PRINCE RUPERT THE pAcIFIC THE DAILY NE GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Where Morrissey got the hydro money is still a mystery. Perhaps poRT oF PROGRESS from a Chinaman. — . —_—— i Pee PRINGE RUPERT, B.G;, SATU! MARCH 21, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS ALY NEWS’ BIC VOTING CONTEST OPENS TO-DAY G Fu IRE IN VANCOUVER--RUPERT REAL ESTATE MOVING---RAILS WILL MEET EARLY IN APRIL Y WAR WILL BE DECLARED LONDON PAPERS’ SCARE HEADS ERNMENT SEEMS DETERMINED TO PUT BILL THROUGH _WILL KEEP ORDER AT ANY COST News “War Daily March 24. the startling | London he blackest be fg nment begun papers type. has. regular troops in| headline | to | Treland in to be in a position | persis tently iny situation which} government demand fo cabinet Ulster | Four | yn the ent meetings | John Burns said had Phree-fe there had for has |} question j peo p ile | ru ministers situation veste mainiy surths years spi in differ- rday. the home rule do with of the demanded it the lis- Lo and » right to r more con Cooler men among thejten to a ster Unionists be-|cessions or yield to clamor thing resembling | MacKinnon Wood said that the j sight. Two regi-| government will carry home rul s Wwe ent from the south|by agreement if possible, but he Ulster garrison,| without if it mugt. The govern roops from Ulster|ment proposes to go stoically o1 to new stations in/whatever happens and will see vith the custom in | that law and order are unflinch hostilities and riot-|ingly observed in Ulster Thus the soldiers are not Lancers and dragoons will be encounter a people|served with carbines and ammu they have formed|nition instead of lances and swords. TOWNS—WILL to The Dally News ta March 214 The esti department of pub inder review yes ttle over two mil a s was voted nhorers announced irtment was working 0 MILLION DOL FOR CANADIAN PUBLIC WORKS RENT OFFICES on a new plan jpublie buildings it to ce under but to commodation mstruct one secure mit and to a thousand diture twelve with them thousan dest LARS VOTED RNMENT WILL NOT ERECT BUILDINGS IN THE SMALL regard to The idea was iy places d populatior office ut limit the ex maximum of ter dollars KK ON WONDER GROUP WILL RESUME | Wallace Arranges for De- pment Work Which Will ke Another Shipping Mine rhe Daily News N n, March 18 oO. ias arranged for the ume work on the | ! Boule Wonder group | back of this town Boule mountain, pped on this prop- Ount of very which inter- work. The work In the surface and subjected to a cer fron now dis- ithe Of danvyer he bef slides are ® next wintei so far advanced ides and weather Terrace Ladies Busy. rhe Ladies’ Civie club of Te I which was recently me held the parlor meeting at the h of Mrs. Tom Stewart Tuesday, Mareh 47, The meet ing was representative and eé1 lthusiastic, eighteen ladies being present An interesting address iwas given by Mrs. F. Le Zelle, followed by a general discussion, the result of »ewhich will benefit ithe town to the extent ef a band stand, gymnasium and repairs to the tennis court, Preparations for the latt are now going for ward. \ bazaar in aid of the club will be held in a few weeks Baptist Services Morning worship at 14. Even ing worship at 7:30 Young people's meeting preceding wor- ship at 7 The pastor will take as subjects for the day ‘*Motives and Methods ind Obedience and the Knowledge of God,’ You the men or the are welcome, de Boule Wonder property and the|per cent cepper and $6.09 In pposed to be exten-|gold and silver values. Rocher de Boule During the coming seas Mi three miles to the}Wallace proposes to get several : the tunnel started}hundred feet of tunnel and sui eh grade copper has;face work done and to get the ed which assayed|mine in shape for shipping ore ‘hree samples) 23]/next winter. SPOR OD}; O Ce. seer THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWS VOTING CONTEST Votes allowed on paid-in-advance subscriptions as follows: THE DAILY NEWS { Price , YO8r