GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: our VOTING CONTEST pried oF single) The overworked member at Ot- any lady cma ompete for the tawa might get some assistance o desires to may send her from Rupert without disorganizing wh tiful prizes, hie office. the government staff here. peau’ and address to th nam , < OL, ¥, ws 10 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARGH 26, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS a} —— 0 ) — ——-- - << SS = eae : SS eas ; ) GARY POLICE CAPTURE HOLD. UP MAN--NANAIMO STRIKERS RELEASED---CENSUS TONIGHT A | = = = ee ——_—_—_—_—s—S—S—S—X—X—__ . - CISTER YOUR NAME WITH , POLICE ARE CLOSING I NEW POST OFFICE COL. SEELEY, SECRETARY WAR, s) *| ON HIGHWAY ROBBERS IMPOSING BUILDING ‘ CONTEST MANAGER AT ONCE. Names of Two of Them Found Tenders for Pive-storey Struc- TENDERED HIS RESIGNATION ia Out—Well Known in Crim- ture. to Be Advertised for . |. “sae ee. ue ee : NOMINATION COUPON STARTS YOU OFF WITH 5,000" lng wieeiee eninpemratery ‘CAUSED BY THE TROUBLE WITH OFFICERS IN IRELAND— : WoTES—SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS ARE THEN FURNISH- =< pe apeapeca so We Be Ti Nai “ecnaael eee EXCITEMENT , RO OF Ge eer SWE COURTS 8408” oT ,- Seattle, March 26 The iden-} engineer for the Dominion pub-| arene emanate . N pike eer 0! the two highwaymen who ure works PepASt ment, states that | London, March 25.—Colonel{made by Colonel Seeley may be e oe ‘fimatling list -and then you can held up the Great Northern pas- the plans for the new Prince Ru-| Seeley, secretary for war, has re- | interpreted in many ways, but here have been dozens ¢ og oe ‘ork évetérhati. | 2oneet train near Bellingham pert post office are already im} gigned his portfolio as secretary|the-easiest is to imply that the phone enquiries about The wanes on and oe Serna " has been learned through the! Ottawa and that advertisements|of state for war Premier As- governinent acting on the best ly News’ big voting contest, cally. Besides, we ee ta fr leonfession of an inmate of the calling for tenders will be issued] quith, however, has refused to information, decided to take pre- ; it seems many do not fully|big list of ee Area a hospital at Victoria. The con- immediately. | accept his resignation After a cautionary measures to revent erstand the rules of the con-|you, and each candidate = ge fession“was obtained from'a man Phe new building will be five} most syntipatiietie ane bans in either ot. tha. parties a lata That is, they understand | an equal share of this assist who went to the hospital for the | storeys in height It will be of|the ike of commons ite sec from seizing ‘the military stores object of the contest, but do ance. ; treatment of a bullet wound reinforced concrete with — brick retary fer wah i tee Aiea The Nationatiéte had demda: what 18 necessary We have other mermetion which he said he had received in| side walls and a marble facing.| tion of his actiongWhyeh pwat Fy loti planned for Sunday te for the prizes. |for you as soon as you see the}, | ccing camp fight. The} Marble columns will decorate the | regarding armp org An in ient have set a match to |, we shall state that|contest manager, so the import- unded man said that the men] front and the entrances will be|jand. The pfémier sdec ided ng runt, er barrel of the Union- contes pen to every single |ant thing now is to rush in your who held up the train were Harry | each of the front corners. to sac rifice hid lig ig utéqon ist Me in d bands. This was only married lady living in the|nomination and hecome eligible Matthews and George Ball. Both | The approximate cost of the Colonel Se eles? “ig tor. ve ‘Q dic {fApandone on Saturday after or- na district. A nomination |to compete. men have criminal records and| LADY ADELAIDE SPENCER building will be $250,000. tory address . 