Ra See Te pain em Riga 2) ae eames = a Sk ee THE DAILY NEWS ald ul THE Is increasing enormou3'y Can we tell you the pEMAND\ Reason Why? “A Trial Package will bring Enlightenment” Local and Personal Young Try Smith & Kilias’ ice cream eens FOU UO OOOO OCC yg yy »* FI IIIT II TOR TOIT I IIH I III III II SISASSISI SSIS SAS SISIAIASI IA IAA A IAI. leaves * * * » + tomorrow lA LUM mc } (ol SS 9 SS 9 SS 49 Rink to CONTEST INTEREST GROWS io hold court in Hazelton. q Port Edward is only a few neces a s minutes, by rail, from Prince ut aoa ee , ye as sue wines- Rupert. Gate |nie” pen as usual Wedn NOMINATION PERIOD now No skating at the Rink to tive :} : ‘a ve Continued from Page One night. Open as usual Wednes \ large s lipment of “Jaeger Be ee ae yy | day 1 sods just arrived, Bryant & CEYLON TEAS “ARE DELICIOUS TEAS” | Pan, Go, Ltd it] The above prizes are open to | ; wie Ce ( ver ‘ontests oO BLACK, MIXED OR NATURAL GREEN ree os |,, When you buy a meal get it at) ich: and - every, contestant wh SEALED PACKAGES ONLY REFUSE SUBSTITUTES the Royal Cafe and you will get rhe plate glass fronts are be In ay enter, no matter what part — —- - the best in the city. 52tf : ca rt ee if the Skeena district she may = c e é ° today. sane By jail a ° Ps reside in, but in addition to this oa a cn ome lobo mo malo © oii | See our window for the newes rhe ‘Chelol ‘ st, we are also going to give i?) iol omomor or is By es 4 |designs in “Wool Zephyr” shirts vas ‘etohsin arrived at 3a way a splendid list of district . {Bryant & Co., Ltd, See ee ee LO EY ta theme witb “Gualits | we 4 She sails for the south tonight « an it il ail . . . . . which Wl re open oa contes H. G, Smith, a business man lant ling le De 1 . ; The city assessor as been|ants residing outside o rines jof Smithers, is spending a fev aa pares r ha aa Rupert. We therefore want can days in the city granted an extension of time un-| , @ ' HI lton £ ac . til March 30. to complete the didates from Smithers, aze ton, ‘ ° ‘ assessment roll |'Terrace, Porcher Island, Granby OW is it you never have The Ladies’ Auxiliary of th ores, Hay, Stewart, Queen “Chases ; l f I k?” St. Andrew's Society having is The London cafe, the new res lIslands, and so on, to compete the small oa uc e } sued invitations to their whist taurant located es the Hart block,| for these attractive prizes which . drive and dance, would remind opens on Thursday. It i ne of | are put up for the exclusive those ‘ at e whist ae ao competition of outside candi asked one of my callers the other day who had Panky a r oo th ; the finest appointed cafes in the| bp tition f outsid andi ; ° i ;arive starts al 8 p.m. promp ait Hhiavite °s sy sadtrnn . | GALES, : just helped herself to another slice of my bread. Pita e is an sa et nts a very attrac- ka. previghels aianadl akin e appearance, “It's this way,” I said: “Your baking ‘luck’ as you A. K. Knowles, of the Domin a Fag didates may solicit subseriptions 4 oO rover 1e gration de ’ zan ere ) e wo sts call it is controlled by your choice of flour. A oo oeeeees Ammgration d Ihe trades and labor council|**#0ywhere; but the two Ii : : mae | partment, came down from. the} pas asked the city to make semi-|°! Prizes will in no way conflict large loaf is a sign of gluten; gluten needs plenty interior on Sunday. He has been! onthhs payment of wages for al] |Simee no candidate can win more of water mixed with it, and that means a large loaf. shed a trip through getting employees on salary who are vn pee prize siete : photos and data for advertisiny | yajq monthly, excepting the cits ollowing is the list of prizes Besides, gluten is