}! t $ . t 7 : ot ee ri ; i tHE DAILY NEWS . 4 — ———— — —_— OO _"_" ek eee — oo ——SeE = 7 two @ —— = aonenee aouke Se ee —— | | * | Fe eRe PEC AG ALTE EEL ELT EES F TELE LERSE EERE EP OTL SS fT PFE eee i | | Letter Box } ms } Local and Personal tn the Leer Er FOR A Tax i ocal and fersona :| 3 Ball TAXy! | 3 * — ~ ant s | I TTI TI TR II RR IIIA III III TRIAS II IASIS. | uit The Daily News 5 ic Mitor 1e¢ al News. ‘ | Try Smith & Kilias’ ice cream Suits lO Measure, 820. The| Sir: In connection with the re-|% 7 i ; i Piece wee ew Acme grand opening Satur-| marks of Mr. J. C. Brady on} % a ONE-75 ny 2 > _ . _ ‘ E | . - “=o; , The Princess Ena sails for the | day 70-72 | “Home Rule” at the Westholme| * ! jsouth today. Bares the 47th inst ult ; nnouncement | oy Mrs. de Cathelinean and fam-| opera house on the 47th inst. it] ¥ PRINCE RUPERT ayre e Everything boys at the new leave tomorrow for Alberta, | is well to bear in mind there Ore | Netkhhiees “ |Acme Clothing House. Grand| where they have a homestead. | two sides to every question, and west htttttes anion ————— lopening Saturday. 70-72 . * jthat a disinterested opinion is} ah ae Mr. Alfred Davidson is on a lalways of value. | EPPS Peter er eororogees | The history of Seattle and/trip to the end of steel. He will The following words, taken SIXTH AVENUE e : on on a e Ballard will repeat itself in probably remain’ several days, from an articie i na New York} e e Prince Rupert and Port Edward oking over the passenger pos- journal on “Ireland and _ the BA R BER SHO Sega sibilities of the district. Irish’’ under date Juiy, 1882, are! p The Venture will be in tomor- Bee maer © SN GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED pes a eee ee ree = have opened Ip & dey row morning with mail from the Mrs. J. A. Murray, Fifth ave- & TORONTO ONT. "Om verbatim: SHOP, Opposite the geh. will be thrown open to the public south. nue, has just received word of The country was conquered, | Fir work ® nian cage sO 8 the death of her mother. Mrs and finally conquered, centuries | thing nd fract oe The newest from New York at) Elliott, at Pictou, N.S eceased igo, as Scotland and Wales were ee: a Ee ee , at Mictou, N.S. Deceased pe aigteR YOUR NAME WITH |"S") *S Seouand one the new Acme grand opening/was 83 years of age NAGER NOW || mnquered. It could not be other- Vv Saturday. 70-72 ay? CONTEST mA iwise. This little hand's breadth ANcouver Prices. Givg ’ tee 8 Ae Stalker & Wells are making a : if a er f sea-girt land could not hold a Call A Pjano drawing at Wark’s Sat-|test advertisement today. They| ‘Comlnued from Page Ul three kingdoms. Scotland and | Sesscccccsseccoceees urday the 28th, 9 p.m. We have/are offering goods at Winnipeg ‘ F ~ |Wales long ago accepted the sit —-« a few tickets left 70-72 \f es in order to see whether|a!l Exposition at San Francisco,| jaiion, made the bést of it, and ae war , < - . ae . aid - aa ’ BR eaee ; verything is ee and clean Pal fe. low prices will attract the people. | With -all ae Hs erp oo joined their ~forees with the si ; ; z use Ey iwith an extra first-clags ticket! p»natar forca to make as atrone : 7—P HON and we spare no pains in The Acme Clothing Hou es oe a “ tative friend , Bt ater forcé to make as strong a nn guarantees every article it sells Tonight the city census blanks | 'OT some relative or feountry as the world has ever making the most lar Grand opening Saturday. 70-72)}must be filled in. Don't over- The other beautiful prizes will| known. Only Ireland, in its un- popular Re iy aim k it or overlook any member|be awarded in the following or- jproductive idleness, stood apart EATING place in the city Mr. L. McArthur of Smithers,/of the household. The _ police who has been in town for some/have the job in hand and the days, was removed to the hospi-|enumerators have distributed tal this morning. j blanks to every building in the es o S city. See the most up-to-date store | oe 2 in Northern’ British Columbia.’ The fire department went out Grand opening Saturday. New lat 8 o'clock last evening and ex- —_— Sn en Acme Clothing House. 