eubsonintinnie., pa naam ee $ 5,00 COr Subporibilony reduc eee ae be 10.00 SUDSOPINEIONS sian aeickicoke im fae 15.00 N SBUubsOMpLion: wai weeks ke 20,00 Sar BUDSOriniion see ee 25.00 THE WEEKLY NEWS { Price Ph fl subseription Oe a Sale eA EN hg Cre g 2.00 ' ot ubseription saath ieee One a wee 4.00 ur subse I iption hat OM cla ere tie We. a 6.00 , OAT SUDRORIDUIB Mop ee ane man (et 8.00 evo) SuDRODIDE ONY Gi tee en) ke: 10,00 ** ee 2 0eveceos. , Votes 8,000 8,000 12,000 18,000 25,000 Votes 1,500 1,000 6,000 9,000 15,000 ike ‘MORE DEMAND FOR LOTS MUSHER TO CHISANA _ ANOTHER LARGE SALE Local Men Are Getting Ready to Buy Before the Big Move- ment Comes Meal ES LALt KEEPS OOKITE up and it 0 is if there would be al active demand very soon severa f the local men who were Keeping olf are now mak- ing their purchases. Yesterday Mr. G. C. La Trace ught lots 16 and 17, block 2, section 5, from H. F. McRae for £6,000 cash These jots are lo- cated on Fifth avenue just above the Salvation Krmy citadel and are among the best view lots in the city. Our bargain counters save yu money Wallace's. 63 ‘DESTRUCTIVE FIRE DOES RETURNS TO RUPERT DAMAGE IN VANCOUVER: Gold Strike Not What Was Re-| Nine Wholesale Firms Share in| ported—Rupert is Good | Loss Due to Big Enough Blaze | Mr. E. F. Kissick, who went in! Special to The Daily News to the reported gold strike a few} Vancouver, March 24,—Data- months ago with Mr. Frank L.| ae aggregating $200,000 was Landes, came back to town to-|done by a fire which burned out day. Perhaps he is not a sadder|eight wholsale firms here in «t but he certainly is a wiser man,}Mainland Trust building because the big, strike has | Overcome with heat, a fireman largely fizzled out. Mr. Kissick} dropped sixty feet from the tep looks very hale and hearty and] - an aerial ladder, but escap | in that respect the trip mustiwith a broken nose and minor have been somewhat of an eNn-|jnjyries, | rable one. He left Mr. Landes on Bonan- za creek, but it likely that he, The piano drawing at Wark’s will soon return. Mr. Kis-|store will be postponed for one sick thinks that Rupert is good| week on account of some tickets enough for him and he will lo-|from outside points not having cate permanently here now been received yet. it the ement of this ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS IN PRIZES Greatest Contest Ever Held dip Northern British Columbia Inaug- urated Today---Read the Details---Enter Your Name and Go Out to Win nominated. \ ° ‘ nomination}|accorded the other contestants There Will Be No Official Cere- mony Until the Permanent Grade Is Ready here will be no formal ceremony or célebration in con vection with the temporary link ing up of the railway, which will take place early in April,’ said tieneral Superintendent W. CG, © Mehan to The Daily News. “The temperorary track will be joined bridge alt up over the temporary Nechaco as soon as possible in order to gel more equipment through for our ballasting work It will be some weeks yet before the permanent track and grade Is ready Las! eht the track laying al this end was within eight miles of the Nechaco, and the other end is about thirty miles away. Chey should be ready in about iwo weeks line. With the temporary linking up a lot of equipment and material can be brought in by rail. It also means that several of the de- partments ol the railway manh- agement will in future have rep- resentatives in Prince Rupert, increasing the staff here consid- erably. The golden spike will not be driven until the permanent grade and track eady. a meal get it at When you buy the Royal Cafe and you will get the best in the city 52tr Today manag ;son > on ‘ publication announces the 1-|blank for this purpose is printed No employee of The N ows or any | 4 member his family shall be augcuration of a Ladies’ Popular ji al the bottom of this announce- Sligible to. comMiens arid: abete Voting Contest, to be condu Led | ment. I lute information