iper office for ree « i < loaves) ROYAL STAND- vf . - . town on the Prince ;George with oF aines : tl : 7 lice a id ot Macon .. .. : ee ° i = —mi yf nani Fat Bia ranks of ears ie applicants were — no I i i = ARD mighty good ! (4) BA Ten open stock dinnerware | 20 ther addition log 1e¢ ranks ( treated fairly, and in his zeal to ie A ts Be fa | ea i | patterns, pretty and cheap. | Prince Rupert's automobiles. be fair to the company which al vee vs 0 8 0 = AT YOUR GROCER’S 4 | Wallace's. 63 is aii oa sat CR a ready has more water power than] : a ; ee <8 35-horse power and will seat five Sera it z Pie a awe | i ae = i] }passengers. Mr. Fortier is mak- they can use, he want eee My Arthur Brooksbank, city Many money savers for you in the variety department at ing Wal- ——=——— 4 | The plastering work on the Vancouver New Westminster 1M 7 s 4 |new Premier hotel will be fin- Mr. Geoffrey Edridge, who is se £ a Nanaimo Victoria ' lished this week. They are now) We!! known to many old timers of Sas a aes SE {ricfti on the ground floor. jthe boom days in Stewart and PSSA SATS A ie TE : 3 jessie aie ee Prince Rupert, is now the midst of the trouble Things are so Mr. Harry Rochester has a postal card from B. R. MeDonald, formerly of the customs depart- | Stamping ment here. Minn. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 jrest in peace with . * . Sheet and Plate Glass Messrs. A. Alex. Builders’ Supplies Carss, Young | Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors é 2 ; ‘ ee i Messrs. Martin & Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges and IT. F. Linnell leave tomort W | yesterday combletaa Oils | Tinware for Victoria, where they Will | tering contract on Varnishes Graniteware write upon their law examina- apartment house at LL E The ‘Stay Satisfactory tions. : T he examinations start of Taylor Street and MONARCH MA A Range.’’ March 24, | They are credited with Pike cr 1 ae made a_ first class job The Liberal smoker tonight! Messrs, Martin eR a a eee years a es a oa erage ~ }promises to be a live one. Aj; one of the oldest firms e splendid program of sdngs and|city in the building speeches has been arranged and|they are growing with ea e al VY ews there will be no cheap cigars.|Some day they will be Come along and take your friend.|sky scrapers. JERE OO UUUUII UB OUR UEB FARE CECRRE RR A EU office arrangements for ARD:VancouverMilingeGrain€h) =. Sa So ig! es Mexico. hot in ground that he has to He is at Red Wing, | take to the water at nights and other | Britishers on a British gunboat. McGowan plas- the corner having Of. 1t: & McGowan finishing ¥* : * * * * FIERO TOK RT RITA IAIA IIA IA ISAIIS ISIS ASSIA SIS SISSASISIASAIS. | Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream Ladies’ suits to measure, uf 5) } i (Gen ® to $40, Wallace's, |i | See Wark’s bargain window Se ad - 64-tf Piano drawing Saturday night ae 24 : * e if 9 o'clock. We still have a fow | Cameron are very glad to see | Mr. F. A. Ellis is going south|tickets. Wark’s, | | . . . | the of | draw. 830) 63 new new Ave. are the and City. . Queen Charlotte Islands INFORMATION BUREAU PRE-EMPTORS i i ; : : ; ; we can place you on : : ; : : : GRAHAM ISLAND close to market and in the best location. We want the country developed and will give you every pos- : _. sible assistance hac ee , R. B. ENTWISTLE te: Hilditch Block Next Door to Post Office Te ets gruel ee ean SIC BED idan ERED OME CME AOD: ~ ne a awe owe > PEQrITSyom 4 ITO 7 AY WAP “9S 4x CANE DS aoy CAE ACD COE y CDV ray KARE | | ; CLASSIFIED ADS. CHAMBERMAID wants position. No ob jections to country, P, O, Box 279 59-65 YOUNG woman wishes situation. A good cook; capable of taking full charge Box 104, Dally News, 59-66 | | LARGE CANADIAN mal order house wants | GILLETTS cat? . LYE all ne CLEANS-~-DISINFECTS Che many friends of Mr. W, I months more to work out an at rangement which will satisfy them. The fact that Prinee Rupert needs this power for her future | municipal plant and that the citys the moral dence of every right in other has prece applicant, not to have into the partment, does seem cosmos of the water de THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer the 24 hours ending 5 Mareh 19, 1914 For Barometer reduced to sea RBWOL aa ostts ooacn Boo'd os 30.313 Highest temperature ... 