» 94. 19144 en THE DAIL‘ NEWS eerereet: oe peer eegeeagenee a | * ee ee a ee 7 eeert r P.O. Box 1704 | rine y ee "2°" COMPENSATION ACT INTRODUCED : TI scien’: : NEW TOWN HALL OPENED AT Savoy {HOR Saeeegaeares: FOR THE INJURED WORKMAN ©», our ® PORT ESSINGTON LAST WEEK ‘ ¥ , Running Water In « chine the other day, ind , afte: ln ait , j Hot and Colt | “Rooms * seems to be slipping awa *| ([MPORTAN i I ry oe » of Liquors and anon ihe ‘arate of B : . T ACT IS INTRODUCED IN THE ONTARIO LEGISLA-|* rewshbovs fo win *| BUILDING ERECTED By PUBLIC sue SUBSCRIPTION OF MONEY on! ‘ kept ” tn * o 20W TURE—NO CONTRISUTION BY EMPLOYEES — Gov- i* a hands of * AND WORKMANSHIP e pest HOTEL IN NORTHERN Se lee Ff ERNMENT TO GIVE $100,000.00 |* clothes besid profit * tan inl TH : 4 COLUMBIA . i: i le ! > eae OUIOt | |\*® they ma g the *| Port Essington, March 23 \| e: Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirby, Mr. “ 1 Tac 1a ere wi * | | i } ) warvda (1 ‘ ii a|* anata ; a | 3 : , pRUDHON v—E & FISHET Stee Gale 400; ob0ide ii : | : l 24 The aby a a heavy a} - ri W y . vers enjoyable evening vas'and Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Davis and ’ na nsatio ; ! Clot are Pie | ae ' etore * Brilish Columbia to sup | or ed Employer I anle ing Hor ; _ pBPER on March 17 at a dance|family, Mrs. M. Letnes, Miss Orl- ' { | { ‘ | 9 8 ive to novi ing House best se tasiiie sae : onenis | peeneessett soccc ete PTOTOOIOOenee p each mi of railwa \ he Ontario] oy, Risa e 0 aan ofl * ere a 4), ie: pe gi 1 in pects 7 “ I f)wig, Mrs. Innig and family, Mr. E eT A Mecca ney ah 7 aflernoon lany aecident \* boy whe gest ly; “ si die witt ; I | Mrs. Oakley, Mice A. Dame hat something shoul ¢ * ' , I aa i | the roceer rs 1th a short] ae iz ’ med ee ee | ae s, provincial Mr. Lucas | that in the)# number I Daily */., a in hé course of which . jalds Mrs. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs, done to create permanent ‘ | orkman’s i : laws | : oy eer ee UF wait e| . | ettlement Avid d * : ere the] Workmat : Savio! Act, New , period. *| aid that the hall had been able} Adams Mrs. Church, Mr. L, ift lw or bite shows to Wilt pesdangitetef itech kes 5 dey count. */!to be built owing to the way in|Banks, Mr. W. Reith, Mr. 8 [* railway his shows * innitibution:< ta ntih eentel ie & to the way re » Mr. 8. j ‘ PC (if ba ha in npensat tal dis- |° niribut n Ontario gov-|* Now b bus and . vhich ‘the people of Essinati nf th Mr [.' Hanson, Mr. L. je Paes oltggs soap ege- Scale . I | vinent | OP ment towa mae nitial op ™ sell The D N s ¥* had subseribed. and al ‘ the | Hopte nstall, Mr. J. Smith, Mr. 8 }*- contention of the Liberals # eration of the | * Ol ndoou od rere ge Mr M elite, he | “ : » ye fo average | , F energy oO ose -n who had| Mackenzie, Mr. M, Scaife, Mr. T. a nih | tha uch aid is given * f h ; There are hanges in|* * *** een f Whose men wh had| . A ih : tn Association ‘ i hi nothing ‘i ‘ : given their time in building it,| 4. Hansen, Mr. H. Hansen, Mr. §. Vintners ASS ‘ Ww e no g is 2 detail he said t the ws ai] ee . a ; Memd iis aduee * bi r done to settle the * | ¢ 7 Bee! ne DEaer i ; He said that the hall was to be | Donaldson Mr. T. Longfield, Mr. —— a oe ui «| bu ; ‘ ples ha ; been ad ed to as re- Salem, Ore ire pond handed over to the idies of |A Church, Mr. W. Oakley, jr. Rh HOTEL | : is di dire {Commended by the mimissioner tering the ng rdin- | Resinets z ée man Che piano was very kindly le yi avd Eighth St 1] 7 As) our contemporary *| Sir William Mereditt lanp whic ee. * managing Mr 43 g 4 } ahd did ~ ni wright, Prop * ms it up | | ance, which he giving |commitvee composed of the fol-|) rs. Irrig, the refreshments ee 3 ta Une. Dene emplovers 11 wing: Mrs. Kir i }were supplied by he ladies, and sniaiisiagh | It is all ve at n laway of liquors. Several coun wing: rs. irby president; pI : é eS, & | wadinite . ef ae *| I ted Kissed and Robbed lcilm k i p he traces |Mrs. Noble, treasurer: Mrs Ber. | the music by. members of the HOTEL CENTRAL Ra : oe a ! Al in |! i wag Rome March 14 Dy JOHN | ane the fi 1ishha s de.