March 25, 1914 wednesda’ THE DAILY NEWS - Ne allel eee ——— —— — pevenesere ae 0 PD Gm TD STPRR EMH: a st p.0, Box 1704 = Zoe i) OW COLE: Hea phone § LACROSSE — | + y HOT vr shee eevee ¢ There is C i Biase mnie | | e omfort in st oLAss CUISINE Bin ‘ > g knowing that you aa ee one tried and proved remedy First OF ee Dae Lea ; . 5 : f thoroughly well adapted to your needs. Every woman ; water in CR AES) TSE cs oe ce uv ee MAE ) RPA IE fe | : y y f Af Hot and cold \s Neome, D CSEEIG CLO CR bs 3 | who is troubled with headache, backache, languor, at brands of Liquore and In a basketball game played Thursday eet HNO a Ha he cived Meee cxtreme nervousness and depression of spirits ought to try only fine" cicare kept last evening between teams rep ‘ ' 'D \ ' ff s = minster ele. active op f , Au oTeL IN NORTHERN resenting the Aberdonians and j ractive Ore he Milwau i THE BEST 4 MBIA vel Victoria|kee promoters } priTisH COL u Midlothians, whicn was conspic { Wet ir eT wi me } pRuDHOMME & FISHET uous more for rough play thar \’ ompetie Ou ; the well propristore any exhibition of basketball, th known Toront sse player The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) B latter weré victorious by a score fi pe , Je ; ers of 22 to 14. When players rv of RO Se reees ioe he Teeum= id learn ai difference they will make. By purifying ———— TT re. a at if had|sehs and annoi es that he will system they insure better digestion, sounder sleep, quieter sort to tactics such as were ex Have aiothar ’s on - | nerves, and bestow the charm of sparkling eyes, a spotless rosy id 0 hibited last night, it is the dut' i f Westmin- |“ : ’ 1e game. { mplexion and vivacious spirits. Thousands upon thousands of of the referees, and those ir . ia club has|@uerrie 1s one e few veter- | men have learned, happily,that Beecham’s Pills are reliable and : , an | 4 4, (ans left in the down east > m m 1 charge of the game, to banish he eastern i uh Uy f ili H R d ale} ; fi such players from the game un mh | four mem Tl ie n al ing o e e C y , til such time as they can contro ; twelve. | re total : ya for the Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, tl : ID ; isational | iworld’s series of hockey games 4 everywhere in Canada and U.S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. remselves, © Sens é ‘ F ha | accepting |! foronto for the Stanley Cup ene ae i é - ~ ors P R.L. Yeatners Asseciaten ak : t ed , vill be| were smaller tha inticipated eee Memb: The return basketball game i The receipt : : : - aie é. isan Caldacalneichettl ES ) re ' » receipts amounted 0 — = ; , , ¢ i ( Hughie : only { “ed — between a team of the Callies is ( T agai about $13,000 his sum was . a au yey St termediate and tl Higt I ene laplit uy f 4 ‘ ° ; of Ave. a0 PGIALOS & 1e gh schoo have ipted | SP ip as oO rena 30 A l P ( : corner of accepted | w ‘ wright, Prep. boys was played last night the but J d sigy ,| per cent., $3,900 Victoria’s ex rriva 5 on rince eor. e | : | ent in } igning i$ St. Andrew's society hall ‘and i pla th the Vie penses, arey0 League's ten \ HOTEL OENTRAL proved a victory for the Scottish i b this s f per cent 5600 Poronto play- sacninabiiaRsaiiina Sibi hd ladies liek ss a - rs. 60 Db . + of the ne BS J First oa) 1 eee Pas laddies by a score of 15-8 Atl aed ae * eee D) Oe Re we [The Prince George came into|lan, Mr. Campbell, Miss Barrington and Jropt I { I Be orig ayers \ or e j Bt ole Bleck, Prep. half time the score was 8-6 in | exp d that Sir Thomas|” ta ictoria pia , aU : per