reh 26, 1944 wetiiles thursday, Mareh 2° CHE. })\UL.Y NEWS = ——_—_—— ra —- - peneneeereeet » Shine @ a TEL MALAKWA DANCE ° SAVOY HO CARPENTERS ! FIRST CLASS CUISINE Two Men Dead —- Eight Others CR WEES ra ES TTERETT ; nd cold Running Water in Taken Violently tl! 50 PER CENT. discount. from List on Doors and Bosh ah err, 4 : "Mouldings with orders only finest pore near ne Revelstoke, March i Prov- | , dost lincial Constable Rothwell has! N NORTHERN incial Consta | las | THE HE i COLUMBIA returned to town with the bodies PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. of two victims of a peculiar tra-| A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager ‘ & FISHCY ( , Manage pRUDHOMME gedy which oe ed al Malakwa} 4st Ave. and McBride 8t. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Proprietors near here It appears that liq-| sannnssrerrerttteeereeeeeeees | uor was purchased I Revel.|‘ pris — stoke bv a Malakwa nar for 4 Snip atts ii ee: Abbie Gri 8 ain pin eee ——_—_——_ econsumplion a d e at Mal 09 el oto Blo Rilo lo Milo Mato sath Rat = ae a a OF akwa. Oe 1 " ° As a res ipparently, of 4 (lirag or partaking of th liquor, ten of ; the guests at the dance were | ° taken il] duri the next tivo | ca UNERAL OF SIF GEORGE ROSS, LATE LIBERAL LEADER OF THE SENATE days, and two, a married man OES yoursloaf' often sulk Weabers P.R.L. Vintners Association The picture shows the casket being lifted into 1) eral ‘cae by pallbearer had aa named Labeau, of Malakwa, and “ogee y " 9 : —————EE mir { prbsaleaee esac 9°55! varmearers, including Ment Ojiof Johnson, a casual laborer ——_— prominent in the statesmanehin of the Semi Olof Johnson, a casual laborer, in the bread pan? on HO I nd: , ter e age ( ae ypwoge and Eighth st ony. Others, including Pat La- or is it high and light? If the former, the trouble lies with one or three things your baking, (2 w. H. Wright, Prep. OCEAN F L PL tioneer John 8&8 Rankin, after|beau, brother of one of the de- : AL lfailing to get an offer, announc-|°°28e4, were very seriously ill, HOTEL OENTRAL but are now recovering. Con- First Avenue and Seventh 86, ees + gn: a ae A iy be stable Rothwell holds the bottle Tee raat, Oa | The gedperty in giiestiol is containing a small quantity of the li . whict s abelle situated at Cousins Inlet, B.C., os er Peete ce lapebiond —_—— se ao — | ‘ Canadian Spirit. The tragedy KNOX HOTEL ns DEBENTURE HOLDERS WANT TO SELL TO SAN FRANCISCO |"" a aeunten fen sae acres Ollhas caused a great sensation 4 p., Between ;crown granvec and, pulp ‘eases, ee ae ciabien one nates 608 Te SYNDICATE—SHAREHOLDERS HAVE NEW SYNDI- ayy throughout the district rer CATE ORGANIZED TO TAKE IT OVER jwater rights, logging «a_ ps, Ae ay ees iam er, Props. pul ‘ slectric po alo ‘ Beener & Besner, Props. jpulp mill and electric pow Examined British Empire your yeast, or $) your flour. Canadian housewives are about the finest cooks in the world, so we won't discuss baking; it is fairly easy to buy good yeast, so we'll pass that by—but FLOUR! Flour can make or flour that performs one balks on Friday is useless. any batch. A Monday and then It's UNIFORM GOOD- NESS you're after. UNIFORMITY first drew me to ROYAL STANDARD. Say “ROYAL STANDARD” to your grocer when you next need flour. ye lutely sa wniom FLOUR KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies iar HARDWARE Oils Varnishes MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ °%:S*:***°2 loam olmlo io lo tlolichio PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Giass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware : iS coal Vancouver, March 26.