|ryman, secretary He said that | community. vent 5 FIOWINE ashioiw of great ¥ . ’ i ‘ ; j i 5 . a uce- . | ‘ RY an Plan * futur ind ‘limit sy pa Waiting period” set at seven] Francis Hurie’s pocket was pick-jbated. and made the ordinance |48 Often as possible the use of| At 2:30 a. in., after @ moat : ire’ an imitless re to we Annan weds: foes : , Peter Black, Prop. * snurces ind Canada’s Be ca pensat only allow- ed in the Piazza de Ispagna the} allow little fireside ij the hall would be free, but in| successful evening, the proceed- oe eee * ntiuers und ti ‘ Ate pe Bi He s off, due to act other day as he emerged from a| order to meet running expenses,|/ings were closed with “Auld KNOX HOTEL \ frothy flubdug, yet it is * | A a ney bank, where he had cashed etc., a subseription would some- . ang Syne, ‘God Save the Eighth and Ninth | Ot sitesi ’ 44 - 4 ; i penses i straight |cheque for 8150 times be necessary. King and cheers for the new 50¢ | SIMOCsS t S ne f 875 It ray ye yee ~ getting dor to facta as * z 4 bs , 1 In relating his experience | Among the guests present | hall. i — , Props. 8 : i in S20 1 nonth he poliee, the United States 1 | pooner. 6 Been é * they are iui ind now *!where a widow or invalid hus-_|. 7 I 4 { . rn \ I V I n I 1 il Surgeon sa hat what sur- Vv. D. Casley ls * * KOK OK OK KK band is the sole dependent 85 prised him was the way the thief} ay EMPRESS HOTEL additional for each child uy accomplished his purpose | | 1 Ave Between Sixth and Investigate Port Edward.|16 years. He embraced me and trie’ to 1 CWS otes rom errace 5 streets There's ar SOI 64tf j { n i Plan, 50 to $1 Per Day | Pa : at Farmers Exempt ss me on both cheeks in tix } European | ; approved f[talian fashior said ij— — : —— ——.—— Farmers are the only employ- ‘ Feces — the doctor freed mvyself % ; ; ; PREMIER HOTEL jers exempted from the opera Natal: eri ; 2 By Special Correspondent cality. We are looking forward : tic of the bill ediatel ant ne nat ipolo Gtadsian eet ‘ g 3 f pM ame sod European Plap bi f the bill. rized courteously and apparentls | lerrace, March 24 Mr. A. H.}to further visits from Mr. Tom- F. W. Henning, Manager rhe clerical staffs of all man-|” s ee ee ; Tom! i k was} Me ee facturing concerns are includ-|*@* S0°ty for the mistake. [ dis omlinson’s visit this week was|/Jinson in the near future. ROYAL HOTEL ed “1 ey ge in % liabilits ii : overed the loss of my wallet a j mut h appreciated. On Wednes-| The final debate of the Liter- kess, Props ’ th npl ibe ser d tate I th i ha day afternoon a number of Kit-|ary and Debating society was ess af as other employees , | pees ; é wash oct: rhe board of management disappeared. sumkalum and Lakelse ranchers|held on Thursday evening, The ; oa>re Ol ni ag 1@T s | . f ; European Pian Steam Heated consist of thr weit j}were at the Co-operative hall,|members have been invited to i onsist of three members a : ; : oo aaa? s ih oT oO housand dollars an h lwhere a demonstration was|Mr. Giggey'’s house for a soeial n 1Or en years eac re | ne BEAVER penne LIQUOR CO. Sus scue Yt bth Bl wel sek a f he spent |given and numerous questions|evening on April 2. This will be ward is to have exclusive 1 Sixth St lisdictior It dapisionstehl-col padded ce isked f jasked and answered. At the pub-|the closing meeting of the ses- and Si 8 sdictio s decisions i iT | 102 subject to appeal or review Ernest H a is jlic meeting in the evening there | sion ——— eA urt. nor : Nh apa the suy ( San Fra jwas an excellent attendance \ meeting addressed by Wm. ul iv? car t , c- Son . ‘ PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., stricted. in any way. by. iniun | Gertrude: I The subject under discussion| Manson, M. P. P., was held in LIMITED ea i ars rt | i leges tha was the Preparation