lport this morning with 250 pas-| child, Miss Scott, Miss Gilbert, Mr. Ew- wil favor of the High sehool. It was |" Ss Shamrot I\ challen~|0i : the net, $2,370 Total sengers, of whom 141 were first-|'ne, wife and child, Mr. Martin, W. J. Ie { f ‘ . $13,000, . ~ : KNOX HOTEL a fast game and the checking on|~ r 4 America’s eup, will , iclass She‘also carried 376 tons|Lyneh, Mr. Sherman and wife, W. H. pirst Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth both sides was a great improve- |" ched at fhe end of Apri - of general freight, besides a lot| Warren and wife, A. W. Geist and wife, European Plan, ates 0c to $1.00 ment on the last game The |?" | dra hirtes feet nine Thirty thousand dollars a vear ff mail. The first-class passen-|W-. J. Elmendorf, Mr. Rochester, David Besner & Besner, Prope. next game, which is now being|)@°"°S Phi entre board willjis the salary receive by John gers were: | Wolsey, F. Norman, Mr. Macdonald, M. drop te feet 1 ts ; | a arranged, will decide the series, Ino] _ : Siving a totally), MeGraw as manage! of the “a Mrs. Banks, Miss Mead, Mrs Horseman | “!Dert A. E. Rand, Arthur Bromley, Mr. ’ ( ! f \ > f sa 1. ¥, Rochester Vv. D. Casley The teams lined up as follows Iraugh — twen four New York Giants according to and two children, Miss Olds, Mr. Me Dood, Mr. Harrison; Bry eye cere EMPRESS HOTEL High school: Manson, Anderson,| ~ in affidavit signed by MeGr: Gregor, G. B. Hull, Miss F. C. Proud, Mr.| °°. Mis® Evans, R. T. Cook snd wife) J; ‘ f f g iy] iraw e ! i ' : , muird Ave., erween 8 Sixth end RowollsMitiiell. and Hunter ; 0 hive ik sanitaAns th the fh ANDREW BRODER, M. P. Gangras, Miss Warren, Mr. ‘Watling, Mr,|* Coline, @. H. Selix, A. Demen,, Me, Seven 2 : EP raddic tn ; ‘ : ‘ é ani Wi l- } : ’ . Z a a oa Callies: Lamb, J. Kelly, C. Browr ly I s W h may ner Ad come tax law. His contract sign-]Member im the Domini house | Everett, Mr, Bird. Capt. Davies, Mr. Sam- Hutcheson, Rudolph A Rehn. Albert ropean Pian, ’ ; gast over the ter ‘OUT f . . raves on ’ ; Se rey, W f es < U. Dennis, and Campbell J i se i ; ry a . - . ed last winter has four more of commons for Dundas, who]uels, Mr. McKenna, P. H. Moore, J. Rit antag a cee ey Oe P. Gate EMIER HOTEL Campbell of the Callies was| Br: ; lex! years to run. has introduced a bill for the|tenhouse, Mrs. Nelson, Miss Smith, Miss er at See Ue eee Oat coe and European Plan eusily the best man on the floor bOin | prevention of manufacture | Markson, Mrs. Callaghan, Miss Bigelow, eS. MOBO) “SOt Bere wUtHnE Oe: Ff. W. Henning, Manager and played a sterling game Georges Carpentier, who was ind sale of cigarettes in Can-|Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Kern, Mrs. Derry, J ——————__—_—_—— « a | f e is e no f , re r. Gree ( dams CT cicinieentin : f i 2) years old on January 42. ida. He is aw K vn a Courag Mr. Green, M. G, Adams, D. I PLATINUM MINING TO egotiations have been opened | er frequently mentione in| Green, Mr ck, C. R. Poole c. Me ROYAL HOTEL . At ; ! arned 50 centimes £0’ cents al req } Ge a ‘ reen r. Flick i. Poole, D fc. | BE DEMONSTRATED Corey & ae a D rerdeen Wash : | connectiol vith the position | Rae, Mrs. Boyle, Mr. Withow, Mr. Bishop, € Six ; da s ) ) S vears 4 | Third Ave. anc looking to the purechas i 4 1 pit be ix yea EO. | if minister of agriculture, but|]£. H. Demers, H. A. Jessop, Mrs. Ste-} Special. to ‘The Dally News) uropean Pian Steam Heated Victoria Northweste Since then he has won in stakes} will probably sueceed Dr. Mills|phens, Mr. Day and wife, Mr. Sewell, Mr Nel B. C M: ¥ —- f , elson, of olan RO 4.