responsible for that velvety feel literature, Nas staff eee : for contestants living outside of you spoke about just now, aud for the uniform Be ee dn eaee ; Prince Rupert: size of the little holes or cells in that loaf you Phe publicity commissioner’) The city council has veduced{ First: Ladies’ Tailored Suit, : f has received a request from H. ihe annual water rate for sta-|Value 860. see before you. The name of my flour is Chariton, general advertising | bles to $6 for the finat horse and Second: Ladies’ Gold Watch, manager of the G. T. P., for 500 21.50 for each additional horse.| value $25. art a the oe report as \ protest had been made on the | Third Gadiaa’ oe Minsan’ ues 18 oer Gee ence: \ similar |old rate by two of the transfer|anteed Raincoat, value 815 request has come from Hon. J.\eompanies | . i o ihe e H Punhar ue se is 5 ipante | Fourth: Pair Boots or Shoes, fely 10 Labora a urner, Pee ea Tor OL aS value $6.00. Uniform Tested oe wen Be in London, Mr. F. A. Turner of Seattle is | Fifth Beautifully Engraved | ngland., rfortunately there|jn town for a few days looking | Brooch, value $3.50. % jare no funds to enable the com-| jnte the prespects of the fishing |5,000 Votes if missioner to comply” with the} puysiness He is especially in-| ; E N ee ; requests for Prince Rupert ad ted in shell fie and: intend ae Serene a ; , ees at erested in shell fish and intends | é ig de up your mind to oO ian fal o taal ols lo! fo} io) lo} ® 5 ‘© vertising. , an Wt iiS s TE Havir ma iy (chmiomio} P eS ie a ae hi investigation! anter the contest and at the ———_—___—_—_——— round Ketehikan, | datas: Views © hesind Lean oivad’ te r % : ot Mr. Sydney Smith of the Atlin eae! 'e 1, aoene eVING TSSON ‘ Fisheries is having his. twenty- William Manson seema- tobe} win, you shou d cut out the nom _-f 4 ‘ +} : aan 3 ‘ jination blank at once and send it four-foot launch Chick over getting turned down on. everv|, th fice An ene Hilladt 3 hauled and refitted as a pleasure! cjqg That meeting at Terrace ., 6 ofhce properly fied In ee mp. ; seer test , =. s ‘e iIf you do this immediately r be boat. Pie Akerberg-Thomson| was a scoreher and by no Means|fore Saturday, March 28 wil company have the contract and|the instigation of a few, as the maa tov RARE RT a Un . ar g ‘ Rs sone : P; ; oe jcount 5,000 votes to vour credit. are installing a Ferro engine.) morning ipologist suggest 4 ; 4 ; 1 : 2. ' oe ays SECS. “land vou vy | be dul entitled to 710 SECOND AVE The boat will be ready for Mr.)| proof of that it can be pointed te ; ee bani ais : Smith on his return from Kan-|,, ib hak nothine wad: baile wada compete for the handsome prizes Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery daa Cite 1 é rs s . Ae fi i galling “dhe: darionaie «sanal St ails. abpou ita a lat no 1e aily 1 ; dates, Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Pe are News published the facts. After Saturday, March 28, the Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Attention—Ladies and gentle} ea Ree VilenatealGd citi cuisabhael Rope Valves Ammunition men, we have finally secured one Five workmen who were bound hla nie swill ha reduced. 