of Fruit|Eby and Sparks’ hall on Satur- ‘ 1 Sixth Sts The Dye that colors ANY KIND Employers will be grouped fo eee ude ltidavils betore and Vegetables for Exhibition | day evening in support of the ‘ of Cloth Perfectly, with the 5 thins nnd oH i Judge Griffin, March 4, that Mrs WILLIAM REDMOND. ™.P Purposes.” At the close some|onservative party. At the close t * accigent Pune ’ we Fan alo Che pte Saat eda: taaka was arrested, placed in a ime was spent in general dis-|a motion censuring the govern-— ° nee of istakes. . : : ; our Druggist or Desler. Send for Booklet. Fund With Reserves padded cell as a lunatic, and| Brother of Joh tedmond, the}cussion on potato cultivation,|}ment for the use of military I | rise IN ; BE Sobascn- Mchardson tie: Leehsd ieeenenl ' ‘ if t ‘ The board will maintain an/subjected to humiliating ind ‘ationalist leader, who s aliand also the prospects for suc-;force to quell the recent labor HE DAILY NEWS accident fund, with adequate re-j|offensive treatment present travell in Canada. |cessful fruit farming in the lo-‘strikes was lost. EXTRA! ° Saturday, March 21, 1914 FREE! OEE EELELOOLELELEOL LODE LOLOLOL LD. PLL L LOLOL LOLOL LL OOLOL OPP OL LOL DOOLOLOPOPOPOEOOOR ODES SOME WILL WIN THIS HANDSOME PRIZE SATURDAY, MAY 2 1914 WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE THE LUCKY ONE? THEN ENTER THE RACE TODAY OOOO EOLA OELE PEL ODLOLOL DODO FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! The Panama-Pacific ss International Exposition == San Francisco, California cnteatcee ; Some Lady will get this Glorious Trip, with All Necessary Expenses Paid, and an Extra Ticket for One of Her Friends FOR SIX WEEKS’ PLEASANT WORK A PAIR OF SHEARS AND A PENCIL 42 v2 204 2 «lip the Conditions and General Information Concerning the Contest For the Single and Married Ladies The Prince Rupert Daily News TRA! COMPLETE LIST OF PRIZES HAS YOUR NAME BEEN iF NOT “po IT NOW” A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY A y woman (married or single) re The vote coupon good for Twenty-five votes will appear in each iding in the Skeena District is r _ issue from now until the close of the contest, May 2. to compete in this contest. Certificates will be issued on all subscriptions paid in Enlist the aid of your friends and neighbors in securing subscrip- ‘or THE DAILY NEWS or WEEKLY NEWS, according to the tions and coupons for you. © printed on Page One. Keep “Central” busy; use your telephone. te Coupon printed on Page One will count Twenty-five votes Neatly cut out, name filled in and brought or mailed to the Let everyone know that you are a candidate before they promise ONTEST DEPARTMENT. ! omination blank, bearing 900 votes, if sent in before Saturday, March 28, 1914. After ‘ will be good for 2,500 votes only. their help to some one else. your name and address, wait Gaunt Use your pen and ink; no friend is too far to reach. The contestant receiving the greatest number of votes during the : ®t your friends know that you are in the contest, and re- contest will win the Grand Capital Prize. ‘Nem to save their votes for Cand you. A ballot box for depositing the votes of candidates is in the office didates ma inated ¥ Name. Shemagives or they may be pein of THE DAILY NEWS. SY their friends. nomination blank printed on Page One of this issue and enter your name or the name of some friend in The Daily News Yoting Contest Vote early and often in this merry contest. No employee or relative of an employee of THE DAILY NEWS can enter this contest. All vote ballots issued on subscriptions are good until the end of the contest. Votes are not transferable. Votes will be allowed on subscriptions secured anywhere. in case of a typographical error this publication shali not be held responsible, except to make the necessary correction on the dis- covery of the same. The contest opened this morning and closes Saturday night, May 2, 1914, at 9p. m. .