other than under the auspices of the Prince Candidates may be nominated/{hrough the columns of this Rupert Daily and Weekly News,|by their: friends o1 relatives, or | pape shall be given to anybody. and to extend over a_ period ft hey may nominate themselves. | Moreover, when the contest is six weeks. i/A person does not have to be a/ended a sworn statement pre- [he ‘contest is to be a good-|subscribet The News to enter) yjouslv examined by a committee natured battle for votes among’|the contest; all that is necessary|of prominent business men) will the single and married iC ~ 1} ente! s to be formally | he pub ished in The News, and this district, and as w be seen |nominated yourself or your|jat that time the books of the om the list of prizes, those wh | friends by means of the nomina-jcontest shall be open to each and put forth the best f n bla mentioned, ntestant be handsomely rewarded A Fair 5,000 Votes if Who May |Deal to All /You Enter Now Enter the Contest The one thing we wish Evin] Having made up your mind to Any lady (married or single |oughly understood at the outset the contest and at the who is a resident of the Skee! ifis that this contest is to be abso-|same time having resolved to District, is eligible to compete in|lutely impartial to everybody ou should cut out the nom- this contest, provided a nomina-|concerned, There will be no fa- on blank at once and send it tion blank is delivered to this] voritism shown and it will be im-|to this office properly filled in. office properly filled in, bearing possible for any one to get any 2 the name and address of the pt special advantage that is nol Continued on Page 2 Mr. Charles P. Riehards E LOCATED THREE TEMPORARY LINKING UP Kitselas is spending a few days ‘HAV IN TWO OR THREE WEEKS ‘8 ‘ow. EXPERIMENTAL PLOTS The members of St. Andrew's § at the W are requested to be present on ia rorticultural department has lected the ground for the MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, ; three experimental stations for at 8 p. m. the Skeena district When a joint social will be given ;° One w ll! be located at Lawn the Sons of England. Hill, Q. CG. LL, on the land of Austin Richardson, who will do POPOL ILLO ELLE LOL LOLOL OL OLOLOL DD OLA PELELL LL LLL ELLE LILLE LEP LELL OPEL EE FINE COMEDY PROGRAM TONIGHT ESTHOLM Provincial Horticultural Depart- ment Will Start Work on fede |... cana the mlinson of the provin- the work under instructions —~jifrom the department. Another is in Bella Coola val- ley on R. Grant’s property, Mr. Grant will manage this station. The third has been selected on jthe property of Archie MeDou- igall and the Lakelse Valley |Nursery company, which is com- | posed of Rupert men As M McDougall is ill the lease cf this 1 Closed, |property has not yet beci \ manager will be put in cbarge of the Lakelse station OPERA HOUSE In each instance the plot is for ie Sed jfive acres on five-year lease 1. Weekly Gazette No. 56. | Work will start April 4, } cetiaeaiinipe enna a oeet 2-3——"'Pittfall the | alls on e nstalment Training Camp Baseba!! Plan"’—In two parts. i 2 » 4. “A Divoree Scandal." clal_ to The Datly, News | 1 * peg . Th | 5. Keystone Comedy, “Barney Oid- \t San Franciseo | field's Race for Life.’ R. OH. f.| A Sa I'ranciseo »..... 8 11 | Ch \mericans . 6 9 {} Admission ~ 100., 15c., | iS, | \ s Angeles “And Worth the Money” $]| RH, I Ch Amer, No, 1. 6 7 2 Vi COBB mre ery 4 8 0 FOUND GUILTY CONSPIRACY ASSISTING PRISONER ESCAPE | sine . TWO MEN WHO ASSISTED JOHN KRAFCHENCO TO ESCAPE ‘ ARE CONVICTED BY JURY AT WINNIPEG Special to The Daily News | fined pending his trial for the W ‘DIPS, March 21. The | murder of H. M. Arnold. On the juky’ Foun ae Bers . Hagel | second indictment the jury re- and John H. Westlake were : j “dic ii heidi guilty of conspiracy to release turned , verasot ; finding bot John Krafchenko from the cen-|uilty of aiding Krafehenko to tral city jail, where he was con-|escape. EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR SILVER STANDARD OWNERS RETURNS FOR 730 TONS TO TRAIL SMELTER WILL ADD BiG SUM TO COMPANY’S TREASURY—DEVELOPMENT WORK GOES ON AT HAZELTON-—MORE MACHINERY {8.