70-72) tinguished a bonfire in the rear Maree of the Hart building which had Messrs. Peck, Moore & Co.}|worked into the muskeg and was have put through the bond for! dangerous to leave’ all night. A on on a e Gerald Lomer, Montreal, for the|sqgpirt from the big hose soon delivery of the hydro-electric; fifished the fire. pipe It-is for ten per cent of — — -——__ —_ the contract price, running up to G. T. P. Purchasing Agent Dead 3rd Avenue “WE NEVER SLEEP” Hart Block Sots hi oe obe eee doh tau BER Mr. David H. Hays is in receipt Fak . of a memorial essay by Cy War- F. S. Wright, the pioneer over man on the late A. Butze. former je fom ee the Stewart trail into the chasing agent of the Grand IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP P. O. Box 1714 Tel. 448.);Groundhog country, is in the! Trunk Pacific It is a little gem city. He has taken up his home/®f literature. A. Butze died on Marc : oe ouis shere > Repairing Quickly Done } RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. here on Ninth avenue. mr. | Ma ; ots rs ase ey s, where pi , made his home. e was one 0 "ight s eer in -onsid- . cOW BAY PHONE RED 156|Slvil Engineers and B. C. Land) \V "eh! Gan 7 ts eo lthe first party to visit Kaien 5 : Surveyors district aes eras MS / island in 1904, when the officials JOHN CURRIE | ee a Eon came and looked over the future | Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- city site At that time he offered |strnction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Excavation work on the ar- $100 and a baby carriage to the Contractor & Builder | Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey-| ory site, which will be done by! ¢;..5 ee a baby axe ag , F Z | ing, Townsites acd Subdivisions, Electric Reet thtens.. “sill SATB He cab j Ear aby born on Kaien island. --Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings. . |Blue Printing, Negatives apd White a) oe Ey a : Se ae 2 This was claimed by a little Jap Phone Black 294 | Prints soon as the plant now used ON} whose father was employed at } the post office site is made};p, B. C. Tie & Timber company DR. GILROY, DENTIST |McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. aveitanie. mitoiane jsawmill. Unlike many men in ss Simiiar responsible positions Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue New Wel Second Avenue oy) ngton Coal The favorite Household Coal Cleanest, Brightest, Best J. H. ROGERS ~*~ ES CIEE Queen Charlotte Islands INFORMATION BUREAU A two-storey concrete build-|yyp putze man. 1915 Second Avenue Phone 43 died a comparatively WILLIAM T. HOUSE ing for use as a third-class de-| poor tention shed on the immigration B.C. Land Surveyo- island will be erected this suin-| THE WEATHER a mer by the Dominion public Sn 1 RUPERT P.O. Bux 51 : ‘ « ore r works department. The building) '0r the 24 hours ending 5 a.m., will be 200x40 feet. Consider-| March 26, 1914. able money will also be spent by| Barometer reduced to sea JAMES GILMORE day labor in building roads on VON os chia bee ee 6 29.817 | Architect the island. The shed will be/Wighest ............... 28. Phone 116 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street |built by contract. IMINO ooo pb ocak see ek 22 i Kon [SERINE CRY GERI KS ew ¢, <7 ez An Opportun I can make you independent in three years by locating you on a ity der: | Second: Diamond Ring (per- | value $150. hildish war against th jand wages a mean, cowardly and e great} nation that, in conquering a wild Large S41 0n-Peseenger Recein, Prompt Service PEC E SST EC Ree eee EEE ES f i ALF HALLIGAaN | : | fect stone, jland, made its people partners in inde ‘tn Third: Ladies’ Tailored Suit,/its own greatness and glory.” Pesial Rates for Parting | velue $75. Your obedient servant, i | i ee L | Fourth: Ladies’ Gold Watch, | PERCY M. MILLER STAND, ROYAL HeTR, value $25 Prince Rupert, March 19 ' | « : : Sipe TAICISOISIOOIOIO ite | Fifth: Ladies’ Gold Watch, The above writer makes at j\alue $20. least one mistake. Scotland was Bay Sixth, Gold Locket and Chain,|never conquered, and the exist- | Value $15. ing union came about peacefully JINGLE POT Seventh: Pair Ladies’ Boots