4fte. house rd ders had been given against all k will be f ve 7 aed: ne bane tg os ‘a ce te a. their photographs have been ob-|Daughter of Earl Spencer, whi eres commons, denié ] ‘demonstrations. The govern- h when property Tiled oO ”y v5 vee y > 4YEWS Ttained from the Montana peni- will marry ‘lon. Sydney Peel George hac ake onseque ca ite herself or by onejoftice as often as convenient, in tentiary and the prison ge saa brother of Vicount Peel. PREPARING PLANS FOR in any eas re se Rae 7 ; eet bepress. er friends will count as 6,000}order that those subegrining Or | Wastminstar. - APARTMENT ° HOUSE The’ suspastian skeae absolutely alilion: : * vie eee k Sane poke eee ae Mare wanes: RE |* KKK KKH HHH KKK HK iis without foundation in the broad- The house of commons buzzel ide ve be ‘7 eae aia: tion as possible Whenever you GRAND STORE. OPENING he Senile: Tesiant : Three-storey Building Will Be Sonate ni cae ‘s Mae anpitreemne eae aie © ae ’ ; Sib 8 aoa at Ga a ee ak | Erected on Corn Eighth i nors regardin le resig- ie announceme BP ho ‘ | s00n as a Nn Nea blank ot 8 = me ae a hse ¥f e TAKES PLACE SATURDAY | . © , aha eulia iene r nations were rife ail day. As|The galleries were crowded to ahioallen ‘Sai Sa atl ee ate eB i oe oe ae . Tonight between the * Ne might be inferred, the reports|their utmost capacity. est manager Wi : 5 é ALTO O e luinber oO OVEeS ¢ } ry equipment to the can-|the subscriptions so turned in New Acme Clothing House Ready | iS ee a on ane avec sy S. P; MeMordie is having plans ub ee eae the a sg Apes tains vee te and will also explain any-|calls for. For one year you get —New Stock in Place— is eet aap householder * prepared for a three-stroey sick a : ae One had itjed ba : a phages Goyer f regarding the con- | 3.000 votes, two years, 8,000, and Grand Opening | is ordered to fill out the # building to be erected on the IGL Ane entire cabinet, after aj/ment, demanding in ormation = a ” AAR a leo on according to the schedule eae ;* census blanks left by the *).0.n6r of Third avenue and|Protracted meeting, had decided|to the naval movements in con- indidate may not m a re rhe new Acme Clothing house|* Police or special enumer- -*| soni stree It will be divided|'® resign. Another rumor wasjnection with the situation in Mt printed elsewhere in the pape Dee er nae tes WE alll hd cot, ME oa yy vc {to the effect that Hon. Winston|Ulster. He asked if it were true wish to enter the} These vote ballots may be]will be thrown open for business} ee into three-roomed apartments], : : est yourself, you are & - | votes time during the conte st lor Wohin Thi ve Jat |* lected tomorrow. This *| vith modern conventences. There|ChUrehill had withdrawn from|that a battle squadron was or- irself, you are at lib i ited any tim aturday,. This new ‘Te.|% census is important and * P AS a big the cabinet also. dered to steam at full speed from { ominate some one else you may hold them until the hich has just been completed by | * every citizen should make ¥* res ne: demand for (a0- Amid all the conflicting par-|Spanish waters to the Irish t nm maw. ike é 1} ‘ . vo 7 : : 1 shou nak nc odation of» this. kind and i 1e conflicting par-|Spanish waters to the Irish coas r iy like to see win|last day if you wish. But do not). jonny Gurrie. is perhaps the|# tit «their. business “to. aeocue mmoda disen cdimmeénts’ and.