—With;the sale price of his properties sb enn SNS pdwer hose, ba eee E McEmPnaes nS — two rival and powerful interests|four years ago, in stock of the FWA WaGiiniee two dave mee werarvenen oe Ia Third Ave, Between Sixth and fighting for the purchase of the}Qcean Falls company. Practi- wharf, three warehouses, twe'v> ter, made an examination of the Seventh Streets . as ‘ . . , , big pulp and lumber plant of the|cally none of the shares were|six-roomed and twenty fiv> {Steamer British Empire of the European Plan, BO t 61 Per Day Ocean Falls company, the future|sold on the market, the capital], ’ , age \ aTie k | Norther ste I pie ama of that any, | cee ) ici csed aanas ares nice eat Northern eamship line and é great concern is con-|being raised by De "e *Sihouses and quarters. for rien-|gave her Armiss ) -ocee Oe meee Plas sidered to be exceedingly hope-|which were taken up by English |tals, offices, rpekeeaes and dam aia The Britteh Seine “id Heoning, Ganabee ful, despite the abortive auction |capitalists. The total list of un-|store, large hotel, hospital, |}struck a rock when coming “up sale held this week. While thir- | Secured creditors have claims|scheol house, post office and|the coast and stove in her bows. ROYAL HOTEL feen persons were assembled at|for $310,000, of which the Mol-|wireless telegraph system The plates buckled up badly but corey & Burgess, Prope. the board of trade rooms at the|sons bank is the largest single In spite of the auctioneer’s|the boat is very staunchly built. Third Ave, and Sixth 8%, auction of the property as a go- | creditor with two judgments for|eloquence and persuasiveness|with many heavy watertight European Plan Steam Heated ing’ concern, the real interest | 105,000. the nearest that anyone came to|compartments in her bow. The eee ee and issue was being fought out} In fixing the reserve price for|shov’ an interest was to enquire] fore compartment holds all the BEAVER wae LIQUOR OO., in the supreme court, during|the property in the auction at | what was the reserve price. This|leakage and is strong enough to sucoal ive: wha MINE which it was divulged that while|£675,000, Mr. Justice Murphy|Mr. Rankin said he was not at/carry the ship without danger. . Phone 168 the debenture holders have en-|protected the English debenture|liberty to reveal. jShe leaves today for the south. NSS tered into a tentative agreement|holders, who have claims for - — } ithninsnsdenninpe cpacipomcaeessendepe PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., to merge the property into other!$°2,900,000, and the unsecured The Austrian government has New Rolling Stock LmmITtED great pulp and paper entirprises |creditors who have claims for)fixed maximum prices at which} oe Fraser ana Sixth Sts controlled by the Fleishhacker | $310,000. The shareholders | drugs and pharmaceutical prep- Recently the following rolling Phone 7 Brothers of San Francisco, Mr. were, of course, left without pro-|arations and supplies may be|{stock ordered last year has been —_———— Kennet | Lester David, acting on behalf of | tection in fixing the reserve|sold. jdelivered to the Grand Trunk ssesseeeeiihe shareholders and orediana Wrae, Si lnsssdiaenienjieigehtepsi tt thin {Railway company: 250 box cars e298 $ 8 $ 8. gliof the company, has organized a For reasons which they kept The Royal Cafe gives the best/built and delivered in Canada by $j} syndicate in London to take over jcarefully to themselves none of meals and the best service in the/the Eastern Car company of { wise man uses The &j|the enterprise. ithe thirteen men present at the|city. Visitors to the city are ad-;New Glasgow, N. S., and 61 box News Want ads for his 8 Mr. Lester W. David, who was! proposed vendue of the property|vised to make this restaurant;cars built and delivered in the Are you a wise &j|the promoter and first president|of the Ocean Falls company )|their selection. 52tf| United States by the Westera tjof the company, is by far the | made a bid when the property ——— wien |Steel Car company of Hegewich Silargest shareholder, having ac-|was put up for sale by the order Investigate Port Edward.| Foundry company of Hegewich, ° £ $ $ $ $ §$ § Bicepted a considerable portion of|of the supreme court. Auc- | There's a reason. 64tf | Illinois. Daily | ‘News “Want Ads” Get Results = — = ee = — = = = = ee » .&% GRAND OPENING We wish to announce that on SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 28 We will open our new store on Second Avenue, opposite the new Premier Hotel with a complete new stock EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS Free for Men! rae . EVERYBODY $1.00 Tie WELCOME Most Up-to-Date in Northern British Columbia Free for Boys ! For every purchase made in our Boys’ Department The New Acme Clothi ng House Free Cap