2800. .n6 14 Pumps Hose Paint ‘ of the best known cuttere and/for Cordova to get work were|;. iniportant. to. get SAG. Simi fitters from Seattle, especialiy so|were turned bacl by the immi- 4 . ea oid Roofing Corrugated Iron , ; : ack by 1¢ ImMi-| entered at once Stoves and Ranges “Rubber . jin ladies’ tailoring. Our stoek of|gration officers at Ketchikan. ; , “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” woollens is of the highest | They entbarked on the Spokane , aie }grade in quality and patterns.!at Prince Rupert and ¢ame back |¢§* % |!We do real custom work an '}on Saturday. This is the result or ; | guarantee a good fit or moneyjof the retaliatory act of the OBSTRUCTED SINKS FRED jreturned, Ladies’ suits from $40} United States caused by the Brit lup, at the American Tailor, 3rdjish Columbia exclusion order and Sewers jAvenue and Fifth St. 61-67 passed in Ottawa some time ago. DESOLVO od : ~~ yr, OXY is “~~ € > /4 2 Sf vr - 9 Oke VF, — 7 AF. wv . fc v EX ( yp whe A PX 9 Gq OY weesy Ge ay wary EDP ILOS RAEN ge ae) This substance is a new discov- Ties) wA\ rion "GAGE IN Oe vas me ‘se «he! ZA\D Yr ph 4 wee MW YSN @ 4 AS. Sa, Be | ery and will quickly remove acou- yoy far mulations of grease, rage and y os waste. Get some and save plumb- 4 Queen Charlotte Islands INFORMATION BUREAU An Opportunity I can make you independent in three years by locating you on a choice location on : GRAHAM ISLAND in the centre of the oil and coal area. Land today is selling at $25 per acre in the same vicinity. What will it sell for in three years ? JOR RRR R OURO IIIS SI IIIAIAI AIA IA AAI A IAAI AAAI AI AAAAAIAAIIA IIIA ISISASSASSSASISSSSISSSC R. B. ENT WISTLE ‘ae Hilditch Block OPEN TILL 8:30 P. M. Oa atin: aries CSCO EVE Sene dan Ces uy CoE Next Door to Post Office BORD PER PEA Selon os 0 r, A$ Aar° 7, r ers’ bills. Phone 489 For sale by HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER 138 Second Ave. Also on exhibition at Orme’s Drug Store, Third Avenue SEOPOLILO LLL OL OL IOLOL CLD LINGREPOOROOS 6“ The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. | | | cash P. ( !}MOTOR BOAT—Hull beam, FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE—Level lot, section block 6, fine view of harbor, $1,0 $350, balance 6, 12 ), Box 993 and 18. Ap 65 30 ft. by 8 1-2 Apply T. M. Essington, B. 5 Orwig, boat builder, oF 7, 50; ply -67 ft. au by t P.O ee | YOUNG 106 WANTED he day at advertiser’s home. Ap Box 1723, City. 65 MAN wants position in hotel restaurant; kitchen experience, I Daily News. 65 YOUNG woman wishes situation A KK | WANTED-—Competent dressmaker to work ply 68 or 30x 67 p0d inno kkk SII IIT ISI IDI ISIS ISI SSI ISI SSI ISI SSIS G A ABBA BURG BGOUGO GOGO UKULUOIO OULU UCU ULC UO UU. cook; capable of taking full charge, | Box 104, Dafly News. 50-66 | MISCELLANEOUS | LIBERAL COMMISSION AND SALARY to | look after our business in your com } tunity Interesting, dignified, health- ful work, International Magazine Com | pany, 119 W, 41st St, New York City, | 66-66 r rece ? D) | JINGLE POT C r K >, XI 5 and, e3 Phone 115 COAL delivered by Lindsay Transfer H. B, ROCHESTER 231 2nd Ave. ; | ture Wal at tl eouy day Wes! held Wed come rhe pecially appreciated and is easily in the newspapers of hown f one entire Dominion theatre, last show ie Sat closing Last holme night's at was a splendid « Children’s Hour” was in the Presbyterian club «n| nesday evening. Everyb >, 67 wi Vi BIG ATTRACTION SOON AT WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE “The Lion and the Mouse” in six beautiful reels will be shown in about eight or ten days at the Westholme opera house, This splendid play 1s produced by an all-star cast of Broadway favor ites, and is given practically in its entirety Columns of praise have been written about this pic the United States and Canada, and it st in ur the Le es ody} 68 LOW C 0: ing, Blue Prints, 215 Sé VHONE 333 Se | | Seal Cove New Wel Second Avenue Waterworks, siruetion, Reports, Plans, Dominion and | Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric PRINCE RUPERT Repairing Quickly