— New Hazelton, March diet tapped, . As fast as the ore The returus from the Trail|bodies are proven further devel- smelter have been received by}|opment will be undertaken in the the Silver Standard Mining Co.|way of a 600-foot vertical tunnel on the first 460 tons or ore ship-|from near the brow of the hill ped this year and it run $114,40}0n the Skagway claim, From this per ton! The total shipment for|shaft, which will be the main the season was 730 tons and at|working shaft, will be run cross- the above rate the total amount|cut tunnels to tap the Nos. 4, 3, from the smelter will be $%86,-|2 and 1 veins and also the No. 5 vein, which is on the other side of the shaft. Machinery is to be installed to enable the company to sink to at least the 1000-foot level. A tram line and a concen- trator are also planned, but the of thsee will not be decided until reports fromthe engineers have been received. These re- ports are expected any day. The now beginning will be a record breaker on Glen moun- tain, and next winter's ship- ments are expected to be at least double those of this year. ‘RED PEPPER USED 423.20. The returns are exceed- ingly satisfactory to the owners. The returns this year went over $8 per ton higher than last year. These smelter returns have satisfied the owners that they have a property which justifies development at depth. Already more machinery and ore buckets have been ordered and develop- ment work in progress. At present they are sinking the shaft on the No. 2 vein from the 250-foot level, an dexploring the ore-shoots that have already site is season | Scandal Will Be Probed | Special to The Daily News | Ottawa, March 241.—The next} BY BOLD BANDITS step in the Trent valley canal} nat er scandal may be the prosecution Jewelry Salesman Says He Was of those implicated. The whole Blinded and Then Robbed of question is understood ta be un- Goods Worth $55,000 der the consideration of the de- 3 ¢ partment of justice. The,opin- ; 2 ion given a few days since the| Chicago, March, 20;-—Banacte report was tabled has been grow-j|threw red pepper in the eyes of ing into a strong feeling that the |Daniel Epner, a New York jew- government could not let the}elry salesman, and robbed him of a suit case containing jewels valued at $55,000, according to a story he told the police. -—O-—- disclosures without taking action, Veteran Lays Down Arms Mrs. Mobley received word The men followed Epner from yesterday of the death of her|a jewelry store on the west side, father, Mr. ©. Calvon of Colfax, |he said, and when he alighted Wash. Mr. Clavon was 84 years |from.a street car forced him to of age and a few months agojaccompany them to a lonely spot had fall from whieh it was|where he said they had robbed known he could not reeover, and|him. The police were unable to his death has been daily ex-|verify Epner’s story of former pected, visits to jewelers. ‘ THF DAILY NEWS VOTING CONTEST NOMINATION COUPON Good for 5,000 Votes if sent in before Saturday, March 28, 1914, T hereby NOMINBlEs:.6:Wieieiein’s- caine 6 bak cine bcm ace puakerenes A AURORE o «6470s sie Cah atta wale witinl alla as care Oo 0ne Aree Phone NOs. i dices ot aac dake da tae Gee DiMA. ... o'6 nid.n ind are ate h wa eate + ¢ & Scene Ania: bie ATA ee AGAPORR a a shea'y occa. ¢ Kidticde o'e > bo. Ooh Aik aa Oe enna Only the first nomination blank cast for each candidate will count as 5,000. Names of persons nominating candidates will not be divulged. THE DAILY NEWS VOTING CONTEST VOTE COUPON Good for Twenty-five Votes Candidate. .*. Address... This Coupon not good after Saturday, March 28, 1014. Coupons must be sent in flet packages. Cut out neatly and mail to Contest Department, THE DAILY NEWS, Daliy News Bidg.. Third Avenue. t. i fe nat