na Nite A aed is ) i] | i THE DAILY NEWS | | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA i Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE faily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. © SUBSCRIPTION ARATES—To H. F. McRAE, Telephone 98. Canada, United States and Mexico Daily, 50¢c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. Al! Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. DAILY EDITION aiega Thurs March 26, 1914 The policy adopted by the! ties in the east it goes without mayor with regard to avsiver- saying that a city shall own at tising is the most _ shirt- least a good port of its own sighted possible. There are] waterfront. When the C. P. R. even a few business men who! grabbed all the erfront in say that advertistng would Vancouver it was considered simply induce outsiders to} one of the biggest steals ever come here and open opposi-} pulled off. Yet when it came tion with the present mer- to setiling the waterfront in chants. The obvious answer} Prince Rupert the city was is that if Prince Rupert does left with not even one outlet not justify more business to the water, and with all its houses in the near future it Is street-ends abuiting on pri- because ber supposed friends vate property. This, too, was will not allow her to expand arranged by a paternal gov. ss ernment that is all the time This is the day of advertis- telling us how much it likes ing and the business man or; 4%5- the city who does not use_that ae Lares medium will soon be relegated [The provincial government to the scrap heap. This was and its z sycophant fol- the fact laid hold of by Sir lowers nd of telling us | that they are the trustees of Wilfrid Laurier when he came into power in 1896. He| started a_ persistent policy of the whole as a reason people and give that why Prince Rupert advertising Canada through- should not get her waterfroni out the world, and the results| %#nd many other advantages to have proven that he was right. | which she is rightly entitled. ° en . a. The Dcimetend =: thtum te ; It is foolish to think that) The strange thing is that lo- aborers and storekeepers are| ©! business men can be got the only people who would re- to sing that tune. If that Port Edward is only a few minutes, by rail, from Prince Rupert. 64t! The Prince John took on board Contractors and Builders URUERTAKED ano EMBALWERS last night for Massett a large| Jobbing & Repairing ee, ” a number of pre-emptors, besides| Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets other passengers. Some of the PHONE GREEN 269 land formerly staked for coal has} , If yo for ag been thrown open for gaara ID IST oo ey g agency, § tion and consequently there is | TAX ERM ao Ps te : big demand. About thirty went] Animels, birds, fish and all . over last night, among whom kinds of game beads mounted; GEORGE LEEK were the following: jhides tanned and made into rugs H. Pedersen, P. Nielsen,’P. A. Tt jand robes. All work strictly first 929 n vert Gansted, J. Carpenter, s. R. Swift, w.|class. A. MITTLER, Expert Taxi- Lynch, A. Herman, R. W. Schultz, mr.|@ermist, 728 Helincken St., Van- . McCartney, W. C. Cassidy, Mr. Hicks, 4. |COuver, B.C, POR PLUMBING AND were P. Ashworth, T Barnes, and James ert cs GEORGE LEEK SMITH & MALLET Mr. G. McQuaker, an old timer | Ls a , ~ pe _| Real Estete, Insurance and Loan Broker : to Graham Centre after a three ce Rupert months’ trip to the old country AUCTIONEER Mr tharles H. Curtis who Mr. a harle H. Curti wh 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert owns 600 acres situated on b at UNITED TAILORS sides of the inlet, is returning look after his prope : LAND CLEARING PRESSING AND CLEANING taking up a fresh pre-emption i near to Massett. Peter Nelson I[s 7. ‘aon a will Call " r fo I land itr I aroun errace th St. Next e rhis influx of settlers is evi ~ pets Bry wh teal, ete Carne wo a va dently the advance guard of @]on application GRAND TRUNK AL \c $.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR Jony Sundays at 6 p.m. For Vancouver, Victoria » S.S. Prince George RU Fridays at 9 a m F or those e ytemplating a trip to a TRURK RAILWAY SYSTEM service second to non Ss t ne ‘ For fal! particulars and information ALBERT DAVIDSON ae (Agent for all Atlant Genera! Agent Pp, ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY ROOMS : hone 554 POln® APERHANGINC AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINT Secon’ Avenue, Opposite Empress Theatre Rooms open from 8 a. m. ii p. m Visiting Secotsmen are cordially invited For rates for hall rent apply secretary MACDONALD CHAS. DENNIS President Secretary sD Bookkeeping Taught Prone 539 tw @) By Private Lessons —=y WENDELL R. JONES Martin Swanson EXPERT ACCOUNTANT @ ; McBridy 3rd Ave. and 6th Bt., PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C sigs KNIGHT & HICKEY — HAYNER BROS tings Notary Public. Rents and OCeliections Third Ave. Head of Second Oa areas D. C. STUART HARRISON W.ROGERS .... ““"" Architect PRINCE RUPERT, & 6 Suile 1, Federal Block _ lex. M. Manson, B.A PRINCE RUPERT, B. ( eee pg Phone 300 P. O. Box 1655 WILLIAMS & MANSON SECOND HAND GOODS pees, Sora MONEY TO LOAN I will buy or sell all kinds of susehold goods meCHANMICS' | pergers t pe be tools, guns and mens cluoliuing 3 Will call auy time F. M. CROSBY 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 245 TRANSFER (i er Cartage PACIFIC ‘UNION SS. COMPANY OF 8... Ltd Summer Schedule effective March 24th: Sailings for Vancouver Twin screw steamers— “Chelohsin”...Tuesdays, 9 p. m. “Venture”... .Saturdays, 9 a. m. Arriving at Vancouver Thursday evenings and Monday mornings, respectively Arrivals from South “Chelohsin”...Mondays, 6 p. m. “Venture”’...... Fridays, 8 p. m. Rogers Steamship Agency LADYSMITH COAL «63 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work ist Ave., Manson Way 93—Pheo |P. ©. Box 203 P, ROBERTSON | Chartered Accountant Pheet Phone 525 i ns, Ag, ustmenthy SEEDS! SEEDS! § 2° Seo srry Cree Ha RE TS Have received our 1914 pring Seeds M B ER FIELD, GARDEN, AND Z. U FLOWER SEEDS a Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of all kinds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mall orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 808 Third Ave. Phone Biack 268 COAL nd e Line of sUPPLIB rWER CO. Lin Complet BUILDERS’ WESTHOLME LU Second Ave. Phone 116 PHODL IPOD LLL LOLOLOPELELELELELELEES. ' Drawn for The Va eae Q ain YOU FIMIOSE \ PTANGO EDITOR- iTS UP TOMETO GENTS