— OLESALE LIQUOR CO moe rangnise and a total of 431,220 francs SSA. ] as the agricultural expert On|Nelson, J. E. Clark Mr Peterson, Mr : a Ey ee ee ” ing of an Aberdeen te LA In 1909 he won 920 franes the Dominion railway commiis- | Gaustac Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Lynch, Mr \' onvineed as the result of two Second Ave. and Sixth St league About $4,000 S184 in 1910, 2,300 franes sion Shaw, Mr. Tuck, Mr. Thornby, Mr. Butts Pasone experiment during which Phone 102 subscribed oward a S46 n 1944 33,000 frances Mrs. Heise and daughter, H. Reed, J. J [scores of assays have been made is a 810,00 stock compar | (SE ,600 n 1912 175,000 franes The Best Grade Bell, K. W. Whaley, Mr. Starratt, M. T.|}and other work carried on at an Po IMPORTING 0O., the deal in case neg £35,000 anc 19413, 220,000} | Anderson, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Leathley, Mr.j/expense of 85,000, a local syndi- ul a succeed, frances $44,000 It is not} s William Mackenzie elaims| White, HH. Thompson, Mr. Laidlaw, Mr jcate has arranged to build a Fraser and Sixth Sts 0 M ° ely that Carpentier will be]that the C. N. R. as a transcon-| Swanson, Mr. Morrison, D. Seives, W. S.}plant with a capacity of one ton Phone 7 A rule bar ng any mat athieu S Syrup ible to postpone his military se itinental system will have the best| Pale, Mr. Keyes, E. Blackwell, G. Me-|per day to demonstrate the pos- ae i0 years of age from engaging of Tar and Cod Liver Of lvice for more than another year.|grades on the continent The |& Mr. Mourte, Joe Rosso, Mike Ker-/sjbilities of platinum existing a public boxing match n this] A tonic as well as a iThen he will have to spend thr jclaim could have been honestly |rolla, Mr. White, J. Matthews, Mr. Dove | here. A London metallurgist 3 s s e Sjistate has been issued by the New cough cure. vears in the army. after which he|made for the Grand Trunk Pa-|™r. Lewis, Mr. Acheson, Mr. Wellburn, J./has been working on the experi- ew | z xper $| York boxing commission Che Large bottle 35c. Seid s owhera, vill ablv be unfit for boxing.|cifie, when Laurier went out of|™M. Green, Z. J. Oppenheimer, H. E. Op-;ments and supervising the erec- uses The &jrule supplements the previous} hence h intends to make theloffice It cannot now since Ma-|penheimer, Mr. McFadden, Mr. Bishop, 5 Mion of the plant. ; i \\ { ads for his Sirule that contestants must ne ost f the time he has left ) Ler ird degraded the Na- 11 MeMordie and wife, Mr. Boult, A. J SI ea Are you a wise &{be less than 18 years old eV aA tiona Transcontinental j Ratcliff, F. S. Wright and wife, J. F.| A iad commission is like a . } | s Ser retary Dave Gilerist of the] OF TAR & | Edward is only a_ few Ritchie, Mr. Brandson and wife, Mr | blank cartridge. It issues a re- $| British Columbia Lacrosse asso-} COD LIVER OIL } minute s, by rail, from Prince| Investigate Port Edward.| Wooster, Mr. Brants, Mr. Shore and wife,/ port and that is the end of the Bt% & s s s S'ciation has called the annual] | Rupert 64tf{' There's a reason. 64tf|M. R. Bethuren, Mr. Nelson, Mr. MeLel- | business. | . ro VAFIADIS CELEBRATED | EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES ODALISQUE C25%Prer sox or [|O EXTRA FINE SOF, + : mported from Cairo, Egypt Fo ell THEODORO VAFIADIS & Co. CAIRO. Purveyors lo the KHhedivial family. SU fol GUTS pe es vio ellie CULL mtn Pork ln a lm IO ue Se Se Se SS En Fs i ; ES HS f j : “6 Pet a ay + on a tall bd | |