or|by Seottish kings ascending the iShoes, value $6. throne of England,—Ed. | Eighth: Gold Bracelet, ciciilieiabiis | value $5. | You shock a good woman if | The above prizes are open to} @ou make love to her, but you d . ac an ver 0 este oe} ‘ : | : nd jeach and every contestant who| disappoint her if you don't. clivered by Lindsay may enter, no matter what part Transfer hed the Skeena district she may oncaeid jreside in, but in addition to this ft H. B. ROC j list, we are also going to give 6c The Dail Ne 5” ¢ c HESTER jaway a splendid tist of district y W Phone 115 231 and In 1 rizes to those who qualify, CLASSIFIED ADS. tororrorrrrrr penton will be open to all contest- sje i jants residing outside of Prince wae EBA i . |}Rupert. We therefore want can- FCR SALE jdidates from Smithers, Hazelton | Terrace, Porcher Island, Granby | six-nonse PERFECTION gasoline engine, | Bay, Stewart, Queen ‘ harl tte newly made over In excellent order 2. Only 61 Box 110 Daily News. 7itf jIslands, and so on, to compete le ARNOLI MASSAGE VIBRATOR-—Slightly | for these attractive prizes which used ui in perfect order; cost $30 Crown Granted jare put up for the exclusive y ~ for $20 Box 111 Palit RIVER Lcompatitio ; tien: pen As ° : ON SKEENA Riv jcompetition of outside candi-| po, QUICK SALE—Level lot, section 7, ‘dates. block 6; fine view of harbor, §1,050; and adjoining ralircad | As previously stated, all can-| $6. *hoc' done -* $3 aad 18. Spry |didates may solicit subscriptions|yoroR poat—mun 30 ft. by 8 1-2 ff. $10.00 janywhere; but the two lists beam. Apply T. M. Orwig, boat builder, . Port Essington, B. C, sau of prizes will in no way conflict per acre, and very eae terms jernee no candidate can win more WANTED lve one prize. Following is the list of prizes j | 0 aa { ants 3 2 WANTED—#3,500 interest in Prince Ru arrison am ip ll, for contestants living outside of pert real in exchange for 24 ' |Prince Rupert: h p. a iiser Queen Char | roe lotte Isl r ion Bureau 70 Third Avenue *’ . . © sa’ "Tt. ! > i First: Ladies Tailored Suit,|/wanrep Competent dressmaker to work value $60. by the day 4t advertiser's bome. Apply j P. O. Box 1723, City 65-68 Second: Ladies’ Gold Watch,|young man wants position in hotel or ivalue $25. restaurant; Kitchen experience Box 106 Dally News 65-67 Third Ladies’ or Misses’ guar- a a tM anteed Raincoat, value $15 MISCELLANEOUS FIRST CLASS Fourth: Pair Boots or Shoes, alue 86.00. value $6. : MISS MAE HALL, late of Vancouver Fifth: Beautifully Engraved Manicuring Chiropody, Facial and f , atinn O80 Scalp work, Corns removed without Brooch, value 33.50. pain. Work guaranteed. Alder Block, : Let us have your nomination| !oom 11 69-70 today. LIBERAL COMMISSION AND SALARY to look afte ‘ our business in your com- a ? EN munity teresting, dignified, health- lenty Starting a Deer Farm ful work. Internatiénal Magezine Com- 5 rooms, bath room, P pany, 119 W. 41st St, New York City. large of closet room, lary A despatch from Trout Creek, 65-66 Ontario, which is_ situated on of the Grand Trunk Railway, states that Mr. A. Merner, a pro- minent resident of that town has imported from New Hampshire, a number o flive deer for breed- UNION TRANSFER South Wellington Coal PHONES : 36 Office. CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND 6TORAGE RESIDENCE 110 PRINCE RUPERT basement excellent location FOR RENT 333 Second Avenue ing purposes. Mr. Merner has enclosed over two hundred acres BOAT BUILDE of bush land which he intends to eee convert into a breeding place for and probably Buffalo if H, JOHNSTON are obtainable, Seal Cove deer they R Phone Green 321 PATTULLO & RADFORD PHONE 83 sxoonn AVE how aneocosocccccccceccina choice location on FU UCU UCONN CURRAN ARR AIRDRIE RAR AAR RRA ARIA R RR IR III RI IT RII IIT ISR ray SEAN GRAHAM ISLAND in the centre of the oil and coal area. Land today is selling at $25 per acre in the same vicinity. What will it sell for in three years ? R. B. ENTWISTLE Hilditch Block CCR EN eden CREED ENy Vee GTE ROS FOR AR AE A OEE EO OR EC a HIREIISISIIIIIICIOITISIIDITIIIIIOI IIIA TOISAS I ——__—_—— — RES < > CHEZ OPEN TILL 8:30 P. M.