-+ sl and bad nee Fa ete tenis rious ) tn Catitomeila or iptions. Bring them ; : 7 : . the building will be put up with] ~_ : é umors, it|and had been oraertu to embdar - i Catifornia or|hold subscrip d est of its kind in Northern|# that no one is overlooked. * ait=spoed’ ih oie annie over is difficult to get at the exact|field guns. sire orf eae Toe amet lscur ‘gue baat and Sel) British Columbia. Being “itu-|% If by any chance you have * eine the scandtiy of faibas and truth as to what has occurred Amid ministerial - cheers and reg le ews tor ‘ S t ) ye OoUs o ? . » Lan © mnie © noe . > € r © ” kg m ¥ f > > © : "oO > ffort | Now this explains the contest Sepdbiia me ee Raga eS Arte ocean . rooms Within the city. The build- “Baad gi: ee lara bie Garisive Laas. See the aor ing your name entered|pretty well, and you should not]ine jocation is all that could be ls tak: ate } %| ing will be frame. aieh aration ' _ be MOStlionist benches, Hon. Winston ; { i | ice station. ie situation in the hope that}. hee ; ediately your friends will | de 2 longer in sending in your] desired. | * —-— the opportunity will ccour i Churchill, first lord of the ad- : tenhions yy meee foe eee ae mer Mr Schienman ‘bas rec ently ke RRR KE inn ene NANAIMO STRIKERS _ which it will become necessary miraity, admitted that a battle ipons for you, | I returned from a trip to the big ciecschcaeeaiae for Premier Asquith to resign. squadron had -been ordered to i give to some one|lutely even with the rest, Canadian and American centres,| VANCOUVER WHOLESALE WILL BE RELEASED On the other hand, the Radi-|Camlash so as to be in proximity : your delay in en- | LIST OF PRIZES where he purchased an entirely] FIRM WILL OPEN HERE cals and the Labor men belieye|to the coast of Ireland in case of | a new stock, which is up-to-date ir ee ae! ; | Governor-General ai lithe the Pa-|thei if. parliament should be dis-|serious disturbances arising. 3 contest has| First Grand Capital Prize}every respect. A large staff is; Mr. J. T. Little, of the firm of pers to That End—Fines solved at. such a time as this the|When it has become clear that egun; this is still nomina- heretofore announced, is a| w employed in putting the|Little Bros., wholesale distribu- | to Be Remitted country would show its deter-|the military precautionary move- 1 a very few sub- first-class round trip ticket to]stock in place, and the pening |tors of Vancouver, is a visitor in | —_——— mination not to be ruled by the/ment would be carried out with- : ) have been taken. Next!the Panama-Pacifie Internation-|on Saturday will give a display|the eity The purpose of his | Ottawa, Mareh 26.—The gov-j|army nor the aristocratic section | out opposition, it had been de- % : nish each con- ee —————~ | that will be worth seeing visit is to look over the Skeena} e; general has. signed thelof the people. Between the two|cided that this move on the part a names from. our Continued on Page Four - a district with a view of establish |p ers for the release of twenty-| forces Asquith, they contend, | of the fleet should be delayed Will Patent Heating Device ing a large distributing agency}one mine strikers of Nanaimo )weuld maintain the balance. juntil after the Easter leave per- ae - at this point Mr. Little petteves | The release of +the men ill take The war office statement!iod for the crews would be over. a NHOLDUP MAN ARRESTED Harry Hanson has enquiries|that in the near future Prince|place as* soon as the papers ; from all over the continent about) Rupert will be the headquarters|reach New Westminster. The CALGARY POLICE QUICK WORK |! ito" ne Bhat in| il) "Hw Me GOVT. SEVERELY CRITICIZED stalled a large number in this. preparations accordingly, ciate Sect ; city and the only complaint he Accompanying Mr. Little is |POPULAR PROGRAM AT FOR PARTISAN REPORT N. T. RY. PRGE BALL, NOTED CRIMINAL, - ARRESTED—BELIEVED TO |has ever had-is that the water,;Mr. C. E. Bowers, chemist and WESTHOLME TONIGHT BE ONE OF MEN WHO HELD UP GREAT NORTH- gets too hot, but this is easily |specialty representative for Ego emedie This appliance looks|baking powder, which is handled | ver ie roere was rt eanes BRN THRE een geet hGHA® nat a “ay ve is tri } ‘ ut 7 . Little Br ) =| h ; \ a th va sth iG | Wteate HON. GEORGE P. GRAHAM RIDDLES REPEAT OF : Tae. ORES Si e, ere is a trick abou ) 4 » bros. shov f e as e i > ~ md nee eneeireeeel ; MISSIONERS—SAYS THEY HAVE NO REGARD FOR ‘. he Dally News |his man behind the bars half an|it, and Mr. Hanson intends to se- ETI last night, particular praise be- DAMAGE TO COUNTRY AND RAILWAY Bary March 26.—With|hour later. He will be taken to/cure a patent to protect his Byelection in Belfast {ing due the two-reel feature Ms v ae 00 on } Vas : } f rt l. rights. The device is a great aoe lWhere the Road Forks.” The a : Beta ; 3 ; 1 his head if he »| Bellingham for tria t Special to The Daily News) ‘as the ar s A ere id if he is the | ee lconvenience for those who want Special to The Daily News lstory deals with a pretty and ilaeee Mach: too It was the manifest intention . { lice believe oR 1 ttawa, are 26.— . > » sat f ce seal e, ( 10. Deans nine Lacrosse Situation }to get hot water in a hurry London, March 26.—To add to|talented young lady who has ~ a eal a Ris he satd, of the commissioners to eoree Ball, well known in * * - . the troubles of the government,|pheen offered a lucrative engage-} 2° °” h eae \ ad to the misrepresent for party purposes re circles in Pacifie coast Special to The Daily News Buy for 10e and get a $1 tie}a byelection in imminent in Bel-|ment to sing at the Metropolitan er i ie eras oii rather than to investigate in the * as I { | 26 et nd ope r of , . ast, o g to » dex ae ur suse, and at the same pms i ©: NOUMAS ane 6 ‘8 a desperate eriminal,| Vancouver, March 26.—With|at the grand opening of the new} fast, owing t the death of R opera house, and a 0. RAR ania betters ms 6 > yublic interest, without regard to a ; : j f Co Tones|Acme Saturday. 70-72! MeMordie, Unionist member time receives an offer of mar- nental railway was continued by}! . ed by Inspeetor Nutt|the withdrawal o on . : | uahin Sane Hon. Geo, P. Graham, who moved|the serious consequences to the wv . , acr se oO iage from ¢{ 2s able ¢ e- ‘\ he city police force in the of- | fom proveanions) ‘ ae “ey , ba win aaa tate love is true|® motion of censure on the gov-|country and to this great na- f the Calgary Messe nger |the coast and the eefuas) AESNS) ; a se : Walaning Helween ernment in that the report of the|tional undertaking. For the ap- rey lamateur players of ancouvel ° j anc ones avering be ( ice, y | : : ‘ommissioners appointed by the intment of such commission- ' here he was employed, a tove of fame and the offer of a : oners are tee by the tor : : 7 ey! . he guar and New Westminster to jump TMicihinnte babel aaa, hand she|Severnment to enquire into the|ers and the acceptance and en- the "i ion is that he is one jinto the professional class, it THE DAILY NEWS VOTI | OOK mat s : yr “ ( t ae construction of the N. T. R. was|dorsation of their report the * mer | i decide 1 who held up | practically means that there will lis finally by a vision Cire Nort | eth aBawe haha: th llpanbas wilfully partisan, misleading and|government deseryed the cen- ee fern train near | be little lacrosse on the coast NOMINATION COUPON | whic 1 sho t f ‘lwholly unreffable. oe of the Rouea, "al on the night of Feb- | es fame and the