Done BAY PHONE RED JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Phone Black 294 DR. GILROY, DENTIST rown and Bridge Work a Specialty. The favorite Household Coal Cleanest, Brightest, Best J. H. ROGERS Box 1714 Surveyors Water Power, Whalf ¢ Printing, Negatives and Ww cond Avenue Phone WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C, Land Surveyor JAMES GILMORE Architect South Wellington Coal 86 Office, RESIDENCE ‘cond Avenue 8 BOAT BUILDE ii, JOHNSTON Phone Green 3 156 Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue Ington Coal ,0n- hite McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. au P.O, ihuy O18 2nd Avenue, near MeBride ne UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE 110 | 1G. R. 21) IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP | Phone 116) | Tel, 448.) RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers and B. C. Land| | | (he finest child story ever shown | hers The Keystone comedy was excruciatingly funny and there} was a fine showing of scenic| views the Italian Alps This} program will be reapted tonight | Three Days to Get Out | An Leroy and Ethel Fn | wricht two girls who struck | wn two weeks ago, were up in| police court as undesirables They are young and well dress d| but do not work for a living. Bot | pleaded guilty and the magi trate gave them three days to get] ul of the city. We haven't any money, anid | Ethel to the P. M ‘Well, you had better get some,” replied Crown Prosecut or Peters Annie smiled and the two valked out of court. R. L. Richardson, who is re | ported as the former Liberal} member who takes such a strong| stand against the Laurier gov-| ! nt ove! the I ational | Transcontinental iffair has} been opposed to. the Liberal | party since 1908, and has run} iwainst the Liberals several mes, being defeated one time by Clifford Sifton, He ran as an dependent in favo! of reci pr ity n 19114. Mayor Joe Catick of San Ber nardino, Cal, has announced that he is not a public “washer nan Since admitting that he gulariv does the family wash- ing, he has been offered a dozen Monday morning jobs He is too busy at home. | A debate on the militant meth-| is of women suffragists will he| | | | | | | | | SRE AKAERAEERERIREAEEE 1944 SS, ee ys t ; P44 ay. FOR A Tay! : ' AX} * ee ; : : 15--PHONE.75 | ~[}} ; ' : : PRINCE R E t UP : t ERT AUTO 09 + TORRE a Rh iit tth eis ‘ cone thy FIPPFORS OOo oO» Ores $e ee0, * SIXTH AVENUE | BARBER SHOP | We h shoy I ri thi Vancouver Pp; rice 5: Give us Call PPO PO OPPO Oe. *O++ CC C04 ae ee el VENENEEM AN ERE N aay “ 567—PHONE—s¢7 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Large Beven-Passenger Pr Maching Mpt Service Special Rates for Parties STAND, ROYAL HOTEL Hee ee EEE eee eee ree FEIRISIIIOIOIOIOIOIOO Ho inti | DON'T FORGET Your EASTER SUITINGS SRN ey The best is none to after all the Good and & cheapest SWEDER BROS, MERCHANT TAILORS 38 Helgerson Bist TRERT Phone 3200 Acres Crow G ON SKEENA RIVER adjoining railroad $10.00 and per act Harrison, Gamble bt POPPE EPO E OEE OIEETTTTAT ——e FIRST CLASS HOUSE 5 rooms, bath room, plenty large of closet oom basement excellent location FOR RENT PATTULLO & RADFORD PHONE 83 sEcOND AVE PEEL PPA LOLOL EES onocceerrnett — caer CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. Summer Excursions Prince Ru Mi and return Do to 7 Do to St. Pa : Do to Chicas New J gerbund in Me hinceee Beatrice southb und, 8 P. Mm. &u aay \gent i piles gra Se I O INEZ $25.00 Five-r 912.50 Three-r giz Three-t k A 512.50 hree-r aA | PRINCE RUPERT | Thiree-!' 15.00 fides Co, li od Insuranve ait , slat Heal | Avenue Second