52 Lowest temperature ... i8 BRAIN rg vy are 904s piece 04 Do you want a ay Waterfront Pre-emption on the north end of Graham Island, two miles from a town of 200 popu- lation? This is one of our many Island propositions. They are go- ing quickly and you will do well to call and see us. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS INFORMATION BUREAU Robt. Entwislie, Hilditch Block Third Avenue wee “The Daily News ” FOR RENT DESK ROOM tpn ground floor oMce, Apply P.O, Drawer 1663 City 285-0f FOR SALE Theale ai SSeS a SS MOTOR BOAT—Hull 30 ft. by 8 1-2 ft beam. Apply T. M. Orwig, boat builder, Port Essington, B, C, 53ur SCHOONER, 45 ft. over all; keel 35 tf 7 in., beam 12 ft. 5 Iin., depth 4 ft. 8 in.; built 1903; registered tonnage 16; sails, anchor and chains Price $1,200 Apply to Nutcome, Masset, B, C 59-64 Thos, WANTED WANTED—To buy or hire a_ gasoline jaunch, Apply P. O, Pox 880, Prince Kupert, 63-64 ROOM wanted in private family, with or without board (gentleman). exchanged, Box 105, News Office one man in each lorality to mall cate- | logues.’ Will pay @15 weekly. National Supply Co,, Windsar, Ont. wnons | | jaddition to | wormed | i Opportunity in Land References | JINGLE POT COAL delivered by Lindsay Transfer H. B, ROCHESTER Phone 115 231 2nd Ave. OPO OOOO LOPE LIOR OLED OEEEROROCIOE eer) SPORTING NOTES Special to The Daily News English Football March 19—-The post London game be poned first division ltween Aston Villa and Oldham lAthletic, on the grounds of thi former, resulted in a -scoreless surchasing agent, his house n the cor of Thomson and Sixth He ifends to n e from Srxth ave section seven, and take up|] his resid ce in the new house as as it is completed Mr. James Ridley, if the mo who was ons he municipal engineering de partment two oined of benedicts His Victoria with years the ever increasing marriage place at the department associated surveyor eneral’s SEERA EEE ERE EE —_—— New Wellngnt is building an} L popular members of ago, has army took where he is & Real Lever Simulation GOLD WATCH FREE. A_ straightforward gener fler tr extabi f Ve ar < awn o to ands oe r world 6 Pa t obta W rite now, ‘ ‘ Alb 1 vantas lous offor. We expect you to t rt aboot us and show the the bea Don't think this offer too good to be t 25 cents today snd vain & Free We will amared — WILL! ‘ Jewellers (Dept, }4)), @, ¢ walle a I Eneland We offer 44.2 acres first clase land, well watered, 60 miles east of Prince Rupert and right on the @. T. P., together with a store bulld- ing (frame) 24x32, furniture, eto., chicken houses, tools, etc. This is the gateway to one of the best val- leys in B. C. An ideal piace for the raising of poultry and hogs or for a dairy. Price $1100 cash, M. M. STEPHENS & 6O., LTD, Real Estate Notaries Insurance ener oer * SPP PP OL OREEELELEELOLEPEOLEEOLEEEEE SIXTH AVENUE BARBER SHOP We have opened up a new shop, opposite the sehv | First work; every thing clean and fresh class Vancouver Prices. Give us a Cal! SR OLEPPPPLPEEILELEDEOLOLEELEUEEEEON ere SOMETHING GOOD Lot 47, Block 20, Section 14 same block as present postotlice $20,000 1-3 cash, balance arranged PATTULLO & RADFORD PHONE 83 SECOND AVE. Three lots from | 8] | | GR Naden Co» Uh ecosced SO PORPOCOROROE DEMERS POSOPOOOO + Cob bey eee “3 FOR A Tig 75~PHONE-F PRINCE RUPERT svro a eee Ree RRR REE i. ——__ T Housenoig Cow Cleanest, Brightest, Beg J. H. ROGERS Second Ave Proae — It Is Advisabl MT to place your rder as wry» possible s the garment wy finished in required time SWEDER BROS, 3200 Acres ON SKEENA RIVER adjoining rallroaé } $10.00 | and Harrison, Gamble 8 SPOOL LL ELOEELEEIETET TEL STATIONERI Victor Gramaphones Books Magazines Photo Supplies Developing and Printing Enlarging and Picture Framing Best Selection View Cards i W.W. WRATHALL| 606 THIRD AVENUE Phone 551 of Interio? rocrent ia Feeererrrrrrrrt eocnenetet SE LY CANADIAN PACIFIC R Summer Excursions Princes ee and ‘ D Do t 5 a Do t ou Em limit versa Ct Cheay el bratl 20th said sas Gnas] vorwerive a gerbun "P t e southbound —*, peat J treet ae ie THREE ROOMS Close In moBride aie $15.00 per month ng ple Heal | te and Insure va . Second Avenue