true happiness ' 1 () | ta f " arriage Yeed. = = — = The arrest was made | Talking About Rupert Good for 5,000 Votes if sent in before Saturday, jor a well-mated marriage. Need Pectacular speed, Re ey oe March 28, 1914. lless to say, she accepts’ her I | gn the ph ‘Lograph of Ball at It is astonishing the number , |lover potter apg: sends per i TORY PO TICIANS FIND CLO the insnpee | hereby nominate ere to the directors of the : CRM ARAL Se ek a a a nthtan tee Thereby: Dominace:s v3 s« cee bee * Se es ek bo eT ses aT as lerets Nspector landed | of people in the southern cities J Bre ; }opera house. There is also ¢ tiiemmemiee ok. inline shout the goad Addons «és'ss eatin ty os itiu cee ee See nunc maseidta ences A ORIENTAL PROB M terverecoocooooooooooos \{inies in Prince Rupert,’ re : ; { ‘ Majestic Phone Nei we oo 0 bs vik/e'0- 04 CeeeELTE 4 eae 6 0 Bad Game and a good EST marked D, ©, McRae, who has comedy, The Turkish Bath.’ just returned from a trip south, BiGNed. ...crreceeresecreererrsescerseesesstarercgers | Besides this is a Thanhouser Special to The Daily News) ing that a conference of the “It gave me a new faith in our AddrOS8 ss oo 5) GS. Sh eR Bet jone-reel subject, “Peggy's Invi- Ottawa, March 26,—Premier]|overseas dominions interested in OP E R A H OUS city, and certainly commercially Only the firet nomination blank cast for each candidate will count es tation, making altogether a| McBride and the members from|the problem be called. This was E it is away ahead of Vancouver 6.000. Names of persone nominating candidates will not be Minminad, very fine program, which will be] British Columbia had an impor-|remarked to be hardly feasible. : senpeiilinediheen and Seattle." ' jrepeated tonight, tant conference with Hon, R. L, = <== TONIGHT ; — oa ~ Borden on the whole question of ' Notice to Contractors 5 New Cafe Opens |Oriental immigration and thor- We have “Peggy's Invitation» — Than- THE DAILY NEW VOTING CONTEST | _ [cues discussed the working houser onoeregs story, Tenders will be received until « | The London cafe opened for|out of a permanent solution of $1 000.00 R The Turkish Sethi eadtaslle March 31st, separately, for each VOTE COUPON business today and already it | the problem, Premier MeBride 9 comeuy, branch of work required for the Good for Twenty-five Votes has been taxed almost to its full | submitted the attitude of the to place for a plant on a first 34. Whore the iecen Wai erection of an apartment build- capacity The location is well|provinee, pointing out that the mortgage on improved property. Fine ‘Wo-reel featur = ing to be erected on Fourth Ave. Candidate. «cso 420 Oe ba ate Bas as etele eis 0 cs pktmmEteunanere suite d for Stee ane thelr Drones, peneaceee, Ol Sat See Apply B. ug hee gl * Ww. Drawing and specifications high standard set by its proprie-|vor total exclusion It is under- oe ame" — Keystone can be seen at the office of AGPOSEs 5 6 o's 0))/beieeh RG Role 45 6 06 ORM ee tors aboule make it one of the | stood that the. gon tenenne has x . . can as yp ar £ aces ‘eache no definite . y : L ADmission; 4 James rar Mets aro tect, Geogae qhie Coupee het Mane canraiimelendna shaban ea. — popular eating places in [rence Beinite. conclaniads Continental Trust Co., N “And © Mm Me Ave:, near MoBride mi Coupons must be sent In flat packages, Out out neatly and mail to nila at imperial aspects of the problem LIMITED worth the money" Make your money earn money Contest Departments THE BML HEME eliy Howe Ride, Yaied drenue Pantorium Pioneer (Cleaners. |were discussed and a number of 617 Second Avenue by buying in Port Edward. 64tf easce ae Phone 4 suggestions were made, one be-